Description for Chart 3 Age-specific cancer incidence rates among children aged 0 to 14, by cancer group, Canada, 2006–2010

The title of the graph is "Chart 3 Age-specific cancer incidence rates among children aged 0 to 14, by cancer group, Canada, 2006–2010."
This is a column clustered chart.
There are in total 5 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 120 with ticks every 15 points.
There are 4 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "rate (per million )."
The horizontal axis is "Cancer group."
The title of series 1 is "Less than 1 year."
The minimum value is 5.4 and it corresponds to "Lymphomas."
The maximum value is 68 and it corresponds to "Neuroblastomas."
The title of series 2 is "1 to 4 years."
The minimum value is 11.2 and it corresponds to "Soft tissue sarcomas."
The maximum value is 99.2 and it corresponds to "Leukemias."
The title of series 3 is "5 to 9 years."
The minimum value is 4.4 and it corresponds to "Neuroblastomas."
The maximum value is 42.2 and it corresponds to "Leukemias."
The title of series 4 is "10 to 14 years."
The minimum value is 1.0 and it corresponds to "Neuroblastomas."
The maximum value is 27.1 and it corresponds to "Leukemias and Lymphomas."

Data Table for Chart 3
  Less than 1 year 1 to 4 years 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years
Leukemias 49.0 99.2 42.2 27.1
CNS1 tumours 29.9 41.2 29.4 24.1
Lymphomas 5.4 11.9 14.4 27.1
Neuroblastomas 68.0 24.4 4.4 1.0
Soft tissue sarcomas 19.0 11.2 8.9 9.4
CNS stands for central nervous system.
The lines overlaid on the bars in this chart indicate the 95% confidence interval. Confidence intervals indicate the degree of variability in the estimates.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Cancer Registry.
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