Map 2.7
Ratio of surface freshwater intake to water yield, by drainage region, 2013

Map 2.7 Ratio of surface freshwater intake to water yield, by drainage region, 2013

Description for Map 2.7

The title of this map is “Ratio of surface freshwater intake to water yield, by drainage region, 2013.” On this map, the darker the colour the higher the ratio of water intake (as a percentage) for each drainage region. Category 1 (dark green) is greater than or equal to 40%, Category 2 (medium green) is 20% to less than 40%, Category 3 (green) is 10% to less than 20% and Category 4 (light green) is 0% to 10%.

The highest intake to water yield ratios for August 2013 occurred in the Assiniboine–Red and in the Great Lakes drainage regions, followed by the South Saskatchewan and Okanagan–Similkameen.

Each drainage region boundary is outlined in black and labeled with a number to identify the area. A table is included which provides the full name of each drainage region, grouped by ocean drainage areas. The locations and names of some major cities in each province and territory are included on the map. Land areas outside of Canada are coloured light grey. Water is pale blue and major bodies, like oceans and bays, are named.

Notes: This map shows the ratio of surface freshwater water intake to water yield for August 2013, with the exception of drainage regions 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, which use the ratio of August intake to the long-term minimum monthly water yield. Surface freshwater intake aggregates data from the Survey of Drinking Water Plants, 2013 and the Industrial Water Use Survey, 2013, with estimates of agricultural water use for 2013 based on the Agricultural Water Use Survey and the Alberta Irrigation Information report. Withdrawals from groundwater, groundwater under the influence of surface water and marine water sources are excluded. Data for water use by the oil and gas industry and households not supplied by a public water provider are also excluded.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division, 2017, special tabulation from the Industrial Water Use Survey, 2013; Survey of Drinking Water Plants, 2013; Agricultural Water Use Survey, 2010, 2012 and 2014; Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, 2014, Alberta Irrigation Information: Facts and Figures for the Year 2013, Basin Water Management Branch; Environment Canada, 2015, Water Survey of Canada, Archived Hydrometric Data (HYDAT), (accessed December 3, 2016); Spence, C., and A. Burke, 2008, "Estimates of Canadian Arctic Archipelago runoff from observed hydrometric data," Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 362, pp. 247-259.

Data table for Map 2.7 Legend
Ratio of water intake to water yield, August 2013, classification showing category colour
Table summary
This table displays the results of Ratio of water intake to water yield. The information is grouped by Category (appearing as row headers), Percent and Colour (appearing as column headers).
Category Percent Colour
1 ≥ 40% Dark green
2 20% to < 40% Medium green
3 10% to < 20% Green
4 < 10% Light green
Data table for Map 2.7 Data
Water intake to water yield, August 2013, by drainage region
Table summary
This table displays the results of Water intake to water yield. The information is grouped by Ocean drainage areas and drainage regions (appearing as row headers), Code and Water intake to water yield, August 2013, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Ocean drainage areas and drainage regions Code Water intake to water yield, August 2013
number percentage
Pacific Ocean    
Pacific Coastal 1 1.0
Fraser–Lower Mainland 2 1.5
Okanagan–Similkameen 3 26.3
Columbia 4 0.4
Yukon 5 0.1
Arctic Ocean    
Peace–Athabasca 6 0.3
Lower Mackenzie 7 0.0
Arctic Coast–Islands 8 0.0
Gulf of Mexico    
Missouri 9 5.9
Hudson Bay    
North Saskatchewan 10 5.6
South Saskatchewan 11 21.7
Assiniboine–Red 12 63.6
Winnipeg 13 0.7
Lower Saskatchewan–Nelson 14 0.5
Churchill 15 0.0
Keewatin–Southern Baffin Island 16 0.0
Northern Ontario 17 0.1
Northern Quebec 18 0.0
Atlantic Ocean    
Great Lakes 19 42.8
Ottawa 20 1.4
St. Lawrence 21 6.6
North Shore–Gaspé 22 0.1
Saint John–St. Croix 23 12.6
Maritime Coastal 24 2.6
Newfoundland–Labrador 25 0.1
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