Methodology for estimating own-account transportation

The methodology used to develop the CTEA is similar to that used by the United States to develop its Transportation Satellite Accounts[4]. In general, the task is to identify the inputs used by non-transportation industries to produce OATS and to reassign them to the newly created OATS industries. The first step of this process is to partition the use tables of non-transportation industries into inputs used to produce OATS by mode and inputs used to produce non-transportation outputs.

The inputs used by non-transportation industries to produce OATS are divided into three groups:

The approach to estimating the OATS outputs and inputs of non-transportation industries involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the unique inputs used predominantly for transportation.
  2. Estimate the portion of these inputs’ total supply that is available for OATS activities.
  3. Spread the total-supply aggregate over the non-transportation industries. This allocation is done in proportion to the industries’ transportation employment count related to a given transportation mode according to data from the census.
  4. In proportion to the allocated level of the TRIs in a given transportation mode, estimate a) the nTRIs, b) the margins on inputs, and c) the value added.
  5. Rearrange the supply and use tables.
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