The maple leaf is world renowned as the emblem of Canada, and maple syrup is among our most iconic exports. That’s not surprising given that Canada produces just over three-quarters of all the maple syrup tapped globally in a given year.
Another thing Canada is known for its cold weather, but a warm spring in 2021 pulled maple syrup production down by just over one-fifth (20.9%) to 11.3 million gallons from a year earlier, enough to fill 17 Olympic sized swimming pools.
Quebec (88.7%) and New Brunswick (7.0%) are the heart of Canada’s maple syrup industry, accounting for over 95% of the 2021 national production. The production shortfall in 2021 was made up for by the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup releasing reserves, which were well stocked following record production in 2019 and 2020.
Global demand for maple syrup is growing, and Canada exported 7.6 million gallons in the first three quarters of 2021, up 1.3 million gallons compared with the same period a year earlier.
Three-fifths of the maple syrup exported in 2020 went to the United States (60.0%), with Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, France and Japan accounting for a further 29.0%.
For further reading
Canadian International Merchandise Trade Web Application - Exports
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