
    Economic Analysis Research Paper Series

    Industry Productivity in the Manufacturing Sector: The Role of Offshoring

    Economic Analysis Research Paper Series

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    The Economic Analysis Research Paper Series provides for the circulation of research conducted by the staff of the Analytical Studies Branch, visiting fellows, and academic associates. The Economic Analysis Research Paper Series is meant to stimulate discussion on a range of topics, including the impact of the New Economy, productivity issues, firm profitability, technology usage, the effect of financing on firm growth, depreciation functions, the use of satellite accounts, savings rates, leasing, firm dynamics, hedonic estimations, diversification patterns, investment patterns, differences in the performance of small and large firms and of domestic and multinational firms, and purchasing power parity estimates. Readers of the series are encouraged to contact the authors with their comments and suggestions.

    The Internet is the primary distribution medium for the papers. These papers can be accessed for free at

    To ensure that they conform to Statistics Canada's mandate as a government statistical agency and adhere to generally accepted standards of good professional practice, all papers in the Economic Analysis Research Paper Series go through institutional and peer review.

    The papers in the series often include results derived from multivariate analysis or other statistical techniques. It should be recognized that the results of these analyses are subject to uncertainty in the reported estimates.

    The level of uncertainty depends on several factors: the nature of the functional form used in the multivariate analysis, the type of econometric technique employed, the appropriateness of the statistical assumptions embedded in the model or technique, the comprehensiveness of the variables included in the analysis, and the accuracy of the data that are used. The peer group review process is meant to ensure that the papers in the series have followed accepted standards, in order to minimize problems in each of these areas.

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