2017 Households and the Environment Survey - Consent to obtain energy consumption

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.

While completion of this questionnaire is voluntary, data from your household are essential if the results of this survey are to be accurate.


Your household was recently contacted by Statistics Canada to ask information about activities that relate to the environment. In order to fully understand the impacts that the household sector has on our water, air, soils and resource use, information relating to the characteristics and energy use of your dwelling are needed. The survey results will be a valuable source of information to be used in the development of energy efficiency initiatives and to support energy conservation practices in Canada. The efficient use of energy means not only cost-savings to Canadians, but lessens the impact Canadians have on global climate change.

This survey asks questions about your household’s energy consumption. Your information may be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.


Your answers are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act and will be kept strictly confidential.

Data Sharing Agreement

To avoid duplication in surveys and to provide consistent statistics, Statistics Canada has entered into an agreement under section 12 of the Statistics Act with Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada for the sharing of information from this survey.

Dwelling Characteristics

The word “dwelling” refers to a separate set of living quarters with a private entrance either from outside or from a common hall, lobby, vestibule or stairway inside the building. The entrance to the dwelling must be one that can be used without passing through the living quarters of someone else.

1. What is the heated area of your dwelling? Please exclude the basement and garage.

  • Square feet (ft2) OR Square meters (m2)

If the exact size is unknown, please indicate the range: Mark one only.

  • 600 ft2 (55 m2) or less
  • 601 - 1,000 ft2 (56 - 95 m2)
  • 1,001 - 1,500 ft2 (96 - 140 m2)
  • 1,501 - 2,000 ft2 (141 - 185 m2)
  • 2,001 - 2,500 ft2 (186 - 230 m2)
  • 2,501 - 3,000 ft2 (231 - 280 m2)
  • 3,001 - 3,500 ft2 (281 - 325 m2)
  • 3,501 - 4,000 ft2 (326 - 371 m2)
  • 4,001 ft2 (372 m2) or more
  • Don't know

2. Which of the following energy sources does your household use in your dwelling? Mark all that apply.

  • Electricity
  • Natural gas
  • Oil
  • Propane (do not include propane used for barbeques)
  • Wood
  • Solar
  • Wind power
  • Other - Specify
  • Do not use any sources of energy
  • Don't know

3. Is anyone in your dwelling responsible for paying the bills for any of the following: Electricity / Natural gas / Heating oil?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

The most accurate and efficient way for us to collect your energy consumption data is by directly contacting your energy supplier(s). The only information that Statistics Canada will give to your energy supplier(s) will by your name, address, and account number. No other responses that you provide for this survey will be given to the energy supplier(s). The only data that will be collected from the energy supplier(s) will be the energy consumption amount for the 2017 calendar year. No other information (such as payment amounts, payment status, etc.) will be collected.

Energy Consumption

4. Please select the energy type(s) and fill out the following account information for the energy supplier:

  • Electricity
  • Natural gas
  • Heating oil
  • Propane

I authorize Statistics Canada to release the account number and the name of the account holder to the energy company listed below.

I authorize the company below to provide Statistics Canada with data on the consumption of energy for the dwelling identified on this questionnaire for the 2017 calendar year.

  • Name of energy company
  • Account number
  • Account holder – Last name
  • Account holder – First name
  • Telephone number of energy company
  • Extension

5. Please select the energy type(s) and fill out the following account information for the energy supplier:

  • Electricity
  • Natural gas
  • Heating oil
  • Propane

I authorize Statistics Canada to release the account number and the name of the account holder to the energy company listed below.

I authorize the company below to provide Statistics Canada with data on the consumption of energy for the dwelling identified on this questionnaire for the 2017 calendar year.

  • Name of energy company
  • Account number
  • Account holder – Last name
  • Account holder – First name
  • Telephone number of energy company
  • Extension

6. Please select the energy type(s) and fill out the following account information for the energy supplier:

  • Electricity
  • Natural gas
  • Heating oil
  • Propane

I authorize Statistics Canada to release the account number and the name of the account holder to the energy company listed below.

I authorize the company below to provide Statistics Canada with data on the consumption of energy for the dwelling identified on this questionnaire for the 2017 calendar year.

  • Name of energy company
  • Account number
  • Account holder – Last name
  • Account holder – First name
  • Telephone number of energy company
  • Extension

Information Sharing

7. To avoid duplication of surveys, Statistics Canada has entered into an agreement to share the information from this survey with Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada. This includes the information provided on this questionnaire, and if you gave Statistics Canada the authorization to do so, the information obtained directly from the energy supplier(s). Names, addresses, telephone numbers and account numbers will not be shared. Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada have agreed to keep this information confidential and use it only for statistical purposes.

Do you authorize Statistics Canada to share the combined information from this survey with Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada?

  • Yes
  • No

Record linkage

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada will combine the information you provide with information from your energy provider(s). Statistics Canada may also combine the information you provide with other survey or administrative data sources.


All information that you have provided on this survey will be kept confidential.

Thank you for completing the questionnaire.