Appendix Table A.5 Descriptive statistics: Variables in logistic regression of factors associated with households which treat drinking water1

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Variable name Mean Standard deviation
Dependent variables
Treatment indicator (=1 if household treats drinking water) 0.473 0.500
Independent variables
Family size 2.380 1.378
Age of household members (=1 if there is one or more household members present in the age class)
Aged 0 to 15 0.278 0.448
Aged 16 to 24 0.200 0.400
Aged 25 to 44 0.479 0.500
Aged 45 to 54 0.294 0.456
Aged 55+ 0.378 0.485
Some secondary (reference group) 0.112 0.315
High school graduate (no post-secondary) 0.123 0.334
Some post-secondary 0.397 0.489
University degree 0.363 0.481
Income bracket ($)
0 to 19,999 (reference group) 0.138 0.345
20,000 to 29,999 0.112 0.316
30,000 to 39,999 0.124 0.330
40,000 to 49,999 0.096 0.295
50,000 to 59,999 0.090 0.287
60,000 to 79,999 0.155 0.362
80,000 to 99,999 0.010 0.300
100,000 and over 0.184 0.387
Type of water source
Municipal (reference group) 0.868 0.338
Private 0.132 0.338
Type of household drinking water
Primarily tap water (reference group) 0.811 0.391
Combination 0.189 0.391
Medium and smaller census metropolitan areas (reference group) 0.317 0.465
Census agglomeration 0.098 0.297
Rural 0.237 0.425
Vancouver 0.070 0.256
Toronto 0.156 0.363
Montreal 0.120 0.325
Weighted observations 6,779,154
Sample observations 15,504
1. Excludes households who primarily drink bottled water.
Note: The descriptive statistics are computed using survey weights. Invalid responses are not included. All variables, except family size, are in dichotomous form, meaning that the variable takes a value of 1 if the attribute is observed and 0 otherwise. "Reference group" indicates the category that is omitted in the logistic regression and thus the estimated odds ratios are to be compared to the status of the reference group. Family size is the number of family members at the time of the survey. The dummy variables for age of household members indicate the presence of one or more household members in that age class – thus, the variables are not a set of mutually exclusive dummies and no reference group is indicated.
Source: Statistics Canada, Households and the Environment Survey (HES), 2006.


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