Are you new to the neighbourhood? You are not alone. In 2023, approximately 333,000 Canadians moved from one province or territory to another, the second-highest number recorded since the 1990s and the third straight year that interprovincial migration topped 300,000.
Or perhaps you count yourself among the 471,771 permanent immigrants or 804,901 non-permanent residents who arrived in Canada over the same period.
If you are looking to learn more about your new home, check out the 2021 Census of Population Special Interest Profile. To learn about your community, all you need to provide is the place name or postal code.
To ensure confidentiality, the profile only looks at communities with 10,000 or more people.
The Special Interest Profile can tell you how many people in your age range live in your community; their cultural and ethnic origin; their religious affiliation, if any; and what language(s) they speak at home.
The tool can also tell you how many people were employed at the time of the census; the type of work they performed; and the annual average income of your hometown, along with a host of other 2021 Census of Population variables.
Moving can be stressful, but the Special Interest Profile can make you feel more at home through data.

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