Accessibility Statistics


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Welcome to the Accessibility Statistics Hub a collaborative initiative to share data on accessibility with the Canadian public. Data are organized according to the 7 priority areas as set out in the Accessible Canada Act.

Performance Indicator Framework for Accessibility Data

The Performance Indicator Framework (PIF) for Accessibility Data represents the Government of Canada's approach to measuring progress in the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers to accessibility over time. The PIF for Accessibility Data is guided by the Federal Data and Measurement Strategy. To date, performance indicators to measure the identification and removal of barriers to accessible employment, information and communication technologies, and transportation have been developed.


For measurement purposes, accessible employment means a barrier-free experience for people with disabilities in all phases of the employment journey from hiring, to progressing in their career, all the way to retirement.

Labour market opportunities
Labour market opportunities
Indicator Percent Data source
Employment rate for persons with disabilities aged 25 to 64 years, 2022 61.8 Table 13-10-0377-01
Proportion of employed persons with disabilities with full-time employment, 2022 78.9 Table 13-10-0882-01
Proportion of persons with disabilities who are self-employed, 2022 13.9 Table 13-10-0883-01
Proportion of persons with disabilities who do not work due to lack of available transportation, 2022 21.4 Table 13-10-0888-01
Proportion of employed persons with disabilities who are overqualified for their position, 2022 19.6 Table 13-10-0890-01
Proportion of persons with disabilities who are employed in involuntarily part-time work, 2022 34.3 Table 13-10-0892-01
Proportion of persons with disabilities who are discouraged workers, 2022 5.2 Table 13-10-0891-01
Proportion of persons with disabilities who have a difficulty changing jobs or securing a promotion due to their disability, 2022 39.2 Table 13-10-0886-01
Work potential
Work potential
Indicator Number of persons Data source
Persons with disabilities with work potential, 2022 741,280 Table 13-10-0895-01
Workplace accommodations
Workplace accommodations
Indicator Percent Data source
Persons with disabilities whose required workplace accommodations have been provided, 2022 64.4 Table 13-10-0896-01
Proportion of persons with disabilities who feel uncomfortable asking for accommodations, 2022 45.1E Table 13-10-0887-01
E - Use with caution
Employment Equity
Employment Equity 1 of 2
Indicator Percent Data source
Proportion of federal sector employees with disabilities as a percentage of labour market availability, 2017 9.1 Employment Equity Act: Annual Report 2022
Proportion of new hires who are persons with disabilities, 2021 2.6 Employment Equity Act: Annual Report 2022
Proportion of persons with disabilities whose position was terminated, 2021 3.0 Employment Equity Act: Annual Report 2022
Proportion of federal sector employees with disabilities in permanent full-time position, 2021 4.4 Employment Equity Act: Annual Report 2022
Promotion rate for federal sector employees with disabilities, 2021 4.9 Employment Equity Act: Annual Report 2022
Employment Equity 2 of 2
Indicator Number of persons Data source
Net change in number of persons with disabilities employed within the federal sector, 2021 -529 Employment Equity Act: Annual Report 2022

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

For measurement purposes, accessible ICT means barrier-free access to information and communication technologies like smart phones, computers, television, assistive devices and so on for people with disabilities.

ICT assistive aids, devices, and technologies
ICT assistive aids, devices, and technologies
Indicator Number of persons Percent Data source
Persons with disabilities who have required ICT assistive aids, devices, and technologies, 2022 2,535,950 66.0 Table: 13-10-0898-01
Persons with disabilities who do not have required ICT-related aids and assistive devices due to cost, 2022 637,710 73.9 Table: 13-10-0898-01
Access to internet
Access to internet
Indicator Number of persons Percent Data source
Persons with disabilities who have access to broadband internet, 2022 6,776,540 85.4 Table 13-10-0889-01
Infographics - Accessibility


Infographics provide quick overviews to help you understand key information from surveys and other data collection activities.


Find Statistics Canada analysis on accessibility and disability at Statistics by subject: Disability.

Canadian Survey on Disability: Data Visualization tool

Legislation, regulations, and standards

Find out more information about regulations, policies, and standards related to accessibility for persons with disabilities.


Regulations and policies
