Concordance: Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2011 and the Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2016

The concordance table presented here shows the relationship between SCCAI 2011 (first six columns: code, Countries and Areas of Interest, Num-3, Alpha-2, Alpha-3, Status code) and SCCAI 2016 (last six columns: code, Countries and Areas of Interest, Num-3, Alpha-2, Alpha-3, Explanatory notes). Changes to country names and codes since 1970 is presented in the list of Current and historical countries and areas of interest.

NC - new code for 2016; T - title change.

Code description

Code: Five-digit numerical code defined in the variant for social statistics, Countries and Areas of Interest for Social Statistics (SCCAI).

Num-3: Three-digit numerical code defined by the United Nations.

Alpha-2: Two-character alpha code defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Alpha-3: Three-character alpha code defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Concordance: Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2011 and the Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2016
SCCAI 2011 SCCAI 2016
Code Countries and Areas of Interest Num-3 Alpha-2 Alpha-3 Status code Code Countries and Areas of Interest Num-3 Alpha-2 Alpha-3 Explanatory notes
23372 Ireland, Republic of 372 IE IRL T 23372 Ireland 372 IE IRL Change of name to align with ISO 3166-1:2013.
31132 Cape Verde 132 CV CPV T 31132 Cabo Verde 132 CV CPV Change of name to align with ISO 3166-1:2013.
33728 South Sudan 728 SS SSD NC 32728 South Sudan 728 SS SSD The numeric code of South Sudan has been changed.
34180 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 180 CD COD T 34180 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 180 CD COD Change of name to align with ISO 3166-1:2013.
42334 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 344 HK HKG T 42334 Hong Kong 344 HK HKG Change of name to align with ISO 3166-1:2013.
42446 Macao Special Administrative Region 446 MO MAC T 42446 Macao 446 MO MAC Change of name to align with ISO 3166-1:2013.
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