Fruit and Vegetables Survey, 2010

Confidential when completed

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

Si vous préférez ce questionnaire en français, veuillez cocher la boîte

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on the area of fruits and vegetables grown in Canada. The area estimates are needed to provide Canadian growers with the protection of the Snapback Tariff program.

Would you prefer to answer next year's survey over the telephone?

  • Yes
  • No

A. Review the information on the label. If any information is incorrect or missing, please make the necessary corrections in the boxes below.

Farm Name (if applicable)
Corporation Name (if applicable)

Main Operator
Surname or Family Name
Usual First Name and Initial
Area Code Telephone
Area Code FAX
Location of alternate telephone
Area Code Telephone
Box No.
Number and Street Name
Postal Code
Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Email Address (if applicable)

Partner's Surname or Family Name
Partner's Usual First Name and Initial
Area Code Telephone
Area Code FAX
Location of alternate telephone
Area Code Telephone
Box No.
Number and Street Name
Postal Code
Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Check this box if the address and telephone is the same as main operator.

Partner's Surname or Family Name
Partner's Usual First Name and Initial
Area Code Telephone
Area Code FAX
Location of alternate telephone
Area Code Telephone
Box No.
Number and Street Name
Postal Code
Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Check this box if the address and telephone is the same as main operator.

B. Will you grow any fruit and/or vegetables for sale in 2010?  Do not include greenhouse fruit and vegetables.

  • Yes
  • No - temporarily out of fruit and/or vegetable production
  • No - permanently out of fruit and/or vegetable production
  • No - never in fruit or vegetable production

Are the fruit and/or vegetables grown on your farm certified organic?

  • Yes
  • No

Please provide us with the name of your certifying agency

  • If you answered yes to B, go to C.
  • If you answered no to B, please skip to Section F.

C. Land Units

Will you be reporting the land area figures in:

  • acres
  • hectares
  • arpents

D. Fruit Area (Grown For Sale)

Will you grow any fruit for sale in 2010? (Do not include fruit grown for home use.)

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section E)

For the following fruit, please give the total area and give the producing areas grown for the fresh market and for processing separately. Exclude fruits grown for home use.


Report to the nearest 1/10 of the land unit.

  • Total area (Producing and non-producing, include rented area)

Producing area

  • producing area for fresh market
  • producing area for processing market
  1. Apples
  2. Apricots
  3. High Bush Blueberries
  4. Low Bush Blueberries
  5. Sweet Cherries
  6. Sour Cherries
  7. Cranberries
  8. Labrusca Grapes (Table)
  9. Vinifera Grapes
  10. Kiwis
  11. Nectarines
  12. Peaches
  13. Pears
  14. Plums and Prunes
  15. Raspberries
  16. Saskatoon Berries
  17. Strawberries
  18. Other Fruit Specify
  19. Other Fruit Specify
  20. Other Fruit Specify

E. Vegetable Area (Grown For Sale)

Will you grow any vegetables for sale in 2010? Do not include greenhouse vegetables.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section F. If D and E are answered no.)

For the following crops, what is the area you have planted or will plant for sale in 2010? Please give the areas planted for the fresh market and for processing separately. Exclude vegetables grown for home use.


Report to the nearest 1/10 of the land unit.

  • Total area (Producing and non-producing, include rented area)
  • Producing area
  • for fresh market
  • for processing
  1. Asparagus
  2. Green or Wax Beans
  3. Beets
  4. Broccoli
  5. Brussels Sprouts
  6. Chinese Cabbage
  7. Regular Cabbage
  8. Baby Carrots
  9. Regular Carrots
  10. Cauliflower
  11. Celery
  12. Cucumbers & Gherkins
  13. Garlic
  14. Leeks
  15. Head Lettuce
  16. Leaf Lettuce (i.e. Romaine)
  17. Melons (Watermelon)
  18. Other Melons (include Cantaloupe, Winter Melons, etc.)
  19. Dry Onions
  20. Green Onions, Shallots
  21. Parsley
  22. Parsnips
  23. Green Peas
  24. Peppers
  25. Potatoes
  26. Pumpkins
  27. Radishes
  28. Rhubarb
  29. Rutabagas and Turnips
  30. Spinach
  31. Squash and Zucchinis
  32. Sweet Corn (exclude Grain Corn)
  33. Tomatoes
  34. Other Vegetable Specify
  35. Other Vegetable Specify

F. Are you still operating a farm? (Answer this Question only if you answered "No" to Question B)

  • Yes, Skip to Section G.
  • No, out of business
  • No, operator changed
  • No, other reason - Explain in the "Comments" Section. Skip to Section G.

Out of Business

1. Why is the farm out of business?

2. Does the operator plan to resume operating the farm in the future?

  • Yes - When /year/month
  • No - Don't know

Change of Operator

3.   Why has the farm changed operators? ((x) one box)

  1. sold
  2. rented/leased (period) (year(s))
  3. farm operator retired
  4. retired farm operator passed away
  5. other (specify)

G. Respondent Information

Information on this questionnaire provided by: (Mark (x) in one box only)

  1. farm operator (OPER1)
  2. partner (OPER2 or OPER3)
  3. spouse (if different from partner)
  4. hired hand
  5. other (specify relation to OPER1)

H. Federal/provincial agreement to share information

Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia Residents:

To reduce the number of federal and provincial surveys and to ensure more uniform statistics, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements under Section 12 of the Statistics Act with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Forest Resources and Agri-foods, New Brunswick Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Manitoba Department of Agriculture, the Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture and Food and the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The information collected and shared will be kept confidential and only used for statistical purposes. Under Section 12 of the Statistics Act you may refuse to share your information. Address any comments or questions to the Agriculture Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6.

Do you agree to share this information? (Mark (x) in one box only)

  • Yes
  • No

To Residents of Quebec: To avoid duplication of enquiry this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement with the Institut de la statistique du Québec pursuant to Section 11 of the Statistics Act. The Quebec Statistics Act includes the same provisions for confidentiality and penalities for disclosure of information as the Federal Statistics Act.

Comments from Respondent

Regional Office
Senior Interviewer

Head Office