Supplementary Form “C” – Crime Statistics

Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics

Information for Respondents

Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.

This survey was designed to produce an indicator on the incidence of crime in Canadian society. The information is used by federal and provincial policy makers as well as public and private researchers. The data are also widely disseminated by the media for purposes of general public information.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable respondent/individual without the previous written consent of that respondent/individual. The information reported on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.

If you require assistance in the completion of this questionnaire or any questions regarding the survey, please contact the;

Policing Services Program,
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics,
Statistics Canada,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6,
Telephone toll free: 1-800-387-2231

For each of the following categories:
Reported or known to police, Unfounded, Actual number,
Offences Cleared: By charge, Otherwise,
Persons Data: Adults charged, Male or Female, Young offenders charged, Male or Female, Not charged.

Assault – total

  • Aggravated Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Assault with Weapon
  • Sexual Assault
  • Assault Level (1)
  • Assault with Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm Level (2)
  • Aggravated Assault Level (3)
  • Unlawfully Causing Bodily Harm
  • Discharge Firearm with Intent
  • Police
  • Other Peace-Public Officers
  • Other Assaults

Other sexual offences – total

Abduction – total

  • Abduction of person under 14
  • Abduction of person under 16
  • Abduction Contravening Custody Order
  • Abduction No Custody Order