Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Adult Correctional Services in Canada Part 5: Resources, Provincial Parole Board

Confidential once completed

Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.



Purpose of Survey

The purpose of the Adult Correctional Services (ACS) survey is to provide important indicators as to the nature and characteristics of correctional case-flow that are of use to agencies responsible for the delivery of these services, the media and the public. The survey collects annual data on the delivery of adult correctional services from both the provincial/territorial and federal correctional systems.

The data you report are confidential

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing or releasing statistics that could reveal information obtained from this survey questionnaire. The data reported on the questionnaire will be treated in strict confidence and used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other regulation.

For more information, visit the "Information for survey participants" page at

Survey Instructions

  1. Select the language of your choice by clicking the "English / Français" button displayed at the top of each page.
  2. Use the tab key to move from cell to cell. If you need to edit any previously entered data simply click in the cell to edit the data.
  3. Enter data in white cells. Totals will calculate automatically in the shaded green cells and cannot be edited.
  4. If there is blue highlighting in the cells click the "Highlight Fields" button in the top right-hand corner of the mauve bar to remove the highlight.

Contact Information

Please provide the name and title of the person who completed this questionnaire. We require this information for follow-up purposes. It is recommended that you keep a copy of this questionnaire for your records in case we require clarification about the information provided.

Name of person completing form:

Question 1:

What was the parole grant rate? (Formerly "Question 34" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Parole Hearings

Day parole

  1. Granted
  2. Denied
  3. Deferred*
  4. Unknown


Full parole

  1. Granted
  2. Denied
  3. Deferred*
  4. Unknown


* Not eligible or inmates not available for interview, etc.

Deviation(s) from core definition(s)/comment(s):

Core definition(s):

1. Provincial Parole Board - These boards have the responsibility and authority for the conditional release of inmates serving provincial sentences within their respective jurisdiction. The National Parole Board has the authority to grant full parole and day parole to both federal and provincial inmates in the provinces/territories where no provincial board exists. A full parole is the full-time release of an inmate to serve the balance of his/her sentence in the community until its expiry date. A day parole is granted to a potential candidate for full parole. While on day parole, the inmate must return to the institution at regular intervals.

2. Parole Hearings - Total cases heard by the Board regardless of automatic reviews or formal requests.

Question 2:

What were the day parole and full parole success rates? (Formerly "Question 5" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Reason for Termination

Day parole

  1. Regular expiry
  2. Revocation
  3. Termination of parole
  4. Other, specify
    Other, specify
    Other, specify
    Other, specify
  5. e) Unknown


Full parole

  1. Regular expiry
  2. Revocation
  3. Termination of parole
  4. Other, specify
    Other, specify
    Other, specify
    Other, specify
  5. Unknown


Deviation(s) from core definition(s)/comment(s):

Core definition(s):

1. Provincial Parole Board - These boards have the responsibility and authority for the conditional release of inmates serving provincial sentences within their respective jurisdiction. The National Parole Board has the authority to grant full parole and day parole to both federal and provincial inmates in the provinces/territories where no provincial board exists. A full parole is the full-time release of an inmate to serve the balance of his/her sentence in the community until its expiry date. A day parole is granted to a potential candidate for full parole. While on day parole, the inmate must return to the institution at regular intervals.

REP Table 1:

Actual Parole Board personnel at the end of the fiscal year, by category and gender (rounded to the nearest full-time equivalent) (Formerly "REP Table 1" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Parole Board


Board Members

  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown


Support Staff

  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown



  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown



  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown



REP Table 2:

Parole Board expenditures for the year (Formerly "REP Table 3" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Indicate the period for which expenditures are reported:
(check only one)

  • Calendar year
  • Fiscal year

Expenditure type

Expenditure Actual Amount (nearest dollar)

  • Salaries, wages & benefits

Operating Expenditures

  • Professional/contract services
  • Training
  • Travel
  • Other operating expenditures
  • Unknown operating expenditures


  • Unknown expenditures



REP Table 3:

Other Parole Board personnel at the end of the fiscal year, by gender (rounded to the nearest full-time equivalent) (Formerly "REP Table 4" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Casual/temporary personnel


Parole Board Staff

  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown



  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown



  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown



Thank you for your cooperation

Please keep a copy of this survey for administrative follow-up.