Direct requirements table and total requirements table

In addition to the output and use tables, the CTEA include a direct requirements table and a total requirements table.

The direct requirements table shows the cost of each product used by an industry per dollar of industry output, including the costs of for-hire and own-account transportation.

The total requirements table shows the sum of direct and indirect industry output required to produce a product for use by final demand (e.g., household consumption, government consumption, capital formation and international exports). Industry output covers all the non-transportation industries, as well as the transportation and OATS industries.

Input table (U)

The input table (Table 9) captures the value of products used in industry production.

Input table

Direct requirements table (B)

The direct requirements table (Table 10) is calculated using the CTEA use table by dividing the product used in an industry by the industry total output. The input coefficients are referred to as technological coefficients, i.e. the mix of products used to produce $1 of industry output.

The formula to derive the coefficients of the direct requirements table is shown below:

Direct requirements table

Description for Figure 2

This is an image of the direct requirements table, which is calculated using the CTEA use table by dividing the product used in an industry by the industry total output. The input-output coefficients show the mix of products used to produce $1 of industry output.

Output table (V)

The output table (Table 11) captures the value of products produced by industry i.

Output table

Market share matrix (D)

The market share matrix (Table 12) is derived by dividing the output table value of product c produced in industry i by the product total output. The market share matrix captures the quantity of products produced by industry per dollar of product output, i.e. the industry share of producing a product c.

Market share table

Description for Figure 4

This is an image of the market share matrix, which is derived by dividing the output table value of product c produced in industry i by the product total output. The market share matrix captures the quantity of products produced by industry per dollar of product output, i.e. the industry share of producing a product c.

Total requirements table

One of the identities in the SUTs at basic prices is that the total output of each product must equal its total uses, whether the product is used as an intermediate input or as a final demand (e.g., for household consumption, government consumption, capital formation and international exports net of imports).

Total requirements table

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