Chart 2
International trade in goods and commercial services of foreign majority-owned affiliates in Canada, 2013

Goods imports Goods exports Commercial services imports Commercial services exports 0 100 200 300 400 500 billions of dollars Total Canadian economyTotal Canadian economy Foreign majority-owned firmsForeign majority-owned firms
CANSIM tables 376-0152, 376-0033 and 228-0060.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

International trade in goods and commercial services of foreign majority-owned affiliates in Canada, 2013, billions of dollars
  Total Canadian economy Foreign majority-owned firms
Goods imports 475.630 274.369
Goods exports 443.461 222.627
Commercial services imports 54.638 29.608
Commercial services exports 58.658 24.158
CANSIM tables 376-0152, 376-0033 and 228-0060.
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