Chart 9
Proportion of low-income women and men by age group, with and without government transfers, Canada, 2015

Chart 9 Proportion of low-income women and men by age group, with and without government transfers, Canada, 2015

Data table for Chart 9
Data table for Chart 9
Table summary
This table displays the results of data for Chart 9. With government transfers (observed) and Without government transfers (counterfactual), calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  With government transfers (observed) Without government transfers (counterfactual)
Less than 18 years 15.4 25.6
18 to 64 years 14.1 20.8
65 years and over 16.3 52.3
Less than 18 years 15.0 24.4
18 to 64 years 13.6 19.3
65 years and over 11.9 44.0
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