Application forms

The following grid shows all of the documentation that is required when submitting an application through the Microdata Access Portal (MAP). Requirements for documentation are based on the origin of the project:

Type of Documentation Federal Provincial/ Territorial/Municipal Academic Other
Student Non student
  • Canadian citizen
  • Permanent resident
  • Study permit
International researcher not residing in Canada
  • Canadian citizen
  • Permanent resident
  • Work permit
International researcher not residing in Canada
Type of Project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Name and email of coinvestigator(s) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Location of access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Project proposal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Curriculum vitae No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Approval Letter from organization sponsoring the project Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Research Ethics Board approval certificate (biobank) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A
Letter of Reference from a researcher affiliated with a Canadian University N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A
Letter of Acknowledgment from a Dean of a Canadian University N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A
Letter of Support (Note: only when student is Principal Investigator) N/A N/A Yes Yes No No No
Fee-for-Service questionnaire N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A
Research proposal for data access

Research proposal for data access

DAD only considers research projects that are not descriptive in nature. They must be analytic with a focus on modelling.

Where possible, researchers are expected to use publicly available data tables to support analytic modeling outputs.

If you wish to obtain custom tabulations, you will need to contact the appropriate subject-matter division within Statistics Canada, or contact ( for more information.

All researchers who intend to include First Nations people, Métis or Inuit in their study population are encouraged to engage with Indigenous organizations and communities. Resources have been developed by First Nations, Métis and Inuit organizations that explain ethical considerations, the role of research in Indigenous self-determination, and the imperative for respectful research practices. For example, please see the First Nations Information Governance Centre, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2018)

It is strongly recommended that you review your proposal with your Statistics Canada Analyst for feedback prior to submission.

The project proposal is a maximum of ten pages and must follow the headings in the template below:

  1. Project title:
  2. Project description, rationale, and objectives:
    • Provide a brief summary of the current literature and identify the knowledge gap(s) to be addressed (approximately 1 page)
    • Clearly identify the specific questions or objectives of the project
  3. Data requirements:
    • Justification for using microdata (as opposed to alternative data access methods such as Public Use Microdata Files, Remote Access, or custom tabulations)
    • Dataset(s) required:
    • Time period: List years/cycles required
    • Sample description: Identify the unit of analysis and population of interest
    • Geography: Identify the level(s) of geography for which estimates will be produced (e.g., national, provincial, or lower)
    • Variable list: When possible (i.e., if sufficient documentation is available for use outside of the RDC), provide a list of variables expected to be used in the analysis
    • Will datasets be merged or pooled together?
      1. If yes, please explain how the data from each source will be combined and utilized in this analysis. For example, you may pool data from the same source to increase your sample size, or merge contextual data to the micro-records.
      2. Record linkages are not permitted in the Data Centres. For more information on the process to request a microdata linkage, please refer to the following website: Social Data Linkage Environment (SDLE)
  4. Methodology:
    • Descriptive statistics: When possible, use publicly available tables as opposed to producing descriptive statistics in the RDC. Summary statistics produced in the RDC must support the corresponding analytical output. Describe the tables expected to be produced.
    • Is the expected sample size sufficient to complete the analysis as well as respect the confidentiality of the respondents? Please explain.
    • Modelling: Describe the type of modelling being used (OLS, Logistic regression, etc.) Note: Applicable weights must be applied when using survey data.

If the project utilizes Machine Learning techniques, please include the following information:

  • Describe in detail the type of machine learning techniques being used (e.g., supervised/non-supervised, neural networks, support vector machines (SVM) and tree-based methods including random forests, variable section such as lasso, ridge, and elastic nets, etc.)
  • List the software requirements to carry out the analysis. See below regarding the use of software programs and packages.

Refer to these additional guidelines for proposals requesting the following data:

  1. Describe requirements for any External Data:
    • Statistics Canada recognizes that in some cases, combining data from different sources has the potential to strengthen research by increasing sample size and/or providing contextual information. For example, environmental data may be merged to Census geography in order to add an environmental component to an analysis (e.g., organization data collected through the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium – CANUE).
    • External Data refers to information that is collected by other organizations, departments of government and individuals for their own purposes.
    • Publicly available data (e.g., data or information that is available on the Internet or that can be obtained by anyone from other sources) can be added to a research project once approved.
    • Please describe any external datasets that you plan to use, and how you will incorporate them into your analysis.
  2. Software requirements: What software will be required? Please note that not all software programs and packages are available for use in the FRDC/RDC. In some instances, packages cannot be used. All software packages and add-ons that are not currently approved for use are required to go through an approval process, which may cause delays. Please see Frequently Asked Questions, or check with your local RDC or FRDC Analyst.
  3. Expected output: Describe the products that will result from the proposed analysis (e.g., working paper, peer-reviewed journal article, book or chapter, thesis or dissertation, conference presentation, or commissioned report (e.g., government report).
  4. Expected start date and duration of the project:
  5. Source(s) of funding for this project: Please list all sources of funding, or indicate n/a if not applicable.
  6. Location of Work:
    • If the location of work is the FRDC, is the project covered by a departmental seat or through a specific funding arrangement? If yes, please specify.
  7. Literature references
Letter of support template

Letter of support template

Upload requirements:

  • one file only
  • limit of 32 MB
  • allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.

Supervisor Name

Director, Data Access Division

Ottawa, ON
To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to you on behalf of [insert student name] who is in the process of submitting a proposal to access the RDC [insert proposal title]. Please find this letter as evidence of my support for this student's application. I have reviewed the proposal and find it suitable for submission to the RDC program.

[Insert Student Name] is prepared to access data in the RDC as they have completed the following courses in analysis, methods and software training:

  • [List examples]

In addition to this, the student has experience with the software packages that will be utilized over the course of the research project:

  • [SAS]
  • [STATA]
  • [SPSS]
  • [List other]

We have also put in place the following supports should the student need any additional resources while working in the centre:

  • [as their supervisor, I will be available to come to the centre to assist with issues that arise and to preview output before vetting]
  • [a statistical consultant is available to assist with software training and methodological procedures]
  • [List other]

As the student's supervisor, I accept responsibility for the needs of my student and welcome recommendations from the RDC analyst as to how the needs of the student can be met.


Peer review form

Peer review form

Upload requirements:

  • one file only
  • limit of 32 MB
  • allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.

In order to maintain the trust of Canadians with the use of their personal information and to ensure that all academic research conducted in the Research Data Centres is of scientific merit, a peer review process is required. One aspect is the peer review process that applies to university faculty and students who are not pre-approved and/or do not have funding from an adjudicated funding process.

Principal Investigators for whom this process applies are required to provide confirmation of the scientific merit of their proposed research by having an assessor complete section B of the form below.

Completion of this form by an assessor is a prerequisite for training access to a Research Data Centre (RDC).

Who can be an assessor?

  • A person who holds the rank of tenured Associate Professor or Full Professor at an accredited Canadian university (this would exclude faculty working in teaching only positions).


  • Identify an assessor knowledgeable in your area of research willing to review your proposal. It is the responsibility of the applicant and the assessor to avoid conflict of interest as defined and described in the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Agreement for Review Comitee Members, External Reviewers, and Observers.
  • Complete Part A of the form and ask the assessor to complete Part B (including the signature).
  • Submit completed forms to the Microdata Access Portal (MAP) (Specifications: one file only with a limit of 32 MB; and acceptable formats are: txt, rtf, pdf, doc and docx).
    • It will expedite your application if you can find your own assessor. However, if you cannot please contact for assistance.

Part A – to be completed by the applicant (principal investigator)

  • Map ID:
  • Applicant first name, last name:
  • Proposal title:

Part B – to be completed by the assessor

  • Assessor first name, last name: Contact information (phone or email):
  • Position and title:
  • Institution:
  • Subject matter expertise:

In your assessment, please consider the following criteria:

  • The project's objectives are clearly defined;
  • The proposed statistical and analytical methods are suitable for this project;
  • This project will contribute to the advancement of knowledge;
  • The applicant and team members have experience, qualifications and expertise to complete the proposed project.

I have reviewed the research proposal and it is my opinion that the research project has academic merit and that the applicant and team members have the appropriate education and research background to complete it successfully.

  • Signature:
  • Date:
  • Comments (Optional):

For any questions on this form or on this process, please send an email (including your MAP ID) to:

Letter of reference template

Letter of reference template

Upload requirements:

  • one file only
  • limit of 32 MB
  • allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.

Director, Microdata Access Division
Ottawa, ON


Dear Director of the Microdata Access Division,

I would like to inform you that (insert name of international researcher and affiliation) has submitted an application for access to Statistics Canada data. I have known (insert name of international researcher) for (number) years and know that he/she is a researcher in good standing at (institution or agency). I confirm that he/she is conducting research in their area of expertise where there is a legitimate requirement to access confidential Canadian data. I am confident he/she will abide by the procedures in place to protect the confidentiality of respondents of Statistics Canada data.


(Name and address of reference and affiliation)

For Office Use Only - Insert all applicable contract numbers

  • Contract #
  • Contract #
  • Contract #
Letter of acknowledgement template

Letter of acknowledgement template

Upload requirements:

  • one file only
  • limit of 32 MB
  • allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.

Director, Microdata Access Division
Ottawa, ON


Dear Director of Microdata Access Division,

I am writing to confirm (insert name of international researcher) is registered in Graduate Studies in Department at the University (insert name and country).

I understand that they are applying for access to Statistics Canada confidential data in order to complete a portion of their graduate studies.

I understand that in order to access these data, all researchers agree to follow Statistics Canada procedures to ensure that they do not contravene the Statistics Act.

However, should (insert name of international researcher) not follow these procedures and his/her actions contravene the Statistics Act, I agree to conduct an internal review and address this issue as is appropriate under our university guidelines for dealing with student misconduct.

I understand that a contravention of the Statistics Act will result in the immediate removal of the student's access to Statistics Canada data and may lead to legal and financial penalties outlined in Section 34 of the Act as follows:

Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6(1), willfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both. (Statistics Act).


(Name and address of university official)

Fee-for-Service questionnaire

CRDCN Access and Fee-for-Service Questionnaire

Upload requirements:

  • one file only
  • limit of 32 MB
  • allowed types: pdf.

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this act.



This questionnaire collects information on all the sources of funding that you or your co-investigators have received or will receive in support of your proposed Research Data Centre project. This information is being collected in accordance with the Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) Access and Fee-for-Service Policy. Completion of this questionnaire by the project's principal investigator is a prerequisite for gaining access to a Research Data Centre.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Security of emails and faxes

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or email. However upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Note: Our online questionnaires are secure, and there is no risk of data Interception when responding to Statistics Canada's online questionnaires.


The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada

Data-sharing agreements

Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations. These agreements require that data be kept confidential and be used only for statistical purposes.

Information on confidentiality, data –sharing agreements and record linkages can be found on the last page of this questionnaire.

Reporting instructions

As you complete the questionnaire, please consult the help guide: for more information on Partner Universities; Core Funders and definitions. Since many researchers hold roles in multiple organizations, the responses to the questionnaire should be based on the capacity in which the researchers are acting for the project.

Please ensure that the acknowledgement at the end of the questionnaire is signed before uploading and submitting the questionnaire.

If you have any questions about the questionnaire, please contact

Section A – Introduction

1. Are you and all of your co-investigators either employed by a partner university, professors emeriti of a partner university, post-doctoral fellows pursuing independent inquiry, and/or students working in pursuit of a degree or class project?

  • Yes
  • No

2. Is the proposed research self-directed?

  • Yes
  • No

3. Are you, or are any of your co-investigators, receiving funding or any kind of financial compensation as part of an agreement for the proposed research?

Funding or financial compensation can include any monies paid for conducting the research, including grants, research contracts, student support and/or employment income.

  • Yes
    • Go to question 5
  • No
    • If you answered yes to questions 1 and 2, and no to question 3, go to Section E
    • If you answered no to question 1, yes to question 2, and no to question 3, continue to question 4

4. Before proceeding to the acknowledgement, please indicate all the non-partner institutions whose researchers are represented on the team that will conduct the proposed research.

Go to Section E

5. Have you only received (SSHRC/CIHR/FRQ-S/FRQ-SC/FRQ-NT) funding?

  • Yes
    • Go to Section E
  • No
    • Continue to question 6

Section B – Industry Association and Private Sector Funding

Please complete this section and include all sources of private sector and industry association funding (including grants, research contracts, student support and/or employment income for private sector/industry association researchers).

6. Do you have private sector or industry association funding and/or private sector or industry association co-investigators?

  • Yes
    • Continue to question 7
  • No
    • Go to question 12

7. What are the names of the private sector companies or industry associations providing the funding?

8. Please identify the nature of the funding and complete all relevant questions.

  • Research Grant
    • Continue to question 9
  • Research Contract
    • Go to question 11
  • Employment Income
    • Go to Section E
  • Post-doctoral funding or student funding
    • Go to Section E
  • Other
    • Go to Section E

Specify the nature of the funding

Research Grant

9. Is this grant for research that is "self-directed"?

  • Yes
  • No

10. Are there deliverables associated with the grant?

Some funding that is labeled as a "grant" is defined in the policy as a research contract; this is most often the case when the granter will be applying their branding to a final report. Please familiarize yourself with the definition of a deliverable before responding.

  • Yes - there are deliverables associated with a grant and it may be defined as a contract
    • Continue to question 11
  • No - there are no deliverables to be provided or associated in exchange with or for this grant
    • Go to question 12

Research Contract

11. If there are one or more deliverables to be produced in exchange for the research funding, please identify them below.

Mark all that apply.

  • Copy of the article for peer-review
  • Oral Report
  • Summary of principal findings
  • Full research report
  • Technical data report
  • Other

Specify all other deliverables to be produced in exchange for the research funding)

Continue to question 12

Section C – Government Funding

Please complete this section and include all sources of government funding (including grants, research contracts, student support and/or employment income for government researchers) as part of your responses.

12. Do you have other government funding and/or government co-investigators?

  • Yes
    • Continue to question 13
  • No
    • Go to question 22

13. Which governments are funding the proposed research?

Mark all that apply.

  • Federal Government
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Northwest Territories
  • Yukon
  • Nunavut
  • Municipal or other local government

14. Please identify the nature of the funding and complete all relevant questions.

  • Research Grant
    • Continue to question 15
  • Research Contract
    • Go to question 18
  • Employment Income
    • Go to question 20
  • Post-doctoral funding or student funding
  • Other
    • Go to Section E

Specify the nature of the funding

Research Grant

15. Which departments are funding the research grant? Please indicate the name of the grant program, where applicable.

16. Is this grant for research that is "self-directed"?

  • Yes
  • No

17. Are there deliverables associated with the grant?

Some funding that is labeled as a "grant" is defined in the policy as a research contract; this is most often the case when the granter will be applying their branding to a final report. Please familiarize yourself with the definition of a deliverable before responding.

  • Yes - there are deliverables associated with a grant and it may be defined as a contract
    • Continue to question 18
  • No - there are no deliverables to be provided or associated in exchange with or for this grant
    • Go to question 22

Research Contract

18. Which departments are commissioning the research contract?

19. Please identify all deliverables to be produced in exchange for the research funding.

Mark all that apply.

  • Copy of the article for peer-review
  • Oral Report
  • Summary of principal findings
  • Full research report
  • Technical data report
  • Other

Specify all other deliverables to be produced in exchange for the research funding)

Continue to question 20

Employment Income

20. For which government departments do you, and/or one or more of your co-investigators listed on the application work?

21. Is this research being undertaken as part of your regular work duties and/or any of your co-investigators' regular work duties?

  • Yes
    • Go to Section E
  • No
    • Continue to question 22

Section D – Nonprofit Funding

Please complete this section and include all sources of nonprofit funding (including grants, research contracts, student support and/or employment income for nonprofit sector researchers) as part of your responses.

22. Do you have nonprofit funding and/or nonprofit sector co-investigators?

  • Yes
    • Continue to question 23
  • No
    • Go to Section E

23. What are the names of the nonprofits providing the funding?

24. Please identify the nature of the funding and complete all relevant questions.

  • Research Grant
    • Continue to question 25
  • Research Contract
    • Go to question 27
  • Employment Income
    • Go to Section E
  • Post-doctoral funding or student funding
    • Go to Section E
  • Other
    • Go to Section E

Specify the nature of the funding

Research Grant

25. Is this grant for research that is "self-directed"?

  • Yes
  • No

26. Are there deliverables associated with the grant?

Some funding that is labeled as a "grant" is defined in the policy as a research contract; this is most often the case when the granter will be applying their branding to a final report. Please familiarize yourself with the definition of a deliverable before responding.

  • Yes - there are deliverables associated with a grant and it may be defined as a contract
  • No - there are no deliverables to be provided or associated in exchange with or for this grant

Research Contract

27. If there are one or more deliverables to be produced in exchange for the research funding, please identify them below.

Mark all that apply.

  • Copy of the article for peer-review
  • Oral Report
  • Summary of principal findings
  • Full research report
  • Technical data report
  • Other

Specify all other deliverables to be produced in exchange for the research funding)

Section E – Acknowledgement

Thank you for completing the CRDCN Access and Fee-for-Service Policy questionnaire. In signing the acknowledgement below, you are confirming that the information provided is true and that you are aware of your responsibilities to notify the Canadian Research Data Centre Network and Statistics Canada should your funding sources and/or the PI or co-investigators change over the course of your project. Falsifying information on the questionnaire or failing to file an amended questionnaire could result in denial of current or future access to the facilities or data and/or a retroactively imposed fee for service.

The completed and signed questionnaire must be scanned or saved and uploaded in the application of the Microdata Access Portal.

Based on your responses to this questionnaire, the administrators of the CRDCN Access and Fee-for-Service Policy will determine whether your project is subject to a fee for service, and if so, which fee will apply. You will be contacted by email with a confirmation of this assessment within a month of submitting the completed questionnaire.

PI name:

PI email address:

PI Signature:


For staff use – RDC contract ID:

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.

Please retain a copy for your records.

Visit our website at Research Data Centres.

Approval letter from sponsoring organization template

Approval letter from sponsoring organization template

Director, Data Access Division
Statistics Canada
Ottawa, ON

[Insert date]

Re: Departmental Approval for Project entitled [Insert project title]

Dear Director of Data Access Division

The purpose of this letter is to confirm my approval for [insert name(s) of researcher(s)] to request access to Statistics Canada confidential data in order to perform research that will fulfill the mandate or our organization.

The project proposals have been reviewed internally and have received approval to proceed from management at [insert name of organization supporting the proposals].

I understand that in order to access these data, all researchers agree to follow Statistics Canada procedures to ensure that they do not contravene the Statistics Act.

However, should [insert name(s) of researcher(s)] not follow these procedures and his/her/their actions contravene the Statistics Act, I agree to conduct an internal review and address this issue as is appropriate under our department's internal guidelines and those of the Public Service Commission of Canada.

I understand that a contravention of the Statistics Act will result in the immediate removal of access to Statistics Canada data and may lead to legal and financial penalties outlined in Section 34 of the Act as follows:

Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6(1), willfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both. (Statistics Act).


[Insert Name and Title]
[Insert Directorate Name]
[Insert Department name]

Economic Data Proposal Requirements

Economic Data Proposal Requirements

Any proposal for submission must have sufficient details, so as to determine the feasibility of the project.

Note that DAD only considers research projects that are not descriptive in nature. They must be analytic with a focus on modelling.

Researchers are expected to use publicly available data tables where possible to support analytic modeling outputs.

If you wish to obtain custom tabulations, you will need to contact the appropriate subject-matter division within Statistics Canada, or contact for more information.

The project proposal is a maximum of ten pages and must include the following elements:

  1. Project Title
  2. Project description, rationale, and objectives
    1. Provide a brief summary of the current literature and identify the knowledge gap(s) to be addressed.
    2. Clearly identify the specific questions or objectives of the project.
  3. Analytical framework and proposed methodology
    1. Cross-tabulations: Summary statistics must be kept to a minimum and must support the analytical output.
      • List (a) the variables involved, (b) the number of dimensions in the tables, and (c) the number of tables.
    2. Modelling:
      • List (a) the dependent variable(s), independent variables, and (b) type of modelling being used (OLS, Logistic regression, etc.) Note: Applicable weights must be applied when using survey data.
Note: Key considerations for confidentiality vetting, such as establishing the minimum unique observations and sensitivity testing are outlined in the Economic Data Vetting Handbook. To obtain the most up to date copy of the handbook, please contact your local RDC or FRDC Analyst.
  1. Detailed data requirements:
    • Justification for using the microdata
    • Dataset(s) required
    • Sample description: Identify the unit of analysis and population of interest
    • Time period: Provide the years of data needed
    • Variable list: Provide a table listing expected variables to be used in the analysis (this can be included in an appendix)
  2. Software requirements: SAS or Stata. Please indicate if any additional Stata commands will be required.
  3. Expected output: Describe the products that will result from the proposed analysis. Types of products could include, but are not limited to, the following: a working paper, peer-reviewed journal article, book or chapter, thesis or dissertation, conference presentation, or commissioned report (e.g., government report).
  4. Expected start date and duration of the project
  5. Source of funding for this project: Please list all sources of funding, or indicate n/a if not applicable.
  6. Location of Work
    • If the location of work is the FRDC, is the project covered by a departmental seat or through a specific funding arrangement?
      • Yes
        If yes, please specify.
      • Unknown
      • N/A
  7. Literature references
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