Description for Chart F
Voters as a percentage of voting-age population in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom

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This is a line chart.
The vertical axis is "Percentage".
The vertical axis starts at 40 and ends at 100 with ticks every 10 points.
The units of the horizontal axis are years ranging from 1976 to 2011.
There are 3 series in this graph.
The title of series 1 is "Canada (Federal)".
The title of series 2 is "United States (Presidential)".
The title of series 3 is "United Kingdom (General)".

Table F
Voters as a percentage of voting-age population in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom
Table summary
This table displays the results of Voters as a percentage of voting-age population in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. This information is grouped by Canada (Federal), United States (Presidential) and United Kingdom (General) (appearing as column headers), calculated using percentage as a unit of measure.
  Canada (Federal) United States (Presidential) United Kingdom (General)
1979 68.1 .. 75.7
1980 63.6 53.4 74.9
1981 64.6 53.5 74.2
1982 65.5 53.6 73.4
1983 66.5 53.7 72.6
1984 67.4 53.8 73.2
1985 67.2 53.1 73.8
1986 67.1 52.3 74.4
1987 66.9 51.6 75.0
1988 66.7 50.8 75.2
1989 66.3 52.0 75.3
1990 65.9 53.1 75.5
1991 65.4 54.3 75.6
1992 65.0 55.4 75.8
1993 64.6 53.7 74.6
1994 63.1 52.1 73.4
1995 61.5 50.4 72.3
1996 60.0 48.7 71.1
1997 58.4 49.2 69.9
1998 57.4 49.7 66.9
1999 56.5 50.2 63.9
2000 55.5 50.7 60.8
2001 55.5 52.0 57.8
2002 55.4 53.3 57.9
2003 55.4 54.6 57.9
2004 55.3 55.9 58.0
2005 57.0 56.3 58.0
2006 58.7 56.7 58.6
2007 56.0 57.1 59.2
2008 53.2 57.5 59.7
2009 53.4 .. 60.3
2010 53.5 .. 60.9
2011 53.7 .. ..
.. not available for a specific reference period
Sources: To ensure consistency, voting-age population figures for each country were taken from the Human Mortality Database (HMD). The HMD ( ensures that a similar methodology is used to estimate population estimates by age by using the most recent census count in each country. Voting numbers were retrieved from Elections Canada, the office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.K. Election Commission, and the Library of the British House of Commons. Numbers from the 1979 U.K. General Election were retrieved from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) archives.
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