Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use - 2019

Why are we conducting this survey?

Statistics Canada, in partnership with Natural Resources Canada, is conducting this survey to collect detailed information on the energy demand and consumption patterns of commercial and institutional buildings in Canada. This survey will collect detailed information on the energy demand and consumption patterns of commercial and institutional buildings in Canada. Information will include the types and quantities of energy being used (such as electricity, natural gas, etc.), and building characteristics to better understand energy consumption. One of the principal goals of Natural Resources Canada is to continually improve energy efficiency in Canada through various measures. Improving energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.

Your participation is important.

Aggregated information from this survey will be used by governments, utilities, industry associations, building managers, and business owners. Data will be used to:

  • develop programs and policies to improve the energy efficiency of commercial and institutional buildings and support Canada's climate change objectives;
  • support programs such as ''ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager'' to encourage the energy efficiency practices by enabling Canadians to monitor and rate their building's energy use against peer buildings.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Reporting period

For the purposes of this survey, report information for the year 2019.

What will you need to complete this questionnaire

For size of the building, you can refer to the Building Occupancy Permit, fire protection drawings, or architectural drawings.

Reporting instructions

  • Percentages should be rounded to whole numbers.
  • When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.
  • Enter ''0'' if there is no value to report.


Commercial building:

A structure that is, partially or completely, used for commercial activities focusing on the exchange of goods or services for a profit.
e.g., stores, office buildings, restaurants, hotels, warehouses

Institutional building:

A structure that is, partially or completely, used for institutional activities focusing on not-for-profit services of public interest.
e.g., schools, place of worship buildings, courthouses

Why have you been selected?

You have been selected because Statistics Canada uses a statistical method called sampling. It is an established way to determine characteristics of an entire population by surveying only part of the population. Buildings were selected as part of a random sample to represent other buildings of the same type (industry, geography, employee size). To ensure that the sample is an accurate reflection of the population as a whole, both nationally and regionally, it is important to have the participation of all those who have been selected through the sampling process.

Who should complete this questionnaire?

This questionnaire should be completed by the person most knowledgeable about the energy consumption and usage of this building.
i.e., someone who has access to energy bills and knowledge about the structure and details of this building (e.g., property manager, building manager, facilities manager, building owner).

How do we protect your information?

Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of consultation participants. All personal information created, held or collected by the agency is protected in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Deadline for completing this questionnaire

Please complete this questionnaire and submit it within 15 days of receipt.

Printing your completed questionnaire

You can print this questionnaire once you have completed and submitted it.

Building information

1. Verify or provide the building information below and correct where needed.

Note: Building information modifications should only be done to correct an error.

Unique building name or identifier:

Building address (number and street):


Province or territory:

1: Alberta

2: British Columbia

3: Manitoba

4: New Brunswick

5: Newfoundland and Labrador

6: Northwest Territories

7: Nova Scotia

8: Nunavut

9: Ontario

10: Prince Edward Island

11: Quebec

12: Saskatchewan

13: Yukon

Postal code:

Example: A9A 9A9

Contact information

2. Verify or provide the contact information for the designated contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person should be the person who is best suited to answer this questionnaire. This person would be someone who is knowledgeable about the energy consumption and usage of this building.

Company or Organization:

First name:

Last name:


Preferred language:

1: English

2: French

Email address:


Telephone number (including area code):

Example: 123-123-1234

Extension number (if applicable):

Mailing address (number and street):


Province, territory or state:

1: Alberta

2: British Columbia

3: Manitoba

4: New Brunswick

5: Newfoundland and Labrador

6: Northwest Territories

7: Nova Scotia

8: Nunavut

9: Ontario

10: Prince Edward Island

11: Quebec

12: Saskatchewan

13: Yukon

14: Alabama

15: Alaska

16: American Samoa

17: Arizona

18: Arkansas

19: California

20: Colorado

21: Connecticut

22: Delaware

23: District of Columbia

24: Federated States of Micronesia

25: Florida

26: Georgia

27: Guam

28: Hawaii

29: Idaho

30: Illinois

31: Indiana

32: Iowa

33: Kansas

34: Kentucky

35: Louisiana

36: Maine

37: Marshall Islands

38: Maryland

39: Massachusetts

40: Michigan

41: Minnesota

42: Mississippi

43: Missouri

44: Montana

45: Nebraska

46: Nevada

47: New Hampshire

48: New Jersey

49: New Mexico

50: New York

51: North Carolina

52: North Dakota

53: Northern Mariana Islands

54: Ohio

55: Oklahoma

56: Oregon

57: Palau

58: Pennsylvania

59: Puerto Rico

60: Rhode Island

61: South Carolina

62: South Dakota

63: Tennessee

64: Texas

65: U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

66: Utah

67: Vermont

68: Virgin Islands of the U.S.

69: Virginia

70: Washington

71: West Virginia

72: Wisconsin

73: Wyoming

Postal code or ZIP code:

Example: A9A 9A9 or 12345-1234


1: Canada

2: United States

3: Other

Building information

3. On December 31st, 2019, was at least 50% of the floor area of this building dedicated to commercial, institutional, or organizational activities?

e. g., stores, offices, restaurants, hotels, warehouses, schools, places of worship, non-profit organizations, courthouses

1: Yes

3: No

e.g., if over 50% of the floor area of this building is residential, select "No"

Building ownership

4. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following categories best described the ownership of this building?

1: Corporation or partnership

2: Private individuals

3: Private organization (for profit)

4: Non-profit organization (other than religious or government)

5: Religious organization

6: Private academic institution

7: Municipal government

8: Provincial or territorial government

9: Federal government, crown corporation, or agency of federal government

10: First Nations, Métis or Inuit

11: Other

Specify other ownership type:


12: Do not know

Building construction

5. In which year was construction completed for the original building located at this address?

If a group of buildings was completed, provide the date of the original building.

When the precise year of building construction is not available, please provide your best estimate.

Year the building construction was completed:

Building information

6. On December 31st, 2019, how many commercial, institutional, or organizational units were in this building?

Unit: A self-contained commercial, institutional, or organizational tenant space or suite within a building that may or may not have an exterior entrance.

Exclude kiosks and temporary structures without walls.

If you are the sole tenant or occupant, enter "1".

Total number of units in this building:

Building characteristics

7. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following categories best described the building located at this address?

If more than one category applies, select the category which accounts for the largest area.

1: Shopping centre (enclosed mall)

A building with multiple stores, often "anchored" by one or more department stores, and with interior walkways. Most stores will not have entrances accessible from outside, with the exception of the "anchor" stores.

2: Low rise linear units

e.g., strip mall, industrial park, where units are beside each other and do not have separate units above or below them

3: Commercial or office tower:

Office tower: A building where over 50% of the floor space is mainly used for or designed to be office and administrative space.

4: None of the above

Note: Later in this questionnaire, you will be asked questions about building characteristics, energy consumption and usage, building modifications, and building type specific questions.

8. Are you able to provide this information for all the units within this building?

1: Yes

3: No

Are you able to provide information for one unit in this building?

1: Yes

3: No

For the remainder of this questionnaire, please report information for one unit only.

Total building or unit floor area

9. On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area of this building or this unit?

For the size of this building/unit, you can refer to the Building Occupancy Permit, , fire protection drawings, or architectural drawings. The total floor area may be larger than the Gross Leasable Area (GLA).

Include floor area of all enclosed floors, mechanical rooms, common areas, basements, and annexes, if applicable.

Exclude floor area associated with any indoor parking, partially enclosed parking, or portable structures.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of this building or this unit:

Activity or function

10. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following activities or functions occurred in this building or this unit?

Select all that apply.

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

1: Bank branch

Exclude ATM-only bank branches.

2: Courthouse

Include courtrooms, holding facilities and associated administrative spaces.

3: Police station

Include associated administrative space.

4: Fire station

5: Assisted daily care facility or residential care facility

Exclude independent living retirement communities.

6: Hotel, motel, hostel, or lodge

Exclude condominiums or private residences rented out, vacation timeshares, residence halls for educational purposes, and barracks.

7: Preschool or daycare

Exclude private in-home services.

8: Primary or secondary school

9: Restaurant

Exclude bars and nightclubs with only beverage sales, food trucks, and food delivery services.

10: Food and beverage store

Include grocery stores, pharmacies, convenience stores and alcoholic beverage stores.

11: Retail store (non-food)

12: Office space (medical)

13: Office space (excluding medical)

14: Recreation centre

15: Ice rink

16: Performing arts

17: Cinema

18: Place or worship

19: Museum or gallery

20: Library or archives

21: Warehouse

22: Vehicle dealership, repair, or storage

23: Industrial

24: Agricultural

25: Residential

Include occupied and vacant residential space.

26: Vacant

Include vacant commercial, institutional, and organizational space.

27: Other

Specify other activity or function 1:

Specify other activity or function 2:

Specify other activity or function 3:

Specify other activity or function 4:

Specify other activity or function 5:

Specify other activity or function 6:

Specify other activity or function 7:

Specify other activity or function 8:

Specify other activity or function 9:

Specify other activity or function 10:

11. On December 31st, 2019, what was the percentage of floor area used for the following activities or functions in this building or this unit?

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

Bank branch

Exclude ATM-only bank branches.

Percentage of floor area:


Include courtrooms, holding facilities and associated administrative spaces.

Percentage of floor area:

Police station

Include associated administrative space.

Percentage of floor area:

Fire station

Percentage of floor area:

Assisted daily care facility or residential care facility

Exclude independent living retirement communities.

Percentage of floor area:

Hotel, motel, hostel, or lodge

Exclude condominiums or private residences rented out, vacation timeshares, residence halls for educational purposes, and barracks.

Percentage of floor area:

Preschool or daycare

Exclude private in-home services.

Percentage of floor area:

Primary or secondary school

Percentage of floor area:


Exclude bars and nightclubs with only beverage sales, food trucks, and food delivery services.

Percentage of floor area:

Food and beverage store

Include grocery stores, pharmacies, convenience stores and alcoholic beverage stores.

Percentage of floor area:

Retail store (non-food)

Percentage of floor area:

Office space (medical)

Percentage of floor area:

Office space (excluding medical)

Percentage of floor area:

Recreation centre

Percentage of floor area:

Ice rink

Percentage of floor area:

Performing arts

Percentage of floor area:


Percentage of floor area:

Place or worship

Percentage of floor area:

Museum or gallery

Percentage of floor area:

Library or archives

Percentage of floor area:


Percentage of floor area:

Vehicle dealership, repair, or storage

Percentage of floor area:


Percentage of floor area:


Percentage of floor area:


Include occupied and vacant residential space.

Percentage of floor area:


Include vacant commercial, institutional, and organizational space.

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 1

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 2

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 3

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 4

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 5

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 6

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 7

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 8

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 9

Percentage of floor area:

Other activity or function 10

Percentage of floor area:

Building or unit information

12. During the 2019 calendar year, which months was this building or this unit in use for any commercial, institutional, or organizational activities?

1: For all 12 months

2: For certain months

Select the months for which this building or this unit was in use for any commercial, institutional, or organizational activities.

Select all that apply.

1: January

2: Febrary

3: March

4: April

5: May

6: June

7: July

8: August

9: September

10: October

11: November

12: December

3: At no time during the 2019 calendar year

e.g., this building or this unit was entirely vacant or under construction for all of 2019

13. During the 2019 calendar year, which months was this building or this unit available for occupancy?

e.g., this building or this unit was available for use, with or without occupancy, and not closed for maintenance, renovations or repairs.

1: For all 12 months

2: For certain months

Select the months for which this building or this unit was available for occupancy.

Select all that apply.

1: January

2: February

3: March

4: April

5: May

6: June

7: July

8: August

9: September

10: October

11: November

12: December

3: At no time during the 2019 calendar year

e.g., this building or this unit was closed for maintenance, renovations or repairs for all of 2019

Building information

14. On December 31st, 2019, did this building have shared interior common areas?

Include foyers, lobbies, washrooms, elevators, stairwells and common areas that were shared by businesses, institutions, organizations, visitors, or residential tenants.

1: Yes

What percentage of the total floor area of this building was shared?

Percentage of floor area shared:

3: No

5: Do not know

Building or unit information

15. During a typical week in the 2019 calendar year, what were the total weekly operating hours for the largest area of this building or this unit?

Exclude hours during which maintenance, housekeeping, or security staff are working outside of the normal operating hours.

e.g., for a this building or this unit that is typically open from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, the total weekly operating hours is 45 hours.

If the hours vary for different parts of this building or this unit, please report the hours for the part of the building with the largest area.

Total weekly operating hours:

16. During its main shift, approximately how many employees and volunteers work in this building or this unit?

Main shift: The shift when the greatest number of employees are in this building or this unit. If the number of employees changes depending on the season, report for a main shift during the busiest season.

Include full-time and part-time employees.

Exclude contractors.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of employees:

Number of volunteers:


1: Do not know

17. During the 2019 calendar year, what percentage of the total floor area of this building or this unit was heated to at least 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit)?

Include floor area of all enclosed commercial, residential, and industrial floors, mechanical rooms, common areas, basements, annexes, and other temporary areas, if applicable.

Exclude floor area associated with any indoor parking, partially enclosed parking, portable structures, terraces, and outdoor spaces.

If percentage is null please indicate "0". Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

Percentage of floor area heated:

18. During the 2019 calendar year, what percentage of the total floor area of this building or this unit was cooled (air conditioned)?

Include floor area of all enclosed commercial, residential, and industrial floors, mechanical rooms, common areas, basements, annexes, and other temporary areas.

Exclude floor area associated with any refrigerated space, indoor parking, partially enclosed parking, portable structures, terraces, and outdoor spaces.

If percentage is null please indicate "0". Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

Percentage of floor area air conditioned:

19. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following types of on-site parking did this building or this unit have?

Select all that apply.

1: Indoor parking

Indoor parking: A covered parking area that is fully enclosed with a door and is mechanically ventilated. It does not include partially enclosed structures.

Was the indoor parking heated?

1: Yes

3: No

Was the indoor parking space shared with other buildings?

1: Yes

3: No

What was the total area of the indoor parking?

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total area of indoor parking:

1: Do not know

Number of indoor parking spaces:

2: Partially enclosed parking

Partially enclosed parking: Covered parking with one or more walls, fully or partially, open to the exterior.

How would you like to provide information about your partially enclosed parking?

1: What was the total area?

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total area of indoor parking:

2: What was the total number of parking spots?

Number of partially enclosed parking spaces:

Was the partially enclosed parking area shared with other buildings?

1: Yes

3: No

3: Outdoor parking

Outdoor parking: Uncovered parking area without enclosed walls. Exclude partially enclosed parking areas.

How would you like to provide information about your outdoor parking?

1: What was the total area of the outdoor parking?

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total area of outdoor parking:

2: What is the total number of parking spots?

Number of outdoor parking spaces:

4: No on-site parking

Portable structures

20. On December 31st, 2019, were there any portable structures that consumed energy located on-site?

Portable structure: A temporary structure that supports the function of the main building and does not have a permanent foundation.

e.g., portable classroom

Exclude shipping containers, sheds, and garden centres.

1: Yes

What was the total number of portable structures that consumed energy located on-site?

Total number of portable structures:

What was the total floor area of the portable structures that consumed energy located on-site?

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of portable structures:

3: No

21. On December 31st, 2019, was the portable structure electrically powered by the main building supply?

1: Yes

3: No

Building or unit information

22. On December 31st, 2019, how many floors in this building or this unit were at ground level and above?

Exclude parking levels, half floors, mezzanines, balconies and lofts.

Total number of floors at ground level and above:

23. On December 31st, 2019, how many floors in this building or this unit were below ground level?

Include basement floors.

Exclude parking levels.

Total number of floors were below ground level:

24. On December 31st, 2019, how many elevators were in this building or this unit?

Include service elevators and lifts.

Total number of elevators:

25. On December 31st, 2019, how many escalators were in this building or this unit?

A pair of up and down escalators should be counted as two.

Total number of escalators:

Computer server rooms

26. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any computer server rooms with dedicated cooling and dedicated uninterruptable power?

Computer server room: A space specifically designed and equipped to meet the needs of high density computing equipment, such as server racks, used for data storage and processing. These typically have the following features:

• a raised floor

• dedicated uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

• separate cooling system

• humidity control

• controlled access.

Exclude server closets.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area of the computer server rooms with dedicated cooling and dedicated uninterruptable power in this building or this unit?

If this building or this unit contains more than one computer server room, please provide the combined total floor area.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of computer server rooms:

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total combined power of the computer server rooms?

If this building or this unit contains more than one computer server, please provide the combined total power of all computer servers.

Unit of measure

1: Kilowatts (kW)

2: Megawatts (MW)

Total combined power of computer server rooms:

1: Do not know

3: No

Worship areas

27. On December 31st, 2019, what was the maximum capacity of the worship areas in this building or this unit?

Maximum capacity: Total number of persons who can safely occupy an area of worship at one time.

Exclude social areas and surrounding hallways.

If this building or this unit contains more than one worship area, please provide the maximum capacity of the combined worship areas.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Maximum capacity of worship areas:

28. On December 31st, 2019, what was the maximum ceiling height within the worship areas in this building or this unit?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Metres

2: Feet

Maximum ceiling height of worship areas


1: Do not know

Cinema and the area dedicated for performing arts

29. On December 31st, 2019, what was the maximum capacity of the cinema and the area dedicated for performing arts in this building or this unit?

Maximum capacity: Total number of persons who can safely occupy the cinema and the area dedicated for performing arts at one time.

i.e., maximum sellable seats or tickets

Exclude social areas and surrounding hallways.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Maximum capacity of the cinema and the area dedicated for performing arts:

Call centres

30. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any call centres?

Call centre: A space dedicated to answering a large volume of customer service requests and receiving orders by phone or chat.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area of the call centres in this building or this unit?

If this building or this unit contains more than one call centre, please provide the combined total floor area.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of call centres:

3: No


31. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any courtrooms?

Courtroom: Space used for federal, provincial, municipal courts, tribunal, and associated administrative office space.

1: Yes

3: No

32. On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area of the courtrooms in this building or this unit?

Courtroom: Space used for federal, provincial, municipal courts, tribunal, and associated administrative office space.

If this building or this unit contains more than one courtroom, please provide the combined total floor area of the courtrooms.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet (ft2)

2: Square metres (m2)

Total floor area of courtrooms:

33. On December 31st, 2019, what was the maximum capacity of the courtrooms in this building or this unit?

Courtroom: Space used for federal, provincial, municipal courts, tribunal, and associated administrative office space.

Maximum capacity: Total number of persons who can safely occupy the courtroom at one time.

If this building or this unit contains more than one courtroom, please provide the maximum capacity of the combined courtrooms.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Maximum capacity of the courtrooms:

Temporary holding facilities

34. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any temporary holding facilities?

Temporary holding facility: A secured and confined space dedicated to detaining individuals temporarily.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area of all temporary holding facilities in this building or this unit?

If this building or this unit contains more than one temporary holding facility, please provide the combined total floor area.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of temporary holding facilities:

3: No

Emergency services

35. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have a station dedicated to the deployment of emergency vehicles?

Emergency vehicle: A vehicle typically equipped with audible and visible warning devices that transports personnel and equipment to emergency incidents.

e.g., ambulances, paramedic vehicles, police cruisers, fire engines, fire trucks

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, how many emergency vehicles were stationed at this building or this unit?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of emergency vehicles:

3: No

36. On December 31st, 2019, how many garage doors for emergency vehicles did this building or this unit have?

Garage door for emergency vehicles: A garage door exclusively used for emergency vehicles such as ambulances, paramedic vehicles, police cruisers, fire engines, fire trucks.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of garage doors for emergency vehicles:

37. During the 2019 calendar year, how many incidents were responded to by emergency vehicles stationed at this building or this unit?

Incident: A natural or human caused event that requires an emergency response to aid in the protection of life, property, or environment.

Emergency vehicle: A vehicle typically equipped with audible and visible warning devices that transports personnel and equipment to emergency incidents.

e.g., ambulances, paramedic vehicles, police cruisers, fire engines, fire trucks

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of incidents responded to from this building or this unit:

Museums and galleries

38. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following categories described the museums or galleries in this building or this unit?

Select all that apply.

1: Art museum or gallery

2: History museum

3: Science museum

4: Planetarium

5: Observatory

6: Historic site

Exclude historic and heritage homes.

7: Other

Specify other:

39. On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area designated for the display of public exhibitions in this building or this unit?

Exhibition: A public display of items of interest, held in an art gallery or museum.

e.g., public showing of works of art

Include area typically accessible to the public for displaying both permanent and rotating exhibitions.

Exclude area for ticketing, lobby, public washrooms, and all other common areas typically accessible to the public.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area designated for public exhibitions:

Number of visitors

40. During a typical week in the 2019 calendar year, how many visitors entered this building or this unit during its regular hours of operation?

Include contractors, patrons, and customers.

Exclude employees and volunteers.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of visitors during a typical week:


1: Do not know

Temperature and humidity controls

41. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit use temperature and humidity controls that met specifications for ASHRAE Class of Control A or AA to preserve an archive or collection?

ASHRAE is the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers Inc.

In the ASHRAE Handbook for Collection Type: General museums, art galleries, libraries, and archives, Class A and AA control specifies short-term temperature fluctuations of ±2ºC and short-term relative humidity fluctuations of ±5% (AA or A with seasonal relative humidity set point adjustment) or ±10% (A with no relative humidity set point adjustment). Many institutions that are designated Category A under the Movable Cultural Property (MCP-A) Program meet the requirements for ASHRAE A or AA Class of control.

1: Yes

3: No

5: Do not know

Library or archives

42. On December 31st, 2019, did this library or archive provide circulation items to its users?

Circulation items: Items loaned from the library or archive.

e.g., books, magazines, maps, movies, audio books

1: Yes

During the 2019 calendar year, what was the total number of annual electronic circulations and non-electronic circulations by this library or archive?

Number of electronic circulations:

Number of non-electronic circulations:


1: Do not know

3: No

43. During the 2019 calendar year, what was the number of programs offered and their total attendance for this library or archive?

Program: Activities offered on-site by the library or archive to members of the public.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of programs offered:

Total program attendance:

Assisted daily care or residential care facility

44. On December 31st, 2019, what was the total resident population in this facility?

Resident: A person who lives in this facility permanently or on a long-term basis.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total resident population in this facility:


1: Do not know

Vehicle dealership, repair, or storage

45. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any vehicle repair or vehicle painting bays?

Vehicle repair bay: Space allocated to perform repairs on a single vehicle.

Vehicle painting bay: Space that is specifically allocated for painting the body of a vehicle and is generally self-contained.

e.g., spray booth

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total number of vehicle repair and vehicle painting bays in this building or this unit?

Total number of vehicle repair bays:

If a garage has space to repair three vehicles, the spaces are considered as three vehicle repair bays.

Total number of vehicle painting bays:

If a garage has space to paint three vehicles, the spaces are considered as three vehicle painting bays.

3: No

Food courts or cafeterias

46. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any food courts or cafeterias?

Food court: An interior common area containing multiple food vendors surrounding tables and chairs for common use.

Cafeteria: A space where customers select food or are served at a counter. Food is generally paid for before consumption and taken to tables in surrounding area.

Exclude kitchenettes strictly for employee use.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, did this food court or cafeteria, primarily use reusable dishware?

1: Yes

3: No

3: No

Indoor and outdoor pools

47. As of December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any indoor or outdoor pools?

Include pools of all sizes and depths, such as wave pools, lane pools, diving pools, and shallow pools.

Exclude hot tubs.

1: Yes

As of December 31st, 2019, how many indoor and outdoor pools did this building or this unit have?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of indoor pools:

Number of outdoor pools:

3: No

Indoor pools

48. For the 2019 calendar year, provide the following information for the indoor pool specified below.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Indoor pool 1

What was the total surface area of indoor pool?

If surface area is unknown, please provide volume.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

3: Cubic feet

4: Cubic metres

Total surface area or volume of pool:

Number of months in operation:

Total hours open for use per week:

Outdoor pools

49. For the 2019 calendar year, provide the following information for the outdoor pool specified below.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Outdoor pool 1

What was the total surface area of outdoor pool 1?

If surface area is unknown, please provide volume.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

3: Cubic feet

4: Cubic metres

Total surface area or volume of pool:

Number of months in operation:

Total hours open for use per week:

Fitness centres

50. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any fitness centres for weight or cardio training?

Fitness centre: A space that houses exercise equipment for the purpose of physical exercise.

e.g., individual strength training, cardiovascular exercises, group exercise classes

Exclude gymnasiums and racquet sport courts.

1: Yes

For the 2019 calendar year, provide the following information for the fitness centres.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

What was the total floor area of the fitness centres?

If this building contains more than one fitness centre, please provide the combined floor area.

Exclude change rooms and washrooms.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of fitness centres:

Total number of powered fitness machines:

Powered fitness machines: Fitness equipment, supplied with power, used for cardiovascular exercise, weight lifting, or other.

e.g., treadmills, stationary bicycles, rowing machines, powered ladders, powered stairs, powered weight lifting

Total hours open for use per week:

3: No

Gymnasiums and racquet sport courts

51. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any indoor gymnasiums or racquet sport courts?

Gymnasium: Space equipped for indoor sports, games and gymnastics (e.g., basketball, boxing, volleyball), but without any powered exercise equipment.

Racquet sport court: An indoor space used for various racquet sports (e.g., badminton, squash).

1: Yes

For the 2019 calendar year, provide the following information for the indoor gymnasiums and racquet sport courts.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

What was the total floor area of the fitness centres?

If this building contains more than one gymnasium or racquet sport court, please provide the combined floor area.

Exclude change rooms and washrooms.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of indoor gymnasiums and racquet sport courts:

Number of months in operation:

Total hours open for use per week:

3: No

Food or beverage store type

52. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following categories best described the type of food or beverage store that was located in this building or this unit?

1: Supermarket or grocery store

e.g., Loblaws®, Sobeys®, Metro®, IGA®, Provigo®

2: Retail store with food sales

e.g., Giant Tiger®, Walmart®

3: Convenience store with gas station

4: Convenience store without gas station

5: Pharmacy with food sales

e.g., Shopper's Drug Mart®, Jean Coutu®, Rexall®

6: Beer, wine and liquor stores

e.g., Stores dedicated to the sale of alcoholic beverages, such as the Beer Store®, The Wine Rack®

7: Other

Specify other type of food or beverage store:

53. On December 31st, 2019, what types of food or beverage stores were located in this building or this unit?

Select all that apply.

1: Supermarket or grocery store

e.g., Loblaws®, Sobeys®, Metro®, IGA®, Provigo®

2: Retail store with food sales

e.g., Giant Tiger®, Walmart®

3: Convenience store with gas station

4: Convenience store without gas station

5: Pharmacy with food sales

e.g., Shopper's Drug Mart®, Jean Coutu®, Rexall®

6: Beer, wine and liquor stores

e.g., Stores dedicated to the sale of alcoholic beverages, such as the Beer Store®, The Wine Rack®

7: Other

Specify other type of food or beverage store:


54. During a typical week in the 2019 calendar year, what was the total number of transactions that were processed in this building or this unit?

Transactions: A transaction refers to the exchange of currency for products or services. A transaction should be the count for one payment exchange and not line items.

Include remote transactions.

e.g., takeout, mobile orders for pick up, phone orders for pick up, or other remote transactions.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total number of transactions processed during a typical week:


1: Do not know


55. On December 31st, 2019, did this warehouse have floor space used for product manufacturing or assembly?

Product assembly: Combining two or more intermediate or unfinished goods or products into a final product.

Product manufacturing: Transforming intermediate or unfinished goods or products into a final product.

Include areas used for the transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products.

Exclude areas used for product packaging and area used for growing produce.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area of this building that was used for product manufacturing or assembly?

If there was more than one product manufacturing or assembly area in the warehouse, please provide the combined total area.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area used for product manufacturing or assembly:

3: No

56. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following categories described the warehouse space of this building or this unit?

Select all that apply.

1: Distribution or shipping centre

2: Refrigerated warehouse space

3: Non-refrigerated warehouse space

4: Public rental storage units (self-storage facility)

5: Other

Specify other type of warehouse space:

57. Provide the total floor area of the refrigerated warehouse space according to temperature, as well as the total floor area for the non-refrigerated space of this building or this unit.

Exclude walk-in refrigerators, walk-in freezers, refrigerated display cases and freezer display cases.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

a: 10 degrees Celsius to 1 degree Celsius

50 degrees Fahrenheit to 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area:

b: Less than 1 degree Celsius to -10 degrees Celsius

Less than 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit to 14 degrees Fahrenheit

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area:

c: Less than -10 degrees Celsius

Less than 14 degrees Fahrenheit

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area:

d: Non-refrigerated space

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area:

58. During the 2019 calendar year, which of the following systems did this warehouse have?

Select all that apply.

1: Under-pad heating

i.e., eating provided under the concrete slab to prevent frost heaving

2: Free cooling system

i.e., circulating naturally-cooled air as a source of space cooling


3: None of the above

59. On December 31st, 2019, what was the average clear height of this warehouse space?

Clear height: Distance measured from the warehouse floor to the bottom of the lowest hanging overhead obstruction. If the warehouse consists of areas with varying clear heights, use the average of the clear heights.

i.e., the minimum height of usable space within the warehouse.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Average clear height:

60. On December 31st, 2019, did this warehouse have any powered conveyors or other motorized conveyor systems?

Conveyor: A motorized or powered moving belt that transports objects.

e.g., an endless moving belt or a chain of receptacles.

Exclude gravity conveyor belts, non-powered roller belts.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total length of all powered conveyors and other motorized conveyor systems?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Total length of powered and motorized conveyors:

3: No

Loading docks

61. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any loading docks in operation?

Loading dock: An area of a building where goods are loaded or unloaded from transport vehicles (e.g., road, rail, and boat)

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, how many loading docks did this building or this unit have in operation?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of loading docks in operation:

3: No

Concession stands

62. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any concession stands?

Concession stand: A place with very limited or no associated seating, where patrons can purchase snacks, food, or beverages. It can generally be found at stadiums, cinemas, fairs, and other entertainment venues.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, how many concession stands did this building or this unit have?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total number of concession stands:

3: No


63. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following best described this restaurant?

1: Café or coffee shop

A commercial establishment that sells specialized beverages or foods from a limited menu.

e.g., Starbucks®, Second Cup®

2: Fast food restaurant

A commercial establishment, usually owned and managed under a franchise agreement that specializes in quick preparation of foods and meals.

e.g., Tim Horton's®, Wendy's®

3: Casual dining, pub, or bar

A commercial establishment that provides table service and that serves moderately-priced food in a casual atmosphere.

e.g., Swiss Chalet®, East Side Mario's®, The Keg®

4: Fine dining

A commercial establishment with an upscale setting table service, usually featuring a higher-priced menu, and often characterized by specialized or unique menu options.

5: Other

Specify other type of restaurant:

64. On December 31st, 2019, what types of restaurants were located in this building or this unit?

Select all that apply.

1: Café or coffee shop

A commercial establishment that sells specialized beverages or foods from a limited menu.

e.g., Starbucks®, Second Cup®

2: Fast food restaurant

A commercial establishment, usually owned and managed under a franchise agreement that specializes in quick preparation of foods and meals.

e.g., Tim Horton's®, Wendy's®

3: Casual dining, pub, or bar

A commercial establishment that provides table service and that serves moderately-priced food in a casual atmosphere.

e.g., Swiss Chalet®, East Side Mario's®, The Keg®

4: Fine dining

A commercial establishment with an upscale setting table service, usually featuring a higher-priced menu, and often characterized by specialized or unique menu options.

5: Other

Specify other type of restaurant:

Food preparation

65. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have a kitchen for commercial or institutional food preparation?

Commercial kitchen: a kitchen that is inspected by public health for large scale production of food for resale to the public.

Institutional kitchen: a kitchen that is inspected by public health for large scale production of food for distribution to employees, residents, or students.

Exclude kitchenettes, employee break rooms, pantries, concession stands, and service and seating areas.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area used for commercial and institutional food preparation?

If this building had more than one area used for commercial or institutional food preparation in the building, please provide the combined total floor area.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area for food preparation:

3: No

Food establishments

66. On December 31st, 2019, what was the maximum interior seating capacity dedicated to the restaurants, food courts, or cafeterias in this building or this unit?

Seating capacity: Number of fixed seats.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Maximum interior seating capacity dedicated to the restaurants, food courts, or cafeterias:

Primary or secondary schools

67. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following types of schools occupied this building or this unit?

Select all that apply.

1: Primary school

A school providing early education for young children, generally from Kindergarten up until Grade 8 (Grade 6 in Quebec).

Exclude facilities devoted to daycare of children under 4 years of age.

2: Secondary school

A school providing education to older children, generally from Grade 9 to Grade 12 (Secondaire 1 until Secondaire 5 in Quebec).


68. On December 31st, 2019, what was the total enrollment at this school?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total enrollment:

69. On December 31st, 2019, what was the total maximum capacity of all classrooms in this school?

Maximum capacity: Total number of persons who can safely occupy the school at one time

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total maximum capacity of all classrooms:

70. During the 2019 calendar year, was this school used in the evenings or on weekends for more than 10 hours per week?

e.g., for night classes, community programs, and after-school programs.

Exclude activities that occur during the school's regular daytime hours such as summer school and summer camps.

1: Yes

During the 2019 calendar year, how many weeks was this school used in the evenings or on weekends for more than 10 hours per week?

Number of weeks:

3: No

Assisted daily care facility or residential care facility

71. On December 31st, 2019, what was the total bed capacity of this assisted daily care facility or residential care facility?

Bed: A formal administrative unit representing the provision of health care to a patient who has been admitted to a hospital or similar environment.

Include licensed beds.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total bed capacity:

Hotel, motel, lodge, or hostel

72. On December 31st, 2019, how many guest rooms or occupant rooms were in this hotel, motel, lodge or hostel?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total number of guest or occupant rooms:

73. During the 2019 calendar year, what was the total number of room nights sold for the hotel, motel, hostel, or lodge?

Room nights sold: The total number of hotel stays sold in a year, per room and night.

i.e., a hotel, motel lodge, or hostel with 100 rooms may have up to 36,500 room nights in a year (100 rooms x 365 nights).

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total number of room nights sold:


1: Do not know

During the 2019 calendar year, what was the average annual occupancy rate of the hotel, motel, hostel, or lodge?

Occupancy rate: Percentage derived by dividing the total number of rooms occupied during a given year by the total number of rooms available for occupancy during the year.

Provide your best estimate rounded to the nearest percentage.

Average annual occupancy rate:

Conferences and social events

74. On December 31st, 2019, was there any designated space in this building or this unit used primarily for conferences or social events?

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, what was the total floor area of the designated space for conferences or social events in this building or this unit?

Include the area available for the event.

Exclude guest rooms of people attending the event.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area designated for conferences or social events:

3: No

Ice rinks

75. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any indoor hockey rinks or skating rinks?

Exclude curling rinks, outdoor hockey rinks, outdoor skating rinks, and synthetic rinks.

1: Yes

On December 31st, 2019, how many indoor hockey rinks and skating rinks did this building or this unit have?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of indoor hockey rinks and skating rinks:

3: No

76. During the 2019, calendar year, provide the following information for each indoor hockey rink and skating rink in this building or this unit.

Exclude curling rinks, outdoor hockey rinks, outdoor skating rinks, and synthetic rinks.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Ice rink 1

What is the size of ice rink?

1: Standard hockey rink

i.e., 200ft by 85ft or 25.91m by 60.96m

2: Standard Olympic hockey rink

i.e., 200ft by 98.4ft or 30m by 61m

3: Other

Specify other ice rink size

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Surface area of ice:

Maximum spectator seating capacity:

Include spectator benches and seating.

Exclude viewing areas and standing room.

On December 31st, 2019, did ice rink 1 have ice refrigeration equipment?

If the ice is maintained by outdoor weather conditions alone, select No.

1: Yes

3: No

During the 2019, calendar year, was ice present for all 12 months?

1: Yes

3: No

Number of months when ice was present:

Number of months when ice was not present:

i.e., when rink is open, but no ice is installed

Average hours per week of rink use when ice was not present:

Include ball hockey, concerts, conferences, or summer camps.

Average hours per week rink was in use when ice was present:

Include hours when the ice was in use for activities such as ice hockey, ringette, figure skating, paid spectator games, open to the public for leisure skating, or otherwise open to the public for activities where the ice was present but temporarily covered.

Exclude hours when the rink was closed.

Average hours per week rink was in use for paid spectator hockey games:

e.g., junior, semi-pro, or professional

Average hours per week rink was in use for other activities:

Include concerts and conferences when ice may be covered.

Number of ice resurfacings per week:

i.e., flooding with ice resurfacing machine after typical use

Curling sheets

77. On December 31st, 2019, did this building or this unit have any curling sheets in use?

Curling sheet: A curling sheet is an ice surface specifically for the purpose of the game of curling.

Exclude synthetic curling sheets.

1: Yes

Please provide the following information for the curling sheets in use in this building or this unit.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

On December 31st, 2019, how many curling sheets were in use in this building or this unit?

Number of curling sheets in use

If there are multiple sheets on a pad, please count each sheet individually.

During the 2019 calendar year, how many months were the curling sheets in use?

Number of months curling sheets were in use:

During a typical week in the 2019 calendar year, how many hours were the curling sheets in use?

Number of hours curling sheets were in use during a typical week:

3: No

Ice resurfacing machines

78. On December 31st, 2019, how many ice resurfacing machines were primarily in use at this building or this unit?

Exclude ice resurfacing machines used as backup only.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Number of ice resurfacing machines primarily in use:

Ice-making operations

79. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following refrigerants were used in the ice-making operations in this building or this unit?

1: HFC


3: Ammonia

4: CO2

5: Other

Specify other refrigerant:


1: Do not know

80. During the 2019 calendar year, did the ice surface in this building or this unit have any heat recovery systems installed to recover heat from its ice-making equipment?

1: Yes, all ice surface had heat recovery systems installed.

2: Yes, some ice surfaces had heat recovery systems installed

3: No, the ice surface did not have any heat recovery systems

5: Do not know

Domestic and commercial counts

81. On December 31st, 2019, how many of the following domestic and commercial appliances were in use in this building or this unit?

Domestic appliance: An appliance which is typically found in a residential setting that is used for non-commercial purposes.

Commercial appliance: An appliance which is typically found in a commercial setting that is used for commercial purposes.

Include appliances that are in use for the reported total floor area of the building/unit.

Include appliances provided in guest rooms. Exclude appliances brought on-site by guests.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate. If number of appliances is null please indicate "0".

Type of appliance

a : Freezers

Freezer: An enclosure, with an opaque door, kept at or below freezing temperature for storing food or frozen products.

Exclude walk-in freezers, open freezer cases, and closed freezer cases.

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

b : Refrigerators

Refrigerator: An enclosure, with an opaque door, kept at a temperature above 0 degrees Celsius but below 10 degrees Celsius (above 32 degrees Fahrenheit but below 50 degrees Fahrenheit) for storing food or cold products.

Exclude walk in refrigerators, open refrigerated cases, and closed refrigerated cases.

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

c : Dishwashers

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

d : Stove tops

Stove top: A flat cooking surface with solid plates or open racks to cook over heat.

Exclude ranges.

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

e : Ovens

Oven: A chamber or enclosed compartment equipped to heat objects placed within.

Exclude ranges.

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

f : Ranges

Range: A cooking apparatus having a flat top with solid plates or open racks to hold utensils over flames or coils and an oven.

Exclude stoves and ovens.

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

g : Kitchen exhaust hoods

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

h : Broilers

Broiler: An appliance used in broiling.

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

i : Microwaves

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

j : Washing machines

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

k : Clothing dryers

Number of domestic appliances:

Number of commercial appliances:

Equipment counts

82. On December 31st, 2019, how many of the following types of devices, appliances, or equipment were in use in this building or this unit?

Include devices, appliances, or equipment that are in use (plugged in) for the reported total floor area of the building/unit.

Include devices, appliances, and equipment provided in guest rooms. Exclude devices, appliances, and equipment brought on-site by guests.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate. If number of devices, appliances, or equipment is null please indicate "0"

Type of device, appliance or equipment

a: Computers

Include personal computers and laptops.

Exclude cash registers, battery-operated hand-held devices (e.g., tablets), and servers in a dedicated server room or data centre.

A dedicated server room or data centre is defined as a space with its own power and cooling system, with a power load of at least 75 kW.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

b: On-site servers

Include physical servers on-site only.

A physical server virtually split into multiple cloud servers should count as one.

A dedicated server room or data centre is defined as a space with its own power and cooling system, with a power load of at least 75 kW.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

c: Cash registers

Include all point-of-sale or point-of-purchase equipment capable of processing a transaction (e.g., registers, wireless hand-held payment terminals).

Exclude personal computers and laptops.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

d: Televisions, electronic displays, or LCDs

Exclude desk computer monitors.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

e: Printers, photocopiers, fax machines and multi-functional devices

Multi-functional device: A device which performs two or more activities such as printing, photocopying and faxing.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

f: Walk-in freezers

Walk-in freezer: A large frozen enclosed space, where goods can be stored at low temperature and where individuals can walk in to store or collect goods.

Exclude freezers, open freezer cases, and closed freezer cases.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

g: Walk-in refrigerators

Walk-in freezer: A large refrigerated enclosed space, where goods can be stored at low temperature and where individuals can walk in to store or collect goods.

Exclude refrigerators, open refrigerated cases, and closed refrigerated cases.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

h: Open refrigerated cases

Open refrigerated case: A commercial refrigerated case, generally used to display goods and cooled to a temperature between 2 degrees Celsius and 5 degrees Celsius (35.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 41 degrees Fahrenheit).

Exclude closed refrigerated cases, refrigerators, and walk-in refrigerated space.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

i: Closed refrigerated cases

Closed refrigerated case: A commercial refrigerated case with transparent doors, generally used to display goods and cooled to a temperature between 2 degrees Celsius and 5 degrees Celsius (35.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 41 degrees Fahrenheit).

Exclude open refrigerated cases, refrigerators, and walk-in refrigerated space.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

j: Open freezer cases

Open freezer case: A commercial freezer case, generally used to display goods and cooled to keep contents frozen.

Exclude closed freezers cases, freezers, and walk-in freezer space.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

k: Closed freezer cases

Closed freezer case: A commercial freezer case with transparent doors, generally used to display goods and cooled to keep contents frozen.

Exclude open freezer cases, freezers, and walk-in freezer space.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

l: Vending machines

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

m: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

n: Sterilization equipment

Sterilization equipment: Equipment dedicated to inactivate or remove all living organisms (including vegetative and spore forms) as well as viruses.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

o: Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations

Include stations serving this building or facility only.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

p: Forklifts

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

q: Robot pickers

Robot picker: An automated system used to retrieve or sort packages or products in a warehouse environment.

Number of devices, appliances, or equipment:

Sterilization equipment

83. What is the total volume (i.e., chamber size) within the piece of sterilization equipment reported?

Sterilization equipment: Equipment dedicated to inactivate or remove all living organisms (including vegetative and spore forms) as well as viruses.

If this building or this unit contains more than one piece of sterilization equipment, please provide the total volume of the combined pieces of sterilization equipment.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Cubic feet

2: Cubic metres

Total volume within the piece of sterilization equipment:

Commercial freezers

84. What is the total length of the commercial freezer reported?

Freezer: An enclosure, with an opaque door, kept at or below freezing temperature for storing food or frozen products.

Exclude walk-in freezers, open freezer cases, and closed freezer cases.

Commercial appliance: An appliance which is typically found in a commercial setting that is used for commercial purposes.

If this building or this unit contains more than one commercial freezer, please report the total length of all commercial freezers.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Total length of the commercial freezer:

Commercial refrigerators

85. What is the total length of the commercial refrigerator reported?

Refrigerator: An enclosure, with an opaque door, kept at a temperature above 0 degrees Celsius but below 10 degrees Celsius (above 32 degrees Fahrenheit but below 50 degrees Fahrenheit) for storing food or cold products.

Exclude walk in refrigerators, open refrigerated cases, and closed refrigerated cases.

Commercial appliance: An appliance which is typically found in a commercial setting that is used for commercial purposes.

If this building or this unit contains more than one commercial refrigerator, please report the total length of all commercial refrigerators.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Total length of the commercial refrigerator:

Commercial kitchen exhaust hoods

86. What is the total length of the commercial kitchen exhaust hood reported?

If this building or this unit contains more than one commercial kitchen exhaust hood, please report the total length of all commercial kitchen exhaust hoods.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Total length of the commercial kitchen exhaust hood:

Walk-in freezers

87. What is the total floor area of the walk-in freezer reported?

Walk-in freezer: A large frozen enclosed space, where goods can be stored at low temperature and where individuals can walk in to store or collect goods.

Exclude freezers, open freezer cases, and closed freezer cases.

If this building or this unit contains more than one walk-in freezer, please report the total floor area of all walk-in freezers combined.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of the walk-in freezer:

Walk-in refrigerators

88. What is the total floor area of the walk-in refrigerator reported?

Walk-in refrigerator: A large refrigerated enclosed space, where goods can be stored at low temperature and where individuals can walk in to store or collect goods.

Exclude refrigerators, open refrigerated cases, and closed refrigerated cases.

If this building or this unit contains more than one walk-in refrigerator, please report the total floor area of all walk-in refrigerators combined.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area of the walk-in freezer:

Open refrigerated cases

89. What is the total length of the open refrigerated case reported?

Open refrigerated case: A commercial refrigerated case, generally used to display goods and cooled to a temperature between 2 degrees Celsius and 5 degrees Celsius (35.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 41 degrees Fahrenheit).

Exclude closed refrigerated cases, refrigerators, and walk-in refrigerated space.

If this building or this unit contains more than one open refrigerated case, please report the total length of all open refrigerated cases.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Total length of the open refrigerated case:

Closed refrigerated cases

90. What is the total length of the closed refrigerated case reported?

Closed refrigerated case: A commercial refrigerated case with transparent doors, generally used to display goods and cooled to a temperature between 2 degrees Celsius and 5 degrees Celsius (35.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 41 degrees Fahrenheit).

Exclude open refrigerated cases, refrigerators, and walk-in refrigerated space.

If this building or this unit contains more than one closed refrigerated case, please report the total length of all closed refrigerated cases.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Total length of the closed refrigerated case:

Open freezer cases

91. What is the total length of the open freezer case reported?

Open freezer case: A commercial freezer case, generally used to display goods and cooled to keep contents frozen.

Exclude closed freezer cases, freezers, and walk-in freezer space.

If this building or this unit contains more than one open freezer case, please report the total length of all open freezer cases.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Total length of the open freezer case:

Closed freezer cases

92. What is the total length of the closed freezer case reported?

Closed freezer case: A commercial freezer case with transparent doors, generally used to display goods and cooled to keep contents frozen.

Exclude open freezer cases, freezers, and walk-in freezer space.

If this building or this unit contains more than one closed freezer case, please report the total length of all closed freezer cases.

Unit of measure

1: Feet

2: Metres

Total length of the closed freezer case:

Electric vehicle charging stations

93. Which of the following best described the type of the electric vehicle charging station?

Include stations serving this building or this unit only.

1: Level 1 electric vehicle chargers

Level 1 charger: Uses standard electrical outlet and a 120 volt (V) alternating current (AC).

2: Level 2 electric vehicle chargers

Level 2 charger: Uses a 240 volt (V) alternating current plug (AC).

3: Direct current fast electric vehicle chargers

Direct current fast charger: Power supplied through a 480 volt (V) direct current connection and typically a power output of 50 kW or greater.

94. Of the electric vehicle charging stations reported, what was the total number by type?

Include stations serving this building or this unit only.

Total number of level 1 electric vehicle chargers:

Level 1 charger: Uses standard electrical outlet and a 120 volt (V) alternating current (AC).

Total number of level 2 electric vehicle chargers:

Level 2 charger: Uses a 240 volt (V) alternating current plug (AC).

Total number of direct current fast electric vehicle chargers:

Direct current fast charger: Power supplied through a 480 volt (V) direct current connection and typically a power output of 50 kW or greater.

Energy sources purchased

95. During the 2019 calendar year, which of the following energy sources were purchased for this building or this unit?

Include energy sourced to all enclosed floors, mechanical rooms, common areas, basements, annexes, portable structures, and other temporary areas.

Include any energy sources purchased that were used to generate electricity, steam, or hot water on-site, if applicable.

Exclude energy sourced only to indoor parking, partially enclosed parking, or outdoor parking areas.

Select all that apply.

1: Electricity

2: Natural gas

3: Furnace, heating or light fuel oil

4: Diesel

Exclude diesel used for transportation.

5: Kerosene

6: Propane or bottled gas

7: District steam from an off-site plant

Steam produced by an off-site plant (e.g., nearby facility or building) that is purchased for this building or this unit.

8: District hot water from an off-site plant

Hot water produced by an off-site plant (e.g., nearby facility or building) that is purchased for this building or this unit.

9: District chilled water from an off-site plant

Chilled water produced by an off-site plant (e.g., nearby facility or building) that is purchased for this building or this unit.

10: Wood

11: Other renewable sources

Specify other renewable source 1:

Specify other renewable source 2:

Specify other renewable source 3:

Specify other renewable source 4:

Specify other renewable source 5:

12: Other non-renewable sources

Specify other non-renewable source 1:

Specify other non-renewable source 2:

Specify other non-renewable source 3:

Specify other non-renewable source 4:

Specify other non-renewable source 5: 

96. For the #{REFYEAR} calendar year, to what extent are you able to report this building or this unit purchases of each of the following energy sources?


1: I am able to report the total amount of electricity purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the electricity purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the electricity purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the electricity purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the electricity purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

Natural gas

1: I am able to report the total amount of natural gas purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the natural gas purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the natural gas purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the natural gas purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the natural gas purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

Furnace, heating or light fuel oil

1: I am able to report the total amount of furnace, heating or light fuel oil purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the furnace, heating or light fuel oil purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the furnace, heating or light fuel oil purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the furnace, heating or light fuel oil purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the furnace, heating or light fuel oil purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:


1: I am able to report the total amount of diesel purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the diesel purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the diesel purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the diesel purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the diesel purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:


1: I am able to report the total amount of kerosene purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the kerosene purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the kerosene purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the kerosene purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the kerosene purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

Propane or bottled gas

1: I am able to report the total amount of propane or bottled gas purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the propane or bottled gas purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the propane or bottled gas purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the propane or bottled gas purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the propane or bottled gas purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

District steam from an off-site plant

1: I am able to report the total amount of district steam from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the district steam from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the district steam from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the district steam from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the district steam from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

District hot water from an off-site plant

1: I am able to report the total amount of district hot water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the district hot water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the district hot water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the district hot water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the district hot water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

District chilled water from an off-site plant

1: I am able to report the total amount of district chilled water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the district chilled water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the district chilled water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the district chilled water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the district chilled water from an off-site plant purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:


1: I am able to report the total amount of wood purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the wood purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the wood purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the wood purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the wood purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

Other renewable source

1: I am able to report the total amount of the other renewable source purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the other renewable source purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the other renewable source purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the other renewable source purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the other renewable source purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

Other non-renewable source

1: I am able to report the total amount of other non-renewable source purchased for this building or this unit.

2: I am able to report a portion of the other non-renewable source purchased for this building or this unit.

e.g., able to report for some months of the 2019 calendar year

Briefly explain why only a portion of the other non-renewable source purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

3: None of the other non-renewable source purchased for this building or this unit.

Briefly explain why none of the other non-renewable source purchased for this building or this unit can be reported:

97 . During the 2019 calendar year, what was the quantity purchased and expenditure for this building or this unit for each energy source?

Include energy sourced to all enclosed floors, mechanical rooms, common areas, basements, annexes, portable structures, and other temporary areas.

Include quantity and expenditure for energy sources purchased that were used to generate electricity, steam, or hot water on-site, if applicable.

If possible, exclude energy sourced to indoor parking, partially enclosed parking, or outdoor parking areas.

Please report expenditures rounded to the nearest Canadian dollar.

Include taxes, service charges and any rebates (total amount on utility bill).

Exclude fuel or energy used for transportation.

If your landlord pays your energy bills, please consult landlord for values.


Unit of measure

1: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

2: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

3: Gigajoules (GJ)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for electricity purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude electricity used within indoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes electricity used within indoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes electricity used within indoor parking areas

Does the amount reported include or exclude electricity used within partially enclosed parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes electricity used within partially enclosed parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes electricity used within partially enclosed parking areas

Does the amount reported include or exclude electricity used within outdoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes electricity used within outdoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes electricity used within outdoor parking areas

Natural gas

Unit of measure

1: Cubic metres (m3)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Litres (L)

4: Cubic feet

5: Million cubic feet (Mcf)

6: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

7: Therms (thm)

8: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for natural gas purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude natural gas used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes natural gas used to heat indoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes natural gas used to heat indoor parking areas

Furnace, heating or light fuel oil

Unit of measure

1: Litres (L)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Gallons (US)

4: Gallons (UK)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for light fuel oil purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude furnace, heating or light fuel oil used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes furnace, heating or light fuel oil used to heat indoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes furnace, heating or light fuel oil used to heat indoor parking areas


Unit of measure

1: Litres (L)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Gallons (US)

4: Gallons (UK)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for diesel purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude diesel used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes diesel used to heat indoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes diesel used to heat indoor parking areas


Unit of measure

1: Litres (L)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Gallons (US)

4: Gallons (UK)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for kerosene purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude kerosene used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes kerosene used to heat indoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes kerosene used to heat indoor parking areas

Propane or bottled gas

Unit of measure

1: Litres (L)

2: Kilograms (kg)

3: Gigajoules (GJ)

4: Pounds (lbs)

5: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

6: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for propane or bottled gas purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude propane or bottled gas used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes propane or bottled gas used to heat indoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes propane or bottled gas used to heat indoor parking areas

District steam from an off-site plant

Unit of measure

1: Kilograms (kg)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

4: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

5: Pounds (lbs)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for district steam purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude district steam from an off-site plant used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes district steam from an off-site plant used to heat indoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes district steam from an off-site plant used to heat indoor parking areas

District hot water from an off-site plant

Unit of measure

1: Gigajoules (GJ)

2: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

3: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

4: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

5: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

6: Cubic metres

7: Ton hours (t/hr)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for district hot water purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude district hot water from an off-site plant used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes district hot water from an off-site plant used to heat indoor parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes district hot water from an off-site plant used to heat indoor parking areas

District chilled water from an off-site plant

Unit of measure

1: Gigajoules (GJ)

2: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

3: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

4: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

5: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

6: Cubic metres (m3)

7 : Ton hours (t/hr)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for district chilled water purchased CAN$:


Unit of measure

1: Full cords

2: Pellets (tonnes)

3: Pounds (lbs)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for wood purchased CAN$:

Other renewable source

Unit of measure

1: Gigajoules (GJ)

2: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

3: Cubic feet

4: Cubic metres

5: Gallons (UK)

6: Gallons (US)

7: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

8: Kilograms (kg)

9: Litres (L)

10: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

11: Pellets (tonnes)

12: Pounds (lbs)

13: Therms (thm)

14: Tonnes (metric)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for other renewable source purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude other renewable source used within parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes other renewable source used within parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes other renewable source used within parking areas

Other non-renewable source

Unit of measure

1: Gigajoules (GJ)

2: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

3: Cubic feet

4: Cubic metres

5: Gallons (UK)

6: Gallons (US)

7: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

8: Kilograms (kg)

9: Litres (L)

10: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

11: Pellets (tonnes)

12: Pounds (lbs)

13: Therms (thm)

14: Tonnes (metric)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for other non-renewable source purchased CAN$:

Does the amount reported include or exclude non-renewable source used within parking areas?

1: The amount reported includes non-renewable source used within parking areas

2: The amount reported excludes non-renewable source used within parking areas

On-site electricity generation

98. During the 2019 calendar year, was electricity generated on-site at this building or this unit?

Select "Yes" if electricity was generated on-site regardless of whether the electricity was consumed by this building or this unit or sold to a utility company, energy provider, or other building.

Include electricity generated by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

1: Yes

3: No

99. During the 2019 calendar year, which of the following energy sources were used for on-site electricity generation?

Select all energy sources used to generate electricity on-site regardless of whether the electricity generated was consumed by this building or this unit or sold to a utility company, energy provider, or other building.

Include energy used by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

Select all that apply.

1: Natural gas

2: Furnace, heating or light fuel oil

3: Diesel

Exclude diesel used for transportation.

4: Kerosene

5: Propane or bottled gas

6: Purchased wood

7: Wood obtained on-site

8: Solar

9: Wind

10: Other renewable sources

Specify other renewable source 1:

Specify other renewable source 2:

Specify other renewable source 3:

Specify other renewable source 4:

Specify other renewable source 5:

11 : Other non-renewable sources

Specify other non-renewable source 1:

Specify other non-renewable source 2:

Specify other non-renewable source 3:

Specify other non-renewable source 4:

Specify other non-renewable source 5:

100. During the 2019 calendar year, what was the quantity of electricity generated on-site?

Report the total quantity of electricity generated regardless of whether that electricity was consumed by this building or this unit or sold to a utility company, energy provider, or other building.

Include electricity generated by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

Electricity generated on-site from purchased wood or wood obtained on-site

Unit of measure

1: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

2: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

3: Gigajoules (GJ)

Quantity of electricity generated:

Was the quantity of electricity generated fully reported?

1: Electricity generated fully reported

2: Electricity generated partially reported

3: Electricity generated not reported

Was the electricity generated on-site used within indoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Was the electricity generated on-site used within partially enclosed parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Was the electricity generated on-site used within outdoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Electricity generated on-site from non-renewable energy sources

i.e., natural gas, furnace, heating or light fuel oil, diesel, kerosene, propane or bottled gas, and other non-renewable energy sources

Exclude purchased wood and wood obtained on-site.

Unit of measure

1: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

2: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

3: Gigajoules (GJ)

Was the quantity of electricity generated fully reported?

1: Electricity generated fully reported

2: Electricity generated partially reported

3: Electricity generated not reported

Was the electricity generated on-site used within indoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Was the electricity generated on-site used within partially enclosed parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Was the electricity generated on-site used within outdoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Electricity generated on-site from renewable energy sources

i.e., solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources

Exclude purchased wood and wood obtained on-site.

Unit of measure

1: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

2: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

3: Gigajoules (GJ)

Quantity of electricity generated

Was the quantity of electricity generated fully reported?

1: Electricity generated fully reported

2: Electricity generated partially reported

3: Electricity generated not reported

Was the electricity generated on-site used within indoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Was the electricity generated on-site used within partially enclosed parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Was the electricity generated on-site used within outdoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

On-site steam generation

101. During the 2019 calendar year, was steam generated on-site at this building or this unit?

Select "Yes" if steam was generated on-site regardless of whether that steam was consumed by this building or this unit or sold to a utility company, energy provider, or other building.

e.g., steam generated by an on-site boiler, turbine or other source, for heating via radiators or convectors, or for non-heating purposes such as powering equipment, sterilization, or laundry

Include steam generated by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

1: Yes

3: No

102. During the 2019 calendar year, which of the following energy sources were used for on-site steam generation?

Select all energy sources used to generate steam on-site regardless of whether that steam was consumed by this building or this unit or sold to a utility company, energy provider, or other building.

e.g., steam generated by an on-site boiler, turbine or other source, for heating via radiators or convectors, or for non-heating purposes such as powering equipment, sterilization, or laundry

Include energy used by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

Select all that apply.

1: Natural gas

2: Furnace, heating or light fuel oil

3: Diesel

Exclude diesel used for transportation.

4: Kerosene

5: Propane or bottled gas

6: Purchased wood

7: Wood obtained on-site

8: Solar

9: Wind

10: Other renewable sources

Specify other renewable source 1:

Specify other renewable source 2:

Specify other renewable source 3:

Specify other renewable source 4:

Specify other renewable source 5:

11: Other non-renewable sources

Specify other non-renewable source 1:

Specify other non-renewable source 2:

Specify other non-renewable source 3:

Specify other non-renewable source 4:

Specify other non-renewable source 5:

103. During the 2019 calendar year, what was the quantity of steam generated on-site?

Report the total quantity of steam generated on-site regardless of whether that steam was consumed by this building or this unit or sold to a utility company, energy provider, or other building.

e.g., steam generated by an on-site boiler, turbine or other source, for heating via radiators or convectors, or for non-heating purposes such as powering equipment, sterilization, or laundry

Include steam generated by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

Steam generated on-site from purchased wood or wood obtained on-site

Unit of measure

1: Kilograms (kg)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

4: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

5: Pounds (lbs)

Quantity of steam generated:

Was the quantity of steam generated fully reported?

1: Steam generated fully reported

2: Steam generated partially reported

3: Steam generated not reported

Was the steam generated on-site used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Steam generated on-site from non-renewable energy sources

i.e., natural gas, furnace, heating or light fuel oil, diesel, kerosene, propane or bottle gas, and other non-renewable energy sources

Exclude purchased wood and wood obtained on-site.

Unit of measure

1: Kilograms (kg)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

4: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

5: Pounds (lbs)

Quantity of steam generated:

Was the quantity of steam generated fully reported?

1: Steam generated fully reported

2: Steam generated partially reported

3: Steam generated not reported

Was the steam generated on-site used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

Steam generated on-site from renewable energy sources

i.e., solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources

Exclude purchased wood and wood obtained on-site.

Unit of measure

1: Kilograms (kg)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

4: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

5: Pounds (lbs)

Quantity of steam generated:

Was the quantity of steam generated fully reported?

1: Steam generated fully reported

2: Steam generated partially reported

3: Steam generated not reported

Was the steam generated on-site used to heat indoor parking areas?

1: Yes

3: No

On-site hot water generation

104. During the 2019 calendar year, was hot water generated on-site exclusively for the purpose of heating?

Select Yes if hot water was generated on-site regardless of whether that hot water was used by this building or this unit or used elsewhere

e.g., hot water created by an on-site boiler, turbine or other, for heating by radiators or convectors

Include hot water generated by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

Exclude hot water generated for indoor or outdoor sanitary or domestic use.

1: Yes

3: No

105. For the 2019 calendar year, which of the following energy sources were used to generate hot water on-site exclusively for the purpose of heating?

Select all energy sources used to generate hot water on-site regardless of whether that hot water was used by this building or this unit or used elsewhere.

e.g., hot water created by an on-site boiler, turbine or other, for heating by radiators or convectors

Include energy used by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

Exclude hot water generated for indoor or outdoor sanitary or domestic use.

1: Natural gas

2: Furnace, heating or light fuel oil

3: Diesel

Exclude diesel used for transportation

4: Kerosene

5: Propane or bottled gas

6: Purchased wood

7: Wood obtained on-site

8: Solar

9: Wind

10: Other renewable sources

Specify other renewable source 1:

Specify other renewable source 2:

Specify other renewable source 3:

Specify other renewable source 4:

Specify other renewable source 5:

11: Other non-renewable sources

Specify other non-renewable source 1:

Specify other non-renewable source 2:

Specify other non-renewable source 3:

Specify other non-renewable source 4:

Specify other non-renewable source 5:

106. During the 2019 calendar year, was the hot water generated on-site used to heat indoor parking areas?

Include hot water generated by an on-site backup or emergency generator.

1: Yes

3: No

Domestic water purchased

107. For the 2019 calendar year, was city or municipal (domestic) water purchased for this building or this unit?

City or municipal (domestic) water: Water used for indoor or outdoor sanitary or domestic use (e.g., flushing toilets, drinking, watering lawns or gardens) but without application to an industrial, manufacturing or general heating or cooling process.

Include water used by all enclosed floors, mechanical rooms, common areas, basements, annexes, portable structures, and other temporary areas.

Exclude bottled water and water consumed in heating or cooling process such as hot water used in radiative heating or district chilled water used for cooling.

1: Yes

3: No

i.e., if water was obtained from a well or water included in municipal tax

108. For the 2019 calendar year, what was the quantity purchased and expenditure for this building or this unit for city or municipal (domestic) water?

City or municipal (domestic) water: Water used for indoor or outdoor sanitary or domestic use (e.g., flushing toilets, drinking, watering lawns or gardens) but without application to an industrial, manufacturing or general heating process.

Include water used by all enclosed floors, mechanical rooms, common areas, basements, annexes, portable structures, and other temporary areas.

If possible, exclude domestic water used by indoor parking, partially enclosed parking, or outdoor parking areas and bottled water.

Unit of measure

1: Litres (L)

2: Cubic metres (m3)

Quantity purchased:

Expenditure for city or municipal (domestic) water purchased CAN$:

Cogeneration system

109. During the 2019 calendar year, was the electric power generation system also a cogeneration system?

Cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP) is the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful thermal energy (e.g., steam, hot water) in one process and from the same fuel source.

e.g., condensing steam turbines, combined cycle gas turbines

i.e., the electric power generation system provides useful heat to this building or this unit

1: Yes

3: No

Energy use

110. Did the amounts reported for any of the energy types purchased and electricity generated by this building or this unit include energy shared with other buildings or structures?

e.g., common entrances, annex buildings, outdoor pools, sport fields, exterior bubble domes, tennis courts

Note: If this building or this unit draws energy from the same meter as other buildings and structures, select "Yes".

1: Yes

3: No

111. What was the total floor area of the other buildings or structures that used this building or this unit reported energy purchased and electricity generated?

e.g., common entrances, annex buildings, outdoor pools, sport fields, exterior bubble domes, tennis courts

Note: If this building or this unit draws energy from the same meter as other buildings and structures, only report the floor area of these other buildings or structures.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Floor area of the other buildings and structures which shared this building or this unit reported energy use:


1: Do not know

112. For the 2019 calendar year, what is the approximate floor area of this building or this unit for which energy has not been reported?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area for which energy has not been reported:

113. For the 2019 calendar year, indicate for which of the following reasons energy purchased was not fully reported.

Select all that apply.

1: Energy fully included in lease

2: Energy partially included in lease

3: Tenant pays energy bills

4: Meters are not on-site or accessible

5: Meters were broken or not functioning

6: Building does not require energy

7: Other

Specify other reason:

114. For the 2019 calendar year, which of the following types of energy use were fully included in the reported energy purchased and electricity generated by this building or this unit?

Select all that apply.

1: Heating of space

2: Water heating

i.e., water used for consumption

3: Cooling of space

4: Plug load

Electricity drawn through this building or this unit's wall socket to provide power to devices, appliances and equipment (e.g., computers, printers, stoves, washers, dryers, lamps). Exclude building energy such as ventilation, lighting, heating, and electric vehicle charging stations.

5: Electric lighting


6: None of the above

115. For the 2019 calendar year, indicate the extent to which energy consumption for the following floor areas was included in the reported energy purchased and electricity generated by this building or this unit.

Total floor area of this building or this unit.

a: Floor area occupied by commercial or institutional tenants or owners

Extent to which energy consumption was reported

1: Energy fully reported

2: Energy partially reported

3: Energy not reported

4: Energy not used

b: Common area shared by commercial or institutional tenants

Exclude common area for residential tenants.

e.g., foyers, lobbies, washrooms, elevators and stairwells

Extent to which energy consumption was reported

1: Energy fully reported

2: Energy partially reported

3: Energy not reported

4: Energy not used

c: Floor area occupied by residential tenants

Extent to which energy consumption was reported

1: Energy fully reported

2: Energy partially reported

3: Energy not reported

4: Energy not used

d: Common area shared by or for residential tenants

Exclude common area shared with businesses and areas occupied by businesses.

Extent to which energy consumption was reported

1: Energy fully reported

2: Energy partially reported

3: Energy not reported

4: Energy not used

e: Vacant or unoccupied space

Extent to which energy consumption was reported

1: Energy fully reported

2: Energy partially reported

3: Energy not reported

4: Energy not used

Other outdoor consumption

Extent to which energy consumption was reported

1: Energy fully reported

2: Energy partially reported

3: Energy not reported

4: Energy not used

Energy sales

116. During the 2019 calendar year, did this building or this unit sell, transfer, or distribute any of the following types of energy generated to a utility company, energy provider, or other building?

i.e., on-site generated electricity, steam, hot water, or chilled water

Select all that apply.

1: Electricity generated on-site

2: District steam generated on-site

3: District hot water generated on-site

4: District chilled water generated on-site


5: None of the above

117. During the 2019 calendar year, how much energy was sold, transferred, or distributed to a utility company, energy provider or other building?

If not applicable please enter "0".

Energy source

a: Electricity generated on-site

Unit of measure

1: Gigajoules (GJ)

2: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

3: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

Quantity sold, transferred, or distributed:

b: District steam generated on-site

Unit of measure

1: Kilograms (kg)

2: Gigajoules (GJ)

3: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

4: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

5: Pounds (lbs)

Quantity sold, transferred, or distributed:

c: District hot water generated on-site

Unit of measure

1: Gigajoules (GJ)

2: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

3: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

4: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

5: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

6: Cubic metres (m3)

7: Ton hours (t/hr)

Quantity sold, transferred, or distributed:

d: District chilled water generated on-site

Unit of measure

1: Gigajoules (GJ)

2: Million British thermal units (MMBtu)

3: Kilo-British thermal units (kBtu)

4: Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

5: Megawatt-hours (MWh)

6: Cubic metres (m3)

7: Ton hours (t/hr)

Quantity sold, transferred, or distributed:

Principal energy source

118. During the 2019 calendar year, what was the principal energy source used to heat the largest proportion of floor area in this building or this unit?

If steam or hot water was generated on-site to heat this building or this unit, please select the energy source used to heat the water (e.g., natural gas consumed in a natural gas boiler). If glycol was circulated, please select the fuel used to heat the glycol.

1: Electricity

2: Natural gas

3: Furnace, heating or light fuel oil

4: Diesel

5: Kerosene

6: Propane or other bottled gas

7: District steam

8: District hot water

9: Wood

10: Solar

11: Other

Specify other energy source for heating space:

12: None of the above

i.e., the this building or this unit was not heated

119. During the 2019 calendar year, what was the principal energy source used to cool the largest proportion of floor area in this building or this unit?

1: Electricity

2: Natural gas

3: District chilled water

4: Other

Specify other energy source for cooling space:

5: None of the above

i.e., the this building or this unit was not cooled

120. During the 2019 calendar year, what was the principal energy source used for city or municipal (domestic) water heating in this building or this unit?

City or municipal (domestic) water: Water used for indoor or outdoor sanitary or domestic use (e.g., flushing toilets, drinking, watering lawns or gardens) but without application to an industrial, manufacturing or general heating process.

Include water used by all enclosed floors, mechanical rooms, common areas, basements, annexes, portable structures, and other temporary areas.

Exclude water used for heating space in this this building or this unit.

1: Electricity

2: Natural gas

3: Furnace, heating or light fuel oil

4: Diesel

5: Kerosene

6: Propane or other bottled gas

7: District steam

8: District hot water

9: Wood

10: Solar

11: Other

Specify other energy source for domestic water heating:

12: None of the above

i.e., the city or municipal (domestic) water was not heated

Energy conservation

121. During the 2019 calendar year, which of the following energy conservation or energy efficiency practices were adopted or undertaken in this building or this unit?

Exclude renovations and retrofits which will be reported later in the questionnaire.

Select all that apply.

1: Energy monitoring

e.g., tracking energy use over time

2: Energy benchmarking

e.g., comparing monthly bills

3: Employee or occupant conservation awareness program

4: Corporate energy policy

5: Recommissioning project

i.e., a project to ensure all heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting systems are performing at optimal levels

6: Other energy conservation or energy efficiency practices

Specify other energy conservation or energy efficiency practice 1:

Specify other energy conservation or energy efficiency practice 2:

Specify other energy conservation or energy efficiency practice 3:

Specify other energy conservation or energy efficiency practice 4:

Specify other energy conservation or energy efficiency practice 5:


7: None of the above

Energy tracking

122. Which of the following systems are used to track this building or this unit's energy use over time?

Select all that apply.

1: Spreadsheet developed in-house

2: Bill comparison

3: ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®

4: RETScreen

5: Other tracking systems

Specify other tracking system used 1:

Specify other tracking system used 2:

Specify other tracking system used 3:

Specify other tracking system used 4:

Specify other tracking system used 5:


6: None of the above

Energy-efficient features

123. On December 31st, 2019, which of the following energy-efficient features were present in this building or this unit?

Energy-efficient features: Devices, equipment and processes designed to use less energy to provide the same service.

e.g., LED bulb

Select all that apply.

1: Reduction of enclosed floor area

e.g., installing a drop ceiling to reduce the volume of conditioned space

2: Energy-efficient lighting

e.g., LED bulb

3: Lighting energy management-control system

4: Energy-efficient heating equipment

5: Heating and cooling management-control system

6: Heat recovery system

7: Energy-efficient cooling equipment

8: Free cooling system

i.e., circulating naturally-cooled air as a source of space cooling

9: Energy-efficient windows

10: Exterior window shading

11: Insulation of basement, roof, or walls

12: Other energy-efficient features

Specify other energy-efficient feature 1

Specify other energy-efficient feature 2

Specify other energy-efficient feature 3

Specify other energy-efficient feature 4

Specify other energy-efficient feature 5


13: No energy-efficient features were present

Recommissions and retrocommisions

124. In which of the following time periods was this building or this unit last recommissioned or retrocomissioned?

Recommission and retrocommission: A process of analysis to ensure heating, cooling, ventilation or lighting systems are performing at optimal levels.

e.g., system tuning, operations, and maintenance training

1: Between January 1st, 2015 and December 31st, 2019

2: Between January 1st, 2010 and December 31st, 2014

3: Between January 1st, 2005 and December 31st, 2009

4: December 31st, 2004 or earlier

5: This this building or this unit has never been recommissioned or retrocomissioned

6: Do not know

Renovations and Retrofits

125. When did this building or this unit install its last series of renovations?

Renovation: The restoration of deteriorated buildings or structures to improve physical condition.

e.g., repair, conversion, expansion, remodeling, or reconstruction

1: Between January 1st, 2015 and December 31st, 2019

2: Between January 1st, 2010 and December 31st, 2014

3: Between January 1st, 2005 and December 31st, 2009

4: Between December 31st, 2004 or earlier

5: This this building or this unit has never been renovated

6: Do not know

126. When did this building or this unit install its last series of retrofits?

Retrofit: The process of upgrading a building's energy-consuming systems or including energy efficiency measures in renovation and repair activities.

e.g., improving or replacing lighting fixtures, ventilation systems, windows, doors, or adding insulation

1: Between January 1st, 2015 and December 31st, 2019

2: Between January 1st, 2010 and December 31st, 2014

3: Between January 1st, 2005 and December 31st, 2009

4: December 31st, 2004 or earlier

5: This this building or this unit has never been retrofitted

6: Do not know


127. For which of the following reasons did the most recent series of renovations take place in this building or this unit?

Renovation: The restoration of deteriorated buildings or structures to improve physical condition.

e.g., repair, conversion, expansion, remodeling, reconstruction

Select all that apply.

1: Faulty equipment

2: End of life equipment

3: Improve energy efficiency

4: Improve asset value

5: Conversion of space to meet changes in operational needs

6: Voluntary application of codes and standards

7: New construction due to partial expansion

8: Other


128. For which of the following reasons did the most recent series of retrofits take place in this building or this unit?

Retrofit: The process of upgrading a building's energy-consuming systems or including energy efficiency measures in renovation and repair activities.

e.g., improving or replacing lighting fixtures, ventilation systems, windows, doors, or adding insulation

Select all that apply.

1: Faulty equipment

2: End of life equipment

3: Improve energy efficiency

4: Improve asset value

5: Conversion of space to meet changes in operational needs

6: Voluntary application of codes and standards

7: New construction due to partial expansion

8: Other

Recomissions or retrocommissions from January 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2019

129. During the last 5 years, which of the following systems in this building or this unit were subject to recommissioning or retrocommissioning?

Recommission and retrocommission: A process of analysis to ensure heating, cooling, ventilation or lighting systems are performing at optimal levels.

e.g., system tuning, operations, and maintenance training

Select all that apply.

1: HVAC systems

2: Monitoring and control systems

3: Lighting systems

4: Power systems

5: Plumbing or pumping systems

6: Other systems

Specify other system 1:

Specify other system 2:

Specify other system 3:

Specify other system 4:

Specify other system 5:

130. As a result of all recommissioning or retrocommissioning projects undertaken in this building or this unit during the last 5 years, what was the estimated percent reduction in annual energy consumption?

Recommission and retrocommission: A process of analysis to ensure heating, cooling, ventilation or lighting systems are performing at optimal levels.

e.g., system tuning, operations and maintenance training

Please provide your best estimate.

1: 10% to less than 10% reduction in annual energy consumption

2: 10% to less than 20% reduction in annual energy consumption

3: 20% to less than 30% reduction in annual energy consumption

4: 30% or greater reduction in annual energy consumption

5: Do not know

Renovations and retrofits from January 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2019

131. During the last 5 years, which of the following renovations or retrofits were implemented in this building or this unit?

Renovation: The restoration of deteriorated buildings or structures to improve physical condition.

e.g., repair, conversion, expansion, remodeling, or reconstruction

Retrofit: The process of upgrading a building's energy-consuming systems or including energy efficiency measures in renovation and repair activities.

e.g., improving or replacing lighting fixtures, ventilation systems, or windows and doors, or adding insulation

Select all that apply.

1: Building insulation

Include weather stripping.

2: Windows and doors

Include freezer strip doors.

3: Exterior window shading

4: Energy efficient lighting equipment

e.g., LED bulbs

Exclude lighting in parking lots.

5: Energy management control systems (EMCS)

e.g., controls for HVAC

Include lighting, motion detectors, and automatic shut off.

6: Space heating

Include boilers, rooftop units, and furnaces.

7: Waste heat recovery boiler

8: Space cooling

Include air conditioning systems and dehumidification systems.

9: Ice making equipment

i.e., refrigeration plant

10: Reflective (low emissivity) ceiling

11: Aesthetic or structural changes

12: Other types of renovations or retrofits

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit 1:

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit 2:

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit 3:

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit 4:

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit 5:


13: None of the above

132. What was the total cost of all renovations and retrofits that were implemented in this building or this unit during the last 5 years?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total cost of all renovations during the last 5 years CAN$:

Total cost of all retrofits during the last 5 years CAN$:


1: Unable to separate total cost of all renovations and retrofits

Total cost of all renovations and retrofits during the last 5 years CAN$:

133. Provide the following details on the renovations or retrofits that were implemented in this building or this unit during the last 5 years.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Building insulation

Include weather stripping.

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

Select all that apply.

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Windows and doors

Include freezer strip doors.

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Exterior window shading

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Energy efficient lighting equipment

e.g., LED

Exclude lighting in parking lots.

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Energy management control systems (EMCS)

e.g., HVAC

Include lighting, motion detectors, and automatic shut off.

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Space heating

Include boilers, rooftop units, and furnaces.

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Waste heat recovery boiler

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Space cooling

Include air conditioning systems and dehumidification systems.

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Ice making equipment

i.e., refrigeration plant

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Reflective (low emissivity) ceiling

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Aesthetic or structural changes

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Other type of renovation or retrofit

Percentage of total floor area affected by renovation or retrofit:

Was efficiency improved after renovation or retrofit?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How was this renovation or retrofit financed?

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

134. As a result of all renovations or retrofits implemented in this building or this unit from January 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2019, what was the estimated percent reduction in annual energy consumption?

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate

1: 0% to less than 10% reduction in annual energy consumption

2: 10% to less than 20% reduction in annual energy consumption

3: 20% to less than 30% reduction in annual energy consumption

4: 30% or greater reduction in annual energy consumption

5: Do not know

Renovations and retrofits planned from January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2024

135. From January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2024, which of the following renovations or retrofits are planned for this building or this unit?

Renovation: The restoration of deteriorated buildings or structures to improve physical condition.

e.g., repair, conversion, expansion, remodeling, reconstruction

Retrofit: The process of upgrading a building's energy-consuming systems or including energy efficiency measures in renovation and repair activities.

e.g., improving or replacing lighting fixtures, ventilation systems, windows, doors, or adding insulation

Select all that apply.

1: Building envelope

e.g., insulation, windows, doors, exterior window shading, reflective (low emissivity) ceiling

Include weather stripping and freezer strip doors.

2: Energy-efficient lighting equipment

e.g., LED bulbs

Exclude lighting in parking lots.

3: Energy management control systems (EMCS)

e.g., controls for HVAC

Include lighting, motion detectors, and automatic shut off.

4: Space heating or cooling, and other similar systems

e.g., waste heat recovery boiler, ice-making equipment

Include boilers, rooftop units, furnaces, air conditioning systems, dehumidification systems and refrigeration plants.

5: Aesthetic or structural changes

6: Other types of renovations or retrofits planned

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit planned 1:

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit planned 2:

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit planned 3:

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit planned 4:

Specify other type of renovation or retrofit planned 5:


7: Renovations and retrofits planned but still to be determined


8: No renovations or retrofits planned

136. For the renovations and retrofits planned for this building or this unit from January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2024, what will be the total floor area affected and the estimated total cost?

Renovation: The restoration of deteriorated buildings or structures to improve physical condition.

e.g., repair, conversion, expansion, remodeling, reconstruction

Retrofit: The process of upgrading a building's energy-consuming systems or including energy efficiency measures in renovation and repair activities.

e.g., improving or replacing lighting fixtures, ventilation systems, windows, doors, or adding insulation

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Unit of measure

1: Square feet

2: Square metres

Total floor area affected by all planned renovations and retrofits:

Estimated cost of renovation or retrofit CAN$:


1: Do not know

137. Provide details on renovations or retrofits planned for this building or this unit from January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2024.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Building envelope

e.g., insulation, windows, doors, exterior window shading, reflective (low emissivity) ceiling

Include weather stripping and freezer strip doors.

Year retrofit or renovation is planned:

Is this renovation or retrofit intended to improve efficiency?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How will this planned renovation or retrofit be financed?

Select all that apply.


2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Energy-efficient lighting equipment

e.g., LED bulbs

Exclude lighting in parking lots.

Year retrofit or renovation is planned:

Is this renovation or retrofit intended to improve efficiency?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How will this planned renovation or retrofit be financed?

Select all that apply.

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Energy management control systems (EMCS)

e.g., controls for HVAC

Include lighting, motion detectors, and automatic shut off.

Year retrofit or renovation is planned:

Is this renovation or retrofit intended to improve efficiency?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How will this planned renovation or retrofit be financed?

Select all that apply.

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Space heating or cooling, and other similar systems

e.g., waste heat recovery boiler, ice-making equipment

Include boilers, rooftop units, furnaces, air conditioning systems, dehumidification systems and refrigeration plants.

Year retrofit or renovation is planned:

Is this renovation or retrofit intended to improve efficiency?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How will this planned renovation or retrofit be financed?

Select all that apply.

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Aesthetic or structural changes

Year retrofit or renovation is planned:

Is this renovation or retrofit intended to improve efficiency?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How will this planned renovation or retrofit be financed?

Select all that apply.

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other

Other type of renovation or retrofit planned

Year retrofit or renovation is planned:

Is this renovation or retrofit intended to improve efficiency?

1: Yes

2: No

3: No prior system

How will this planned renovation or retrofit be financed?

Select all that apply.

1: Self-financed

2: Energy performance contract

3: Loan

4: Subsidized with incentives

5: Other