2011 Annual return of Television survey licensee

For the fiscal period ended August 31, 2011

Confidential when completed

Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

Survey objective

This survey collects financial and operating data for the statistical measurement and analysis of the broadcasting distribution industry. These data will be aggregated to produce national and regional estimates of the performance of your industry. Those estimates are used by the regulator and policy departments, the private sector, international organizations, academics, analysts and the general public to better understand this sector's contribution to the Canadian economy. Selected results will be published in Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 56-207-X

Confidentiality statement

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, Chapter S19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this Act. Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing or releasing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey relating to any identifiable business without the previous written consent of that business. The data on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual responses with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.

Data sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes.  Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions.  These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act.  Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations.  Under this section, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want to share your data and returning it in a separate envelope addressed to: Chief, Information technologies section, Investment, Science and Technology Division, Main Building, 150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0T6.

For this survey, there are section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut as well as with the Department of Canadian Heritage, the “Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition feminine du Québec” and the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

For these agreements, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Note: As well there is a Section 12 agreement with the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). The CRTC requires this information under the authority of the Broadcasting Act and the regulations and conditions of licence thereunder. Because of this Act, you do not have the right to refuse to share your information with the CRTC. It will retain a copy of the questionnaire thus satisfying the requirements of the Television Broadcasting Regulations 1987 and Radio Regulations 1986 or conditions of licence for all broadcasters in Canada to provide this type of information to the commission on or before November 30 of each year for the year ending on the previous August 31.

Change of ownership

When a change of ownership has been approved by the CRTC, within 90 days thereof, the former licensee will file with Statistics Canada a copy of an annual return covering the period of operations from September 1 to the day of transfer.  The new licensee will file an annual return from the day of transfer to August 31. In some cases, the new licensee elects to file an annual return for the full broadcast year. In either case, the licensee should indicate on the return, which period they are filing.

Form 1030 – International payments and receipts

Filed under the authority of the Broadcasting information regulations, 1993, and the Statistics Act.

Filed in confidence

Non-merchandising charges related to broadcasting operation

Receipts from non-residents
Business services
($'000 Canadian)

  • Program rights and royalties
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excluding U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excluding Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
    8. Total - program rights and royalties
  • Advertising
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excluding U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excluding Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
    8. Total - advertising
  • Other receipts from non-residents
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excluding U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excluding Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
    8. Total - other receipts from non-residents
  • Interests and dividends
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excluding U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excluding Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
    8. Total - interests and dividends

Payments to non-residents
Business services
($'000 Canadian)

  • Program rights and royalties
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excluding U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excluding Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
    8. Total - program rights and royalties
  • Advertising
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excluding U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excluding Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
    8. Total - advertising
  • Other receipts from non-residents
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excluding U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excluding Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
    8. Total - other receipts from non-residents
  • Interests and dividends
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excluding U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excluding Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
    8. Total - interests and dividends

Please use the space provided below to supply any comments, explanations, methodological notes, qualifiers or other important information about the data you have supplied on this form.

Form 1210 – Television station financial summary

Filed under the authority of the Broadcasting information regulations, 1993 and the Statistics Act.

Filed in confidence

  • 1. If the information in this return is for a period other than 12 months, please indicate From to
  • 2. Station location


  • 3. Local time sales (including infomercials)
    • Contra or other non-monetary transactions
    • Total local time sales
  • 4. National time sales (excluding infomercials)
    • Contra or other non-monetary transactions
    • National sales
    • Regional sales
    • Total national time sales
  • 5. Network payments to station
  • 6. Infomercials
    • Local time sales
    • National time sales
    • Total informercials
  • 7. Sales/syndication of programs
    • Canadian
    • Non-Canadian
    • Total sales/syndication of programs
  • 8. Production services sold
  • 9. Government grants and parliamentary appropriation
  • 10. Local programming improvement fund
  • 11. Other revenues
    • Type of revenue
    • Total other revenues
  • 12. Total revenues


  • 13. Programming and production
  • 14. Technical
  • 15. Sales and promotion
  • 16. Administration and general
  • 17. Total expenses
  • 18. Operating income (loss)
  • 19. Less: depreciation (recorded in accounts)
  • 20. Interest expenses
  • 21. Investments, Interest and incidental broadcasting income (include rental income)
  • 22. Less: amortization of goodwill, organization and start-up expenses
  • 23. Gain (loss) from disposal of fixed assets, investments, etc.
  • 24. Net income (loss) before income taxes
  • 25. Provision for income taxes (recovery)
  • 26. Net income (loss) after income taxes

Total remuneration

  • Salaries and wages (include sales commissions and talent fees paid to employees), fringe benefits and directors fees
    • 27. Programming and production
    • 28. Technical
    • 29. Sales and promotion
    • 30. Administration and general
    • 31. Total salaries and wages
  • Average number of employees (the typical weekly average of full and equivalent part time employees)
    • 32. Programming and production
    • 33. Technical
    • 34. Sales and promotion
    • 35. Administration and general
    • 36. Total average number of employees
    • 37. Fringe benefits

Please use the space provided below to supply any comments, explanations, methodological notes, qualifiers or other important information about the data you have supplied on this form.

Form 1230 –Direct operating expenses – programming and production

Filed under the authority of the Broadcasting Information Regulations, 1993 and the Statistics Act

Filed in confidence

Programming expenses

Program telecast


News (category 1)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Long form documentary (category 2b)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Other information (categories 2a, 3 to 5)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Sports (category 6)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Music and entertainment

Drama (category 7)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Music/variety (categories 8 & 9)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Game shows (category 10)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Human interest (category 11 excluding award shows)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Awards shows (not included in human interest)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing


(categories 12 to 15)  

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing


(categories 1 to 15)

Canadian programs

  • 1. Station’s production (including station contribution to cooperative productions)
  • 2. Programs produced by an affiliated production company
  • 3. Programs acquired from other stations
  • 4. Programs of network origination
  • 5. Programs acquired from independent producers
  • 6. Special recognition programs
  • 7. Other Canadian programs from any other source
  • 8. Total – Canadian programs telecast

Other Canadian programs telecast

  • 9. Program inventory write-downs
  • 10. Script and concept development (programs not telecast)
  • 11. Loss on equity investment/loan principal – Canadian programs
  • 12. Other - specify
  • 13. Total – other Canadian programming expenses
  • 14. Total Canadian programming expenses


  • 15. Non-Canadiam programming expenses – programs telecast
  • 16. Program inventory write-downs – programs not telecast
  • 17. Other
  • 18. Total – non-Canadian programming expenses
  • 19. Total – programming expenses – Canadian and non-Canadian
  • 20. Canadian media fund credit

Amount included in total Canadian programs telecast for:

  • 21. Close captioning
  • 22. Dubbing
  • 23. Program development
  • 24. Children’s programming
  • 25. Ownership transfer tangible benefits
  • 26. Described video

Amounts included in total other programming for:

  • 27. Ownership transfer tangible benefits

Amounts included in total non-Canadian programming for:

  • 28. Dubbing

Please use the space provided below to supply any comments, explanations, methodological notes, qualifiers or other important information about the data you have supplied on this form.

Form 1240 – direct operating expenses – continued

Filed under the authority of the Broadcasting information regulations, 1993 and the Statistics Act.

Filed in confidence

Total – programming expenses Canadian and non-Canadian

Production expenses

  • 1. Cost of program sales/syndication Canadian
  • 2. Cost of program sales/syndicaction non-Canadian
  • 3. Cost of production services sold
  • 4. Infomercials
  • 5. Other (including music license fees) (if greater than 10% of total production expenses, please provide details in space below)
  • 6. Total production expenses
  • 7. Grand total – programming and production expenses

Amounts included in grand total programming and production expenses for:

  • 8. Salaries and wages
  • 9. Talent fees non- staff
  • 10. News services
  • 11. Royalties (excluding music licence fee)
  • 12. Music licence fee (payments to SOCAN)
  • 13. Payments to network for programs
  • 14. Other network expenses (if greater than 10% of total production expenses, please provide details in space below)
  • 15. Talent fees paid to non-residents of Canada
  • 16. Total

Technical expenses

  • 17. Transmitter, studio, parts, tapes, supplies, technical consultant services, technical repairs and maintenance, and other technical costs
  • 18. Line, microwave or satellite charges
  • 19. Remuneration
  • 20. Total technical expenses

Sales and promotion expenses

  • 21. Audience and trade promotion, rating services
  • 22. Sales commission representatives – (non-staff)
  • 23. Sales commission paid to staff
  • 24. Other sales and promotion expenses
  • 25. Remuneration
  • 26. Total sales and promotion expenses

Administration and general expenses

  • 27. Entertainment, travel, motor vehicle operating expenses, telephone, fax, computer services and office supplies
  • 28. Cost of premises (rent, repairs and maintenance, insurance, utilities, etc.)
  • 29. Real estate and business tax
  • 30. Professional services
  • 31. Bad debt expenses
  • 32. CRTC licence fees
  • 33. Managements services (non-staff)
  • 34. Other administration and general expenses
  • 35. Remuneration (including directors fees)
  • 36. Total administration and general expenses
  • 37. Total all expenses

Please use the space provided below to supply any comments, explanations, methodological notes, qualifiers or other important information about the data you have supplied on this form.