In the third quarter of 2023, Canadians registered 457,836 new vehicles, an increase of 16.1% from the same quarter in 2022 and a decrease of 3.3% from the second quarter of 2023.
Most vehicle types saw an increase in new registrations in the third quarter when compared with one year earlier. New registrations of vans (+65.7%) saw the largest increase in percentage terms, followed by multi-purpose vehicles (+26.7%) and pickup trucks (+5.7%). New registrations of passenger cars decreased 8.3% from the same quarter of 2022, marking the ninth consecutive year-over-year quarterly decrease.
In the third quarter of 2023, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) (+170.1%) had the largest percentage increase among fuel types when compared with one year earlier, followed by hybrid electric vehicles (+81.0%). New registrations of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) (+43.9%) also increased when compared with the same quarter one year earlier. New registrations of gasoline-powered vehicles increased 8.4% from the same quarter of 2022, which represents the third consecutive year-over-year quarterly increase for this fuel type, after six consecutive declines. New registrations of diesel-powered vehicles decreased 9.6% in the third quarter of 2023 compared with one year earlier.
New zero-emission vehicle registrations surpass 10% of new motor vehicle registrations
In the third quarter, new zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) made up 12.1% of all new motor vehicles registered. This represents an increase from the third quarter of 2022, when ZEVs were 8.7% of all motor vehicle registrations.
BEVs constituted 76.0% of all new ZEV registrations in the third quarter of 2023, while PHEVs made up the remaining 24.0%, marking a shift from the previous year, when BEVs comprised 85.6%, and PHEVs comprised 14.4%.
In the third quarter, the largest yearly percentage growth among ZEV vehicle types was multi-purpose vehicles (+136.7%); of these registrations, 11,659 were PHEVs (+237.3%) and 29,843 were BEVs (+112.0%).
Over one in five new vehicles registered in Quebec is a zero-emission vehicle
In the third quarter, Canada's three largest provinces accounted for 91.2% of all new ZEV registrations. Quebec comprised 41.3% of all ZEV registrations, followed by Ontario (26.3%) and British Columbia (23.7%).
The highest percentage of ZEVs was registered in British Columbia (23.2%), followed by Quebec (20.2%) and Ontario (8.2%).
More new ZEVs were registered in all provinces in the third quarter of 2023 compared with one year earlier. New ZEV registrations increased in Prince Edward Island (+115.1%), New Brunswick (+109.5%), Quebec (+88.1%), Manitoba (+81.8%), Saskatchewan (+72.4%), British Columbia (+58.8%) and Ontario (+32.6%).
Note to readers
Estimates for Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Alberta are currently unavailable because of contractual limitations of the existing data sharing agreement. However, they are included in the Canadian total.
This survey looks at registrations of new motor vehicles in the provinces and territories in a given year.
Estimates for British Columbia include the territories.
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The "New motor vehicle registrations: Quarterly data visualization tool," an interactive tool that allows users to compare and analyze new zero-emission motor vehicle registration data by fuel type and geography, is now available online.
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For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; infostats@statcan.gc.ca) or Media Relations (statcan.mediahotline-ligneinfomedias.statcan@statcan.gc.ca).