Description for figure 1
Number of births, Canada, 1926 to 2011

The title of the graph is "Figure 1 Number of births, Canada, 1926 to 2011."
This is a line chart.
There are in total 86 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 500,000 with ticks every 50,000 points.
There are 1 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "number of births."
The units of the horizontal axis are years from 1926 to 2011.
The title of series 1 is "Number of births."
The minimum value is 227,575 occurring in 1937.
The maximum value is 479,275 occurring in 1959.

Data table for figure 1
  number of births
1926 239,913
1927 240,994
1928 243,364
1929 242,058
1930 250,058
1931 247,024
1932 242,459
1933 229,554
1934 228,049
1935 228,107
1936 227,713
1937 227,575
1938 236,789
1939 237,694
1940 252,253
1941 263,605
1942 281,104
1943 292,441
1944 293,515
1945 299,953
1946 342,765
1947 371,740
1948 358,941
1949 366,139
1950 372,009
1951 381,092
1952 403,759
1953 417,884
1954 436,198
1955 442,937
1956 450,739
1957 469,093
1958 470,120
1959 479,275
1960 478,551
1961 475,700
1962 469,693
1963 465,767
1964 452,915
1965 418,595
1966 387,710
1967 370,894
1968 364,310
1969 369,647
1970 371,988
1971 362,187
1972 347,319
1973 343,373
1974 345,645
1975 358,285
1976 359,307
1977 362,208
1978 358,410
1979 365,475
1980 369,709
1981 370,336
1982 373,082
1983 373,689
1984 377,031
1985 375,027
1986 372,431
1987 369,441
1988 375,743
1989 391,925
1990 404,669
1991 402,533
1992 398,643
1993 388,394
1994 385,114
1995 378,016
1996 366,200
1997 348,598
1998 342,418
1999 337,249
2000 327,882
2001 333,744
2002 328,802
2003 335,202
2004 337,072
2005 342,176
2006 354,617
2007 367,864
2008 377,912
2009 380,863
2010 377,213
2011 377,636
Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics, Births Database, 1926 to 2011, Survey 3231.
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