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Did you know that…

  • The census agglomeration of Thompson, with 4,930 Aboriginal residents, had the largest proportion of Aboriginal people of any city in Canada in 2006. More than one in three (36%) people in Thompson were Aboriginal.
  • The Aboriginal population of Thompson is young and growing. Between 2001 and 2006, the Aboriginal population grew by 9%.
  • Over half (57%) of the Aboriginal population was under the age of 25, compared to about a third (34%) of non-Aboriginal people.
  • Aboriginal youth aged 15 to 24 living in Thompson had slightly higher school attendance rates in 2006 than their non-Aboriginal counterparts (56% versus 52%). Aboriginal adults also had a greater tendency to attend school in later years than did non-Aboriginal adults.
  • Over four in 10 Aboriginal women (44%) and almost four in 10 Aboriginal men (38%) aged 25 to 64 had completed postsecondary education. This compared to about five in 10 of their non-Aboriginal counterparts (51% and 53%, respectively). Aboriginal women aged 35 to 64 obtained a university degree at about the same rate as non-Aboriginal men and women in this age group.
  • The unemployment rate for the Aboriginal core working age population (aged 25 to 54) in Thompson was higher than that of the non-Aboriginal population (11.2% compared to 3.4%). Unemployment rates were higher for Thompson youth.
  • While Aboriginal men were earning 86% of what non-Aboriginal men were earning in 2000, by 2005 this percentage had declined to 64%. Aboriginal women earned about 93% of their non-Aboriginal counterparts in 2005, about the same as in 2000.
  • Two-thirds of Thompson's Aboriginal population moved at least once between 2001 and 2006.