Description for chart 4.4

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The title of this graph is “Chart 4.4 Average amount of debt and percentage of graduates with debt who paid it off three years after graduation”.

This is a column clustered chart.

There are in total 4 categories in the horizontal axis.

The left vertical axis is ‘dollars’.
The right vertical axis is ‘percent’.
The horizontal axis is ‘Co-op program status’.

There are two series described in this chart.

The first series is ‘Average debt remaining 3 years after graduation’
The minimum value is 12,200 and corresponds to ‘College co-op’.
The maximum value is 19,800 and corresponds to ‘Bachelor non co-op’.

The second series is ‘Percentage of graduates who paid debt off 3 years after graduation’.
The minimum value is 33 and corresponds to ‘Bachelor non co-op’’.
The maximum value is 42 and corresponds to ‘College co-op’ and  ‘Bachelor co-op’.

Data table for chart 4.4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 4.4 Average debt remaining 3 years after graduation and Percentage of graduates who paid it off 3 years after graduation (appearing as column headers).
  Average debt remaining 3 years after graduation (dollars) Percentage of graduates who paid debt off 3 years after graduation
College co-op 12,200 42
College non-co-op 12,400 35
Bachelor co-op 18,600 42
Bachelor non-co-op 19,800 33
Graduates who pursued further education after their 2009-2010 graduation are excluded from chart.
Statistics Canada, National Graduates Survey, 2013 (Class of 2009-2010).
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