Population Trends by Age and Sex, 2016 Census of Population

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Release date: May 3, 2017
Infographic: Population Trends by Age and Sex, 2016 Census of Population
Description: Population Trends by Age and Sex, 2016 Census of Population

For the first time in census history, the share of seniors aged 65 years and over exceeds the share of children under 15 years, but not everywhere. In the Prairie provinces and the territories, the share of children under 15 years still surpasses in 2016 the share of seniors aged 65 years and over.

The following table shows both 65 years and over and 15 years and under between 2011 and 2016 in percentage.

65 years and over and 15 years and under between 2011 and 2016 in percentage
  2011 2016
Percentage 15 years and under 16.7% 16.6%
Percentage 65 years and older 14.8% 16.9%

The following chart shows in percentage of those aged 65 years and older and those 15 years and under across the country.

Percentage of those aged 65 years and older and those 15 years and under across the country
Province 15 years and under
65 years and older
N.L. 16.6% 16.9%
P.E.I 14.3% 19.4%
N.S. 15.9% 19.4%
N.B. 14.5% 19.9%
Que. 16.3% 18.3%
Ont. 16.4% 16.7%
Man. 19.1% 15.6%
Sask. 19.6% 15.5%
Alta. 19.2% 12.3%
B.C. 14.9% 18.3%
Y.T. 17.5% 11.9%
N.W.T 21.2% 7.7%
Nvt. 32.5% 3.8%
  • In Canada there are 96.5 men per 100 women.
  • 123 men for 100 women in Kent, British Columbia, compared to 80 men for 100 women in Perth, Ontario.

The following charts show municipalities of 5,000 inhabitants and more.

Top ten municipalities with highest ratios of men
Municipalities Rate of men
Kent. B.C. 122.6
Oromocto, N.B. 120.4
Petawawa, Ont. 117.0
Wood Buffalo, Alta. 116.7
Whistler, B.C. 116.4
Rockwood, Man. 115.6
Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Que. 114.1
Drumheller, Alta. 113.4
Saint-Calixte, Que. 113.2
Sturgeon Country, Alta. 113.1
Bottom ten municipalities with the lowest ratio of men
Municipalities Rate of men
Truro, N.S. 84.2
Saint-Charles-Borromée, Que. 83.3
Parksville, B.C. 83.2
Dauphin, Man. 83.1
Qualicum Beach, B.C. 83.0
Saint-Lambert, Que. 81.9
White Rock, B.C. 81.7
Sidney, B.C. 81.2
Yarmouth (Town), N.S. 81.2
Perth, Ont. 79.8
  • From age 85 to 99, there are 54 men for every 100 women.
  • For centenarians, there are only 19 men for every 100 women.

Chart shows the total number of men per 100 women by age group.

Total number of men per 100 women by age group
Age group Number of men per 100 women
0-14 105
15-34 102
35-64 96
65-84 89
85-99 54
100+ 19
Total for all groups 97

Source: Statistics Canada, 2016 Census of Population

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