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Selected publications from Statistics Canada

Environment Accounts and Statistics Analytical and Technical Paper Series
Human Activity and the Environment: Detailed Statistics
Environment Accounts and Statistics Product Catalogue
Industrial Water Use
Survey of Drinking Water Plants
Concepts, Sources and Methods of the Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts
Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector

Selected technical and analytical products from Statistics Canada

Canadian industry's expenditures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
A geographical profile of livestock manure production in Canada, 2006
Households' use of water and wastewater services
Production of nitrogen and phosphorus from livestock manure, 2006
Targeting environmental protection expenditures in the manufacturing sector
Consumption-related greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, the United States and China

Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada

Value of timber stocks (methods I and II), annual
Energy use, by sector, annual
Greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide equivalents), by sector, annual
Disposal of waste, by source, Canada, provinces and territories, biennial
Materials diverted, by source, Canada, provinces and territories, biennial
Materials diverted, by type, Canada, provinces and territories, biennial
Direct and indirect household energy use and household greenhouse gas emissions, annual
Water intake in manufacturing industries, by source and by provinces, territories and drainage regions, biennial
Capital and operating expenditures on environmental protection, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and type of activity, Canada, biennial
Capital and operating expenditures on environmental protection, by type of activity, Canada, provinces and territories, biennial
Households and the environment survey, dwelling's main source of water, Canada and provinces, biennial
Households and the environment survey, use of fertilizer and pesticides, Canada and provinces, biennial
Households and the environment survey, awareness of air quality advisories and their influence on behaviours, Canada and provinces, biennial
Water discharge in manufacturing industries, by point of discharge and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), biennial
Water use in Canada, by sector, biennial
Natural resource assets and produced assets, annual

Selected surveys from Statistics Canada

Survey of Environmental Goods and Services
Waste Management Industry Survey: Government Sector
Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures
Waste Management Industry Survey: Business Sector
Households and the Environment Survey
Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts - Natural Resource Stock Accounts
Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts - Material and Energy Flow Accounts
Industrial Water Survey

Selected summary tables from Statistics Canada

  1. Revenues from sales of environmental goods and services, by industry
  2. Revenues from sales of environmental goods and services, by province or territory
  3. Government pollution abatement and control expenditures
  4. Waste disposal by source, province and territory
  5. Disposal and diversion of waste, by province and territory
  6. Expenditures on environmental protection by industry and activity
  7. Capital expenditures on pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe) by medium and industry
  8. Capital expenditures on pollution prevention by medium and industry
  9. Mineral reserves, closing stocks
  10. Energy use, by sector
  11. Greenhouse gas emissions, by sector
  12. Water use parameters in manufacturing industries, by industry group, Canada
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