Archived - Survey Of Household Spending CAPI Questionnaire 2009

Archived information

Archived information is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available.

Contact (CN)
Household Composition (RS)
Household Composition (HC)
Education (ED)
Activity Limitation (AL)
Dwelling Characteristics (DC)
Facilities Associated with the Dwelling (FD)
Tenure (TE)
Owned Principal Residence (OP)
Purchase and Sale of Owned Principal Residence (PS)
Mortgages on Owned Principal Residences (MT)
Improvements and Repairs of Owned Principal Residences (RR)
Rented Principal Residences (RN)
Utilities and Other Rented Accommodations (UT)
Owned Secondary Residences and Other Properties (OS)
Household Furnishings and Equipment (HF)
Home Operation (HO)
Food and Alcohol (FA)
Clothing for women and girls 4 years and over (CF)
Clothing for men and boys 4 years and over (CM)
Clothing for children under 4 years of age (CC)
Clothing (CG)
Personal and Health Care (PH)
Automobiles and trucks (AT)
Vehicle Expenses (VE)
Transportation (TR)
Recreational Vehicles (RV)
Recreation, Reading Materials and Education (RE)
Tobacco and Miscellaneous (TM)
Personal Income (IN)
Personal Taxes, Security and Money Gifts (TX)
Change in Assets (CA)
Unincorporated Business (UB)
Loans with Regular Payments (LO)
Other Monies Owed (MO)
Statistics Canada (SC)
Summary (SU)
Exit (EX)
Living Quarters (LQ)
Thank You (TY)

Contact (CN)

Interviewer:  Do you want to generate multiples?

  • Yes Multiple Interview
  • Yes Multiple Dwelling
  • No  (Go to CN_01)

Interviewer:  Enter number of multiple (between 1 and 9)

  • (Number of multiple between 1 and 9)

A header should be displayed at the top of the screen

  • Telephone Number: (xxx) xxx-1234
  • Address: xx name of street,  apt. number
  • City
  • Postal Code

Interviewer:  Record method of interview..

  • Telephone
  • Personal visit

A header should be displayed at the top of the screen

  • Telephone Number: (xxx) xxx-1234
  • Address: xx name of street,  apt. number
  • City
  • Postal Code

Interviewer:  Have you made contact?

  • Yes (Go to End Block)
  • No (Go to CAI_SO)

Hello, I’m from Statistics Canada.  My name is…

Would you prefer to be interviewed in English or in French?

  • English (Go to End Block)
  • French Go to End Block)
  • Other (Go to LP_N02)

Interviewer: Select respondent’s preferred non official language.  If necessary, ask:  (What language would you prefer?)

  • Chinese
  • Italian
  • Punjabi
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Polish
  • German
  • Vietnamese
  • Arabic
  • Tagalog
  • Greek
  • Tamil
  • Afghan
  • Cantonese
  • Hindi
  • Mandarin
  • Persian (Farsi)
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu
  • Inukitut
  • Hungarian
  • Korean
  • Serbo-Croatian
  • Gujarati
  • Dari
  • Other – Specify (Go to LP_N-2S)

Interviewer: Specify. (Go to CAI_SO)

The Survey of Household Spending collects information about the spending habits of households.  The survey looks at the amount of money households spend on food, clothing, shelter, transportation, health care and other items.  Information is also collected about dwelling characteristics, household equipment and appliances owned.

Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and used only for statistical purposes.

While participation is voluntary, your assistance is essential if the results are to be accurate. 

(Registration#: STC/HLD-045-60118)

One of our Interviewers previously contacted your household regarding the Survey of Household Spending.

Your participation is essential if the results are to be accurate.
[All information collected in this survey will be kept strictly confidential.]

One of our Interviewers previously contacted your household regarding the Survey of Household Spending.
I would like to continue the interview where we left off.

Interviewer: Confirm the listing address.
Call the Listing Address block.

I would like to confirm your telephone number.
Is it [telephone number]?

  • Yes (Go to RS)
  • No
  • DK , R (Go to RS)

What is your telephone number, including the area code?.

  • Call the North American Telephone block.

Interviewer: This is the end of the component. Return to previously answered questions to make any necessary corrections, or select <Exit> to exit the component.

  • Exit

Go To Block RS

Household Composition (RS)

The next few questions ask for important basic information on the people in your household.

Please include everyone who lives here at the time of the interview and everyone who usually lives here, for example, room-mates, students who return from school to live with their parents, or spouse working away from home.

Do not include the persons who have permanently left the household during the year, for example, to get married or because of separation/divorced.

We’ll begin by listing the reference person first. The reference person is the household member that is mainly responsible for the financial maintenance (for example, pays the rent, mortgage, property taxes or electricity).  In cases where members equally share the financial responsibility, choose one member to be the household reference person.

What are the names of all persons who usually live here?
Interviewer: Enter the first name.

What are the names of all persons who usually live here?
Interviewer: Enter the last name.

  • First Name
  • Last Name

Are there any other persons who usually live here but are now away at school, in hospital, or somewhere else?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to ANC_Q01)

What are the names of the other people who live or stay here?
Interviewer: Add a person only if he/she has no other usual residence elsewhere.
Enter the first name.

What are the names of the other people who live or stay here?
Interviewer: Add a person only if he/she has no other usual residence elsewhere.
Enter the last name.

  • First Name
  • Last Name

What is the [respondent name]’s date of birth?

  • Enter the day.
  • Enter the month.
  • Enter a four-digit year. (IF ANC_Q01 =2009  Go to SEX_Q01)

So [respondent name]’s age on [reference date] was [calculated age]. Is that correct?

  • Yes (Go to SEX_Q01)
  • No, return and correct year of birth (Go to ANC_Q01)
  • No, collect age (Go to ANC_Q03)

What is [respondent name]’s age?

  • Age in years

Interviewer: Enter [respondent name]'s sex.
If necessary, ask: (Is [respondent name] male or female?)

  • Male
  • Female

Interviewer:  This is the end of the component.  Return to previously answered questions to make any necessary corrections, or select <Exit> to exit the component.

  • Exit

Go to Block HC

Household Composition (HC)

The next section refers to the household composition.

What is [household member’s first name]’s relationship to [first name of Person No 01]? Is it:


  • is assigned to the reference person.
  • … spouse?
  • … son/daughter?
  • … other relative?
  • not related

What is [household member’s first name]’s marital status? Is it:

  • …married spouse of a household member?
  • …common-law spouse of a household member?
  • …never married (single)?
  • …other (separated, divorced or widowed)?

Economic Family: Economic family refers to a group of two or more persons who live in the same dwelling and are related to each other by blood, marriage, common-law or adoption.  A couple may be of opposite or same sex.  Foster children are included.  For example, unrelated room-mates would have different codes.

Interviewer: Please assign the ‘Economic Family Code’ at time of interview

Did [respondent name] join the household since January 2009?

  • Yes
  • No

Go to Block ED

Education (ED)

The next section refers to level of education – Reference person and spouse only

What is the highest level of schooling that [Member’s name] received? 

Did [Member’s name] receive a:

  • … less than a high school diploma
  • … secondary (high) school diploma or equivalent?
  • … trade/vocational certificate?
  • … apprenticeship certificate?
  • … community college, CEGEP, or nursing school diploma?
  • … university certificate or diploma below Bachelor's?
  • … bachelor's degree (B.A., B.Sc., B.Ed.)?
  • university degree, certificate or diploma above a Bachelor's (LL.B., M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., O.D., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.)?
  • Other – Specify (Go to ED_Q010S)

Education - (ED)

Interviewer: Specify.

Go To Block AL

Activity Limitation (AL)

The next section refers to activity limitation

Does any member of this household/Do you have any difficulty hearing, seeing, communicating, walking, climbing stairs, bending, learning or doing any similar activities?

  • Yes, sometimes 
  • Yes, often
  • No (Go to AL_Q030)

Would you tell me who they are?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply

  • First Name
  • Last Name

Does a physical condition or mental condition or health problem reduce the amount or the kind of activity that any member of this household/that you can do at home, at work, at school, or in other activities such as transportation or leisure?

  • Yes, sometimes 
  • Yes, often
  • No (Go To Block DC)

Would you tell me who they are?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply

  • First Name
  • Last Name

Go To Block DC

Dwelling Characteristics (DC)

The next section refers to the characteristics of your dwelling.

Would you describe your dwelling as:

  • … single detached?
  • … semi-detached (double)?
  • … row or terrace?
  • … duplex?
  • … apartment in a building that has fewer than five storeys?
  • … apartment in a building that has five or more storeys?
  • … hotel, rooming or lodging house, camp, for example, logging, construction?
  • … mobile home?
  • Other, Specify (Go to DC_Q010S)

Please specify the type of dwelling.

Is this dwelling part of a condominium development?

  • Yes
  • No

When was this dwelling originally built?

  • 1920 or before 
  • 1921-1945
  • 1946-1960 
  • 1961-1970
  • 1971-1980
  • 1981-1990 
  • 1991-2000 
  • 2001 
  • 2002
  • 2003
  • 2004
  • 2005
  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010

Is this dwelling in need of any repairs?  Do not include desired remodelling or additions. 

  • Yes, major repairs are needed, for example, defective plumbing or electrical wiring, structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings. 
  • Yes, minor repairs are needed, for example, missing or loose floor tiles, bricks or shingles, defective steps, railings or siding
  • No, only regular maintenance is needed, for example, painting or furnace cleaning. 

How many rooms are there in this dwelling?

Include kitchen, bedrooms and finished rooms in the attic or basement.
Exclude bathrooms, halls, vestibules and rooms used solely for business purposes.

How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling?

Include all rooms designated as bedrooms even though the use may be occasional, as in the case of "spare" bedrooms.
Exclude rooms designated as dining rooms, or living rooms which may be used as bedrooms at night.

Interviewer: If a bachelor apartment, enter “0” bedrooms.

How many bathrooms with a bathtub or shower are there in this dwelling?

What is the principal heating equipment for this dwelling? Is it:

  • … steam or hot water system, including boilers?
  • … forced air furnace?
  • … heating stove, including wood stove?
  • … electric heat, including electric baseboard heaters?
  • Other, Specify (Go to DC_Q100S)

Please specify the principal heating equipment.

How old is this heating equipment?

  • 5 years or less (<aY1>)  (2005-2010) 
  • 6 to 10 years (<aY2>) (2000-2004)
  • 11 to 15 years (<aY3>) (1995-1999)
  • 16 to 20 years (<aY4>)  (1990-1994)
  • Over 20 years (<aY5>) (Before 1990)

What is the principal fuel used to heat this dwelling? Is it:

  • … oil or other liquid fuel?
  • … natural gas (piped gas)?
  • … propane (bottled gas)?
  • … electricity?
  • … wood?
  • Other, Specify (Go to DC_Q120S)

Interviewer: Specify.

What is the principal fuel for the hot water supply? Is it:

  • … oil or other liquid fuel?
  • … natural gas (piped gas)?
  • … propane (bottled gas)?
  • … electricity?
  • … Other, Specify (Go to DC_Q130S)
  • No running hot water

Interviewer: Specify.

What  is the principal fuel used for cooking? Is it:

  • … natural gas (piped gas)?
  • … propane (bottled gas)?
  • … electricity?
  • … Other, Specify (Go to DC_Q140S)

Interviewer: Specify

Go To Block FD

Facilities Associated with the Dwelling (FD)

The next section refers to equipment associated with your dwelling, including items you do not own.

How many of the following items do you have: refrigerators?

How many of the following items do you have: colour TV sets?

How many of the following items do you have: VCRs?

How many of the following items do you have: cell phones for personal use?
Include handheld text messaging devices with cell phone capability.
Exclude cordless phones.

How many of the following items do you have: telephones, excluding cell phones?
Include phones used for business.

IF 0 Go to FD_Q050S or Else Go to FD_Q060

Why is there no telephone?

Interviewer: Specify.

How many telephone numbers do you have for this dwelling?
Include phone numbers used for business.  
Exclude cell phone numbers and pager numbers.

Do you have: a microwave oven?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have: a stand alone freezer (which is not part of a refrigerator)?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have: a dishwasher?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have: a washing machine inside your dwelling?

  • Yes
  • No

What type of clothes dryer do you have inside your dwelling? Is it:

  • … an electric clothes dryer?
  • … a gas clothes dryer?
  • None

What type of air conditioning do you have?  Is it:

  • … a window-type air conditioning unit?
  • … central air conditioning?
  • None

Do you have: cable TV?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have:

  • … basic cable service?
  • … extended cable service?
  • …Other - Specify

Interviewer:  Specify

Do you have: a satellite dish?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have: a compact disc (CD) player?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have: a DVD player?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have: a CD writer?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have: a DVD writer?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you have: a home computer?
Exclude computers used exclusively for business.

  • Yes
  • No

Does anyone in your household use the Internet from home?

  • Yes
  • No (Go To Block TE)

What type of Internet connection do you have? Is it:

Interviewer:  If more than one type of connection, mark "Other type of connection" and specify which types.

  • … regular telephone connection to a computer?
  • … high-speed telephone connection to a computer?
  • … cable connection to a computer?
  • … connection to a television?
  • … a satellite dish?
  • … wireless, for example, cell phone, personal digital appliance?
  • Other type of connection, Specify (Go to FD_Q210S)

Interviewer: Specify.

Go To Block TE

Tenure (TE)

The next section refers to the tenure of the dwelling.

Is your dwelling:

  • … owned without a mortgage by your household? (Go to TE_Q015)
  • … owned with a mortgage by your household? (Go to TE_Q015)
  • … rented by your household? (Go to TE_Q030)
  • … occupied rent-free by your household, that is, where no member owns the dwelling and no rent is charged?

If you were to sell your dwelling now, how much would you expect to sell it for?

IF (TE_Q010 = 1 or 2) and DC_Q010 < 5 Go to TE_Q020
Else Go to TE_Q030

If you were to rent this dwelling today, how much would you expect to rent it for, monthly, unfurnished and without utilities?

IF TE_Q017> 2500 Go to Soft Edit TE_E017A
IF (TE_Q010 = 1 OR TE_Q010=2) AND
DC_Q010 < 5 Go to TE_Q020
ELSE Go to TE_Q030

Some homeowners have added an apartment to their homes to accommodate relatives or to rent out to others. Such apartments have their own kitchen and bathroom facilities. Is there an apartment like this in your dwelling?

  • Yes
  • No

In what year did the household move to this dwelling?

In which month?

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Were any of the dwellings previously occupied in 2009:
... owned with mortgage by your household?

  • Yes
  • No

Were any of the dwellings previously occupied in 2009:
… owned without a mortgage by your household?

  • Yes
  • No

Were any of the dwellings previously occupied in 2009: rented by your household?

  • Yes
  • No

Were any of the dwellings previously occupied in 2009: occupied rent-free by your household, that is, where no member owned the dwelling and no rent was charged?

  • Yes
  • No

IF (TE_Q080=1 OR TE_Q090=1) Go to TE_Q120
Else Go To Block OP

Were any of the dwellings previously owned and occupied in 2009: sold

  • Yes
  • No

Were any of the dwellings previously owned and occupied in 2009: rented to others?

  • Yes
  • No

Were any of the dwellings previously owned and occupied in 2009: left vacant?

  • Yes
  • No

Is there any other dwelling status?

  • Yes  (Go to TE_Q150S)
  • No

IF TE_Q140=1 and TE_Q150=2 Go To TE_Q160
ELSE Go To Block OP

Interviewer: Specify.

For how many months in 2009 was the dwelling left vacant?

In the questions to follow please remember to include any expenditures spent on vacant dwellings, such as mortgage payments, property taxes, repairs and improvements, homeowner’s insurance and condo fees.

Go To Block OP

Owned Principal Residence (OP)

The next section refers to your owned principal residence.

How many dwellings did members of your household own and occupy in 2009?
Exclude vacation homes, secondary residences and dwellings owned but not occupied by any member of the household in 2009.

IF OP_Q010 = 0 Go to Next Block RN

For how many months in 2009 did your household own and occupy a principal residence?

For dwellings owned and occupied in 2009, how much was the: total amount billed for property taxes in 2009?
Include municipal and school taxes, special service charges and local improvements billed in 2009.

IF OP_Q030 = 0 Go to OP_Q030S

Please explain why no property taxes were paid.

For dwellings owned and occupied in 2009, how much was the: total premiums paid in 2009 for homeowners' insurance covering fire, theft and other perils?

For dwellings owned and occupied in 2009, how much was the: amount paid for condominium fees in 2009?
Include special levies.

Which of the following services were included in the condominium  fees:
Interviewer: Mark all that apply

  • Taxes?
  • heat?
  • electricity?
  • water?
  • interior insurance?
  • cable/internet/telephone?
  • day-to-day care and upkeep of the common property elements (for example, snow removal, landscaping, cleaning of common elements including carpets and exterior windows, heating/cooling system maintenance)?
  • contributions to reserve fund?
  • property management fees?
  • building repair and maintenance?
  • amenities?
  • Other – Specify
  • None of the above

Were any of the expenses just mentioned (property taxes, homeowners insurance or condo fees) charged against income from business or from rooms rented out?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to OP_Q080)

What amount was charged (against income from your businesses or income from rooms rented out)?
You can report this as an amount or as a percentage.

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: legal charges related to the dwellings? 
For example, title searches and mortgage registration fees.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other expenses related to the dwellings, for example, surveying,appraisals, renewal fees and early renewal or closing penalties associated with mortgages?
Include pad rental fees for mobile homes.
Exclude expenses such as mortgage payments, renovations, repairs, rent, utilities, real estate commissions, land transfer  taxes, and land registration fees.

IF OP_Q090 > 0 Go to OP_Q090S

Interviewer: Specify.

Go To Block PS

Purchase and Sale of Owned Principal Residence (PS)

The next section refers to the purchase and sale of owned principal residence

Did your household purchase a home in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to PS_Q050)

Was this purchase made by a person who had never previously owned a dwelling which they occupied?

  • Yes
  • No

What was the purchase price of your home?

Exclude adjustments to property taxes and fuel oil (record in Section OP – Owned Principal Residences and in Section UT – Utilities and Other Rented Accommodation).

How much was paid for land transfer taxes (Welcome Tax) and land registration fees?

Did your household sell a home in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Block MT)

What was the selling price of your home?

How much was paid for real estate commissions?

Go To Block MT

Mortgages on Owned Principal Residences (MT)

The next section refers to mortgages on owned principal residences.

Exclude mortgages on rental property, vacation homes, secondary residences and dwellings not occupied at any time in 2009.
Exclude all other loans (record in Section LO – Loans with Regular Payments).

In 2009, did your household have any mortgages on dwellings which it owned and occupied?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q370)

In 2009, did your household make any regular payments on the mortgages?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q070)

What was the amount of your regular payment (#1)?
Exclude amounts pertaining to business, for example, part of a duplex.

In 2009, how many of these payments were made?

In 2009, were there any other regular payments made on mortgages?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q070)

What was the amount of this regular payment (#2)?
Exclude amounts pertaining to business, for example, part of a duplex.

In 2009, how many of these payments were made?

In 2009, were there any other regular payments made on mortgages?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q070)

What was the amount of this regular payment (#3)?
Exclude amounts pertaining to business, for example, part of a duplex.

Interviewer: If the household reports more than 3 different mortgage payments, enter the total payments here.

In 2009, how many of these payments were made?

In 2009, did your household make any irregular and lump sum payments on  your mortgage including payments made to close the mortgage?

  • Yes
  • No

What was the amount of your irregular or lump sum payments (#1)?

In 2009, how many of these payments were made?

In 2009, did your household make any other irregular or lump sum payments on your mortgage including payments made to close the mortgage?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q125)

What was the amount of this irregular or lump sum payment (#2)?

In 2009, how many of these payments were made?

In 2009, did your household make any other irregular or lump sum payments on your mortgage including payments made to close the mortgage?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q125)

What was the amount of this irregular or lump sum payment (#3)?

Interviewer: If the household reports more than 3 different irregular or lump sum payments, enter the total payments here.

In 2009, how many of these payments were made?

What was the total premium paid in 2009 for mortgage life, loan, payment and/or disability insurance?

Did the mortgage payments include: property taxes?

  • Yes
  • No

Did the mortgage payments just reported include: premiums for mortgage life, loan, payment and/or disability insurance?

  • Yes
  • No

In 2009, were any amounts borrowed?
Include any amounts borrowed if the mortgage was started in 2009 or amounts added if the mortgage was renewed in 2009.
Exclude any amounts pertaining to business, for example, part of a duplex.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q240)

What amount was added (#1)?

In which month was this amount borrowed?

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Were any other amounts added to your mortgage in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q240)

What amount was added (#2)?

In which month was this amount borrowed?

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Were any other amounts added to your mortgage in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q240)

What amount was added (#3)?

In which month was this amount borrowed?

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Were any other amounts added to your mortgage in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to MT_Q240)

What amount was added (#4)?
Interviewer: If the household reports more than 4 different amounts added, enter the total amounts here.

In which month was this amount borrowed?
Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

What was the total interest paid on all mortgages in 2009?
Refer to mortgage statements from lenders, if possible.

What was the total principal paid on all mortgages in 2009?
Refer to mortgage statements from lenders, if possible.

Interviewer: Did the respondent refer to mortgage statements or electronic records to answer the total interest paid and the total principal paid questions?

  • Yes
  • No

We will now be asking balance, interest rate and term information for any mortgages with a balance owing on December 31, 2009.
Please start with the mortgage having the largest balance owing.

Interviewer:  Press any key and <Enter> to continue.

Did your household have any mortgages with a balance owing on December 31, 2009?

  • Yes
  • No

What was the total balance owing for this mortgage?
Where possible, report the balance owing on December 31, 2009. If not possible, report the balance owing on the anniversary date, or at the beginning or the end of the term. 
Exclude amounts owing on home equity lines of credit.

In which of the following groups do you estimate your balance owing is for this mortgage? Was it:

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • ... less than $25,000?
  • ... $25,000 to less than $50,000?
  • ... $50,000 to less than $75,000?
  • ... $75,000 to less than $100,000?
  • ... $100,000 to less than $150,000?
  • ... $150,000 to less than $200,000?
  • ... $200,000 to less than $250,000?
  • ... $250,000 to less than $300,000?
  • ... $300,000 to less than $500,000?
  • ... $500,000 or more?

As of what date was this balance owing? Give month and year.

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

As of what date was this balance owing? Give month and year.
Interviewer: Specify year.

What is the amortization period for the mortgage? That is, the total number of years over which you agreed to pay off the mortgage in full. Is it:

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • … less than 10 years
  • … 10-14 years
  • … 15-19 years
  • … 20-24 years
  • … 25 years
  • … 30 years
  • … 35 years
  • … 40 years
  • Other - Specify

What is the amortization period for the mortgage? That is, the total number of years over which you agreed to pay off the mortgage in full.

Interviewer: Specify.

What is the current term of the mortgage? Is it:

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • … 6 months?
  • … 1 year?
  • … 2 years?
  • … 3 years?
  • … 4 years?
  • … 5 years?
  • … 7 years?
  • … 10 years?
  • Other terms - specify

What is the current term of the mortgage?

Interviewer: Specify.

When was the start date of the current term? Give month and year.

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

When was the start date of the current term? Give month and year.

Interviewer: Specify year.

In which month and year will you need to renew the mortgage?
Give month and year.

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

In which month and year will you need to renew the mortgage?
Give month and year.

Interviewer: Specify year.

Was the interest rate fixed or variable?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Fixed rate (the interest rate remains the same over the term of the mortgage)
  • Variable rate (the interest rate changes over the term of the mortgage)

What was the interest rate?

Interviewer: Record the interest rate as a percentage.
Remember to always show two numbers after the decimal (8.5% would be captured as 8.50; 10% would be captured as 10.00).

  • % (Percent)

In 2009, did your household finance a dwelling it owned and occupied using an arrangement which was not a mortgage?

  • Yes
  • No

What kind of financing was used? Was it:

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  • ... a line of credit secured by the dwelling (home equity line)?
  • ... a line of credit secured by another asset (for example, a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC))?
  • ... an unsecured line of credit?
  • ... an on-going all-in-one borrowing arrangement that allows the borrower to choose the amounts and types of borrowing (for example, mortgage, line of credit, personal loan)?
  • ... a personal loan?
  • Other - specify

What kind of financing was used?

Interviewer: Specify.

On December 31, 2009, how much did your household owe on the home equity line of credit?

In 2009, how much interest was paid on the home equity line of credit?

In 2009, how much principal was paid on the home equity line of credit?

In 2009, did your household owe more money on the home equity line of credit on January 1st or December 31st?

  • Owed more on January 1st
  • Owed more on December 31st
  • No difference

How much more was owed on January 1st?

How much more was owed on December 31st?

In 2009, were there any other mortgages on dwellings which your household owned and occupied?

  • Yes
  • No

What was the total balance owing for this mortgage?
Where possible, report the balance owing on December 31, 2009. If not possible, report the balance owing on the anniversary date, or at the beginning or the end of the term.

Exclude amounts owing on home equity lines of credit.

In which of the following groups do you estimate your balance owing is for this mortgage? Was it:

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • ... less than $25,000?
  • ... $25,000 to less than $50,000?
  • ... $50,000 to less than $75,000?
  • ... $75,000 to less than $100,000?
  • ... $100,000 to less than $150,000?
  • ... $150,000 to less than $200,000?
  • ... $200,000 to less than $250,000?
  • ... $250,000 to less than $300,000?
  • ... $300,000 to less than $500,000?
  • ... $500,000 or more?

As of what date was this balance owing? Give month and year.

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

As of what date was this balance owing? Give month and year.

Interviewer: Specify year.

What is the amortization period for the mortgage? That is, the total number of years over which you agreed to pay off the mortgage in full.

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • … less than 10 years
  • … 10-14 years
  • ... 15-19 years
  • … 20-24 years
  • ... 25 years
  • … 30 years
  • … 35 years
  • … 40 years
  • Other - Specify

What is the amortization period for the mortgage? That is, the total number of years over which you agreed to pay off the mortgage in full.

Interviewer: Specify.

What is the current term of the mortgage? Is it:

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • ... 6 months?
  • ... 1 year?
  • ... 2 years?
  • ... 3 years?
  • ... 4 years?
  • ... 5 years?
  • ... 7 years?
  • ... 10 years?
  • Other terms - specify

What is the current term of the mortgage?

Interviewer: Specify.

When was the start date of the current term? Give month and year.

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

When was the start date of the current term? Give month and year.

Interviewer: Specify year.

In which month and year will you need to renew the mortgage?

Interviewer: Select the month.

If necessary, ask: (What is the month?)

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

In which month and year will you need to renew the mortgage?

Interviewer: Specify year.

Was the interest rate fixed or variable?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Fixed rate (the interest rate remains the same over the term of the mortgage)
  • Variable rate (the interest rate changes over the term of the mortgage).

What was the interest rate?

Interviewer: Record the interest rate as a percentage. Remember to always show two numbers after the decimal (8.5% would be captured as 8.50; 10% would be captured as 10.00).

  • % (Percent)

In 2009, did your household finance a dwelling it owned and occupied using an arrangement which was not a mortgage?

  • Yes
  • No

What kind of financing was used? Was it:

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  • a line of credit secured by the dwelling (home equity line)?
  • a line of credit secured by another asset (for example, a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC))?
  • an unsecured line of credit?
  • an on-going all-in-one borrowing arrangement that  allows the  borrower to choose the amounts and types of borrowing (for example, mortgage, line of credit, personal loan)?
  • a personal loan?
  • Other - specify

What kind of financing was used?

Interviewer: Specify.

On December 31, 2009, how much did your household owe on the home equity line of credit?

In 2009, how much interest was paid on the home equity line of credit?

In 2009, how much principal was paid on the home equity line of credit?

In 2009, did your household owe more money on the home equity line of credit on January 1st or December 31st?

  • Owed more on January 1st
  • Owed more on December 31st
  • No difference

How much more was owed on January 1st?

How much more was owed on December 31st?

Go To Block RR

Improvements and Repairs of Owned Principal Residences (RR)

The next section refers to spending on Improvements and Repairs of owned principal residences.

Exclude expenses for vacation homes, secondary residences, rented principal residences and other properties.
Exclude expenses charged against business and rental income.
Exclude housekeeping costs, such as rug cleaning and snow removal.

Insurance Settlements
For insurance settlements used to repair or replace property, report the deductible in the appropriate expenditure question.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… exterior additions or extensions, for example, garages, carports, porches, decks and sheds?
Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as, lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for roofs?

Exclude expenses that were already reported as a part of a large project such as an addition or extension (record in question RR_Q010).

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for complete re-roofing – that is replacing all the shingles or complete re-tarring?

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining the existing roof?

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for eavestroughing?

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for installing or completely replacing eavestroughing?

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing eavestroughing?

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for exterior walls, siding, soffits, facia, chimneys and foundations?

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for adding or completely replacing exterior walls, siding, soffits, facia, chimneys and foundations?
Exclude chimney cleaning (record in section HF – Household Furnishings and Equipment, question HF_Q540).

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing exterior walls, siding, soffits, facia, chimneys and foundations?
Exclude chimney cleaning (record in section HF – Household   Furnishings and Equipment, question HF_Q540).

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for windows and exterior doors including garage doors?

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for adding or replacing windows and exterior doors including garage doors?

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing windows and exterior doors, including garage doors?
Include replacing or repairing door knobs and locks.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for fences, driveways, patios, in-ground or above-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and major landscaping projects such as installing a pond?

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for installing or completely replacing fences, driveways, patios, in-ground or above-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and major landscaping projects such as installing a pond?
Include complete resodding, shrubs and trees.
Exclude hobby gardening (record in section HO - Home Operation).

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing fences, driveways, patios, in-ground or above-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and ponds?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… exterior painting or staining, for example, painting or staining doors, garages, decks, porches or fences?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… septic systems and wells?
Include installation, replacement and repairs.
Do not include pumping services (record in Section UT – Utilities and Other Rented Accommodation, question UT_Q010).

This next set of questions is about money your household spent on work done to the inside of your dwelling(s) (owned principal residences).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… interior additions or extensions, for example, additional rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, sunrooms?
Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as, lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring.
Include built-in appliances.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… renovating/remodelling of rooms, for example, kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms?
Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as, lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring.
Include built-in appliances.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
... finishing the basement?
Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as, lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring.
Include built-in appliances.
Exclude expenses that were already reported as a part of a large project such as an addition, extension or remodelling (record in RR_Q010, RR_Q050, RR_Q055).

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for a concrete basement floor?

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for adding or completely replacing a concrete basement floor?

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining an existing concrete basement floor?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… interior walls and ceilings, for example, plastering, drywall, paneling, tiling?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… interior painting and wallpapering?
Include patching or prepping the walls prior to painting or wallpapering.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for hard surface flooring, such as tiling, linoleum and wood floors, and wall-to-wall carpeting?

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for installing or completely replacing hard surface flooring, such as tiling, linoleum and wood floors, and wall-to-wall carpeting?
Include underpadding.

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing hard surface flooring, such as tiling, linoleum and wood floors, and wall-to-wall carpeting?
Include re-varnishing hardwood floors.
Exclude carpet cleaning.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for interior doors, for example, closet doors, bedroom doors, bathroom doors, French doors, pocket doors?

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for adding or replacing interior doors, for example, closet doors, bedroom doors, bathroom doors, French doors, pocket doors?

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining interior doors, for example, closet doors, bedroom doors, bathroom doors, French doors, pocket doors?
Include replacing or repairing door knobs and door locks.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for plumbing fixtures and equipment, for example, faucets, sinks bathtubs, shower units, hot tubs, hot water tanks or water softeners?
Include service contracts.

How much was spent for installing or completely replacing plumbing fixtures and equipment, for example, new faucets, sinks, bathtubs, shower units, hot tubs, hot water tanks or water softeners?

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing plumbing fixtures and equipment, for example, faucets, sinks, bathtubs, shower units, hot tubs, toilet tanks, hoses, tubing, hot water tanks or water softeners?
Include service contracts

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for heating and/or air conditioning equipment, for example, furnaces, fireplaces and oil tanks?
Include replacing furnace filters and service contracts.

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent on installing or completely replacing heating and/or air conditioning equipment, for example, new furnaces, fireplaces and oil tanks?

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing heating and/or air conditioning equipment, for example, furnaces, fireplaces and oil tanks?
Include replacing furnace filters and service contracts.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for home security devices?

  • Yes
  • No

How much was spent for installing, upgrading or completely replacing home security devices?
Exclude monitoring services

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing home security devices?
Exclude monitoring services

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
... installing or completely replacing a central vacuum?
Exclude repairs

The next set of questions is about money your household spent on work done to the exterior and/or interior of your dwelling(s) (owned principal residences).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… caulking and weather-stripping, for example, around windows and doors?

… insulation?

… electrical fixtures and equipment such as wiring, electrical panel, ceiling fan, built-in ventilation fan, light fixtures, garage door opener, dimmer switches?

Did your household spend money for any other work to improve or renovate your principal residences in 2009?
Include additions, replacements and new installations of any other equipment or fixtures.

How much did your household spend for this improvement or renovation?

Interviewer: Specify.

Did your household spend money for any other work to improve or renovate your principal residences in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No

How much did your household spend for this improvement or renovation?

Interviewer: Specify.

Did your household spend money for any other work to improve or renovate your principal residences in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No

How much did your household spend for this improvement or renovation?

Interviewer: Specify.

Your total expenditure for improvements was $ [ImpAlt_TempTot].

Of this amount how much did your household spend on:
… contract work or hired labour?
You can report this as an amount or a percentage.
Include the cost of materials if they were billed with the labour. 

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

Did your household do any other repairs or maintenance work on your principal residences in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No

How much did your household spend for this repair or maintenance?

Interviewer: Specify.

Did your household do any other repairs or maintenance work on your principal residences in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No

How much did your household spend for this repair or maintenance?

Interviewer: Specify.

Did your household do any other repairs or maintenance work on your principal residences in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No

How much did your household spend for this repair or maintenance?

Interviewer: Specify.

Your total expenditure for repairs and maintenance was $ [Repairs_TempTot].

Of this amount how much did your household spend on contract work or hired labour?  You can report this as an amount or a percentage.
Include the cost of materials if they were billed with the labour. 

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

Rented Principal Residences (RN)

The next section refers to spending on rented principal residences.

Include expenses for principal residences that were occupied rent-free, that is, where no member owned the dwelling and no rent was charged.
Include any expenses that were made by members of your household for dwellings that were used as a principal residence but owned by someone who was not a member of the household.
Include any expenses for households whose usual place of residence is a hotel or boarding house.
Exclude rented vacation homes and accommodation while away at school or working away from home (record in Section UT – Utilities and Other Rented Accommodation, question UT_Q070).

How many months in 2009 did any member of your household occupy a rented dwelling?

Interviewer: If none, enter “0“.  (Go To BlockUT)

What was the total amount of rent paid in 2009 (for the principal residences which were occupied in 2009)?
Include any part of the dwelling used for businesses or rented to others.
Include amounts paid on behalf of your household.
Include the property taxes paid by this household.

In 2009, what additional amounts were paid to the landlord that were not included in the payments just reported, for example, security deposits?

Which of the following services were included in the rental payments:

Interviewer: Mark all that apply

  • ... appliances, furniture, furnishings?
  • ... electricity?
  • ... heat?
  • ... water?
  • ... parking (inside or outside)?
  • ... air conditioning?
  • ... amenities (swimming pool/gym/laundry facilities)?
  • ... cablevision/internet?
  • Other - Specify
  • None of the above

In 2009, how much of the rent which you paid was returned to your household for any reason, for example, rent overpayment, return of security deposit?
Exclude provincial tax credits for rent paid and provincial or municipal rent allowances.

Was your rent reduced in 2009 for any of the following reasons:

Interviewer:  If the principal residence was occupied rent-free mark question RN_Q060 as «2».

  • government subsidized housing?
    Include federal, provincial and municipal programs.
  • other reasons, for example, services to landlord and company housing?
  • No reduced rent?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: repairs and improvements of rented dwellings occupied in 2009?
Exclude amounts reimbursed by the landlord.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: tenants' insurance?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: parking at the place of residence?
Exclude any amount that was included in previous answers on rent expenses

In 2009, was any part of the rent expenses charged against income from businesses owned by the household members or income from rooms rented out?

  • Yes
  • No

What amount was charged against income from your businesses or income from rooms rented out?  You can report this as an amount or as a percentage.

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

Utilities and Other Rented Accommodations (UT)

The next section refers to utilities and other rented accommodations for both owners and renters.

Interviewer:  If anyone in of the household had expenses related to property owned by someone outside the household and:

  • if the property was not used as the household's principal residence or for business, then report these expenses as other accommodations (question UT_Q070).  For example: A household has used a vacation home owned by a parent and spent money on repairs and utilities.
  • if the property was used for farming or for other unincorporated business purposes, then deduct allowable expenses from gross income from self-employment when calculating net self-employment income. Report any capital cost allowances (depreciation) to your household business in Section UB – Unincorporated Business, question UB_Q060.

While answering the questions related to water, fuel and electricity:
Include fuel used for barbecues, fireplaces, etc.
Exclude expenses charged against businesses or rental income.
Exclude expenses for vacation homes and secondary residences (record in Section OS – Owned Secondary Residences and Other Accommodation, question OS_Q140).
Exclude camp fuels (record in Section RE – Recreation, Reading Materials and Education, question RE_Q110).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: water and sewage charges not included in property tax bill, for example, pumping services?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: electricity

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: natural gas (piped gas)?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other fuel for heating and cooking, for example, oil, propane, wood?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: rental of heating equipment?

While answering the questions related to other rented accommodations:
Exclude expenses charged against business income and expenses that will be reimbursed.
Exclude expenses where accommodation was part of the package, for example, combined with transportation, food or entertainment (record in Section RT – Recreational Vehicles and Transportation Services – Package Trips, question RT_Q110).
Exclude meals purchased separately (record in Section FA – Food and Alcohol, question FA_Q080).
Exclude rent expenses for households whose usual place of residence is a hotel, boarding house, etc. (record in Section RN - Rented Principal Residences).

In 2009, while away from home overnight or longer, how much did your household spend on: hotels and motels?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other accommodations, such as vacation home rentals, campground fees, accommodations while away at school or working away from home?

How much of the amount reported for the hotels, motels or any other rental accommodations was spent in this province?  You can report this as an amount or as a percentage.

IF UT_Q080 = 0, Go to Block OS

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

Go To Block OS

Owned Secondary Residences and Other Properties (OS)

The next section refers to spending on owned secondary residences and other properties.

Interviewers:  These questions are asked of both owners and renters.

In 2009, did anyone in your household own a vacation home or other secondary residence?
Include time-shares and properties outside of Canada.
Exclude moveable vacation homes, for example, trailers, motor homes, etc. (record in Section RV – Other recreational vehicles, Question RV_Q010).
Exclude expenses charged against business or rental income.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to OS_Q160)

In 2009, did anyone in your household purchase a vacation home or other secondary residence?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to OS_Q040)

What was the purchase price?

In 2009, how much money was borrowed for expenses associated with this dwelling?
Include purchase as well as mortgage and other financial obligations.

How much were the mortgage payments in 2009?
Exclude payments made at time of sale.

In 2009, did anyone in your household sell any vacation home or other secondary residence?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to OS_Q100)

What was the selling price?

What was the net amount received from the sale?

Interviewer:  The net amount is the selling price less the amount paid on the outstanding mortgage and the real estate commissions.

What were the real estate commissions?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: repairs and maintenance?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: improvements and alterations?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… property taxes and sewage charges?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… property insurance?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: Utilities, such as, electricity, water and fuel?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other expenses associated with the property, for example, condominium charges, survey costs, legal fees, premiums for mortgage life, loan, payment or disability insurance?

In 2009, did anyone in your household own any other property, such as, land, a vacant lot or vacant dwelling?
Exclude principal and secondary residences, rental or other business property, and farm property.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Block HF)

Were any of these properties purchased in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to OS_Q190)

What was the purchase price?

In 2009, how much money was borrowed for expenses associated with this other property (including purchase)?

How much were the mortgage payments in 2009?
Exclude payments made at time of sale.

In 2009, did anyone in your household sell any other property?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to OS_Q250)

What was the selling price?

What was the net amount received from the sale?
Interviewer:  The net amount is the selling price less the amount paid on the outstanding mortgage and real estate commissions.

What were the real estate commissions?

How much did your household spend on repairs and improvements to the property in 2009?
For example, servicing of land including utilities, roads, sewers.

How much was spent in 2009 on other expenses associated with the property?
For example, property taxes, survey costs, appraisal fees, utilities.

Go To Block HF

Household Furnishings and Equipment (HF)

The next section refers to spending on household furnishings and equipment.

Include purchases for use in principal residences, vacation homes or in other accommodations.
Exclude expenses charged against business income.

Household Furnishings, Art and Antiques

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: mattresses and furniture for indoor or outdoor use?
Include the cost of home-made or home-finished furnishings.
Exclude rentals (record in question HF_Q540).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: glass mirrors, mirror frames and picture frames?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: lamps and lampshades?
Exclude light fixtures (record in Section RR - Repairs and Improvements of Owned Principal Residences).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: rugs, mats and underpadding?
Exclude wall-to-wall carpeting (record in Section RR - Repairs and Improvements of Owned Principal Residences).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: window coverings, and household textiles?
For example, curtains, blinds, bedding, towels, tablecloths, cushions, bathroom accessories?
Include cloth material used to make household furnishings.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: works of art, carvings and other decorative ware?
For example, vases, candlesticks, figurines, wall hangings.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: antiques, for example, furniture and jewellery that are at least 100 years old?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: maintenance and repair of furniture, carpeting and household textiles?
Include cleaning of carpets and furniture.
Include re-upholstering of furniture.

Home Electronics and Communications Equipment – Audio, Video and Other Home Entertainment Equipment

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
...home theatre systems?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
...portable audio equipment, for example, MP3 players, portable radios, etc. ?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
...non-portable audio equipment?
Do not include home theatre systems.
Do not include portable audio equipment.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
...Blu-ray players?
Do not include home theatre systems.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
... CD players and DVD players?
Do not include home theatre systems.
Do not include Blu-ray players.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
…televisions, video recorders and other television/video components?
Do not include home theatre systems.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: video game systems, accessories and video game cartridges?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: pre-recorded DVDs, CDs, video and audio cassette tapes, video discs and downloads of audio or video?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: blank video and audio cassette tapes, blank CDs, blank DVDs and diskettes?

Earlier you reported you do not own a computer - did your household have any expenses for computer hardware, software, supplies or equipment during 2009?
Remember to include purchases made as gifts.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to HF_Q170)

Home Electronics and Communications Equipment – Computer Equipment

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: computer hardware purchases?
For example, desktop computer systems, laptops, handhelds, peripherals and parts purchased separately, for example, monitors, keyboards, disk drives, printers, mouses.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: computer software purchases?
For example, operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, utilities programs, pc-games and multimedia software.
Include downloaded software.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: computer supplies and other equipment?
For example, printer paper, printer cartridges, CD or diskette storage units.
Exclude blank CDs, DVDs, and diskettes (record in question HF_Q130).

Home Electronics and Communications Equipment – Communications Equipment

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: purchase of telephones, cell phones, fax machines, answering machines, pagers or handheld text messaging devices?

Home Electronics and Communications Equipment – Communications Services

In 2009, did your household pay for two or more of the following services as a package or ‘bundled services’: telephone, cell phone, cablevision, satellite TV, Internet or security systems?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to HF_Q190)

Which services were included?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • … telephone land line (including long distance)?
  • … cell phone?
  • … cablevision?
  • … satellite TV?
  • … Internet access (including virus services)?
  • …security systems?
  • Other – Specify (Go to HF_Q181S)

Interviewer:  Specify

Can you provide the breakdown of the expenses?

  • Yes (Go to HF_Q190B)
  • No (Go to HF_Q182)

What were your total expenses for these combined services?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following services (exclude any amounts already reported as a package or ‘bundled services’): telephone services?
Include land-line basic and enhanced feature service charges, long distance charges after discounts, installation, equipment rentals, calls from hotels and pay phones, and phone cards.
Exclude Internet charges (record in HF_Q230) and cell phone charges (record in HF_Q200).

In 2009, in addition to these combined services, how much did your household spend on: cell phone, pager, and handheld text messaging services?

In 2009, in addition to these combined services, how much did your household spend on: rental of cablevision services?
Include installation, service charges and pay TV.

In 2009, in addition to these combined services, how much did your household spend on: rental of satellite TV and radio services?
Include installation, service charges and pay TV.

In 2009, in addition to these combined services, how much did your household spend on: Internet access services?
Include regular dial-up, medium and high-speed telephone and cable access and any other access method.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: home security services?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following services (include all amounts whether they were paid separately or were part of a bundled service):
… telephone services?
Include land-line basic and enhanced feature service charges, long distance charges after discounts, installation, equipment rentals, calls from hotels and pay phones, and phone cards.
Exclude Internet charges (record in HF_Q230) and cell phone charges (record in HF_Q200).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following services (include amounts paid separately and those that were part of a bundled service: cell phone, pager, and handheld text messaging services?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following services (include both amounts paid separately or part of your  ‘bundled services’): rental of cablevision services?
Include installation, service charges and pay TV.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following services (include both amounts paid separately or part of your  ‘bundled services’): rental of satellite TV and radio services?
Include installation, service charges and pay TV.

HF_Q230B  In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following services (include both amounts paid separately or part of your  ‘bundled services’): Internet access services?
Include regular dial-up, medium and high-speed telephone and cable access and any other access method.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following services (include both amounts paid separately or part of your  ‘bundled services’): home security services?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: rental of DVDs, videotapes, videodiscs, and video games?

In 2009, in addition to these combined services, how much did your household spend on: on-line services?
For example, subscriptions to Internet-based stock trading, information services, genealogy data bases, or other Internet-based services.
Exclude Internet versions of newspapers and magazines (record in Section RE – Recreation, Reading Materials and Education, questions RE_Q220 and RE_Q230).

In 2009, in addition to these combined services, how much did your household spend on: maintenance and repair of audio, video, computer and communication equipment?
Include service contracts.

In 2009, in addition to these combined services, how much did your household spend on: rental of audio, video, computer and communications equipment and other services related to home electronics equipment and supplies not reported elsewhere?
Exclude rental of telephones (record in question HF_Q190) and video games (record in question HF_Q240).

If HF_Q270 >0, Go to HF_Q270S

Interviewer:  Specify

Major Household Appliances

In 2009, did your household make any purchases of any appliances (excluding central vacuums)?
For example, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, washers, dryers, sewing machines,  vacuum cleaners, etc. 

  • Yes
  • No (Go to HF_Q360)

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: refrigerators and freezers?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: microwave ovens?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: cooking equipment?
For example, stoves, ranges, convection ovens, barbecues.
Exclude electric grills (record in question HF_Q400).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: washers and dryers?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: sewing machines, vacuum cleaners and other rug cleaning equipment?
Exclude central vacuums.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… dishwashers?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… room air conditioners, portable humidifiers and dehumidifiers?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: attachments and parts purchased separately for major household appliances?
Include vacuum cleaner bags.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: maintenance and repair of major household appliances?
Include service contracts.

Did your household  sell any major household appliances?
Exclude appliances that were traded-in.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to HF_Q400)

What was the total amount received in 2009?

Small Electrical Appliances

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… electric food preparation appliances?
For example, toasters, coffee makers, kettles, processors, blenders, electric knives, bread makers, electric grills.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… electric hairstyling and personal care appliances?
For example, dryers, clippers, razors, vaporisers, heating pads.
Exclude butane and other non-electric hairstyling equipment (record in Section PH - Personal and Health Care, question PH_Q080).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: all other electric appliances and equipment?
For example, irons, floor polishers, fans, electric blankets, can openers, extension cords, portable electric space heaters, water dispensers, water coolers, built-in fans, light fixtures and garage door openers.

Equipment for Serving and Preparing Food

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: cutlery, flatware and silverware?
Exclude disposable tableware (record in Section HO – Home Operation, question HO_Q175).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: non-electric kitchen and cooking equipment?
For example, tableware, pots, pans, mixing bowls, chopping boards, canisters, food keepers, spice racks, food choppers,
measuring cups.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for tools or equipment for lawn, garden or snow removal?
For example, lawn mowers, snow blowers, hoses, sprinklers, shovels and other garden tools.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to HF_Q470)

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: power lawn, garden and snow removal equipment?
For example, mowers, tractors, snow blowers, tillers, hedge trimmers.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: all other lawn, garden and snow removal tools and equipment, attachments, accessories, parts purchased separately?
Include non-power lawn mowers, hoses, sprinklers, clippers, shovels, flower pots, stakes, sprayers, spreaders.
Exclude flowers and garden supplies (record in Section HO – Home Operation).

Workshop/Garage Tools and Equipment

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: power tools and equipment?
For example, electric drills, circular saws, sanders, jigsaws, motors, pumps.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: all other tools, for example, ladders, hammers, screwdrivers, measuring tools, tool chests, workbenches, hand saws, soldering  irons, scissors, saw blades, drill bits?

Other Household Equipment

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: non-electric cleaning equipment?
For example, brooms, mops, dish racks, paint rollers, pails, garbage cans.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: luggage?
For example, suitcases, briefcases, trunks, baby carriers.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:   home security equipment?
For example, portable smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, burglar alarms, padlocks, safes and security boxes, escape ladders.
Exclude security services (record in question HF_Q235) and built-in devices (record in Section RR - Repairs and Improvements of Owned Principal Residences, question RR_Q100).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: all other household equipment, parts and accessories, for example, clocks, timers, ironing boards, calculators, strollers, house decorations and artificial Christmas trees.
Include non-clinical thermometers, clothes lines, laundry baskets, drapery hardware, hangers, fireplace tools, flashlights and silk flowers.

Service Related to Household Equipment

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: maintenance and repair of household equipment not previously reported?
Exclude major home appliances and home entertainment equipment.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: all other services related to household furnishings and equipment?
For example, the making of keys and draperies, the installation of stoves and draperies, rental of household furnishings, appliances and equipment.
Exclude rental of home entertainment equipment (record in Section HF – Household Furnishings and Equipment, question HF_Q270).

Go To Block HO

Home Operation (HO)

The next section refers to home operation.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: postage stamps and other postal and delivery services?
Include registered mail, special delivery mail, post office boxes, telegrams, couriers, fax services and parcel delivery.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for child care (including expenses made for someone else’s children)?
Include day care and occasional babysitting inside or outside your home.
Exclude children's camps, for example, day camps, summer camps (record in Section RE- Recreation, Reading Materials and Education, Recreation Services, question RE_Q200).

  • Yes
  • No (Go to HO_Q050)

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: day care centres?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other child care outside the home?
Exclude children's camps, for example, day camps, summer camps (record in Section RE- Recreation, Reading Materials and Education, Recreation Services, question RE_Q200).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: child care in the home?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: expenses for domestic help?
For example, housekeepers, cleaners, house-sitters?

Home and Garden Services

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: horticultural services, snow and garbage removal?
For example, groundskeeping, planting, pruning, tree removal, spraying, consulting services, soil and plant testing, landscape design services?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: nursery and greenhouse stock, cut flowers, floral arrangements and decorative plants?
Include shrubs, trees, bulbs, seeds, sod, real Christmas trees, dried arrangements, funeral, wedding and other fresh flower arrangements.

Flowers and Garden Supplies

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: fertilizers,  herbicides,  pesticides, soils and soil conditioners?

Did your household have any pet expenses in 2009?
For example, pet food, bird seed, purchases of pets, pet-related goods, veterinarian services, kennels, grooming.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to HO_Q130)

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: pet food?
Include birdseed.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: purchase of pets and pet-related goods?
For example, leashes, litter, collars, aquariums, grooming equipment and doghouses?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: veterinarian services and kennels, grooming and other pet- related services?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: laundry and dry-cleaning services?
Include diaper service.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: coin-operated washers and dryers, and self-service dry-cleaning?

Household Supplies

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: detergent and other soap?
For example, laundry detergent, liquid detergent and automatic dishwasher detergent?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other household cleaning supplies, for example, cleaners, waxes, bleach, fabric softeners, oven cleaners and drain cleaners?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: stationery supplies?
For example, giftwrap, greeting cards, writing paper, pens, markers, binders, tape?
Exclude school supplies (record in Section RE- Recreation, Reading Materials and Education, Education, questions RE_Q290 and RE_Q320).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other paper supplies, for example, facial tissue, paper towels, and paper napkins?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: plastic and foil supplies, for example, waxed paper, foil and plastic wraps, disposable plates and cutlery and garbage bags?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:  other household supplies, for example, light bulbs, dry cell batteries, candles, water softener salt, ice, road salt, adhesives, string, lawn mower gas?

Go To Block FA

Food and Alcohol (FA)

The next section refers to your food and alcohol purchases.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on food purchased from any types of stores, farmer stalls and home delivery?
Exclude non-food items bought with your groceries.
Exclude bulk purchases of food for canning, freezing, etc. (record in question FA_Q030).
Exclude food purchases made while away from home overnight or longer (record in question FA_Q050).

To get an annual expenditure, it may help to consider how much the regular grocery shopping is, how many times in a month the grocery shopping is done, and how much is for non-food items.

Remember to include food purchases at supermarkets, convenience stores, specialty stores, farmer’s stalls and any other type of stores.

What additional amounts did your household spend on: bulk food purchases, for example, meat in excess of 25 kg (55 lb.), bulk quantities of produce for freezing?
Include charges for cutting, wrapping and freezing.

What additional amounts did your household spend on: prepared food and non-alcoholic beverages for parties or weddings not already reported?

What additional amounts did your household spend on: food and non-alcoholic beverages purchased from stores while away from home overnight or longer?

How much did your household spend on alcoholic beverages purchased from stores?
For example, liquor stores, beer stores, wine stores, grocery stores.
Exclude non-alcoholic beer and wine (record in question  FA_Q010).

How much did your household spend on supplies and fees for self-made beer, wine or liquor?

How much did your household spend on meals and snacks?
Include purchases in restaurants, drive-ins, cafeterias, take-outs, canteens, catering in restaurants and hotels.
Exclude alcoholic beverages (record in question FA_Q100).

What amount was spent in this province?
You can report this as an amount or as a percentage.

If FA_Q090 = 0 or NonResponse, Go To FA_Q100

Was this an amount or a percentage? 

  • Amount
  • Percentage

How much did your household spend on alcoholic beverages purchased and consumed in bars, cocktail lounges and restaurants?
Include all taxes and tips.

If FA_Q100 = 0 or NonResponse, Go To FA_Q120

What amount was spent in this province?
You can report this as an amount or a percentage.

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

How much board did your household pay to other private households: for day board and children's lunches?
Exclude board paid while away from home overnight or longer (record in question FA_Q130).
Exclude child care expenses (already reported in the Home Operation Section).

How much board did your household pay to other private households: while away from home overnight or longer?

Go To Block CF

Clothing for women and girls 4 years and over (CF)

The next section refers to spending on clothing for women and girls 4 years and over on December 31, 2009.

Include all items purchased for present or future use.
Exclude purchases for unborn children (report in CG_Q030).
Exclude gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories and jewellery for
Persons who were not household members (record in Section CG - Clothing - Gifts of Clothing, question CG_Q010).

Interviewer:  Ask all detailed questions (CF_Q010 to CF_Q045) for each person. The question (CF_Q050) should be used to record the total amount spent for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: clothing, for example, outerwear, suits, dresses, skirts, slacks, sweaters, sleepwear, sportswear, specialized clothing, hosiery?
Exclude footwear and accessories.

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: athletic footwear including running shoes?

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: other footwear, for example, shoes, sandals, boots and slippers?

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: accessories, for example, gloves, hats, mitts, purses, umbrellas?

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: watches?

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: Other jewellery?

What was the total amount spent on clothing for [Member’s first name]?

Go To Block CM

Clothing for men and boys 4 years and over (CM)

The next section refers to spending on clothing for men and boys 4 years and over on December 31, 2009.

Include all items purchased for present or future use.
Include sales taxes.
Exclude purchases for unborn children (report in CG_Q030).
Exclude gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories and jewellery for persons who were not household members (record in Section CG - Clothing - Gifts of Clothing, question CG_Q020).

Interviewer: Ask all detailed questions (CM_Q010 to CM_Q045) for each person. The question (CM_Q050) should be used to record the total amount for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: Clothing, for example, outerwear, suits, pants, shirts, sweaters, socks, sleepwear, sportswear.
Exclude footwear and accessories.

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: athletic footwear including running shoes?

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: other footwear, for example, shoes, sandals, boots and slippers?

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: accessories, for example, gloves, hats, ties, belts, wallets, umbrellas?

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: watches?

In 2009, how much did [Member’s first name] spend on: other jewellery?

What was the total amount spent on clothing for [Member’s first name]?

Go To Block CC

Clothing for children under 4 years of age (CC)

The next section refers to spending on clothing for children under 4 years on December 31, 2009.

Include all items purchased for present or future use.
Include sales taxes.
Exclude purchases for unborn children (report in CG_Q030)
Exclude gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories and jewellery for persons who were not household members (record in Section CG -Clothing - Gifts of Clothing, question CG_Q030).

Interviewer:  Ask all detailed questions (CC_Q010 to CC_Q030) for each person. The  question (CC_Q040) should be used to record the total amount for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures.

In 2009, how much was spent on: Outerwear, daywear, sleepwear, and cloth diapers?

In 2009, how much was spent on: Disposable diapers?

In 2009, how much was spent on: Footwear, for example, shoes, sandals, boots, slippers?

What was the total amount spent on clothing for this person?

Go To Block CG

Clothing (CG)

The next section refers to purchases of gifts of clothing for people who were not members of your household and spending on clothing materials and services.

In 2009, how much did your household spend to purchase gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories or jewellery for people who were not members of your household: for women and girls who were 4 years and over on December 31, 2009?

In 2009, how much did your household spend to purchase gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories or jewellery for people who were not members of your household: for men and boys who were 4 years and over on December 31, 2009?  

In 2009, how much did your household spend to purchase gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories or jewellery for people who were not members of your household: for children who were under 4 years on December 31, 2009?
Include purchases for unborn children.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… clothing material, yarn, thread and other notions?
Exclude craft yarn (record in Section RE – Recreation, Reading Materials and Education - Other Recreation Equipment, question RE_Q070) and cloth for curtains, draperies and furnishings (record in Section HF - Household Furnishings and Equipment – Household Furnishings, Art and Antiques, question HF_Q050).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other clothing services for example, dressmaking, tailoring, clothing storage, rental of clothing and costumes, engraving of jewellery, and maintenance, repair and alteration of clothing, footwear, watches and jewellery?
Exclude laundry and dry cleaning (record in Section HO – Home Operation – Cleaning Services, questions HO_Q130 or HO_Q140).

Go To Block PH

Personal and Health Care (PH)

The next section refers to spending on personal and health care.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: hair grooming services?
Include washing, cutting, styling, perming and colouring of hair.
Include tips.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other personal care services?
Include hair removal, manicures, facials and tanning salons.
Include tips.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: hair care products?
For example, shampoos, conditioners, rinses, sprays, mousses, gels, home permanents and dyes.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: makeup, skin care and manicure products?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: fragrance products?
For example, perfume, cologne, body powders and pre-shave and after-shave products.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: personal deodorants and bar or liquid soap, shaving cream, sunscreen and suntan lotions, insect repellents, depilatory products, body and foot powders and other toiletry preparations?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: oral hygiene products?
For example, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash, denture cleaner and adhesives.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: personal care supplies and equipment, for example, brushes, wigs, hair scissors, razors, razor blades?
Include butane hairstyling equipment.
Exclude electric equipment (record in Section HF- Household Furnishings and Equipment, question HF_Q410).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on premiums for: provincially or territorially administered hospital, medical and drug plans?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on premiums for: private health insurance plans?
Include supplementary coverage to public hospital and medical plans for example, cost upgrades for private or semi-private beds, drugs, extended health benefit packages, drug plans, out-of-country or visitors' benefits.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on premiums for: dental plans sold as separate policies?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on premiums for: accident or disability insurance?

For the remaining questions include direct costs incurred by household members for all personal health care received.
Include amounts not covered by insurance such as exclusions, deductibles and expenses over limits.
Exclude payments for which you have been or will be reimbursed.

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: prescription eye wear, for example, contact lenses, eyeglasses, insurance on lenses?

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: other eye care goods, for example, non-prescription eye wear, eyeglass cases, supplies for contact lenses?

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: eye care services, for example, eye exams, eye surgery, laser surgery?

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: dental services and orthodontic and periodontal procedures?
For example, examinations, cleanings, fillings, extractions, x-rays, root canals, fittings and prescriptions for dentures.

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: physicians' care?
Include general practitioners and specialists.

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: hospital care, nursing homes, and other residential health care facilities?
Include all charges, for example, telephone, TV rentals, etc.

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: health care practitioners in the home, for example, nurses, attendant care, physiotherapists?

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: other health care practitioners, for example, nurses, therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, podiatrists, physiotherapists, homeopaths and naturopaths?

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: other medical services, for example weight control programs, quit-smoking programs, ambulances, rental of medical equipment, laboratory services?

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: prescribed medicines, drugs and pharmaceutical products?

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: non-prescribed medicines, drugs and pharmaceutical products, for example, headache or pain remedies, herbal and homeopathic remedies, vitamins?

In 2009, what were the direct costs to members of your household for: health care supplies and goods, for example, first aid kits, bandages, hearing aids, thermometers, wheelchairs and other appliances, bathroom scales, elastic hosiery?

Go To Block AT

Automobiles and trucks (AT)

The next section refers to spending on automobiles and trucks.

In 2009, did anyone in your household own, lease or operate a car, van or truck and use it completely or partially for private use?
Exclude rented vehicles (record in Section VE – Vehicle Expenses, question VE_Q030).

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Block VE)

Maximum of 10 vehicles

Please list all cars, vans or trucks (that anyone in your household owned, leased or operated during 2009, completely or partially for private use).

Interviewer: Enter the make, model or any other  description used by the respondent.

Which of the following best describes this vehicle?  Is it:

  • a car?
  • a van/mini-van?
  • a truck/sport utility vehicle?

When you bought or leased this vehicle, was it new or used?

  • New
  • Used

Did anyone in your household buy this vehicle in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to AT_Q070)

Was this vehicle purchased from:

  • a dealer?
  • a private household?

What was the purchase price after the trade-in allowance was deducted for this vehicle?
Include all sales taxes.

Was this vehicle being leased by a member of your household in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No(Go to AT_Q100)

What were the total regular leasing cost paid by your household in 2009?
Exclude operating costs and any other amounts charged to business.

What were the other leasing cost paid by your household in 2009?
Include down payment and closing costs.
Exclude any amounts charged to business.

What was the status of this vehicle on December 31, 2009?  Was it?

  • Owned? (Go to AT_Q130)
  • Leased?  (Go to AT_Q130)
  • Return to lessor? (Go to AT_Q130)
  • Sold separately or traded-in on lease? (Go to AT_Q110)
  • Traded-in on purchase? (Go to AT_Q120)
  • Owned/leased by non-household member? (Go to AT_Q130)
  • Other - Specify

If AT_Q100 = 7, go to AT_Q100S, then to AT_Q110, and skip AT_Q120.

Interviewer:  Specify

What was the net amount received?
Exclude any amount paid to business.

What was the vehicle’s trade-in value?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: gas and other fuels, for example, diesel fuel, propane?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
…accessories and attachements, for example, alarm systems, car starters, radios including satellite, CD players, block and other heaters, car top carriers, seat covers?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
... car seats or booster seats for children?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… tires, batteries and other automotive parts and supplies that were purchased separately, for example, mufflers, spark plugs, oil, antifreeze?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… maintenance and repair expenses, for example, oil changes, tune-ups, brakes, maintenance and body work?
Include emission tests.
Include repairs to other parties' vehicles which were paid by household members.
Exclude amounts paid by insurance or by persons who were not members of your household.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… vehicle registration fees?
Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… vehicle insurance premiums?
Exclude insurance that is paid with registration fees (record in AT_Q170).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… parking costs, for example, at work, at school, park-ride and parking meters?
Exclude parking at place of residence for renters (record in Section RN – Rented Principal Residences, question RN_Q090).

Description of vehicle:  [AT_Q020]
In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… vehicle security and communication services?
Include private and business use.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
Other operation services, for example, auto association fees, towing, toll and bridge fees?

IF AT_Q130 to AT_Q200 >0 (or NonResponse) Go To AT_Q210
Else Go To AT_Q229

Were any of these operating expenses charged to business or reimbursed?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to AT_Q229)

What amount was charged to business or reimbursed? 
You can report this as an amount or as a percentage.
Exclude leasing fees charged tobusiness.

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

Were there any repair jobs covered by insurance?

  • Yes
  • No  (Go to Block VE)

What was the value of these repair jobs?

Go to Block VE

Vehicle Expenses (VE)

The next section refers to spending on other vehicle-related expenses.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… drivers' licences and tests?
Report government insurance if included.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… driving lessons?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… rental fees for cars, trucks or vans?
Include mileage, insurance charges, taxes and drop-off fees.
Exclude any expenses charged to business.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… gas and other fuels for rented cars, trucks or vans?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… other expenses for rented cars, trucks or vans, for example, toll fees, parking, repairs?

Go To Block TR

Transportation (TR)

The next section refers to spending on recreational vehicles and transportation services.


In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… the purchase of bicycles, parts and accessories?
Exclude children's bicycles with wheels under 35 centimeters (14 inches) (record in Section RE – Recreation, Reading Materials and Education, question RE_Q080).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:
… bicycle maintenance and repairs?

Rented or Leased Recreational Vehicles

In 2009, how much were your household's total expenses for rented or leased recreational vehicles, such as, all-terrain vehicles, boats or canoes, snowmobiles, motorcycles, etc.?

Transportation Services

In 2009, how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… city or commuter bus, subway, streetcar or commuter train?
Exclude expenses charged to business.
Exclude package trips (record in question TR_Q120).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… taxi?
Include tips.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… airplane?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… train?
Include sleeping cars.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… highway bus?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… other local passenger transportation, for example, carpooling, airport bus, limousine service, ferry service?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… other inter-city passenger transportation services, for example, sightseeing tours, travel insurance, ferry and other water transportation, carpooling?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on moving,  storage and delivery services?

In 2009, did any member of your household take a trip that included a package?  (The package must have been organized in advance. The cost of two or more components of the trip  must have been combined. 
For example, transportation and accommodation, accommodation with food and beverages.)
Exclude package trips to be taken after 2009 even if deposits were made in 2009  (record in Section CA – Change in Assets, question CA_Q031).

What was the cost of the package trips (taken by your household in 2009)?

Go To Block RV

Recreational Vehicles (RV)

The next section refers to spending on recreational vehicles.

In 2009, did anyone in your household own or operate a recreational vehicle, such as all-terrain vehicle, boat or canoe, snowmobile, motorcycle, etc. and use it completely or partially for private use?
Exclude rented or leased vehicles (record in Section TR – Transportation, question TR_Q030).

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Block RE)

Maximum of 10 recreational  vehicles

Please list all recreational vehicles that anyone in your household owned or operated and used completely or partially for private use..

Interviewer: Enter the make, model or any other description used by the respondent.

Interviewer:  If necessary, ask:

Which of the following best describes this recreational vehicle?  Is it:

  • a motorcycle?
  • a snowmobile?
  • a tent trailer?
  • a travel trailer?
  • a truck camper?
  • a boat or canoe?
  • an outboard motor, a personal watercraft?
  • a motor home?
  • an all-terrain vehicle?
  • Other, for example, a utility trailer, an aircraft? (Go to RV_Q030S)

Interviewer:  Specify

Did anyone in your household buy this recreational vehicle in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to RV_Q050)

What was the price after the trade-in allowance was deducted?
Include all sales taxes.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following operating expenses: accessories, attachments, supplies and parts purchased separately for maintenance and repair?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following operating expenses: gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.?
Exclude fuels for cooking, heating, etc. (record in Section RE - Recreation, Reading Materials and Education, question RE_Q110).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following operating expenses: maintenance and repair jobs not covered by insurance?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following operating expenses: vehicle insurance premiums paid for in 2009?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following operating expenses: registration fees and licences paid for in 2009?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following operating expenses: other expenses, for example, parking, hangar and airport fees, mooring and boat storage, harbour dues?

Were any of the operating expenses charged to business

  • Yes
  • No (Go to RV_Q129)

What amount was charged to business?  You can report this as an amount or as a percentage.

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

Was this vehicle sold in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Block_RE)

What was the net amount received?

Go To Block RE

Recreation, Reading Materials and Education (RE)

The next section refers to spending related to recreation, reading materials and education.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: sports and athletic equipment?
Include equipment for golf, racquet sports, ice skating, skiing, fishing, home exercise and other sporting and athletic equipment and accessories.
Exclude athletic/running shoes (record in Clothing Section).
Exclude rentals (record in question RE_Q120).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: camping and picnic equipment and accessories?
For example, tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, camp stoves, lanterns, coolers, mattresses, utensils.
Include attachments and parts.
Exclude barbecues and electric grills (record in Section HF –  Household Furnishings and Equipment, questions HF_Q310 and HF_Q400).

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for any types of cameras or for photographic accessories or services?
For example digital cameras, memory cards, docking ports, lenses, tripods, projectors, albums, darkroom supplies, photographic film, school pictures, passport photos, binoculars, telescopes and microscopes.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to  RE_Q060)

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: digital cameras and accessories?
For example, memory cards, docking ports?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other cameras, camera parts, attachments and accessories, optical equipment, photographic film and any other photographic goods?
Include lenses, tripods, projectors, albums, darkroom supplies.
Include binoculars, telescopes and microscopes.
Exclude video cameras (record in Section HF – Household Furnishings and Equipment, questions HF_Q100 and HF_Q130).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: photographers' services?
For example, film processing, extra prints enlargements, processing of digital images, passport photos and school pictures?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: musical instruments, parts and accessories, for example, pianos and guitars?
Exclude sheet music (record in question RE_Q250).

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for other recreation equipment such as artists and craft material, toys, games, playground equipment, wading pool, collectors’ items, rental or repairs of recreation equipment, supplies for pools, hunting or fishing?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to  RE_Q125)

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: artists' materials, handicraft or hobbycraft kits and materials, yarn for crafts? Exclude school supplies (record in questions RE_Q290 and RE_Q320).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: toys and other games?
Include children's vehicles and bicycles with wheels under  35 centimeters (14 inches).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: swings, slides and other playground equipment, wading pools, pool covers, vacuum heads and other accessories for swimming pools?
Exclude pool chemicals (record in question RE_Q110).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: collectors' items, for example, stamps, coins?
Exclude works of art and antiques (record in Section HF – Household Furnishings and Equipment, questions HF_Q060 and HF_Q070).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: parts and supplies for recreation equipment, for example, camp fuels, ski  wax, pool chemicals, ammunition, bait?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: rental, maintenance and repair of recreation, sports, fitness equipment, photographic equipment, and musical instruments?

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for admissions to movies, live performing arts or sporting events, admissions to museums, zoos, ice shows, craft shows, fairs and festivals?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to  RE_Q170)

In 2009, how much did your household spend on admissions to:
… movie theatres?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on admissions to: live performing arts events, for example, plays, concerts, dance performances?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on admissions to: museums, historic sites, zoos, heritage facilities, ice shows, craft shows, fairs, festivals, and other activities and venues?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on admissions to: live sports events?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: fees for coin-operated and carnival games, for example, pinball, video games?
Exclude slot machines and video lottery terminals which allow you to win money (record in Section TM – Tobacco and Miscellaneous, question TM_Q130).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: fees for sports activities, sports and recreation facilities and health clubs?
Include single usage fees and membership fees and dues.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: children's camps, for example, day camps, summer camps?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other recreational services, for example, fishing and hunting licenses and guide service, party planning, rental of sports facilities?

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for any reading materials such as newspapers, magazines, books, maps, posters or for services such as photocopying services, library charges or announcements, etc.?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to  RE_Q265)

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: newspapers?
Include Internet subscriptions, and electronic and audio versions.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: magazines and periodicals?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: books and pamphlets?
Exclude school books (record in questions RE_Q280 and   RE_Q310).
Include Internet subscriptions, and electronic and audio versions.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: maps, sheet music and other printed matter, for example, posters, globes?
Include Internet subscriptions, and electronic and audio versions.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: services, for example, photocopying services, library charges, book rentals, bookbinding, advertisements, announcements?
Include Internet subscriptions, and electronic and audio versions.

In 2009, did your household have any expenses for tuition fees, books or supplies for kindergarten, elementary, secondary school, college or university or for any specialized courses such as music, dance, sport, crafts, etc.?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Block TM)

For the following questions include special and private schools.
Exclude day care expenses (record in Section HO – Home Operation, question HO_Q020).
Exclude lodging expenses (record in Section UT – Utilities and Other Rented Accommodation, question UT_Q070).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on kindergarten, nursery school, elementary or secondary school: tuition fees?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on kindergarten, nursery school, elementary or secondary school: books?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on kindergarten, nursery school, elementary or secondary school: supplies?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on post-secondary education, for example, university, trade, professional courses for: tuition fees?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on post-secondary education, for example, university, trade, professional courses for: books?

Of this amount how much was for new books? You can report this as an amount or a percentage.

Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage

In 2009, how much did your household spend on post-secondary education, for example, university, trade, professional courses for: supplies?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other courses and lessons, for example, music, dancing, sports, crafts?
Exclude driving lessons (record in Section VE – Vehicle Expenses, question VE_Q020).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other educational services, for example, tutoring, rental of  books and equipment?

Interviewer: Specify.

Go To Block TM

Tobacco and Miscellaneous (TM)

The next section refers to tobacco and miscellaneous expenses.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: Cigarettes

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: other tobacco products and smokers' supplies?
For example, cigars and similar products, tobacco, matches, pipes, lighters, ashtrays.

Miscellaneous Expenses

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following financial services: service charges for banks and other financial institutions?
Include safety deposit box charges.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following financial services: stock and bond commissions?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following financial services: administration fees for brokers and others?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on the following financial services: any other financial services, for example, financial planning, tax preparation or advice, accounting services?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: government-run lotteries?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: bingos?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: non-government lotteries, raffle tickets and other games of chance?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: casinos, slot machines and video lottery terminals?

In 2009, how much were your household's WINNINGS from: government-run lotteries purchased by yourself or given to you as a gift?

In 2009, how much were your household's WINNINGS from: bingos paid by yourself or given to you as a gift?

In 2009, how much were your household's WINNINGS from: non-government lotteries, raffle tickets and other games of chance paid by yourself or given to you as a gift?

In 2009, how much were your household's WINNINGS from: casinos, slot machines and video lottery terminals paid by yourself or given to you as a gift?

In 2009, what expenses did your household have for:  fines, loss of deposits, and money lost or stolen?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: contributions and dues for social clubs, co-operatives, political and fraternal organizations and alumni associations?
Exclude charitable organizations (record in Section TX – Personal Taxes, Security and Money Gifts, question TX_Q140).
Exclude sports activities (record in Section RE –  Recreation, Reading Materials and Education, question RE_Q180).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: tools and equipment purchased for work by wage or salaried workers?
Exclude items reported previously.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: legal services not related to dwellings?
Exclude legal services related to house purchase, sale, etc. (record in Section OP - Owned Principal Residences, question OP_Q080).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on:  funeral services, cemetery plots and upkeep, and tombstones?
Exclude pre-paid funerals (record in Section CA – Change in Assets, question CA_Q031).
Exclude flowers (record in Section HO – Home Operation, question HO_Q070).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: government services, for example, passports, birth certificates, citizenship, visas, marriage licenses?
Exclude vehicle registrations and drivers' licences (record in Section AT - Automobiles and Trucks, question AT_Q170 or Section VE – Vehicle Expenses, question VE_Q010).

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: wholesale/retail memberships?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: any other goods not yet reported?

If TM_Q220 >0, go to TM_Q220S

Interviewer: Specify.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on: any other services not yet reported for example, rental of halls?

If TM_Q230 >0, go to TM_Q230S.

Interviewer: Specify.

The following questions are asked to obtain details on how purchases were made by the household in 2009.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on goods and services purchased outside Canada?

In 2009, did your household purchase any goods or services through direct sales?
For example, the Internet; mail order companies; catalogue sales; infomercials or other television offers; book, music or video clubs; door-to-door salespeople.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to  Block IN)

Did your household purchase: food and beverages (through direct sales)?

  • Yes
  • No

Did your household purchase: books, newspapers and magazines (through direct sales)?

  • Yes
  • No

Did your household purchase:
… clothing, cosmetics and jewellery (through direct sales)?

  • Yes
  • No

Did your household purchase: home entertainment products, for example, CDs, audio equipment, computers through direct sales?

  • Yes
  • No

Did your household purchase: other products, for example, appliances, cleaners, toys, crafts, greenhouse or nursery products through direct sales?

  • Yes
  • No

Did your household purchase: travel services through direct sales?

  • Yes
  • No

Did your household purchase: other services through direct sales?

  • Yes (Go to TM_Q320S)
  • No (Go to TM_Q330)

Interviewer: Specify.

In 2009, how much did your household spend on goods or services purchased through: direct sales over the Internet?

In 2009, how much did your household spend on goods or services purchased through: other types of direct sales?

Go To Block IN

Personal Income (IN)

The next section refers to the income for members 15 years or over on December 31, 2009.

Interviewer: Amounts for persons 14 years or under (born after 1994) should be reported in a parent's column.

Ask all detailed questions (IN_Q010 to IN_Q140) for each person. Question IN_Q150 should be used to record the total amount for income for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed income.

Maximum of 20 members

In 2009, how many weeks did you work:
… full-time, including holidays or sick leave with pay?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK , RF

In 2009, how many weeks did you work:
… part-time, including holidays with pay?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK , RF

For 2009, what was your income from:
… paid employment?
Include total wages and salaries including commissions, tips, bonuses, taxable benefits, research grants, royalties, before deductions.

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from:
… self-employment ? (gross receipts minus expenses)
Include net farm income including grants and subsidies under farm-support programs, marketing board payments, gross insurance proceeds.
Include net non-farm income from unincorporated business, professional practice, including net income from roomers and boarders (non-relatives).

The following questions concern income from government.

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: child benefits, for example, child tax benefits, family allowances (federal, provincial and territorial)?

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: Old Age Security Pension, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor from federal government only?
Exclude provincial income supplements (report in question IN_Q090).

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: benefits from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan?
Report all regular payments for pension, disability and all other type of regular payments.

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: benefits from Employment Insurance or the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan
Include total benefits before tax deductions.

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: other government sources, for example, provincial income supplements and grants, GST / QST / HST credit, provincial tax credits, workers' compensation, veterans' pensions, social assistance?

If IN_Q090 >0 or NonResponse, Go To IN_Q090S

Interviewer: Specify

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: Personal Income Tax Refunds?

The following questions concern “Other income”.

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: dividends, interest on bonds, deposits, savings certificates, and other investment income, for example, net rents from real estate, interest from mortgages?
Exclude capital gains/losses.

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: retirement pensions, superannuation, and annuities including those from RRSP s and RRIF s?
Exclude withdrawals from a RRSP (record in Section CA – Change in Assets, question CA_Q050).

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: other money income, for example, alimony, child support, other support from outside the household, non-refundable scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, severance pay, retirement allowances, income maintenance insurance plan payments, other income from outside Canada?

If IN_Q130 >0 or NonResponse, Go To IN_Q130S

Interviewer: Specify.

For 2009, what was [member’s first name]'s income from: other receipts, for example, money gifts received from persons outside your household, cash inheritances and life insurance settlements?

If IN_Q140 >0 or NonResponse, Go To IN_Q140S

Interviewer: Specify.

What was the total amount of income for [member’s first name]?

Go To Block TX

Personal Taxes, Security and Money Gifts (TX)

The next section refers to the personal taxes, security and money gifts for persons 15 years and over on December 31, 2009.

Interviewer: Amounts for persons 14 years and under (born after 1994) should be reported in a parent's column.

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: income tax on 2009 income?
Exclude taxes paid in 2010 on 2009 income.

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: income tax on income for years prior to 2009?
Include taxes paid in 2009 on income earned in 2008 or earlier.

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: other personal taxes, for example, gift tax?

If TX_Q030 >0 or NonResponse, Go To TX_Q030S

Interviewer: Specify.

The following questions are concerning security and employment-related
Exclude RRSP contributions (record in question CA_Q040).

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: premiums on life, term and endowment insurance?

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: annuity contracts and transfers to RRIF s?

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: deductions from pay for employment insurance (EI) and Quebec parental insurance (QPIP)?

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: government retirement or pension fund, including federal, provincial and municipal government funds?

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: Canada/Quebec pension plan?

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: other retirement or pension funds?
Exclude RRSP contributions (record in question CA_Q040).

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for: dues to unions and professional associations?

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] pay for support payments to a former spouse or partner?
Include alimony, separation allowance or child support.

The following questions concern money gifts, contributions and other support payments to persons who were not household members.

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] spend on: money gifts given to persons living in Canada?
Exclude support payments just reported.

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] spend on: money gifts given to persons living outside Canada?
Exclude support payments just reported.

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] spend on charitable contributions to: religious organizations?

In 2009, how much did [member’s first name] spend on charitable contributions to: other charitable organizations?
For example, workplace charitable campaigns, Heart fund, Cancer society.

Go To Block CA

Change in Assets (CA)

The next section refers to changes in assets.

Report answers as a total of the information reported by individual household members. 

This information is used to complete the household budget and to balance revenues and expenditures.  We need to know the changes in assets over the year – we do not need the amount of assets.

In 2009, was there an increase or decrease in cash held in accounts in banks, trust or loan companies, and cash on hand?
Include guaranteed investment certificates ( GICs ).
Exclude RRSP s (record in question CA_Q040 or CA_Q050).

  • Yes, an increase (Go to CA_Q011)
  • Yes, a decrease (Go to CA_Q012)
  • No change/Not applicable (Go to CA_Q020)

What was the net increase?

What was the net decrease?

In 2009, was there an increase or decrease in money owed to your household by persons outside your household?
Exclude interest received (record in Section IN – Personal Income, question IN_Q110).

  • Yes, an increase (Go to CA_Q021)
  • Yes, a decrease (Go to CA_Q022)
  • No change/Not applicable (Go to CA_Q030)

What was the net increase?

What was the net decrease?

In 2009, was there an increase or decrease in money deposited as a pledge against future purchases of goods and services?

  • Yes, an increase (Go to CA_Q031)
  • Yes, a decrease (Go to CA_Q032)
  • No change/Not applicable (Go to CA_Q040)

What was the net increase?

What was the net decrease?

In 2009, how much did your household contribute to Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)?

In 2009, how much did your household withdraw from Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)?

In 2009, how much did your household contribute to Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)?

In 2009, how much did your household withdraw from Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)?

In 2009, what was the value of your household's: purchases of savings bonds, other bonds, Treasury bills and other securities?

In 2009, what was the value of your household's: sales of savings bonds, other bonds, Treasury bills and other securities?
Exclude interest received on sales (record in Section IN – Personal Income, question IN_Q110).

In 2009, what was the value of your household's: purchases of stock, mutual funds and shares in investment clubs?

In 2009, what was the value of your household's: sales of stock, mutual funds and shares in investment clubs?
Exclude interest received on sales (record in Section IN – Personal Income, question IN_Q110).

In 2009, what was the value of your household's: sales of personal property not traded in on new items in 2009?
Include items sold at auctions, yard sales and garage sales.
Exclude sales of appliances and vehicles (record in Sections HF- Household Facilities and Equipment, AT – Automobiles and Trucks, and RV – Recreational Vehicles).

Go To Block UB

Unincorporated Business (UB)

The next section refers to your household investments in unincorporated business.

In 2009, did anyone in your household have investments in unincorporated businesses, professional practices, farms or rental properties?
Include major improvements, for example, land improvements.
Include your household’s share in the case of partnerships.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Block LO)

In 2009, how much was:
… repaid on the principal of your mortgages or loans?
Include all lump-sum payments.

In 2009, how much was: paid to purchase assets for the business?
Include computers, machinery, trucks, cars, buildings and other income-earning properties.

In 2009, how much was: borrowed for the business or farm?
Include mortgages and loans.

In 2009, how much was: received after commissions from the sale of business assets?
Include computers, machinery, trucks, cars, buildings and other income-earning properties.

In 2009, how much was: estimated for capital cost allowance (depreciation) in the determination of net income from self-employment?

In 2009, was there an increase or decrease in accounts receivable?
For example, amount owed to the respondent by their customers.

  • Yes, an increase (Go to UB_Q071)
  • Yes, a decrease (Go to UB_Q072)
  • No change/Not applicable (Go to UB_Q080)

What was the net increase?

What was the net decrease?

In 2009, was there an increase or decrease in accounts payable?
For example, amount owed by the respondent to his suppliers and has not been paid yet.

  • Yes, an increase (Go to UB_Q081)
  • Yes, a decrease (Go to UB_Q082)
  • No change/Not applicable (Go to Block LO).

What was the net increase?

What was the net decrease?

Go To Block LO

Loans with Regular Payments (LO)

The next section refers to loans with regular payments.

Include student loans only if repayment has begun (if not, record in section MO – Other Monies owed).
Include loans (other than student loans) received in 2009 for which payment does not begin until after 2009.
Exclude lines of credit, credit cards and accounts, and any outstanding bills (record in section MO – Other Monies Owed).
Exclude mortgages and loans on property (record in Sections MT, OS and UB) and loans pertaining completely to business (record in Section UB).

In 2009, did your household have any loans with regular payments?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Block MO)

Please list all loans your household had in 2009?

Interviewer:  Enter the loan description used by the respondent, for example, vehicle, recreational vehicle, student, consolidation of debts, furniture/appliances, renovations.

Was this loan taken out in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to LO_Q050)

What was the amount of this loan?

Was there any additional amount borrowed in 2009 on this loan?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to LO_Q070)

What was the additional amount?

How much were the total payments made on this loan in 2009?
Include lump-sum payments.

Go To Block MO

Other Monies Owed (MO)

The next section refers to other monies owed by your household.

Exclude home equity lines of credit.
Exclude money owed or paid in connection with business or mortgage on property.

In 2009, did your household owe more money on other loans from financial institutions on January 1st or December 31st?
Include lines of credit and student loans that are not yet being repaid.

  • Owed more on January 1st (Go to MO_Q011)
  • Owed more on December 31st (Go to MO_Q012)
  • No difference (Go to MO_Q020)
  • No other loans from financial institutions (Go to MO_Q030

How much more was owed on January 1st?

How much more was owed on December 31st?

In 2009, what was the amount of interest charged on the loans from financial institutions?

In 2009, did your household owe more on credit cards from financial institutions on January 1 or December 31?

  • Owed more on January 1st (Go to MO_Q031)
  • Owed more on December 31st (Go to MO_Q032)
  • No difference (Go to MO_Q040)
  • No other loans from financial institutions (Go to MO_Q050)

How much more was owed on January 1st?

How much more was owed on December 31st?

In 2009, what was the amount of interest charged on the credit cards from financial institutions?

In 2009, did your household owe more on credit cards and other debts with stores, service stations and other retail establishments on January 1st or December 31st?
Include all revolving budget accounts.

  • Owed more on January 1st (Go to MO_Q051)
  • Owed more on December 31st (Go to MO_Q052)
  • No difference (Go to MO_Q060)
  • No other loans from financial institutions (Go to MO_Q070)

How much more was owed on January 1st?

How much more was owed on December 31st?

In 2009, what was the amount of interest charged on the credit cards and other debts with stores, service stations and other retail establishments?

In 2009, did your household owe more for unpaid bills (for example, rents, taxes and hospital bills) on January 1st or December 31st?

  • Owed more on January 1st (Go to MO_Q071)
  • Owed more on December 31st (Go to MO_Q072)
  • No difference (Go to MO_Q080)
  • No other loans from financial institutions (Go to MO_Q090)

How much more was owed on January 1st?

How much more was owed on December 31st?

In 2009, what was the amount of interest charged on rents, taxes and other bills, for example, hospital bills?

In 2009, did anyone in your household borrow money through a pay day loan?

  • Yes
  • No

Go To Block SC

Statistics Canada (SC)

Interviewer:  If it will be necessary to call-back the respondent to collect additional information, choose <1>, otherwise, choose  <2> to continue.

  • Call-back  Go to SC_R002
  • Continue

Interviewer:  Exit (<F10>) the case now, and assign an In-progress code.

If SC_R001 = 1, then go to END_BLOCK

Statistics Canada is always looking for ways to make surveys easier to complete.  One option would be to answer the questions on a home computer and then send the information to Statistics Canada via the Internet.  Naturally, the transmission of information would be safeguarded to guarantee privacy.

If given the option, would you have chosen to do the survey yourself over the Internet?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure


Summary (SU)

Interviewer:  This is the end of the interview.  If necessary, please return to make any necessary updates, or enter <1> to continue.  Automatic edits may appear which will require follow-up with the respondent.  Otherwise, the case will be finalized.

Interviewer: This is the end of the component. Return to previously answered questions to make any necessary corrections, or select <Exit> to exit the component.

  • Exit

Exit (EX)

Interviewer: Is the case in-progress or final?

  • In-Progress
  • Final

Interviewer: Assign the appropriate in-progress outcome code.

  • Incorrect phone number
  • Phone number not in service
  • Fast busy signal / strange noise / dead silence / fax machine
  • No one home / No answer
  • Regular busy signal
  • Answering machine or service – no message left
  • Answering machine or service – message left
  • Call screened / blocked / forwarded
  • Interview prevented due to weather conditions
  • Interview requested in other official language
  • Language barrier (not official language)
  • Suspended / interrupted
  • Soft appointment; call-back required
  • Hard appointment; call-back required
  • Verification of survey requested
  • Request for interview by another Interviewer
  • Refusal
  • Refusal first follow-up
  • Refusal second follow-up
  • Unusual / special circumstances
  • Threat to safety
  • Interview prevented due to respondent’s mental or physical condition
  • Incomplete case

Go To LQ_Q01

Interviewer: Assign the appropriate final outcome code.

  • No contact
  • Interview prevented due to weather conditions
  • Absent for duration of survey
  • Interview requested in other official language
  • Language barrier (not official language)
  • Outside of sample
  • Dwelling demolished
  • Dwelling under construction / renovation
  • Dwelling vacant
  • Collective dwelling
  • Seasonal or secondary dwelling
  • Residents not eligible
  • Out of balance
  • Refusal (Go to OC_N04)
  • Refusal first follow-up (Go to OC_N04)
  • Refusal second follow-up (Go to OC_N04)
  • Unusual / special circumstances (Go to OC_N05)
  • Threat to safety
  • Interview prevented due to respondent’s mental or physical condition
  • Incomplete case

Go To LQ_Q01

Interviewer: Record the reason for the refusal.

  • Dangerous / rude attitude
  • Won't answer the door
  • Not interested / doesn't want to participate
  • Doesn't want to be disturbed
  • Doesn't have the time
  • Against the government or Statistics Canada
  • Doesn't believe in or want to hear about statistics
  • Doesn't believe in or want to hear about surveys
  • Recently completed a survey (doesn't want to again)
  • Doesn't believe the info is secure (confidentiality)
  • Doesn't want to give personal information
  • Says not obligated / wants legal proof
  • Can get info somewhere else (e.g., Revenue Canada)
  • Adamant refusal (no reason, e.g., shuts the door or hangs up the phone)
  • Doesn't want to continue the survey (no more follow-ups)
  • Same household, refusal maintained (for follow-ups only)
  • Why me? Tells you to choose someone else
  • Other – Specify (Go to OC_N04S)

Interviewer:  Specify.

Interviewer:  Record the reason for the non-interview.

  • Illness or death in family
  • Recovering from natural disaster
  • Other – Specify (Go to OC_N05S)

Interviewer:  Specify.

Living Quarters (LQ)

Is there another set of living quarters within this structure?

  • Yes (Go to LQ_N02)
  • No (Go to TY_R01)

Interviewer:  Remember to verify the cluster list and add one or more multiples if necessary.  Press <Enter> to continue.

Thank You (TY)

Thank you for your participation in the Survey of Household Spending.

Interviewer: This is the end of the component. Return to previously answered questions to make any necessary corrections, or select <Exit> to exit the component.

  • Exit