Archived - Survey of Household Spending 2012 Redesign - Interview

Archived information

Archived information is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available.

Multiple Creation (MU)
Dwelling Type (DW)
Contact (CN)
Interviewer Introduction (II)
Language of Preference (LP)
Initial Contact (IC)
Refusal Re-contact (REF)
Appointment Re-contact (ARC)
Confirm Listing Address (Personal) (LA)
Listing Address (LAD)
Mailing Address (MA)
Address (AD)
Confirm Telephone (TEL)
North American Telephone (NATP)
Roster Introduction (RS)
"Usual" Roster (USU)
"Temp" Roster (TEM)
"Other" Roster 1 (OTH1)
Sex (SEX)
Age Without Confirmation (ANC)
Date (DATE)
Mother Tongue (LAN)
Marital Status Without Confirmation (MSNC)
Household Composition (HC)
Education (ED)
Person Providing Information (PPI)
Consent/Recording (REC)
Main Activity (MN)
Diary (DI)
Activity Limitation (AL)
Dwelling Characteristics (DC)
Facilities Associated with the Dwelling (FD)
Tenure (TE)
Current Owner (CO)
Current Renters (CR)
Purchase and Sale of Principal Residences (PS)
Improvements and Repairs of Principal Residence (RR)
Owned Secondary Residences and Other Properties (OS)
Household Furnishings and Equipment (HF)
Communications Services (CS)
Child Care (CC)
Food (FO)
Clothing (CL)
Clothing for women and girls 4 years and over (CF)
Clothing for men and boys 4 years and over (CM)
Clothing for children under 4 years of age (CI)
Gifts of Clothing (CG)
Health Care (HE)
Automobiles and Trucks (AT)
Transportation (TR)
Recreational Vehicles (RV)
Recreation and Education (RE)
Miscellaneous Expenses (ME)
Personal Income (IN)
Money Gifts and Contributions (MC)
Money Received (MR)
Diary Drop-off (DD)
Living Quarters (LQ)
Multiple Creation (MU)
Thank You (TY)
Thank You 1 (TY1)
Outcome Code (OC)
Action Code (AC)

Multiple Creation (MU)

Interviewer: Do you want to generate multiples?

  • Yes (Multiple Interview)
  • Yes (Multiple Dwellings)
  • No (Go to END_BLOCK)

Interviewer: Enter number of multiples (between 1 and 9).

Dwelling Type (DW)

Interviewer: Select the dwelling type.

  • Single detached?
  • Double?
  • Row or Terrace?
  • Duplex?
  • Low-rise apartment (fewer than 5 stories) or flat?
  • high-rise apartment (5 stories or more)?
  • Institution?
  • Hotel; rooming/lodging house; camp?
  • Mobile home?
  • Other – Specify

DW_C02B.. If DW_Q02 = 10 "Other – Specify"
Go to DW_S02
Otherwise, (Go to DW_END)

Interviewer: Specify. DK, RF are not allowed.

Contact (CN)

CN_N01 Interviewer: Record method of interview.

  • Telephone
  • Personal
    DK, RF are not allowed.

CN_N02 Interviewer: Have you made contact?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to END_BLOCK)
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer Introduction (II)

Hello, I'm [calling] from Statistics Canada. My name is

Interviewer:  Introduce yourself using both your given and last names.

Language of Preference (LP)

Would you prefer that I speak in English or in French?

  • English (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • French (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • Other
    DK,RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: Select respondent’s preferred non-official language.
If necessary, ask: (What language would you prefer?)

  • Chinese
  • Italian
  • Punjabi
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Polish
  • German
  • Vietnamese
  • Arabic
  • Tagalog
  • Greek
  • Tamil
  • Cree
  • Afghan
  • Cantonese
  • Hindi
  • Mandarin
  • Persian (Farsi)
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu
  • Inuktitut
  • Hungarian
  • Korean
  • Serbo-Croatian
  • Gujarati
  • Dari

Other – Specify Go to LP_S02
DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: Specify. DK, RF are not allowed.

Initial Contact (IC)

I'm calling regarding the Survey of Household Spending. This survey collects information on amounts spent on food, clothing, shelter, transportation, health care and other items in order to understand spending habits of households in Canada. Information is also collected about dwelling characteristics and household furnishings and equipment.

All information collected in this survey will be kept strictly confidential.

While participation is voluntary, your cooperation is important to ensure that the information collected in this survey is as accurate and as comprehensive as possible.
(Registration#: STC/HLD-45-60118)

DK, RF are not allowed.

Refusal Re-contact (REF)

One of our interviewers previously contacted your household regarding the Survey of Household Spending. This survey collects information on amounts spent on various items to understand spending habits of households in Canada.

DK, RF are not allowed.

Your participation is essential if the results are to be accurate. All information collected in this survey will be kept strictly confidential.

DK, RF are not allowed.

Appointment Re-contact (ARC)

One of our interviewers previously contacted your household regarding The Survey of Household Spending. I would like to continue the interview where we left off. As you know, all information we collect in this survey will be kept strictly confidential.

DK, RF are not allowed.

Confirm Listing Address (LAD)

Interviewer: Confirm the listing address.

Listing Address (LAD)

Interviewer: Enter the civic number.

  • If necessary, ask: What is the civic number?

Street Interviewer: Enter the street name.

  • If necessary, ask: What is the street name?
    DK, RF and null are not allowed.

Interviewer: Enter the apartment number.

  • If necessary, ask: What is the apartment number?
    DK, RF and null are not allowed.

Interviewer: Enter the city, town, village or municipality.

  • If necessary, ask: What is the city, town, village or municipality?
    DK, RF and null are not allowed.

Postal Code
Interviewer: Enter the postal code.

  • If necessary, ask: What is the postal code?
    If null, DK or RF, Go to Province.


Interviewer: Confirm that the [province / territory] is [province or territory based on postal code].

If necessary, ask: So the [province / territory] is [province or territory based on postal code]?

  • Yes (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • No
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: Select the province or territory.
If necessary, ask: What is the province or territory?

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick
  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Yukon
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut
    DK, RF and null are not allowed.

Mailing Address (MA)

What is your correct mailing address?

Address (AD)

Interviewer: Enter the civic number.

  • If necessary, ask What is the civic number?
    If DK or RF Go to CONFNUM
    Otherwise Go to Street.


Interviewer: Do you wish to skip the remaining address fields?

  • Yes (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • No
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: Enter the street name.

  • If necessary, ask What is the street name?
    Null is not allowed.

Interviewer: Enter the apartment number.

  • If necessary, ask What is the apartment number?

Interviewer: Enter the city, town, village or municipality.

  • If necessary, ask What is the city, town, village or municipality?
    DK, RF and null are not allowed.

Postal Code
Interviewer: Enter the postal code. If the address is outside Canada, press <Enter>.

  • If necessary, ask What is the postal code?
    If null, DK or RF, Go to Province.

Interviewer: Confirm that the [province/territory] is [province or territory based on postal code].
If necessary, ask So the [province/territory] is [province or territory based on postal code]?

  • Yes (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • No
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: Select the province or territory.

If necessary, ask (What is the province or territory)?

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick
  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Yukon
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut
  • U.S.A.
  • Outside of Canada and U.S.A
    DK, RF and Null are not allowed.

Interviewer: Select the state.

If necessary, ask What is the state?

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming  
    DK, RF and Null are not allowed.

Zip Code
Interviewer: Enter only a US zip code.

If necessary, ask What is the zip code?

Confirm Telephone (TEL)

If no telephone number exists
Go to TEL_Q02

I would like to confirm your telephone number. Is it [telephone number]?

  • Yes (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • No
  • DK, RF (Go to END_BLOCK)

What is your telephone number, including the area code?

North American Telephone (NATP)

Area Code
Interviewer: Enter the area code.

If necessary, ask: What is the area code?
If DK/RF Go to Telephone No.
If "000", fill Telephone No.
with 0000000 (Go to END_BLOCK)
(MIN : 0) (MAX : 995)

Telephone No.
Interviewer: Enter the telephone number.
If necessary, ask: What is the telephone number?
(MIN : 0) (MAX : 9999995)

Roster Introduction (RS)

The next few questions ask for important basic information about the people in your household.

DK, RF are not allowed.

"Usual" Roster (USU)

What are the names of all persons who usually live here?

DK, RF and null are not allowed.

"Temp" Roster (TEM)

Is anyone staying here temporarily?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • DK, RF (Go to END_BLOCK)

What are the names of all persons who are staying here temporarily?
DK, R and null are not allowed.

"Other" Roster 1 (OTH1)

Are there any other persons who usually live here but are now away at school, in hospital, or somewhere else?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • DK, RF (Go to END_BLOCK)

What are the names of the other people who live or stay here?
DK, RF and null are not allowed.

Sex (SEX)

Interviewer: Enter [respondent name]'s sex.

If necessary, ask:  Is [respondent name] male or female?

  • Male
  • Female
    DK, RF are not allowed

Age Without Confirmation (ANC)

What is [respondent name]'s date of birth?

Date (DATE)

Interviewer: Enter the day.
If necessary, ask: What is the day?
(MIN : 1) (MAX : 31)

Interviewer: Select the month.
If necessary, ask: What is the month?

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Interviewer: Enter a four digit year.

  • If necessary, ask: What is the year?

So [respondent name]'s age on [reference date] was [calculated age]. Is that correct?
Interviewer: Date of birth is [text month of birth] [day of birth], [year of birth].

  • Yes (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • No, return and correct date of birth
  • No, collect age Go to ANC_Q03

What is [respondent name]'s age?
Age in years (MIN : 0) (MAX : 121)

Mother Tongue (LAN)

What is the language that <^you> first learned at home in childhood and still <^understand>?
Interviewer: If this person no longer understands the first language learned, indicate the second language learned. Report two languages only if both languages were used equally often and are still understood by this person.

  • English
  • French
  • Other – Specify Go to LAN_S020

What is the language that ^you first learned at home in childhood and still <^understand>?
Interviewer: Specify.
DK, RF and null are not allowed

Marital Status Without Confirmation (MSNC)

What is [respondent name]'s marital status? Is [he/she]?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • married
  • living common-law
  • widowed
  • separated
  • divorced
  • single, never married

Household Composition (HC)


INTERVIEWER:  Code ‘1’ is assigned to the reference person.
What is [household member’s first name]’s relationship to [first name of Person No 01]? Is it:

  • Opposite-sex spouse/partner
  • Same-sex spouse/partner
  • Son/Daughter (birth, adopted or step)
  • Brother/Sister
  • Father/mother
  • Foster father/mother
  • Foster son/daughter
  • Grandfather/mother
  • Grandson/daughter
  • In-law
  • Other related
  • Unrelated

Interviewer: Please assign the ‘Economic Family Code’ at time of interview.

Education (ED)

What is the highest grade of elementary or high school [respondent name] ever completed?

  • Grade 8 or lower (Québec: Secondary II or lower) Go to ED_Q03
  • Grade 9 – 10 (Québec: Secondary III or IV, Go to ED_Q03
    Newfoundland and Labrador: 1st year of secondary)
  • Grade 11 -13 (Québec: Secondary V,
    Newfoundland and Labrador: 2nd to 4th year of secondary)
    DK, RF Go to ED_Q03

Did [respondent name] graduate from high school (secondary school)?

  • Yes
  • No

Has [respondent name] received any other education that could be counted towards a degree, certificate or diploma from an educational institution?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to END_BLOCK)
  • DK, RF (Go to END_BLOCK)

What is the highest degree, certificate or diploma [respondent name] has obtained?

  • No post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma
  • Trade certificate or diploma from a vocational school or apprenticeship training
  • Non-university certificate or diploma from a community college, CEGEP, school of nursing, etc.
  • University certificate below bachelor's level
  • Bachelor's degree
  • University degree or certificate above bachelor's degree

Person Providing Information (PPI)

Interviewer: Select the person who [is providing/provided] the information. [If the person is not on the list, select “Non-household member”.]
DK, RF are not allowed.

Consent/Recording (REC )

Some of this interview may be recorded for the purpose of quality control.  Do you agree to being recorded?

  • Yes
  • No

DK, RF are not allowed.


Main Activity (MN)

The next part of this interview asks about the main activity for each member of this household.

If Call Block MN1 for each member of household.

Currently, what is ^DT_FName_E main activity? ^DT_ISHESHE:
Interviewer: If necessary, read categories to respondent.

  • Working at a job or business or self-employed
  • Looking for work
  • Going to school
  • Keeping house
  • Caring for other family members including young children
  • Retired
  • Experiencing a long term illness or disability
  • Doing volunteer work
  • No main activity
  • Other – Specify Go to MN1_S010
  • DK, RF
    Go to MN1_END

(Currently, what is ^DT_FNAME_E main activity? ^DT_ISHESHE:)
Interviewer: Specify.

Diary (DI)

Interviewer: Briefly mention the diary and diary guide to the respondent.
Do not explain the details of how to fill out the diary at this time.

Activity Limitation (AL)

The next section refers to activity limitation.

? AL_Q010
^DT_DOESANY_C have any difficulty hearing, seeing, communicating, walking, climbing stairs, bending, learning or doing any similar activities?

  • Yes, sometimes
  • Yes, often
  • No
  • DK, RF

If (AL_Q010 = 1 or 2) and HCNum > 1 Go to AL_Q020
Otherwise, Go to AL_Q030

Can you tell me who they are?
INTERVIEWER:  Mark all that apply.
DK, RF are not allowed.

? AL_Q030
Does a physical condition or mental condition or health problem reduce the amount or the kind of activity ^DT_THATYOU can do at home, at work, at school, or in other activities such as transportation or leisure?

  • Yes, sometimes
  • Yes, often
  • No
  • DK, RF

If (AL_Q030 = 1 or 2) and HCNum > 1 Go to AL_Q040
Otherwise, Go to AL_END.

Can you tell me who they are?
DK, RF are not allowed.

Dwelling Characteristics (DC)

The next section refers to the characteristics of your current principal residence.

? DC_Q010 What type of dwelling do you live in? Is it ... ?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • A single detached
  • A semi-detached (double)
  • A townhouse (row or terrace)
  • A duplex
  • A low-rise apartment of fewer than 5 stories or a flat
  • A high-rise apartment of 5 stories or more
  • A hotel, rooming or lodging house, camp, for example, logging, construction
  • A mobile home
  • A movable dwelling, for example, boat, recreational vehicle, van
  • Other – Specify Go to DC_S010
    DK, RF

    Go to DC_Q020

(What type of dwelling do you live in? Is it ... ?)

? DC_Q020
Is this dwelling part of a condominium development?
Do not include co-operatives.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

In what year was this dwelling originally built?
[Min: 1800 Max: 2020] Go to DC_Q040
DK, RF Go to DC_Q031

If possible, select the estimated year that this dwelling was originally built from one of the following groups. Was it … ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • 1920 or before
  • 1921 - 1945
  • 1946 - 1960
  • 1961 - 1970
  • 1971 - 1980
  • 1981 - 1990
  • 1991 - 2000
  • 2001  2010
  • 2011 - ^aSY
  • DK, RF

? DC_Q040
Is this dwelling in need of any repairs?
Do not include desired remodelling or additions.
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • No, only regular maintenance is needed (painting, furnace cleaning, etc.).
  • Yes, minor repairs are needed (missing or loose floor tiles, bricks or shingles, defective steps, railings or siding, etc.)
  • Yes, major repairs are needed (defective plumbing or electrical wiring, structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings, etc.)
  • DK, RF

How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling?
Include all rooms designated as bedrooms even if they are now used for something else, for example, as guest rooms or television rooms.
Do not count rooms used solely for business purposes.

Include all rooms used as bedrooms now, even if they were not originally built as bedrooms, such as bedrooms in a finished basement.
For a one-room dwelling or a bachelor apartment, enter zero.
[Min: 0 Max: 20] DK, RF

How many bathrooms with a bathtub or shower are there in this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 10] DK, RF

Facilities Associated with the Dwelling (FD)

The next section refers to electronic and communication equipment associated with your dwelling including items you do not own.

? FD_Q010
How many:
…cell phones for personal use do you have at this dwelling?
Include handheld text messaging devices with cell phone capability.
Do not include cordless phones or pagers.
[Min: 0 Max: 97] DK, RF

? FD_Q020
(How many:
… telephones (do you have at this dwelling)?
Include phones used for business.
Do not include cell phones.
[Min: 0 Max: 97] DK, RF

If FD_Q020 = 0 Go to FD_Q021
Otherwise, Go to FD_Q030

Why there is no telephone (at this dwelling)? The telephone is...?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Too expensive, was cut off
  • Not installed yet (moved in recently)
  • Not a necessity, not important
  • Replaced by a cell phone
  • Not available (unserviced area)
  • Other Specify Go to FD_S021

Default Go to FD_Q040

(Why is there no telephone (at this dwelling)? The telephone is ... ?)
Interviewer: Specify.

? FD_Q030
How many:
… telephone numbers (do you have for this dwelling)?
Include phone numbers used for business.
Do not include cell phone numbers and pager numbers [Min: 0 Max: 97] DK, RF

Do you have:
… cablevision (cable TV) (at this dwelling)?

  • Yes Go to FD_Q045
  • No
    DK, RF

    Go to FD_Q050

Which type of cablevision service do you have? Is it ... ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Basic cablevision service
  • Extended cablevision service
  • DK, RF

Do you have:
… a satellite dish (at this dwelling)?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

Do you have:
… a compact disc (CD) player (at this dwelling)?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

Do you have:
… a DVD player (at this dwelling)?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

Do you have:
… a home computer (at this dwelling)?
Do not include computers used exclusively for business.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

? FD_Q090
Do you have:
… a CD writer (at this dwelling)?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

? FD_Q100
Do you have:
… a DVD writer (at this dwelling)?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

? FD_Q110
Does your household have access to the Internet from this dwelling?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

What type of Internet connection do you have? Is it ... ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.  Do not include wireless routers, which are used to distribute the Internet signal within the dwelling.

  • A regular telephone connection
  • A high-speed telephone connection
  • A cable connection
  • A satellite dish connection
  • A wireless connection (including 3G or 4G handheld devices, sticks or fixed wireless)
  • Other – Specify
    DK, RF

    Go to FD_END

(What type of Internet connection do you have? Is it ... ?)
Interviewer: Specify.

Tenure (TE)

The next section refers to the tenure of your dwelling.

Is your dwelling ... ?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent

  • Owned with a mortgage (by your household), that is a personal loan contracted with a financial institution or a private company to buy a home Go to TE_Q020
  • Owned without a mortgage (by your household)  Include types of financing which are not mortgages Go to TE_Q020
  • Rented (by your household) Go to TE_Q050
  • Occupied rent-free (by your household), that is, where no member owns the dwelling and no rent is charged Go to TE_Q050
    DK, RF are not allowed.

If you were to sell this dwelling today, how much would you expect to sell it for?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

?TE_Q030 If you were to rent this dwelling today, how much would you expect to rent it for monthly, unfurnished and without utilities?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

TE_C040 If (DC_Q010 < 5) Go to TE_Q040
Otherwise, Go to TE_Q050

? TE_Q040
Some homeowners have added an apartment to their homes to accommodate relatives or to rent out to others. Such apartments have their own kitchen and bathroom facilities. Is there an apartment like this in this dwelling?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

? TE_Q050
In what year did the household move to this dwelling?
Interviewer: Enter a four-digit year.
[Min: 1900 Max: 2020] Go to TE_Q060


In which month?

Interviewer: Select the month.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

Current Owner (CO)

If TE_Q010 = 1 (owned with a mortgage) or 2 (owned without a mortgage) Go to CO_R001
Otherwise, Go to CO_END

The next section refers to expenses in relation to this dwelling.
The survey only collects information about household expenses, so for all remaining questions, do not include expenses charged against businesses or rental income.

? CO_Q010
In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… property taxes for this dwelling?
Include school taxes, special service charges and local improvements billed during that time.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO_Q010 = 0 Go to CO_Q011
Otherwise, Go to CO_Q020

Why were no property taxes paid?
Interviewer: Specify. DK, RF

? CO_Q020
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… homeowners’ insurance for this dwelling?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO_Q020 > 0 Go to CO_Q021
Otherwise, Go to CO_Q030

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 104] Go to CO_N022

DK, RF Go to CO_C030

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

If DC_Q020 = 1 Go to CO_Q030
Otherwise, Go to CO_Q040

? CO_Q030
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… condominium fees for this dwelling?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO_Q030 > 0 Go to CO_Q031
Otherwise, Go to CO_Q031B

CO_C031B  If CO_Q030 = DK/RF, go to CO_Q035.
Otherwise, go to CO_Q040.

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CO_N032

DK, RF Go to CO_Q035

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Which of the following services were included in the condominium fees: Was it...?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  • Taxes
  • Heat
  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Insurance
  • Cable/Internet/telephone
  • Day-to-day care and upkeep of the common property elements (for example, snow removal, landscaping, cleaning of common elements including carpets and exterior windows, heating/cooling system maintenance)
  • Contributions to the reserve fund
  • Property management fees
  • Building repair and maintenance
  • Amenities
  • Other – Specify Go to CO_S035
  • None of the above
    DK, RF
    Go to CO_Q040

(Which of the following services were included in the condominium fees?  Was it ... ?)

Interviewer: Specify.


? CO_Q040
In the last 12 months, (DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… legal charges related to this dwelling, for example, title searches?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? CO_Q050
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… registration fees, renewal fees and early renewal or closing penalties associated with mortgages for this dwelling?
Do not include actual mortgage payments.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? CO_Q060
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… other expenses related to this dwelling, for example, surveying fees and
Include paid rental fees for mobile homes.
Do not include expenses related to mortgage payments, renovations, repairs, rent, utilities, real estate commissions, land transfer taxes, and land registration fees.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO_Q060 > 0 Go to CO_Q061
Otherwise, Go to CO_C070

Please specify the other expenses.
Interviewer: Specify. DK, RF

If TE_Q010 = 1 (owned with a mortgage), Go to CO_R070
Otherwise, go to CO_Q170.

The next few questions are about mortgage payments for this dwelling.

How many mortgages does your household have on this dwelling?

  • No mortgage   Go to CO_Q170
  • 1
  • 2
  • More than 2
    DK, RF Go to CO_Q170

Call block CO1 a maximum of value of CO_Q070

? CO1_Q080
How much was your household’s last regular payment for the (^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E)?
Include any special levies but do not include any irregular or lump sum payments.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO1_Q080 > 0 Go to CO1_Q081
Otherwise, Go to CO1_Q090

What was the payment period? Was it ... ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • … weekly?
  • … every two weeks?
  • … twice a month?
    … monthly?
  • Other - Specify Go to CO1_S081
  • DK, RF
    Go to CO1_Q090

(What was the payment period? Was it ... ?)
Interviewer: Specify.

? CO1_Q090
In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), what was the total premium paid for mortgage-related insurance for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO1_Q090 = 0 Go to CO1_Q100
Otherwise, Go to CO1_Q095

Were the premiums for mortgage-related insurance included in the mortgage payments?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

Were the property taxes included in the mortgage payments?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

How much principal was paid on your last payment for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
Refer to mortgage statements or electronic records if possible.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

How much interest was paid on your last payment for this ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
Refer to mortgage statements or electronic records if possible.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If (CO1_Q105 = DK, RF and CO1_Q107 = DK, RF) Go to C01_Q109
Otherwise, Go to C01_N108

Interviewer: Did the respondent refer to mortgage statements or electronic records to answer the total principal paid and/or total interest paid questions?

  • Yes
  • No
    DK, RF

What was the interest rate applied to the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
Interviewer: Record the interest rate as a percentage. Ensure to always record the percentage to two digits after the decimal as rounding is not permitted (for example, 4.25% must not be rounded to 4.30%).
(Percent) [MIN: 0.00 MAX: 100.00] DK, RF

? CO1_Q110 Is the interest rate "fixed" or "variable"?

  • Fixed rate
  • Variable rate
  • DK, RF

What was the latest month when the payments were made for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how many lump-sum or irregular payments have been made for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
Interviewer: If respondent has made no lump-sum or irregular payments, write 0.
Enter 10 when 10 or more lump-sum or irregular payments are reported and explain in a Remark (F4). Report total amount in the tenth payment of the following question (CO2_Q113).
[Min: 0 Max: 10] DK, RF

Call block CO2 the value of CO1_Q112

How much was your household's lump sum or irregular NBRLUMPSUM_E for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In which month did the lump sum or irregular NBRLUMPSUM_E on the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E occur?

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

What was the total balance owing for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E on your last statement?
Interviewer: If it is not possible to report the balance owing as of the last statement, please report the balance owing on the anniversary date or at the beginning or end of the term.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] Go to CO1_Q125

DK, RF Go to CO1_Q130

Is the balance owing as of the ... ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Time of the interview
  • Last statement
  • Anniversary date
  • Beginning of the term
  • End of the term
  • DK, RF
    Go to CO1_Q135

In which of the following groups do you estimate your current balance owing is for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E? Is it ... ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Less than $25 000
  • $25 000 to less than $50 000
  • $50 000 to less than $75 000
  • $75 000 to less than $100 000
  • $100 000 to less than $150 000
  • $150 000 to less than $200 000
  • $200 000 to less than $250 000
  • $250 000 to less than $300 000
  • $300 000 to less than $500 000
  • $500 000 or more
  • DK, RF

What is the amortization period for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E? That is, the total number of years over which you agreed to pay off the mortgage in full? Is it ... ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • less than 10 years?
  • 10 to 14 years?
  • 15 to 19 years?
  • 20 to 24 years?
  • 25 years?
  • 30 years?
  • 35 years?
  • 40 years?
  • Other – Specify Go to CO1_S135
    Go to CO1_Q140

(What is the amortization period for the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E? That is, the total number of years over which you agreed to pay off the mortgage in full?  Is it ... ?
Interviewer: Specify. DK, RF

What is the current term of the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E? Is it...?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • 6 months
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 7 years
  • 10 years
  • Other term Go to CO1_Q145
  • DK, RF
    Go to CO1_Q150

What is the current term of the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
(MIN: 6) (MAX: 40) DK, RF

What was the starting year of the current term of the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
(MIN: 1979) (MAX: 2012) DK, RF

What was the starting month of the current term of the ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

In what year do you need to renew your ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E?
(MIN : 2012) (MAX : 2040) DK, RF

In what month (do you need to renew your ^DT_NBRMORTGAGE_E)?

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

? CO_Q170   
Does your household finance this dwelling (all or part) using an arrangement other than a mortgage?

  • Yes
  • No  Go to CO_R200
  • DK,RF Go to CO_R200

What kind of financing was used? Was it...?
Interviewer:  Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  • A line of credit secured by the dwelling (home equity line) Go to CO_Q190
  • A line of credit secured by another asset (for example, a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC))
  • An unsecured line of credit
  • An on-going all-in-one borrowing arrangement that allows the borrower to choose the amounts and types of borrowing (for example, mortgage, line of credit, personal loan)
  • A personal loan
  • Other - Specify  Go to CO_S180
    Go to CO_R200

(What kind of financing was used? Was it ... ?)
Interviewer: Specify

How much did your household owe on the home equity line of credit as of the last statement?
(MIN: 0) (MAX: 99999997) DK, RF

In the last statement, how much did your household pay:
... in principal on the home equity line of credit?
(MIN: 0) (MAX: 99999997) DK, RF

In the last statement, how much did your household pay:
... in interest on the home equity line of credit?
(MIN: 0) (MAX: 99999997) DK, RF

The next few questions are about expenses for utilities.

If DC_Q020 = 1 = Do not report costs already included in the condominium fees.
Otherwise = NULL.

Do not include expenses charged against business or rental income.

How much was your household’s last payment:
… for water and sewage charges for this dwelling?
Include expenses for water tankers that deliver water and fill water tanks at private homes.
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

IF CO_Q200 > 0 Go to CO_Q201
Otherwise, Go to CO_Q210

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CO_N202
DK, RF Go to CO_Q210

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was your household’s last payment for:
… electricity for this dwelling?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO_Q210 > 0 Go to CO_Q211
Otherwise, Go to CO_Q230

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CO_N212

DK, RF Go to CO_Q230

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

? CO_Q230
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… natural gas (piped gas) for this dwelling?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO_Q230 > 0 Go to CO_Q231
Otherwise, Go to CO_Q250

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CO_N232

DK, RF Go to CO_Q250

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend in total on:
… heating oil for this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend in total on:)
… propane for heating and cooking for this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend in total on:
… wood and other fuel for heating and cooking for this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? CO_Q280
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… the rental of heating equipment for this dwelling, for example, rental of a hot water tank?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CO_Q280 > 0 Go to CO_Q281
Otherwise, Go to CO_END

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CO_N282


Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Current Renters (CR)

If TE_Q010 = 3 (Rented) or TE_Q010 = 4 (Occupied rent-free), Go to CR_R001
Otherwise, Go to CR_END

The next section refers to payments for rent and utilities.
The survey only collects information about household expenses, so for all remaining questions, do not include expenses charged against businesses or rental income.

If TE_Q010= 3 Go to CR_Q020
Otherwise, Go to CR_Q060

? CR_Q020
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… rent for this dwelling?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CR_Q020 > 0 Go to CR_Q021
Otherwise, go to CR_C021B

If CR_Q020 = DK/RF, go to CR_Q025.
Otherwise, go to CR_Q030

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CR_N022

DK, RF Go to CR_Q025

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Which of the following services were included in the rental payments:
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  • Appliances, furniture, furnishings
  • Electricity
  • Heat
  • Water
  • Parking (inside or outside)
  • Air conditioning
  • Amenities (swimming pool/gym/laundry facilities)
  • Cablevision/Internet
  • Meal plans
  • Other - Specify Go to CR_S025
  • None of the above.
    DK, RF
    Go to CR_Q030

Which of the following services were included in the rental payments ... ?
Interviewer: Specify. DK, RF

In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), what additional amounts were paid to the landlord that were not included in the payment you just reported, for example, security deposits?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997], DK, RF

Does your household pay a reduced rent?

  • Yes
  • No Go to CR_Q060
  • DK, RF Go to CR_Q060

What is the reason your household pays reduced rent? Is it ... ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • because you live in federal, provincial or municipal government subsidized housing?
  • for another reason, for example, services to the landlord, company housing, full or partial payment by non-household members?
  • DK, RF

In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… improvements and repairs for this dwelling?
Do not include amounts reimbursed by the landlord.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? CR_Q070
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… tenants’ insurance for this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CR_Q070 > 0 Go to CR_Q071
Otherwise, Go to CR_Q080

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 104] Go to CR_N072

DK, RF Go to CR_Q080

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

? CR_Q080
If CR_Q025 = 5 = In addition to parking fees already included in the rent payments, how much was your household’s last payment for:
Otherwise = How much was your household’s last payment for:
… parking for this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CR_Q080 > 0 Go to CR_Q081
Otherwise, Go to CR_R100

CR_Q081 How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CR_N082

DK, RF Go to CR_R100

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Month
    DK, RF are not allowed.

The next few questions are about expenses for utilities.
Do not include expenses already included in the rent payments.
(Do not include expenses charged against businesses or rental income.)

How much was your household’s last payment for:
… water and sewage charges for this dwelling?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CR_Q100 > 0 Go to CR_Q101
Otherwise, Go to CR_Q110

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CR_N102

DK, RF Go to CR_Q110

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

If CR_Q025 = 2 = In addition to electricity costs already included in the rent payments, how much was your household’s last payment for:

Otherwise = How much was your household’s last payment for:
… electricity for this dwelling?

[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CR_Q110 > 0 Go to CR_Q111
Otherwise, Go to CR_Q130

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CR_N112

DK, RF Go to CR_Q130

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was your household’s last payment for:
… natural gas (piped gas) for this dwelling?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CR_Q130 > 0 Go to CR_Q131
Otherwise, Go to CR_Q140

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CR)N132

DK, RF Go to CR_Q140

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend in total on:
… heating oil for this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend in total on:)
… propane for heating and cooking for this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend in total on:)
… wood and other fuel for heating and cooking for this dwelling?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? CR_Q170     
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… the rental of heating equipment for this dwelling?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CR_Q170 > 0 Go to CR_Q171
Otherwise, Go to CR_END

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CR_N172


Interviewer: Indicate if this period was in weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Purchase and Sale of Principal Residences (PS)

The next section refers to the purchase and sale of principal residences.

(Do not include purchase and sale of vacation homes, dwellings bought or sold solely for business purposes and homes bought or sold for non household members, for example, children not living at home.)

? PS_Q010
In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), how many homes did your household purchase?

  • Did not purchase a home Go to PS_Q050
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
    DK, RF Go to PS_Q050

Call Block PS1 (up to 3 times) based on response selected at PS_Q010.

? PS1_Q030
What was the purchase price of Nbrpurchases_E home?
Do not include adjustments to property taxes and fuel oil.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? PS1_Q040
How much was paid for land transfer taxes (Welcome tax) and land registration fees for Nbrpurchases_E home?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? PS_Q050
In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), how many homes did your household sell?

  • Did not sell a home Go to PS_END
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
    DK, RF Go to PS_END

Call Block PS2 (Up to 3 times) based on response selected at PS_Q050.

? PS2_Q070
What was the selling price of Nbrsales_E home?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

How much was paid for real estate commissions for Nbrsales_E home?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Improvements and Repairs of Principal Residence (RR)

If TE_Q010 = 1 or 2 Go to RR1_R001
Otherwise, Go to RR1_END

The next section refers to spending on improvements and repairs of the current owned principal residence.

The section will focus on two kinds of expenditures:

  • Improvements and renovation expenses are made to increase the value or useful life of a property, for example, adding a new fence, replacing windows or installing a new furnace.
  • Repairs and maintenance expenses are made to keep a property in good working condition or maintain its appearance, for example, painting a fence, replacing a broken windowpane or replacing a furnace filter.

Do not include expenses for vacation homes, secondary residences, rented principal residences and other properties.

Do not include expenses charged against business and rental income.

Do not include housekeeping costs, such as rug cleaning and snow removal.

Insurance Settlements
For insurance settlements used to repair or replace property, report the deductible in the appropriate expenditure question.

This first set of questions is about money your household spent on work done to the outside of your dwelling (owned principal residence).

Interviewer: Refer respondent to pages ^DV_RB_RR1 of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

Remember to include improvement, renovation, repair and maintenance expenses.
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ...?

  • Exterior additions or extensions (for example, garages, carports, porches, decks and sheds) (Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, electrical fixtures and wiring.)
  • Roofs
  • Eavestroughing
  • Exterior walls, siding, soffits, facia, chimneys and foundations.
  • Windows and exterior doors including garage doors. (Include replacing and repairing door knobs and locks.)
  • Driveways, fences, decks, exterior steps, patios, in-ground or above-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and major landscaping projects such as installing a pond. (Include complete sodding, shrubs and trees.) (Do not include hobby gardening.)
  • Exterior painting or staining (for example, painting or staining doors, garages, decks, porches or fences)
  • Septic systems and wells (Do not include pumping services.)
  • None of the above Go to RR1_END
  • DK/RF Go to RR1_END

If RR1_Q005 = 1, go to RR1_Q010.
Otherwise, go to RR1_C020.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… exterior additions or extensions, for example, garages, carports, porches, decks and sheds?
Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as, lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR1_Q011

DK, RF Go to RR1_C020

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR1_Q005 = 2 Go to RR1_Q020
Otherwise, Go to RR1_C030.

In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), were the roof expenses for...?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Complete re-roofing – that is replacing all the shingles or complete re-tarring
  • Fixing and maintaining the existing roof Go to RR1_Q023
  • Both of the above
  • DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent for complete re-roofing?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR1_Q022

DK, RF Go to RR1_C023

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining the existing roof? Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR1_Q005 = 3, Go to RR1_Q023
Otherwise, Go to RR1_Q030

In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), were the eavestroughing expenses for...?

Interviewer:  Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or completely replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining Go to RR1_Q033
  • Both of the above
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent for installing or completely replacing eavestroughing? Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR1_Q032

DK, RF Go to RR1_C033

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR1_Q030 = 3 Go to RR1_Q033
Otherwise, Go to RR1_C040

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing eavestroughing? Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR1_Q005 = 4 Go to RR1_Q040
Otherwise, Go to RR1_C050

? RR1_Q040
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the exterior walls, siding, soffits, facia, chimneys and foundations expenses for ...?

Interviewer:  Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or completely replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining Go to RR1_Q043
  • Both of the above
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent for adding or completely replacing exterior walls, siding, soffits, facia, chimneys and foundations?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR1_Q042

DK, RF Go to RR1_C043

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing exterior walls, siding, soffits, facia, chimneys and foundations?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR1_Q005 = 5 Go to RR1_C050
Otherwise, Go to RR1_C0060

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the windows and exterior doors (including garage doors) expenses for ...?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining Go to RR1_Q053
  • Both of the above
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent for adding or replacing windows and exterior doors including garage doors? Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR1_Q052

DK, RF Go to RR1_C053


In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR1_Q050 = 3, Go to RR1_Q053
Otherwise, Go to RR1_Q060

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing windows and exterior doors, including garage doors?
Include replacing or repairing door knobs and locks. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR1_Q005 = 6 Go to RR1_Q060
Otherwise, Go to RR1_Q070

? RR1_Q060
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the driveways, fences, decks, exterior steps, patios, in-ground or above-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and major landscaping projects expenses for... ?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or completely replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining Go to RR1_Q063
  • Both of the above
    RF and DK are not allowed.

How much was spent for adding or completely replacing fences, driveways, patios, in-ground or above-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and major landscaping projects such as installing a pond?
Include complete sodding, shrubs and trees.
Do not include hobby gardening. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] go to RR1_Q062

DK, RF go to RR1_C063

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR1_Q060 = 3 Go to RR1_Q063
Otherwise, Go to RR1_C070

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing, driveways, fences, decks, exterior steps, patios, in-ground or above-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and ponds? Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR1_Q005 = 7 Go to RR1_Q070
Otherwise, Go to RR1_C080

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… exterior painting or staining, for example, painting or staining doors, garages, decks, porches or fences?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
 [Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR1_Q005 = 8 Go to RR1_Q080
Otherwise, Go to RR1_END

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… septic systems and wells?
Include adding, completely replacing, fixing and maintaining.
Do not include pumping services.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR1_Q080 > 499 Go to RR1_Q081
Otherwise Go to RR1_END

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If TE_Q010 = 1 or 2 Go to RR1_Q090
Otherwise Go to RR2_END

This next set of questions is about money your household spent on work done to the inside of your dwelling (owned principal residence).

Interviewer: Refer respondent to pages ^DV_RB_RR2Q095A and ^DV_RB_RR2Q095B1 of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.
Remember to include improvement, renovation, repair and maintenance expenses.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  1. Interior additions or extensions (for example, additional rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, sunrooms)(Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring.) (Include built-in appliances.)
  2. Renovating/remodelling of rooms (for example, kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms)(Include built-in appliances.) (Do not include finishing the basement.)
  3. Finishing the basement (Include built-in appliances.)
  4. A concrete basement floor

Interviewer: Refer respondent to pages ^DV_RB_RR2Q095A and ^DV_RB_RR2Q095B of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

Remember to include improvement, renovation, repair and maintenance expenses.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  • 5. Interior walls and ceilings (for example, plastering, drywall, paneling, tiling)
  • 6. Interior painting and wallpapering(Include patching or prepping the walls prior to painting or wallpapering.)
  • 7. Hard surface flooring (such as tiling, linoleum, wood floors and wall-to-wall carpeting) (Include underpadding.) (Include re-varnishing hardwood floors.) (Do not include carpet cleaning.)
  • 8. Interior doors (for example, closet doors, bedroom doors, bathroom doors, French doors, pocket doors)

(Include replacing or repairing door knobs and door locks.)

Interviewer: Refer respondent to pages ^DV_RB_RR2Q095A and ^DV_RB_RR2Q095B of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

Remember to include improvement, renovation, repair and maintenance expenses.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  • 9. Plumbing fixtures and equipment (for example, faucets, sinks, bathtubs, shower units, hot tubs, toilet tanks, hoses, tubing, hot water tanks and water softeners) (Include service contracts.)
  • 10. Heating and/or air conditioning equipment (for example, furnaces, fireplaces and oil tanks) (Include replacing furnace filters and service contracts.)
  • 11. Home security devices (Do not include monitoring )
  • 12. Adding or completely replacing a central vacuum (Do not include repairs.)
  • None of the above Go to RR2_END
    DK/RF Go to RR2_END

If RR2_Q095 = 1 Go to RR2_Q100
Otherwise Go to RR2_C110

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… interior additions or extensions, for example, additional rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, sunrooms?
Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as, lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring.
Include built-in appliances.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q101

DK, RF Go to RR2_C110

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
 Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 2 Go to RR2_Q110
Otherwise Go to RR2_C120

? RR2_Q110
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… renovating/remodelling of rooms, for example, kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms?
Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as, lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring.
Include built-in appliances.
Do not include finishing the basement.
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q111

DK, RF Go to RR2_C120

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 3 Go to RR2_Q120
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C130

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… finishing the basement?
Include all items purchased for the project, no matter how small the cost, such as, lumber, hardware, floor coverings, paint, wallpaper, electrical fixtures and wiring.
Include built-in appliances.Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q121

DK, RF Go to RR2_C130

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 4 Go to RR2_Q130
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C140

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the concrete basement floor expenses for...?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or completely replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining go to RR2_Q133
  • Both of the above
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent for adding or completely replacing a concrete basement floor? Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q132

DK, RF Go to RR2_C133

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q130 = 3 Go to RR2_Q133
Otherwise, Go to RR2_Q140

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining an existing concrete basement floor?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 5 Go to RR2_Q140
Otherwise, Go to RR2_Q150

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… interior walls and ceilings, for example, plastering, drywall, paneling, tiling?

Do not include previously reported expenses.

[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 6 Go to RR2_Q150
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C160

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… interior painting and wallpapering?
Include patching or prepping the walls prior to painting or wallpapering. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 7 Go to RR2_Q160
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C170

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the hard surface flooring expenses, such as tiling, linoleum and wood floors, and wall-to-wall carpeting, for...?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or completely replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining go to RR2_Q163
  • Both of the above
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent for adding or completely replacing hard surface flooring, such as tiling, linoleum and wood floors, and wall-to-wall carpeting?
Include underpadding. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q162

DK, RF Go to RR2_C163

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q160 = 3 GO TO RR2_Q163
Otherwise, go to RR2_C170

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing hard surface flooring, such as tiling, linoleum and wood floors, and wall-to-wall carpeting?
Include re-varnishing hardwood floors.
Do not include carpet cleaning. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 8 GO TO RR2_Q170
Otherwise, go to RR2_C180

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the interior doors expenses, for example, closet doors, bedroom doors, bathroom doors, French doors, pocket doors, for ...?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining go to RR2_Q173
  • Both of the above
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent for adding or replacing interior doors, for example, closet doors, bedroom doors, bathroom doors, French doors, pocket doors?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q172

DK, RF Go to RR2_C173

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q170 = 3, go to RR2_Q173.
Otherwise, go to RR2_C180.

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining interior doors, for example, closet doors, bedroom doors, bathroom doors, French doors, pocket doors?
Include replacing or repairing door knobs and door locks. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 9, go to RR2_Q180.
Otherwise, go to RR2_C190.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the plumbing fixtures and equipment expenses, for example, faucets, sinks, bathtubs, shower units, hot tubs, hot water tank and water softener, for ...?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or completely replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining go to RR2_Q183
  • Both of the above
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent for adding or completely replacing plumbing fixtures and equipment, for example, new faucets, sinks, bathtubs, shower units, hot tubs, hot water tanks and water softeners? Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] go to RR2_Q182

DK, RF go to RR2_C183

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q180 = 3,  Go to RR2_Q183
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C190

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing plumbing fixtures and equipment, for example, faucets, sinks, bathtubs, shower units, hot tubs, toilet tanks, hoses, tubing, hot water tanks and water softeners?
Include service contracts.  Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 10, RF Go to RR2_Q190
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C200

? RR2_Q190
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the heating and/or air conditioning equipment expenses, for example, furnaces, fireplaces and oil tanks for...?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding or completely replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining go to RR2_Q193
  • Both of the above
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was spent on adding or completely replacing heating and/or air conditioning equipment, for example, new furnaces, fireplaces and oil tanks?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q192

DK, RF go to RR2_C193

If RR2_Q191 = DK, RF Go to RR2_Q193
Otherwise, Go to RR2_Q192

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q190 = 3, Go to RR2_Q193
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C200

How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing heating and/or air conditioning equipment, for example, furnaces, fireplaces and oil tanks?
Include replacing furnace filters and service contracts. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 11, Go to RR2_Q200
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C210

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), were the home security devices expenses for ...?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Adding, upgrading or completely replacing
  • Fixing and maintaining go to RR2_Q203
  • Both of the above
    Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

? RR2_Q201
How much was spent for adding, upgrading or completely replacing home security devices?
Do not include monitoring services. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q202

DK, RF Go to RR2_C203

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If RR2_Q200 = 3, Go to RR2_Q203
Otherwise, Go to RR2_C210

? RR2_Q203
How much was spent for fixing and maintaining existing home security devices?
Do not include monitoring services. Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR2_Q095 = 12 , Go to RR2_Q210
Otherwise, Go to RR2_END

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… adding or completely replacing a central vacuum?
Do not include repairs.  Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR2_Q211

DK, RF Go to RR2_END

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

If TE_Q010 = 1 or 2, go to RR3_R215.
Otherwise, go to RR3_END.

The next set of questions is about money your household spent on work done to the exterior and/or interior of your dwelling (owned principal residence).

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DT_RB_RR3Q215 of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

Remember to include improvement, renovation, repair and maintenance expenses.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  • Caulking and weather-stripping (for example, around windows and doors)
  • Insulation
  • Electrical fixtures and equipment (such as wiring, electrical panel, ceiling fan, built-in ventilation fan, light fixtures, garage door opener, dimmer switches)
  • None of the above   Go to RR3_Q250
  • DK, RF  Go to RR3_Q250

If RR3_Q215 = 1, go to RR3_Q220.
Otherwise, go to RR3_C230.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… caulking and weather-stripping, for example, around windows and doors?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR3_Q215 = 2, go to RR3_Q230
Otherwise, go to RR3_C240

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… insulation?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR3_Q230 > 999, go to RR3_Q231.
Otherwise, go to RR3_C240.

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

IF RR3_Q215 = 3 go to RR3_Q240
Otherwise, Go to RR3_Q250

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… electrical fixtures and equipment such as wiring, electrical panel, ceiling fan, built-in ventilation fan, light fixtures, garage door opener, dimmer switches?
Do not include previously reported expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? RR3_Q250
Did your household spend money for any other work to improve or renovate your principal residence in the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), that hasn’t already been mentioned?
Include adding or completely replacing. Do not include previously reported expenses.

  • Yes
  • No
    DK, RF are not allowed.

IF RR3_Q250 = 1 Go to RR3_Q251
Otherwise, Go to RR3_Q270

Please list all other improvements or renovations.
Interviewer: Enter the description used by the respondent.
To delete a description, replace it with *.
To continue, go to the blank line at the end of the list, enter 1 in the description, and press <Enter>.

RF/DK are not valid answers.

Call Block RR4 (Up to 10 times) or depending on number of descriptions listed at RR3_Q251. Pass RR3_Q251 (description of improvements or renovations) and number of descriptions listed to RR4.

How much did your household spend for this improvement or renovation (^RR3_Q251)?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] Go to RR4_Q261

DK, RF go to RR4_END

In which month(s) did this/these expense(s) occur?
Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • DK, RF

? RR2_Q270
Did your household do any other repairs or maintenance work on your principal residence in the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), that hasn’t already been mentioned? Do not include previously reported expenses.

  • Yes
  • No
    DK, RF are not allowed.

IF RR3_Q270 = 1 Go to RR3_Q271
Otherwise, Go to RR3_C290

Please list all other repairs or maintenance.
Interviewer: Enter the description used by the respondent.
To delete a description, replace it with *.
To continue, go to the blank line at the end of the list, enter 1 in the description, and press <Enter>.
DK, RF are not allowed.

Call Block RR5 (Up to 10 times) or Depending on number of descriptions listed at RR3_Q271. Pass RR3_Q271 (description of repairs or maintenance) and number of descriptions listed to RR5.

How much did your household spend for this repair or maintenance (^RR3_Q271)?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If ^DV_IMPALT_TEMPTOT= 0 Go to RR3_C300.

Your total expenditures for improvements were $ ^DV_IMPALT_TEMPTOT.
Of this amount how much did your household spend on:
… contract work or hired labour?
You can report this as an amount or a percentage.
Include the cost of materials if they were billed with the labour.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR3_Q290 = 0 or DK or RF, Go to RR3_C300
Otherwise, go to RR3_N291.

Interviewer: Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Otherwise, go to RR3_Q300.

Your total expenditures for repairs and maintenance were $
Of this amount how much did your household spend on contract work or hired labour? You can report this as an amount or a percentage.
Include the cost of materials if they were billed with the labour. Include the cost of materials if they were billed with the labour.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RR3_Q290 = 0 or DK or RF, Go to RR3_END.
Otherwise, go to RR3_N301.

Interviewer: Was this an amount or a percentage?

  • Amount
  • Percentage
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Owned Secondary Residences and Other Properties (OS)

? OS_R001
The next section refers to spending on owned secondary residences and other properties.
(Do not include expenses charged against business or rental income.)
Interviewer: These questions are asked of both owners and renters.

Do not include a dwelling which was owned by the household, but rented out for the whole year, as it is considered a business.

? OS_Q010
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), did anyone in your household own a vacation home or other secondary residence?
Include time-shares and properties outside of Canada.
Do not include moveable vacation homes, for example, trailers, motor homes

  • Yes
  • No Go to OS_Q160
  • DK, RF Go to OS_Q160

Was the vacation home or other secondary residence purchased in the last 12 months (^DT_12M_2_E)?

  • Yes
  • No Go to OS_Q050
  • DK, RF Go to OS_Q050

What was the purchase price?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend in total on mortgage payments?
Do not include payments made at time of sale.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF


In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), did anyone in your household sell a vacation home or other secondary residence?

  • Yes
  • No Go to OS_Q100
  • DK, RF  Go to OS_Q100

What was the selling price?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

What were the real estate commissions?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? OS_Q100
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… repairs and maintenance?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? OS_Q110
(In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:)
… improvements and alterations?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? OS_Q120
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… property taxes and sewage charges?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… property insurance?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… utilities such as electricity, water and fuel?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? OS_Q150
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… other expenses associated with the property, for example, condominium charges, survey costs, time share arrangements, legal fees or premiums for mortgage-related insurance?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? OS_Q160
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), did anyone in your household own any other property, such as land, a vacant lot or vacant dwelling?
Do not include principal and secondary residences, rental or other business property, and farm property

  • Yes
  • No Go to OS_END
  • DK, RF Go to OS_END

Was the other property purchased in the last 12 months (^DT_12M_2_E)?

  • Yes
  • No Go to OS_Q200
  • DK, RF Go to OS_Q200

What was the purchase price?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

How much were the mortgage payments over the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E)?
Do not include payments made at time of sale.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E) did anyone in your household sell any other property?

  • Yes
  • No Go to OS_Q250
  • DK, RF Go to OS_Q250

What was the selling price?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

What were the real estate commissions?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… repairs and improvements to the property, for example, servicing of land, roads, sewers?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:)
… other expenses associated with the property, for example, property taxes, survey costs, appraisal fees, utilities?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Household Furnishings and Equipment (HF)

The next section refers to spending on household furnishings and equipment.
Include taxes, tips, customs duties and any additional charges.
Include new and used goods and any gifts purchased for persons who were not members of your household.
Include purchases for use in principal residences, vacation homes or in other accommodations but do not include purchases for a dwelling rented out to another household.
Report the total price of items purchased on an instalment plan.
Report the full purchase price of goods and services received in the reference period regardless of when or how they were paid for (for example, instalment plans or buy now, pay later).
If a trade-in allowance was used, report the net purchase price.
(Do not include amounts charged against businesses.)

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DT_RB_HFQ010 of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  1. Furniture for indoor or outdoor use
    (Include mattresses.)
    (Include the cost of home-made or home-finished furnishings.)
    (Do not include rental costs.)
  2. Rugs, mats and under-padding
    (Do not include wall-to-wall carpeting.)
  3. Works of art, carvings and other decorative ware (for example, vases, candlesticks, figurines, wall hangings)
  4. Antiques (for example, furniture and jewellery that are at least 100 years old)
  5. Refrigerators and freezers
    (Include built-in appliances.)
  6. Microwave ovens
    (Include built-in appliances.)
  7. Cooking appliances (for example, stoves, ranges, convection ovens, barbecues)
    (Include built-in appliances.)
    (Do not include electric grills.)

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DT_RB_HFQ010 of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  1. Washers and dryers
    (Include built-in appliances.)
  2. Dishwashers
    (Include built-in appliances.)
  3. Air conditioners, portable humidifiers and dehumidifiers
    (Do not include central air conditioners.)
  4. Power lawn, garden and snow removal equipment (for example, mowers, tractors, snowblowers, rotary tillers, hedge trimmers)
  5. Power tools for the garage and workshop (for example, electric drills, circular saws, sanders, jigsaws, motors, pumps)
  6. None of the above  Go to HF_Q113
    DK, RF Go to HF_Q113

If HF_Q010 = 1 go to HF_Q020
Otherwise, Go to HF_C030

 ? HF_Q020
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… furniture for indoor or outdoor use?
Include mattresses.
Include the cost of home-made or home-finished furnishings.
Do not include rentals.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 2 go to HF_Q030
Otherwise, Go to HF_C040

? HF_Q030
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… rugs, mats and underpadding?
Do not include wall-to-wall carpeting.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 3 go to HF_Q040
Otherwise, Go to HF_C050

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… works of art, carvings and other decorative ware, for example, vases, candlesticks, figurines, wall hangings?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 4 Go to HF_Q050
Otherwise, Go to HF_C060

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… antiques, for example, furniture and jewellery that are at least 100 years old?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 5 go to HF_Q060
Otherwise, Go to HF_C070

? HF_Q060
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:
… refrigerators and freezers?
Include built-in appliances.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 6 go to HF_Q070
Otherwise, Go to HF_C080

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… microwave ovens?
(Include built-in appliances.)
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 7 Go to HF_Q080
Otherwise, Go to HF_C090

? HF_Q080
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… cooking appliances, for example, stoves, ranges, convection ovens, barbecues?
Include built-in appliances.
Do not include electric grills.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 8 go to HF_Q090
Otherwise, Go to HF_C100

? HF_Q090
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… washers and dryers?
(Include built-in appliances.)
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 9 go to HF_Q100
Otherwise, Go to HF_C110

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… dishwashers?
(Include built-in appliances.)
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 10 go to HF_Q110
Otherwise, Go to HF_Q111

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… air conditioners, portable humidifiers and dehumidifiers?
(Do not include central air conditioners.)
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 11 go to HF_Q111
Otherwise, Go to HF_C112

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… power lawn, garden and snow removal equipment (for example, mowers, tractors, snowblowers, rotary tillers, hedge trimmers)?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q010 = 12 , go to HF_Q112
Otherwise, Go to HF_C113

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
... power tools for the garage and workshop (for example, electric drills, circular saws, sanders, jigsaws, motors, pumps)?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DT_RB_HFQ113  of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  • 1 Telephone equipment (landline) including answering and fax machines
  • 2 Mobile phone equipment including cell phones, smartphones (for example, iPhone, Blackberry) and pagers
  • 3 Tablet computers such as iPad, PlayBook, Galaxy Tab
  • 4 Home theatre systems
  • 5 Portable audio equipment (for example, iPod nano, iPod classic, Sansa, portable radios, etc.)
  • 6 Non-portable audio equipment (for example, CD player, shelf stereo system, speaker dock, home speakers that are not bought as part of a home theatre system)
  • 7 Blu-Ray players
  • 8 DVD players
  • 9 Televisions, video recorders and other television and video components
  • 10 None of the above Go to HF_Q160
    • DK,RF (Go to HF_Q160)

If HF_Q113 = 1, go to HF_Q115.
Otherwise, go to HF_C120

? HF_Q115
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… telephone equipment (landline) including answering and fax machines?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q113 = 2, go to HF_Q120.
Otherwise, go to HF_C125.

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… mobile phone equipment including cell phones, smartphones (for example, iPhone, Blackberry) and pagers?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q113 = 3, go to HF_Q125.
Otherwise, go to HF_C130.

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… tablet computers such as iPad, PlayBook, Galaxy Tab?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q113 = 4, go to HF_Q125.
Otherwise, go to HF_C130.

? HF_Q130
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
home theatre systems?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q113 = , go to HF_Q135.
Otherwise, go to HF_C140.

? HF_Q135
(In the last 12 months ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… portable audio equipment, (for example, iPod nano, iPod classic, Sansa, portable radios, etc.)?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q113 = 6 (non-portable audio equipment), go to HF_Q140.
Otherwise, go to HF_C145.

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… non-portable audio equipment, (for example, CD player, shelf stereo system, speaker dock, home speaker that are not bought as part of a home theatre system)?
(Do not include home theatre systems.)
(Do not include portable audio equipment.)
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q113 = 7, go to HF_Q145.
Otherwise, go to HF_C150

? HF_Q145
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… Blu-Ray players?
(Do not include home theatre systems.)
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q113 = 8, go to HF_Q150.
Otherwise, go to HF_C155.

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… DVD players?
(Do not include home theatre systems.)
(Do not include Blu-ray players.)
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If HF_Q113 = 9, go to HF_Q155.
Otherwise, go to HF_C160.

? HF_Q155
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… televisions, video recorders and other television and video components?
(Do not include home theatre systems.)
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HF_Q160
Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DT_RB_HFQ160 of the Answer Guide.
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much your household spend on:
… these types of computer hardware?

  • Desktop systems
  • Laptops
  • Personal Digital Assistants such as iPod Touch and Palm Pre
  • Disk drives (hard drives, CD drives, DVD drives)
  • Monitors
  • Printers
  • Scanners
  • Modems (including fax modems)
  • Keyboards
  • Mouses Other peripheral equipment and parts purchased separately

Do not include computers and computer equipment charged to a business or farm.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Communications Services (CS)

The next section refers to spending on communication services.

Include services used in your principal residence, vacation home and other accommodations.
(Do not include amounts charged against businesses.)

Does your household pay for two or more of the following services as a package or “bundled services”:
… telephone, cell phone, cablevision, satellite TV, Internet or home security systems?

  • Yes
  • No Go to CS_Q030
  • DK, RF Go to CS_Q030

Which of the following services are included:
Interviewer: Mark all that apply. Read categories to respondent.

  • Landline telephone (includes long distance)
  • Cell phone
  • Cablevision
  • Satellite TV or radio services
  • Internet access services (includes virus services)
  • Home security systems
    … Other – Specify Go to CS_S011
    DK, RF are not allowed.

(Which of the following services are included ... ?)
Other – Specify

Can you provide the breakdown of the expenses?

  • Yes Go to CS_Q030
  • No Go to CS_Q020
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was your household’s last payment for:
… these packaged or “bundled services”?
Include any enhanced feature service charges, long distance charges after discounts, and equipment rentals.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

CS_Q020 > 0 Go to CS_Q021
Otherwise, Go to CS_Q030

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CS_N022

DK, RF Go to CS_Q030

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

? CS_Q030
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… landline telephone services?
If CS_Q015 = 1 = (Include all amounts whether they were paid separately or were part of a "bundled service".)
If CS_Q015 = 2 = (Do not include any amounts already reported as a package or "bundled service".)
Otherwise = NULL

Include any enhanced feature service charges, long distance charges after discounts, and equipment rentals.
Do not include any charges for cell phones or the Internet.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CS_Q030 > 0 Go to CS_Q031
Otherwise, Go to CS_Q040

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CS_N032

DK, RF Go to CS_Q040

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was your household’s last payment for:
… cell phone, pager and handheld text messaging services?
If CS_Q015 = 1 = (Include all amounts whether they were paid separately or were part of a "bundled service".)
If CS_Q015 = 2 = (Do not include any amounts already reported as a package or "bundled service".)
Otherwise = NULL

[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If  CS_Q040 > 0 Go to CS_Q041.
Otherwise, Go to CS_Q050.

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CS_N042

DK, RF Go to CS_Q050

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was your household’s last payment for:
… cablevision services including any installation, service and pay TV charges?
If CS_Q015 = 1 = (Include all amounts whether they were paid separately or were part of a "bundled service".)
If CS_Q015 = 2 = (Do not include any amounts already reported as a package or "bundled service".)
Otherwise = NULL

[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CS_Q050 > 0 Go to CS_Q051.
Otherwise, Go to CS_Q060.

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CS_N052

DK, RF Go to CS_Q060

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was your household’s last payment for:
… satellite TV or radio services including any installation, service and pay TV charges?
If CS_Q015 = 1 = (Include all amounts whether they were paid separately or were part of a "bundled service".)
If CS_Q015 = 2 = (Do not include any amounts already reported as a package or "bundled service".)
Otherwise = NULL

[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CS_Q060 > 0 Go to CS_Q061.
Otherwise, Go to CS_Q070.

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CS_N062

DK, RF Go to CS_Q070

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was your household’s last payment for:
… Internet access services, including any installation and service charges?
Include regular dial-up, medium and high-speed telephone and cable access and any other access method.
If CS_Q015 = 1 = (Include all amounts whether they were paid separately or were part of a "bundled service".)
If CS_Q015 = 2 = (Do not include any amounts already reported as a package or "bundled service".)
Otherwise = NULL

[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CS_Q070 > 0 Go to CS_Q071.
Otherwise, Go to CS_Q080.

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CS_N072

DK, RF Go to CS_Q080

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

? CS_Q080
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… home security services?
If CS_Q015 = 1 = (Include all amounts whether they were paid separately or were part of a "bundled service".)
If CS_Q015 = 2 = (Do not include any amounts already reported as a package or "bundled service".)
Otherwise = NULL

Do not include any installation charges.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CS_Q080 > 0 Go to CS_Q081.
Otherwise, Go to CS_Q090.

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CS_N082

DK, RF Go to CS_Q090

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

? CS_Q090
How much was your household’s last payment for:
… on-line services?
Include services like information services, genealogy data bases or other Internet-based services.
Do not include any commissions paid for stocks traded on-line.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

IF CS_Q090  > 0 Go to CS_Q091.
Otherwise, Go to CS_END.

How many weeks or months did this payment cover?
[Min: 1 Max: 52] Go to CS_N092


Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed

Child Care (CC)

The next section refers to spending on child care.

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DV_RB_CCQ010 of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.
In the last month (^DT_1M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  • 1 Day care centres
  • 2 Child care offered in schools
    (Do not include children's camps, for example, day camps or summer camps.)
  • 3 Child care offered in rivate households
    (Include children’s lunches paid to private households.) (Do not include children’s camps.)
    (Do not include occasional babysitting.)
  • 4 Regular child care in your home
    (Do not include occasional babysitting.)
  • 5 None of the above Go to CC_END
    DK, RF Go to CC_END

If 1 CC_Q010 = 1, go to CC_Q020.
Otherwise, Go to CC_C030.

In the last month (^DT_1M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… day care centres?
Remember to exclude days for which no child care was paid, such as summer holidays, Christmas holidays or March break.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CC_Q010 = 2, go to CC_Q030
Otherwise, go to CC_C040

? CC_Q030
(In the last month, ^DT_1M_E), how much did your household spend on:)
… child care offered in schools?
Do not include children's camps, for example, day camps, summer camps. Remember to exclude days for which no child care was paid, such as summer holidays, Christmas holidays or March break.
Remember to exclude days for which no child care was paid, such as summer holidays, Christmas holidays or March break.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CC_Q010 = 3, go to CC_Q040
Otherwise, go to CC_C050

? CC_Q040
(In the last month, ^DT_1M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… child care offered in private households?
Include children’s lunches paid to private households. Do not include children’s camps. Do not include occasional babysitting. Remember to exclude days for which no child care was paid, such as summer holidays, Christmas holidays or March break.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If CC_Q010 = 4, go to CC_Q050
Otherwise, go to CC_END

(In the last month, ^DT_1M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… regular child care in the home?
Do not include occasional babysitting. Remember to exclude days for which no child care was paid, such as summer holidays, Christmas holidays or March break.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Food (FO)

The next section refers to your food, alcohol and cigarette purchases.

In the last 4 weeks (^DT_4W_E), how much did your household spend on:
... food purchased from stores?
Include purchases from grocery stores, specialty food stores, department stores, warehouse-type stores, convenience stores and home delivery.
Do not include non-food items bought with your groceries.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 4 weeks, ^DT_4W_E, how much did your household spend on:)
... alcoholic beverages purchased from stores?
Include purchases made in liquor stores, beer stores, wine stores and grocery stores.
Do not include non-alcoholic beer and wine.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 4 weeks, ^DT_4W_E, how much did your household spend on:)
... alcoholic beverages purchased and consumed in bars, cocktail lounges and restaurants?
Include all taxes and tips.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 4 weeks, ^DT_4W_E, how much did your household spend on:)
... cigarettes?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

For the next question, please note that the reference period is 12 months.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), what was the estimated value of any gifts of food, food from your own farm or garden, or from hunting or fishing that added to your supplies?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Clothing (CL)

Call block CF for each member with SEX_Q01 = 2 and ^DV_AGE => 4

Call block CM for each member with SEX_Q01 = 1 and ^DV_AGE => 4

Call block CI for each member with ^DV_AGE < 4

Clothing for women and girls 4 years and over (CF)

If INSTANCE = 1, go to CF_R001.
Otherwise, go to CF_Q010.

The next section refers to spending on clothing for women and girls aged 4 years and over. The reference period is 3 months.
Include all items purchased for present or future use.
Include sales taxes.
Do not include gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories and jewellery for persons who were not household members. Do not include rented clothing.
Interviewer: Ask all detailed questions (CF_Q010 to CF_Q045) for each person. The question (CF_Q050) should be used to record the total amount spent for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures.

? CF_Q010
In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR… clothing, for example, outerwear, suits, dresses, skirts, slacks, sweaters, sleepwear, sportswear, specialized clothing, hosiery?
Do not include footwear and accessories.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months ^DT_3M_), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… athletic footwear including running shoes? Do not include skates, cleats and other similar footwear.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months ^DT_3M_), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… other footwear, for example, shoes, sandals, boots and slippers?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 3 months ^DT_3M_), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… accessories, for example, gloves, hats, mitts, purses, umbrellas?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months ^DT_3M_), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR:
… watches?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months ^DT_3M_E), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… other jewellery?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If (CF_Q010=0 and CF_Q020=0 and CF_Q025=0 and CF_Q030=0 and CF_Q040=0 and CF_Q045=0), go to CF_End.
Otherwise, go to CR_C050B.

If (CF_Q010=0 or non-response) and (CF_Q020=0 or non-response) and (CF_Q025=0 or non-response) and (CF_Q030=0 or non-response) and (CF_Q040=0 or non-response) and (CF_Q045=0 or non-response), go to CF_Q050
Otherwise, go to CF_END.

In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), what was the total amount spent ^DT_TOTAL_E?
Interviewer: This question should only be used to record the total amount spent for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Clothing for men and boys 4 years and over (CM)

If INSTANCE = 1, go to CF_R001.
Otherwise, go to CM_Q010.

The next section refers to spending on clothing for men and boys aged 4 years and over. The reference period is 3 months.
Include all items purchased for present or future use.
Include sales taxes.
Do not include gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories and jewellery for persons who were not household members. Do not include rented clothing.
Interviewer: Ask all detailed questions (CM_Q010 to CM_Q045) for each person. The question (CM_Q050) should be used to record the total amount spent for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures.

In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… clothing, for example, outerwear, suits, pants, shirts, sweaters, socks, sleepwear, sportswear?
Do not include footwear and accessories
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… athletic footwear including running shoes? Do not include skates, cleats and other similar footwear.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… other footwear, for example, shoes, sandals, boots and slippers?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… accessories, for example, gloves, hats, ties, belts, wallets, umbrellas?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK , RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… watches?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E), how much was spent ^DT_FORYOUR
… other jewellery?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If (CM_Q010=0 and CM_Q020=0 and CM_Q025=0 and CM_Q030=0 and CM_Q040=0 and CM_Q045=0), go to CM_End.
Otherwise, go to CM_C050B.

If (CM_Q010=0 or non-response) and (CM_Q020=0 or non-response) and (CM_Q025=0 or non-response) and (CM_Q030=0 or non-response) and (CM_Q040=0 or non-response) and (CM_Q045=0 or non-response), go to CM_Q050
Otherwise, go to CM_END.

In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), what was the total amount spent ^DT_TOTAL_E?
Interviewer: This question should only be used to record the total amount spent for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Clothing for children under 4 years of age (CI)

If INSTANCE = 1, go to CI_R001.
Otherwise, go to CI_Q010.

The next section refers to spending on clothing for children under 4 years. The reference period is 3 months.
Include all items purchased for present or future use.
Include sales taxes.
Do not include purchases for unborn children, including your own.
Do not include gifts of clothing, footwear, accessories and jewellery for persons who were not household members.
Do not include rented clothing.
Interviewer: Ask all detailed questions (CI_Q010 to CI_Q030) for each person. The question (CI_Q040) should be used to record the total amount spent for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures.

In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much was spent for ^DV_FNAME on:
… outerwear, daywear, sleepwear, and cloth diapers?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E), how much was spent for ^DV_FNAME  on:
… footwear, for example, shoes, sandals, boots, slippers?
Do not include skates, cleats and other similar footwear.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If (CI_Q010 = non-response and CI_Q030 = non-response), go to CI_Q040.
Otherwise, go to CI_END.

In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, what was the total amount spent on clothing for ^DV_FNAME ?
Interviewer: This question should only be used to record the total amount spent for clothing expenditures for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed clothing expenditures.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Gifts of Clothing (CG)

The next section refers to purchases of gifts of clothing for people who were not members of your household. The reference period is 3 months.

In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend to purchase:
 gifts of footwear for children aged 12 and under who were not members of your household:
Include purchases for unborn children, including your own.
Do not include skates, cleats and other similar footwear.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend to purchase:)
 gifts of footwear for other people aged 13 and over who were not members of your household:
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend to purchase:)
gifts of clothing, accessories or jewellery for people who were not members of your household:
Include purchases for unborn children, including your own.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Health Care (HE)

The next section refers to spending on health care.  The reference period is 3 months for the first question ONLY.

? HE_Q005
In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), what were the direct costs to members of your household for:
… medicines, drugs and pharmaceutical products prescribed by a doctor?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q010
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on premiums for:
… provincially or territorially administered hospital, medical and drug plans?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q020
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on premiums for:)
… private health insurance plans?
Include supplementary coverage to public hospital and medical plans.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on premiums for:)
… dental plans sold as separate policies?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on premiums for:)
… accident or disability insurance?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

For the remaining questions, please include direct costs incurred by household members for all personal health care received.
Include amounts not covered by insurance such as exclusions, deductibles and expenses over limits.
Do not include payments for which you have been or will be reimbursed.

? HE_Q050
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, what were the direct costs to members of your household for:)
… prescription eye wear, for example, contact lenses, eyeglasses, frames, insurance on lenses?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q060
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, what were the direct costs to members of your household for:)
… eye care services, for example, eye exams, eye surgery, laser surgery?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q070
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, what were the direct costs to members of your household for:)
… dental services and orthodontic and periodontal procedures, for example, examinations, cleanings, fillings, extractions, x-rays, root canals, fittings and prescriptions for dentures?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q080
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, what were the direct costs to members of your household for:)
… physicians' care?
Include general practitioners (family doctors) and specialists.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q090
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, what were the direct costs to members of your household for:)
… hospital care, nursing homes, and other residential care facilities?
Include all charges, for example, telephone, TV rentals.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q100
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, what were the direct costs to members of your household for:)
… health care practitioners in the home, for example, nurses, attendant care, physiotherapists?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q110
Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DV_RB_HEQ110 of the Answer Guide.
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, what were the direct costs to members of your household for:)
… any of these other health care practitioners?

  • Nurses
  • Physiotherapists
  • Therapists
  • Chiropractors
  • Dieticians
  • Homeopaths
  • Podiatrists
  • Osteopaths
  • Acupuncturists
  • Naturopaths

[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? HE_Q120
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, what were the direct costs to members of your household for:)
… weight control programs, quit-smoking programs and other medical services, for example, ambulances, rental of medical equipment, laboratory services?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Automobiles and Trucks (AT)

The next section refers to spending on automobiles and trucks.
Do not include expenses charged against business income.

? AT_Q010
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), did anyone in your household own, lease or operate a car, van or truck and use it completely or partially for private use?
Do not include rented vehicles.

  • Yes
  • No Go to AT_R150
  • DK, RF Go to AT_R150

Please list all vehicles, whether cars, vans or trucks.
Interviewer: Enter the make, model or any other description used by the respondent.
To delete a vehicle, replace the description with *.
To continue, go to the blank line at the end of the list, enter 1 in the description, and press <Enter>.
RF, DK not allowed.

Call Block AT1 (Up to 10 times) or depending on number vehicles listed at AT_Q020. Pass AT_Q020 (description of each vehicle) and Number vehicle listed to AT1.

? AT1_Q030
Interviewer: If necessary, ask: Which of the following best describes the ^DV_ATQ020? Is it ... ?

  • A car
  • A van/mini-van
  • A truck/sport utility vehicle
  • DK, RF

What was the ownership status of the ^DV_ATQ020at the end of last month? Was it...?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • Owned by a member of your household Go to AT1_Q050
  • Leased Go to AT1_Q080
  • Returned to lessor Go to AT1_END
  • Sold separately or traded-in on lease Go to AT_1Q096
  • Traded-in on purchase Go to AT1_Q097
  • Owned or leased by non-household member Go to AT1_Q100
  • Other – Specify Go to AT1_S040
  • DK, RF are not allowed.

(What was the status of the ^DV_ATQ020 at the end of last month?  Was it ... ?)
Interviewer: Specify. DK,RF
Go to AT1_END

Was the ^DV_ATQ020 bought by a member of your household in the last 12 months (^DT_12M_2_E)?

  • Yes
  • No Go to AT1_Q100
  • DK, RF Go to AT1_Q100

Was the ^DV_ATQ020  purchased from ... ?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • A dealer
  • A private household Go to AT1_Q070
    DK, RF Go to AT1_Q070

Was the ^DV_ATQ020 new or used?

  • New
  • Used
  • DK, RF

? AT1_Q070
What was the purchase price after the trade-in allowance and manufacturer’s rebates were deducted for the ^DV_ATQ020 ?
Include all sales taxes.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF
Go to AT1_Q100

? AT1_Q080
How much was your household’s last lease payment for the ^DV_ATQ020 ?
Do not include operating costs and any amounts charged to business.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If AT1_Q080 > 0 Go to AT1_Q081
Otherwise, Go to AT1_Q090

How many weeks or months did this payment cover for the ^DV_ATQ020 ?
[Min: 1 max: 52] Go to AT1_N082
DK, RF Go to AT1_Q090

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

? AT1_Q090
What were the other leasing costs paid by your household for the ^DV_ATQ020  in the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E)?
Include down payment and closing costs.
Do not include any amounts charged to business.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

What was the net amount received for the ^DV_ATQ020 ?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF
Go to AT1_END

What was the trade-in value for the ^DV_ATQ020 ?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF
Go to AT1_END

? AT1_Q100
How much was your household’s last payment for the ^DV_ATQ020 's insurance premiums?
Do not include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If AT1_Q100 > 0, go to AT1_Q101
Otherwise, go to AT1_Q110

How many weeks or months did this payment cover for the ^DV_ATQ020 ?
[Min: 1 max: 104] Go to AT1_N102
DK, RF Go to AT1_Q110

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

How much was your household’s last payment for the ^DV_ATQ020 's vehicle security and communication services?
[Min: -99999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If AT1_Q110 > 0, Go to AT1_Q111.
Otherwise, go to AT1_END.

How many weeks or months did this payment cover for the ^DV_ATQ020 ?
[Min: 1 max: 52] Go to AT1_N112
DK, RF Go to AT1_END

Interviewer: Indicate if this period was weeks or months.

  • Weeks
  • Months
    DK, RF are not allowed.

? AT1_Q120
Last month, ^DT_1M_E, how much did your household spend on:
... parking costs, for example, at work, at school, park-ride and parking meters and at park and ride?
Do not include parking at place of residence for renters.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? AT_Q125    
In the last three months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:
                    ... maintenance and repair expenses, for example, oil changes, tune-ups, brakes, maintenance and body work?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last three months (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on:
                    ... tires, batteries and other automotive parts and supplies that were purchased separately, for example, mufflers, spark plugs, oil and antifreeze?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last three months (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on:
                    ... accessories and attachments, for example, alarm systems, car starters, radios including satellite, CD players, block and other heaters, car top carriers and seat covers?
                    [Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:
                    ... vehicle registration fees?
                    Include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
                    [Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

The following questions refer to other vehicle-related expenses.

? AT_Q150
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… drivers' licences and tests?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? AT_Q160
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:)
… driving lessons?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… rental fees for cars, trucks or vans?
Include mileage, insurance charges, taxes and drop-off fees.
Do not include any expenses charged to business.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… children's car seats and boosters?
Include gifts.
Do not include combination stroller, carrier and car seat systems.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Transportation (TR)

The next section refers to spending on transportation services and on hotels, motels and other accommodations. Do not include expenses charged to business.

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DV_RB_TRQ010 of the Answer Guide. Read categories In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?
to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  • 1 City or commuter bus, subway, streetcar or commuter train
  • 2 Taxi
  • 3 Other local passenger transportation (for example, carpooling, airport bus, limousine or ferry service, sightseeing tours)
  • None of the above Go to TR_Q060
  • DK, RF Go to TR_Q060

If TR_Q010 = 1,  go to TR_Q020
Otherwise, Go to TR_C030

In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… city or commuter bus, subway, streetcar or commuter train?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If TR_Q010 = 2, go to TR_Q030
Otherwise, Go to TR_C040

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on transportation by:)
… taxi?
Include tips.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If TR_Q010 = 3, go to TR_Q040.
Otherwise, Go to TR_Q060.

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on transportation by:)
… other local passenger transportation, for example, carpooling, airport bus, limousine or ferry service, sightseeing tours?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DV_RB_TRQ060 of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  • 1 Airplane
  • 2 Train
  • 3 Inter-city bus
  • 4 Other inter-city passenger transportation services for example, sightseeing tours, ferry and other water transportation or carpooling
    (Include any travel-related insurance.)
  • None of the above Go to TR_Q100
  • DK, RF Go to TR_Q100

If TR_Q060 = 1, go to TR_Q070
Otherwise, go to TR_C080

In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on transportation by:
… airplane?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If TR_Q060 = 2, go to TR_Q080
Otherwise, go to TR_C090

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on transportation by:)
… train?
Include sleeping cars.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If TR_Q060 = 3, go to TR_Q090
Otherwise, go to TR_C095

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on transportation by:)
… inter-city bus?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If TR_Q060 = 4, go to TR_Q095
Otherwise, go to TR_Q100

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on transportation by:)
… other inter-city passenger transportation services, for example, sightseeing tours, ferry and other water transportation or carpooling?
Include any travel-related insurance.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? TR_Q100
In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:
… moving, storage and delivery services?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? TR_Q110
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), did any member of your household take any trips that included a package, that is, a combination of services for which costs are not identified separately (for example, transportation, accommodation, meals and/or sightseeing?
Do not include package trips to be taken after ^DV_12MEND even if deposits were made between ^DV_12MSTART and ^DV_12MEND.

  • Yes
  • No Go to TR_R170
  • DK, RF Go to TR_R170

? TR_Q120
What was the cost of the package(s)?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

The next questions refer to spending on hotel, motel and other accommodations.
(Do not include expenses charged against business income and expenses that will be reimbursed.)

? TR_Q170
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
... hotels or motels?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? TR_Q180
(In the last 12 months ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
... other accommodations such as vacation home rentals, campground fees, accommodations while away at school or working away from home?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Recreational Vehicles (RV)

The next section refers to spending on bicycles and recreational vehicles.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on the purchase of bicycles, parts and accessories?
Do not include children’s bicycles with wheels under 35 centimetres (14 inches).
(MIN : 0) (MAX : 99999997), DK, RF

? RV_Q010
Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DV_RB_RVQ010 of the Answer Guide.
In the last 12 months,(^DT_12M_E), did anyone in your household own or operate a recreational vehicle (completely or partially) for private use?
Do not include rented or leased vehicles.

  • Yes
  • No Go to RV_Q090
  • DK, RF
    Go to RV_Q090

Please list all recreational vehicles that anyone in your household owned or operated and used completely or partially for private use.
Interviewer: Enter the description used by the respondent.
To delete a recreational vehicle, replace the description with *.
To continue, go to the blank line at the end of the list, enter 1 in the description, and press <Enter>.
RF, DK and null are not valid answers.

Call Block RV1 (Up to 10 times) or depending of number vehicles as listed at RV_Q020.
Pass RV_Q020 (description of each vehicle) to RV1.
? RV1_Q030 Interviewer: If necessary, ask: (Which of the following best describes the (^DT_RVQ020)? Is it ...?)

  • A motorcycle
  • A snowmobile
  • A tent trailer
  • A fifth wheel/travel trailer
  • A truck camper
  • A non-motorized watercraft
  • A motorized watercraft
  • A motor home
  • An all-terrain vehicle
  • A utility trailer
  • Other – Specify Go to RV1_S030
  • DK, RF
    Go to RV1_Q040

(Which of the following best describes the (^DT_RVQ020)? Is it:)
Other – Specify
Interviewer: Specify.

Was the ^DT_RVQ020 bought by a member of your household in the last 12 months (^DT_12M_2_E)?

  • Yes
  • No Go to RV1_Q065
  • DK, RF Go to RV1_Q065

What was the purchase price after the trade-in allowance was deducted for the (^DT_RVQ020)?
Include all sales taxes.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? RV1_Q065
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… registration fees and licenses for the (^DT_RVQ020)?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? RV1_Q070
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… insurance premiums for the (^DT_RVQ020)?
Do not include insurance that is paid with registration fees.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997 DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… parking, hangar and airport fees, mooring and boat storage, harbour dues for the (^DT_RVQ020)?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much were your household's total expenses for rented or leased recreational vehicles?
Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Recreation and Education (RE)

The next section refers to spending related to education and recreation.

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DV_RB_REQ010 of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), has your household had expenses for ... ?

  1. Tuition fees for nursery school, kindergarten, elementary or secondary education
    (Include special and private schools.)
    (Do not include day care expenses and lodging expenses.)
  2. Tuition fees for university
    (Do not include lodging expenses.)
  3. Tuition fees for other post-secondary education (for example, college, trade and professional courses)
    (Do not include lodging expenses.)
  4. Other educational services (for example, tutoring, rental of books and equipment)
  5. Other courses and lessons (for example, music, dancing, sports and crafts)
    (Do not include driving lessons and membership fees.)
    None of the above Go to RE_Q070
    DK, RF Go to RE_Q070

If RE_Q010 = 01, go to RE_Q020
Otherwise, go to RE_C030

? RE_Q020
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on tuition fees for:
… nursery school, kindergarten, elementary or secondary education?
Include special and private schools.
Do not include day care expenses and lodging expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RE_Q010 = 02, go to RE_Q030
Otherwise, Go to RE_C040

? RE_Q030
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on tuition fees for:)
… university?
Do not include lodging expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RE_Q010 = 03, go to RE_Q040
Otherwise, go to RE_C050

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on tuition fees for:)
… other post-secondary education, for example, college, trade and professional courses?
Do not include lodging expenses.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If RE_Q010 = 04, go to RE_Q050
Otherwise, go to RE_C060

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… other educational services, for example, tutoring, rental of books and equipment?
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

What were these other educational services (for example, tutoring, rental of books and equipment)?
Interviewer: Specify.

If RE_Q010 = 05, go to RE_Q060
Otherwise, go to RE_Q070

? RE_Q060
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… other courses and lessons, for example, music, dancing, sports and crafts?
Do not include driving lessons and membership fees.
[Min: 1 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 12 months, (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… children's camps, for example, day camps, summer camps?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? RE_Q080
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… fees for sports activities, athletic/recreation facilities and health clubs?
Include single usage fees and membership fees and dues.
Do not include courses and lessons.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? RE_Q090
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on: )
… collectors' items, for example, stamps, coins?
Do not include works of art and antiques.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Miscellaneous Expenses (ME)

The next section refers to expenses for various services.

? ME_Q010
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… stock and bond commissions?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? ME_Q020
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… administration fees for brokers and other similar fees?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? ME_Q030
(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… legal services?
Do not include expenses related to dwellings, for example, purchase or sale of homes.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… funeral services, cemetery plots and upkeep, and tombstones?
Do not include pre-paid funeral services and flowers.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much did your household spend on:
… pre-paid funeral services?

? ME_Q050
In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much did your household lose on:
… deposits, fines, and lost or stolen money?
Include money paid for traffic and parking tickets.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

For the next questions, please note that the reference period is 3 months.

? ME_Q060
In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… service charges for banks and other financial institutions?
Include safety deposit box charges.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… financial services, for example, financial planning, tax preparation and advice, accounting services?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? ME_Q080
(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… government services, for example, passports, birth certificates, citizenship, visas, and marriage licences?
Do not include vehicle registrations and driver’s licences.
Include NEXUS membership fees.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? ME_Q090
(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… wholesale/retail memberships?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? ME_Q100
(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… contributions and dues for social clubs, co-operatives, political and fraternal organizations and alumni associations?
Do not include charitable organizations and sports activity fees.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… hairdressing and barber services?
Include washing, cutting, styling, perming and colouring of hair.
Include tips.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… other personal care services?
Include hair removal, manicures, facials and tanning salons.
Include tips.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… expenses for housekeepers, cleaners, house-sitters?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… laundry and dry-cleaning services?
Include diaper service.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
… coin-operated washers, dryers and self-service dry-cleaning?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
…horticultural services, snow and garbage disposal?
Include groundskeeping, planting, pruning, tree removal, spraying, consulting services, soil and plant testing, landscape design services. Do not include expenses already reported in the section on improvements and repairs of principal residence.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, how much did your household spend on:)
…veterinarian services and kennels, grooming and other pet-related services?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DV_RB_MEQ160 of the Answer Guide.
In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on these types of photographic services?

  • Film processing
  • Processing of digital images
  • Extra prints
  • Enlargements
  • Dry mounting of pictures/posters
  • School pictures services
  • Passport photo services
  • Photographer’s services

(MIN : 0) (MAX : 99999997) DK, RF

The following questions are asked to obtain details on how purchases were made by the household. These questions provide additional details and expenses may have already been reported in other sections of the questionnaire. The reference period is 3 months.

In the last 3 months, ^DT_3M_E, did your household purchase any goods or services through direct sales, for example, Internet, mail order companies, catalogue sales, infomercials or other television offers, book, music or video clubs, door-to-door salespeople?

  • Yes
  • No Go to ME_Q210
  • DK , RF Go to ME_Q210

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page (^DV_RB_MEQ180) of the Answer Guide. Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.
Which of the following purchases were done through direct sales? Was it ... ?

  • Food and beverages
  • Books, newspapers and magazines
  • Clothing, cosmetics and jewellery
  • Home entertainment products (for example, CDs, audio equipment, computers)
  • Other products, for example, appliances, cleaners, toys, crafts, greenhouse or nursery products
  • Travel services
  • Other - Specify (Go to ME_S180)
    DK, RF

(Which of the following purchases were done through direct sales?  Was it ... ?)
Interviewer: Specify, DK,RF

In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on goods or services purchased through:
… direct sales over the Internet?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 3 months (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on goods or services purchased through:)
… other types of direct sales?
Do not include direct sales done over the Internet.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

The following questions refer to spending on goods and services purchased outside Canada. These questions provide additional details and expenses may have already been reported in other sections of the questionnaire. The reference period is still 3 months.

? ME_Q210
In the last 3 months, (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… trips outside Canada?
Include accommodation, transportation within countries or states visited, food and beverages, recreation and entertainment and other expenses. Include transportation services purchased from foreign carriers to leave Canada. Do not include expenses charged against business income and expenses that will be reimbursed.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If ME_Q210 > 0, go to ME_Q215.
Otherwise, go to ME_Q220.

These trip expenses were mostly made in...?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • The United States
  • Countries other than the United States

[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? ME_Q220
In the last 3 months, (^DT_3M_E), how much did your household spend on:
… goods and services purchased outside Canada?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Personal Income (IN)

The next part of this interview asks about personal income.

? IN_Q001
To the best of your knowledge, what is the total income from all sources before taxes and deductions in ^DV_SYMINUS1 for ^DT_YOURHOUSEHOLD?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] Go to IN_R010
DK, RF Go to IN_Q002

Interviewer: Refer respondent to page ^DV_RB_INQ002 of the Answer Guide.
Among the following categories, can you estimate the total income for ^DT_YOURHOUSEHOLD in ^DV_SYMINUS1? Was it ... ?

  • Less than $10,000 (includes income loss)
  • $10,000 to less than $20,000
  • $20,000 to less than $30,000
  • $30,000 to less than $40,000
  • $40,000 to less than $50,000
  • $50,000 to less than $60,000
  • $60,000 to less than $80,000
  • $80,000 to less than $100,000
  • $100,000 and over
  • DK, RF

With your permission, we can access information collected under the Income Tax Act instead of interviewing you about income in (^DV_SYMINUS1/^DV_SY). The information we obtain will include your income from work, income from government payments, and the amount of income tax paid. This would shorten the interview.

The Statistics Act requires that all personal information you provide is kept strictly confidential, including names and any other information that could be used to identify a person or a family.
Interviewer: This question will be asked to respondent for all members of his/her economic family.

If HC_N020[PersonID] = HC_N020[DV_PPIOrig] and ^DV_AGE > 15, go to IN_B010.


Call Block IN0.

^DT_DOYOU_C give permission to Statistics Canada to use ^DT_YOUR information collected under the Income Tax Act, for the purpose of this survey for the years (^DV_SYMINUS1 and ^DV_SY)?

  • Yes
  • No
    DK, RF are not allowed.

If HC_N020[PersonID] < > HC_N020[DV_PPIOrig] and ^DV_AGE  > 15, go to IN_N011A.
Otherwise, go to IN_B012B.

Interviewer: If unrelated members are available, you can ask them their permission. Otherwise, the respondent will have to answer all questions on income for unrelated members.

? IN_Q011
Is anyone outside your economic family available to provide permission?

  • Yes
  • No Go to IN_B012B

DK, RF are not allowed.

Can you tell me who they are?
Interviewer: If there is more than one person for a specific economic family, one person can give permission for everyone in their family. Mark all that apply.

If Member selected in IN_Q012 or a member of ^DV_AGE > 15 of his/her economic family, go to IN_B012A.
Otherwise, go to IN_C012B.

If DV_AGE > 15, go to IN1_B012B.
Otherwise, go to IN_Q430.


Call Block IN1 for each member.

? IN1_Q020
In ^DV_SYMINUS1, how many weeks ^DT_DID work:
… full-time, including holidays with pay? Full-time is defined as 30 hours and more per week.
INTERVIEWER:  Teachers should be considered as working 52 weeks when they are employed for the school year.
[Min: 0 Max: 52] DK, RF

? IN1_Q030
(In ^DV_SYMINUS1, how many weeks ^DT_DID) work:)
… part-time, including holidays with pay? Part-time is defined as less than 30 hours per week.
[Min: 0 Max: 52] DK, RF

During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:
… from scholarships, bursaries or fellowships?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q036
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from support payments from a former spouse or partner?
Include alimony, separation allowance or child support.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If IN1_Q010 = 1 Go to IN1_Q370
Otherwise, Go to IN1_Q040

? IN1_Q040
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what (^DT_WAS) income:)
…from wages and salaries from all jobs, before deductions, including tips and commissions.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q050
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from farm self-employment net income?
Include farm program payments and rebates, Canadian wheat board payments and crop insurance.
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q060
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from non-farm self-employment net income?
Include business, professional, commission and fishing net income.
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q070
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from interest on bank accounts and other deposits, savings certificates, Canada Savings Bonds and other bonds?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q080
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from taxable amount of dividends?
Include eligible and other than eligible dividends.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If IN1_Q080 > 0 Go to IN1_Q085
Otherwise, Go to IN1_Q090

? IN1_Q085
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from taxable amount of dividends other than eligible dividends?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q090
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from taxable capital gains?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q100
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1,  what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from other investment income?
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q110
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from Universal Child Care Benefit, Canada Child Tax Benefit and provincial or territorial child tax credits or benefits?
Interviewer: The benefits should be reported by the person who requested the exemption for the child(s) to which the benefits go to.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If all members of the household are ^DV_AGE < 60, go to IN1_Q130
Otherwise Go to IN1_Q120

? IN1_Q120
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from Old Age Security pension, Guaranteed Income Supplement and Spouse’s Allowance from the federal government?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q130
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan benefits (CPP/QPP)?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If IN1_Q130 > 0 Go to IN1_Q135
Otherwise, Go to IN1_Q140

? IN1_Q135
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from Disability Benefits included in Canada or Quebec Pension Plan Benefits (CPP/QPP)?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q140
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from Employment Insurance benefits or the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q150
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from social assistance and other income supplements from provincial or municipal sources?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q160
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_was) income:)
… from Worker’s compensation benefits?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) Credit?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q180
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from provincial and territorial tax credits?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from Veterans’ Pensions and Civilian War Pensions and allowances?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q200
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from other government sources?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If IN1_Q200 > 0 Go to IN1_Q205
Otherwise, Go to IN1_Q210

What were these other government sources?
Interviewer: Specify.
DK, RF Empty is not a valid response.

? IN1_Q210
During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:
… from retirement pensions?
Include superannuation, RRIF payments and annuities, deferred profit sharing plans and other private pension plans.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If (IN1_Q0210 > 0 and (MSNC_Q01 = 1 (married) or 2 (common-law))) Go to IN1_Q211
Otherwise, Go to IN1_Q220

Individuals may split eligible pension income with their spouse or common-law partner to reduce income taxes. ^DT_DID_C split pension income with ^DT_YOUR spouse or common-law partner?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK, RF

If IN1_Q211 = 1 Go to IN1_Q212
Otherwise, Go to IN1_Q220

Interviewer: If line 116 on the T1 return was greater than zero, then pension income was received. If line 210 was greater than zero, then pension income was transferred.

  • Transfer split-pension income
  • Receive split-pension income
  • DK, RF

? IN1_Q220
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from RRSP annuities?
Do not include RRSP withdrawals.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q230
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS income:)
… from RRSP withdrawals?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q240
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what ^DT_WAS) income:)
… from other sources?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

If IN1_Q240 > 0 Go to IN1_Q245
Otherwise, Go to IN1_C250

What were these other income sources?
Interviewer: Specify.

If sum of (IN1_Q036, IN1_Q040, IN1_Q050, IN1_Q060, IN1_Q070, IN1_Q080,  IN1_Q090, IN1_Q100, IN1_Q110, IN1_Q120, IN1_Q130, IN1_Q140, IN1_Q150, IN1_Q160, IN1_Q170, IN1_Q180, IN1_Q190, IN1_Q200, IN1_Q210, IN1_Q220, IN1_Q230, IN1_Q240) Not Equal to 0, go to IN1_Q260.
Otherwise, Go to IN1_Q250

During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what was ^DT_TOTAL1_E?
Interviewer: This question is used to record the total amount for income for each person when the respondent cannot provide detailed income.
[Min: -9999997 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q260
During ^DV_SYMINUS1, how much ^DT_DID pay:
… for income tax on (federal, provincial and territorial)?
Include taxes paid in ^DT_SY) on ^DV_SYMINUS1) income.
Include arrears and back taxes.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_R290
The following questions concern security and employment-related payments.
Do not include RRSP contributions.

? IN1_Q300
During ^DV_SYMINUS1, how much ^DT_DID1 pay:
… for employment insurance and Quebec parental insurance (deductions from pay)?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, how much ^DT_DID pay:)
… for Canada/Quebec pension plan?
Interviewer: ^DV_SYMINUS1 maximums for employees (^DT_CPPLOW_E) and self-employed (^DT_CPPLOWTIMES2_E) but overpayment is possible, especially if respondent had several jobs.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q340
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, how much ^DT_DID pay:)
… for professional membership dues or professional malpractice liability insurance premiums?
Do not include union dues.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, how much ^DT_DID pay:)
… for union dues?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

During ^DV_SYMINUS1, what were ^DT_TOTAL2_E total employer pension plan contributions?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

During ^DV_SYMINUS1, how much ^DT_DID pay:
… for support payments to a former spouse or partner?
Include alimony, separation allowance or child support.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q380
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, how much ^DT_DID pay:)
… for premiums on life, term and endowment insurance?
Include loan and group insurance.
Include premiums for persons 15 years and under with the household member paying the premiums.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q390
(During ^DV_SYMINUS1, how much ^DT_DID pay:)
… for fees related to annuity contracts and transfers to RRIFs?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

The following questions refer to registered or tax-sheltered saving plans. Please report total amount or value of all plans.

If ^DV_AGE > 71, go to IN1_Q410.
Otherwise, go to IN1_Q400

? IN1_Q400
Presently, how much ^DT_DOYOU have in:
… Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) or Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs)?
Please report total amount (value of all plans, not just this year’s contribution).
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q410
(Presently, how much ^DT_DOYOU have in:)
… Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), including Life Income Funds (LIFs) and Locked-in Retirement Income Funds (LRIFs)? Please report total amount (value of all plans, not just this year’s contribution).
Do not include amounts already reported in RRSPs.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q420
(Presently, how much ^DT_DOYOU have in:)
… Tax-Free Savings Plans (TFSA)?
Please report total amount (value of all accounts, not just this year’s contribution).
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

? IN1_Q430
Presently, how much ^DT_HOUSEHOLD have in:
… Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)?
Please report total amount (value of all plans, not just this year’s contribution) for all children.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Money Gifts and Contributions (MC)

The following questions concern money gifts and contributions.

In the last 12 months (^DT_12M_E), how much ^DT_HAVEYOU spent on:
… money gifts given to persons living in Canada?
Do not include money gifts exchanged between household members.
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much ^DT_HAVEYOU spent on:)
… money gifts given to persons living outside Canada?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much ^DT_HAVEYOU spent on charitable contributions to:
… religious organizations?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

(In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much ^DT_HAVEYOU spent on charitable contributions to:)
… other charitable organizations, for example, workplace charitable campaigns, Heart Fund, Cancer Society?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Money Received (MR)

The following question is concerning money received.

In the last 12 months, ^DT_12M_E, how much ^DT_HAS received in money gifts from persons outside your household, in cash inheritances or in life insurance settlements?
[Min: 0 Max: 99999997] DK, RF

Diary Drop-off (DD)

Interviewer: Re-introduce the diary as the continuation of the interview. Provide the respondent with the ^DT_COLOUR_E, Diary Guide and the pen.

Review the following with the respondent:
All expenses for all members of the household are to be reported in the diary.

Explain that there are two options for recording each expense – 1. Provide the receipt OR 2. Record the expense in the diary (do not write expenses in the diary if receipts provided).

Emphasize that the date of purchase should be entered in the diary and should be added to the receipt if it is missing.
Emphasize the fact that “no spending” should be written in the first section of the diary for the days when the household did not spend any money.
Explain that personal information on the receipts can be blanked out before putting them in the envelope.
Explain the information that should be added to receipts.
Review the two sections of the diary.
Review the list of what should be recorded in the diary and what shouldn’t be recorded.
Review the list of easily forgotten items (in Answer Guide).
Encourage the use of a black ink pen to write on receipts and in the diary.

Do you have any questions?

Please start the diary tomorrow, that is, ^DV_DIARYSTART.
Interviewer: Write the start date in the appropriate box in the diary.

The last day for recording expenses in the diary is ^DV_DIARYEND.
Interviewer: Enter the end date in the appropriate box in the diary.

I will be contacting you in a few days to see how the completion of your diary is going. What would be the best time to call you?
Interviewer: Make an appointment using (<Shift F11>) for day 2 (^DV_CALLBACKCHOICE1) or day 3 (^DV_CALLBACKCHOICE2). Enter the information on the front cover of the diary.

Interviewer: Indicate if the respondent has accepted the diary.

  • Accepted diary
  • Refused diary Go to DD_END
  • Not applicable Go to DD_END
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: - write first name of repsondent on top of page 1 of the diary. 

  • stick labels for SAMPLEID ^DT_SAMPLEID onto the diary.
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Living Quarters (LQ)

? LQ_Q01
Is there another set of living quarters within this structure?

  • Yes
  • No go to END_BLOCK
  • DK, RF go to END_BLOCK

? LQ_N02
Interviewer: Remember to verify the cluster list and add one or more multiples if necessary.
DK, RF are not allowed.

Multiple Creation (MU)

? MU_N01
Interviewer: Do you want to generate multiples?

  • Yes Multiple Interview
  • Yes Multiple Dwellings
  • No Go to END_BLOCK
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: Enter number of multiples (between 1 and 9).

Thank You (TY)

? TY_R01
Thank you for your participation in the Survey of Household Spending.
DK, RF are not allowed.

Thank You 1 (TY1)

? TY1_R01
Thank you for your time.
DK, RF are not allowed.

Outcome Code (OC)

Interviewer: Is the case in-progress or final?

  • In-progress
  • Final go to OC_N03
    DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: Assign the appropriate in-progress outcome code.

  • 02 Incorrect phone number
  • 03 Phone number not in service
  • 04 Fast busy signal / strange noise / dead silence / fax machine
  • 11 No one home/no answer
  • 12 Regular busy signal
  • 13 Answering machine or service – no message left
  • 14 Answering machine or service – message left
  • 15 Call screened/blocked/forwarded
  • 18 Interview prevented due to weather conditions
  • 21 Interview requested in other official language
  • 22 Language barrier (not official language)
  • 23 Suspended/interrupted
  • 24 Soft appointment; call-back required
  • 25 Hard appointment; call-back required
  • 26 Verification of survey requested
  • 28 Request for interview by another interviewer
  • 80 Refusal
  • 81 Refusal first follow-up
  • 82 Refusal second follow-up
  • 90 Unusual / special circumstances
  • 91 Threat to safety
  • 92  Interview prevented due to respondent’s mental or physical condition

DK, RF are not allowed.

Interviewer: Assign the appropriate final outcome code.

  • 10 No contact
  • 18 Interview prevented due to weather conditions
  • 20 Absent for duration of survey
  • 21 Interview requested in other official language
  • 22 Language barrier (not official language)
  • 40 Outside of sample
  • 51 Dwelling demolished
  • 52 Dwelling under construction / renovation
  • 53 Dwelling vacant
  • 54 Collective dwelling
  • 55 Seasonal or secondary dwelling
  • 56 Residents not eligible
  • 66 Sample overlap
  • 80 Refusal
  • 81 Refusal first follow-up
  • 82 Refusal second follow-up
  • 90 Unusual / special circumstances
  • 91 Threat to safety
  • 92 Interview prevented due to respondent’s mental or physical condition

DK, RF are not allowed.

If Final Outcome Code = 80 "Refusal", go to OC_N04. If Final Outcome Code = 90
"Unusual/Special circumstances" go to OC_N05
Otherwise, go to END_BLOCK

Interviewer: Record the reason for the refusal.

  • Dangerous / rude attitude
  • Won't answer the door
  • Not interested / doesn't want to participate
  • Doesn't want to be disturbed
  • Doesn't have the time
  • Against the government or Statistics Canada
  • Doesn't believe in or want to hear about statistics
  • Doesn't believe in or want to hear about surveys
  • Recently completed a survey (doesn't want to again)
  • Doesn't believe the info is secure (confidentiality)
  • Doesn't want to give personal information
  • Says not obligated / wants legal proof
  • Can get info somewhere else (e.g., Revenue Canada)
  • Adamant refusal (no reason, e.g., shuts the door or hangs up the phone)
  • Doesn't want to continue the survey (no more follow-ups)
  • Same household, refusal maintained (for follow-ups only)
  • Why me? Tells you to choose someone else
  • Other – Specify go to OC_S04
    DK, RF are not allowed.

If not 18 "Other - Specify" go to END_BLOCK

? OC_S04
Interviewer: Specify. DK, RF are not allowed.

? OC_N05
Interviewer: Record the reason for the non-interview.

  • Illness or death in family
  • Recovering from natural disaster
  • Other – Specify
    DK, RF are not allowed.

If not 3 "Other - Specify" go to END_BLOCK

? OC_S05
Interviewer: Specify.
DK, RF are not allowed.

Action Code (AC)

? AC_N01
Interviewer: Do you wish to assign an action code to this case?

  • Yes
  • No, (Go to END_BLOCK)
    DK, RF are not allowed.

? AC_N02
Interviewer: Select the action code to be assigned to the case.

  • Proceed to interview
  • Attempt to interview - letter sent
  • Attempt to interview - respondent contacted
  • Do not interview again unless complete change in household membership
  • Do not interview again under any circumstances
  • Retain in RO
    DK, RF are not allowed