Chart 1
Changes in most common types of stalking, Canada, 2004 and 2014

Threatening or intimidating someone else¹ Repeated, silent or obscene phone calls¹ Damaging victim's property or hurting victim's pets¹ Unwanted email, text, social media communication¹ In-person or electronic spying/surveillance¹ Waiting outside victim's home Waiting outside victim's work or school¹ Persistently asking for a date Other unwanted communication Unwanted gifts, letters, cards¹ Posting unwanted information on social media² 0 10 20 30 40 50 % of stalking victims 20042004 20142014
Results for 2014 are significantly different from 2004.
Results from 2014 should be used with caution. Data not available for 2004.
Statistics Canada, General Social Survey (4504).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Changes in most common types of stalking, Canada, 2004 and 2014, % of stalking victims
  2004 2014
Threatening or intimidating someone else¹ 43 39
Repeated, silent or obscene phone calls¹ 47 31
Damaging victim's property or hurting victim's pets¹ 20 28
Unwanted email, text, social media communication¹ 6 28
In-person or electronic spying/surveillance¹ 28 17
Waiting outside victim's home 15 17
Waiting outside victim's work or school¹ 19 15
Persistently asking for a date 12 11
Other unwanted communication 8 8
Unwanted gifts, letters, cards¹ 9 5
Posting unwanted information on social media² 0 5
Results for 2014 are significantly different from 2004.
Results from 2014 should be used with caution. Data not available for 2004.
Statistics Canada, General Social Survey (4504).
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