Description for chart 2
Percentage distribution of caregivers by age group of primary care receiver, by type of housing, 2012

The title of the graph is "Chart 2 Percentage distribution of caregivers by age group of primary care receiver, by type of housing, 2012."
This is a column stacked chart.
There are in total 4 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 100 with ticks every 10 points.
There are 3 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "percentage."
The horizontal axis is "Type of housing of primary care receiver."
The title of series 1 is "65 to 74."
The minimum value is 9 and it corresponds to "Supportive housing."
The maximum value is 41 and it corresponds to "At home, shared household."
The title of series 2 is "75 to 84."
The minimum value is 33 and it corresponds to "Supportive housing."
The maximum value is 45 and it corresponds to "At home, separate households."
The title of series 3 is "85 and over."
The minimum value is 23 and it corresponds to "At home, shared household."
The maximum value is 58 and it corresponds to "Supportive housing."

Data table for chart 2
  65 to 74 75 to 84 85 and over
Care facility 11 35 55
Supportive housing 9 33 58
At home, separate households 27 45 27
At home, shared household 41 37 23
Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2012.
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