Description for chart 2
Timely high school completion by weekly extracurricular activity participation and gender, 2012

The title of the graph is "Chart 2 Timely high school completion by weekly extracurricular activity participation and gender, 2012."
This is a column clustered chart.
There are in total 6 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 100 with ticks every 10 points.
There are 2 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "percentage."
The horizontal axis is "Extracurricular activities."
The title of series 1 is "Less than weekly participation."
The minimum value is 47.6 and it corresponds to "Males Sports."
The maximum value is 57.3 and it corresponds to "Females Arts."
The title of series 2 is "Weekly participation."
The minimum value is 63.8 and it corresponds to "Females Arts."
The maximum value is 86.1 and it corresponds to "Females Clubs."

Data table for chart 2
  Less than weekly participation Weekly participation
Females Sports 51.6 69.8
Females Arts 57.3 63.8
Females Clubs 50.4 86.1
Males Sports 47.6 67.9
Males Arts 54.0 72.4
Males Clubs 55.0 79.5
All "weekly participation" categories except arts for females are significantly different from the reference category (less than weekly participation) at p < 0.05.
Statistics Canada, Aboriginal Peoples Survey, 2012.
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