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1. A.V. Perruccio, J.D. Power et E.M. Badley, « Revisiting arthritis prevalence projections: it's more than just an aging of the population  », Journal of Rheumatology , 33, 2006, p.  1856-1862.

2. J.A. Kopec, M.M. Rahman, E.C. Sayre et al. , « Trends in physician-diagnosed osteoarthritis incidence in an administrative database in British Columbia, Canada, 1996-1997 through 2003-2004 », Arthritis Care and  Research , 59(7), 2008, p. 929-934.

3. E.M. Badley, L.M. Rothman et P.P. Wang, « Modeling physical dependence in arthritis: the relative contribution of specific disabilities and environmental factors », Arthritis Care and Research , 11(5), 1998, p.  335-345.

4. B. Fautrel, P. Hilliquin, S. Rozenberg et al. , « Impact of osteoarthritis: results of a nationwide survey of 10,000 patients consulting for OA », Joint Bone Spine, 72, 2005, p. 235-240.

5. C. MacKay, M. Canizares, A.M. Davis et E.M. Badley, « Health care utilization for musculoskeletal disorders », Arthritis Care and Research , 62(2), 2010, p. 161-169.

6. A.M. Chorus, H.S. Miedema, C.J. Wevers et S. van Der Linden, « Labor force participation among patients with rheumatoid arthritis », Annals of Rheumatic Diseases , 59, 2000, p. 549-554.

7. Statistique Canada, Gens en santé, milieux sains (no 82-229 au catalogue), Ottawa, ministre de l'Industrie, 2010, disponible à l'adresse http: //www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-229-x/82-229-x/2009001/status/int4-fra.htm (consulté le 7 juillet 2010).

8. C. Lagacé, A. Perrucio, C. Degano et M. Nichol, « Qu'est-ce que l'arthrite et dans quelle mesure est-elle répandue? », dans Agence de la santé publique du Canada, Arthritis Consumer Experts, Arthritis Community Research and Evaluation Unit et al. , éd. Vivre avec l'arthrite au Canada : Un défi de santé personnel et de santé publique, Ottawa, Agence de la santé publique du Canada, 2010.

9. L.M. Verbrugge et D.L. Patrick, « Seven chronic conditions:  their impact on US adults' activity levels and use of medical services », American Journal of Public Health , 85(2), 1995, p. 173-182.

10. P.P. Wang, R. Elsbett-Koeppen, G. Geng et E.M. Badley, « Arthritis prevalence and place of birth: findings from the 1994 Canadian National Population Health Survey  », American Journal of Epidemiology , 152(5), 2000, p. 442-445.

11. D.D. Dunlop, L.M. Manheim, J. Song et R.W. Chang, « Arthritis prevalence and activity limitations in older adults », Arthritis and Rheumatology , 44(1), 2001, p. 212-221.

12. E.M. Badley et H. Ansari, « Arthritis and arthritis-attributable activity limitations in the United States and Canada: A cross-border comparison »,Arthritis Care and Research , 62(3), 2010, p. 308-315.

13. D.D. Dunlop, P. Semanik, J. Song et al. , « Risk factors for functional decline in older adults with arthritis », Arthritis and Rheumatology , 52(4), 2005, p. 1274-1282.

14. K.A. Theis, C.G. Helmick et J.M. Hootman, « Arthritis burden and impact are greater among U.S. women than men: intervention opportunities », Journal of Women's Health , 16(4), 2007, p. 441-453.

15. G.H. Louie et M.M. Ward, « Sex disparities in self-reported physical functioning: true differences, reporting bias, or incomplete adjustment for confounding? », Journal of the American Geriatric Society , 58, 2010, p.  1117-1122.

16. S.H. Allaire, « Gender and disability associated with arthritis: differences and issues », Arthritis and Rheumatism , 9, 1996, p. 435–440.

17. M.K. Peek et R.T. Coward, « Gender differences in the risk of developing disability among older adults with arthritis », Journal of Aging and Health , 11, 1999, p. 131-150.

18. D.D. Dunlop, L.M. Manheim, M.W. Sohn et al. , « Incidence of functional limitation in older adults:  The impact of gender, race, and chronic conditions », Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 83, 2002, p.  964-971.

19. K.M. Yount et E.M. Agree, « Differences in disability among older women and men in Egypt and Tunisia », Demography, 42(1), 2005, p. 169-187.

20. K. Wilkins et E. Park, « Problèmes de santé chroniques, incapacités physiques et dépendance à l'égard d'autrui chez les personnes âgées qui vivent dans la collectivité », Rapports sur la santé, 8(3), 1996, p. 7-17.

21. L.M. Verbrugge et L. Juarez, « Profile of arthritis disability », Public Health Reports , 116(Suppl. 1), 2001, p.  157-179.

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23. M. Shih, J.M. Hootman, J. Kruger et C.G. Helmick, « Physical activity in men and women with arthritis: National Health Interview Survey, 2002 »,American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 30(5), 2006, p. 385-393.

24. K.N. Murtagh et H.B. Hubert, « Gender differences in physical disability among an elderly cohort », American Journal of Public Health, 94, 2004, p. 1406-1411.

25. Statistique Canada, Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada – Guide de l'utilisateur, Ottawa, Statistique Canada, 2009.

26. K.F. Ferraro et J.M. Wilmonth, « Measuring morbidity: disease counts, binary variables, and statistical power », Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences , 55, 2000, p. S173-S189.

27. H. Radner, J.S. Smolen et D. Aletaha, « Impact of comorbidity on physical function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis », Annals of Rheumatic Diseases , 69, 2010, p. 536-541.

28. K.W. Drossaers-Bakker, M. de Buck, D. van Zeben et al. , « Long-term course and outcome of functional capacity in rheumatoid arthritis: the effect of disease activity and radiologic damage over time », Arthritis and Rheumatism , 142, 1999, p. 1854-1860.

29. A.M. Kulminski, I.V. Culminskaya, S.V. Ukraintseva et al. , « Sex-specific health deterioration and mortality: The morbidity-mortality paradox over age and time »,Experimental Gerontology , 43(12), 2008, p. 1052-1057.

30. P.P. Rieker et C. Bird, « Sociological explanations of gender differences in mental and physical health », dans C.E. Bird, P. Conrad et A.M. Fremont, sous la direction de. Handbook of Medical Sociology, Fifth Edition, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 2000, p. 98-113.

31. G. Zhao, E.S. Ford, C. Li et al. , « Disability and its correlates with chronic morbidities among U.S. adults aged 50−<65 years », Preventive Medicine , 48, 2009, p. 117-121.

32. P.M.J. Welsing, A.M. van Gestel, H.L. Swinkels et al. , « The relationship between disease activity, joint destruction, and functional capacity over the course of rheumatoid arthritis », Arthritis and Rheumatism , 44(9), 2001, p. 2009-2017.

33. P. Guallar-Castillón, F. Rodríguez-Artalejo, L.D. Gañán et al. , « Consumption of alcoholic beverages and subjective health in Spain », Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 55, 2001, p. 648-652.

34. A.F. Brown, A. Ang et A.R. Pebley, « The relationship between neighbourhood characteristics and self-rated health for adults with chronic conditions », American Journal of Public Health , 97, 2007, p. 926-932.

35. M.C. Reid, P.H. Van Ness, K.A. Hawkins et al. , « Light to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with better cognitive function among older male veterans receiving primary care », Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology , 19, 2006, p. 98-105.

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