Table 7.1
Hours spent, in the past week, doing unpaid housework, yard work or home maintenance, in the household, by age group and sex, Canada, 2008

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Age group and hours spent Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 26,445 100.0 13,164 100.0 13,280 100.0
No hours spent 3,437 13.0 2,064 15.7 1,374 10.3
Less than 5 hours spent 6,350 24.0 3,806 28.9 2,544 19.2
5 to 14 hours spent 9,997 37.8 4,995 37.9 5,002 37.7
15 hours or more spent 6,661 25.2 2,300 17.5 4,361 32.8
15 to 34 8,835 100.0 4,513 100.0 4,322 100.0
No hours spent 1,406 15.9 881 19.5 524 12.1
Less than 5 hours spent 3,135 35.5 1,759 39.0 1,376 31.8
5 to 14 hours spent 3,090 35.0 1,466 32.5 1,624 37.6
15 hours or more spent 1,205 13.6 407 9.0 798 18.5
35 to 54 9,831 100.0 4,947 100.0 4,884 100.0
No hours spent 905 9.2 551 11.1 354 7.2
Less than 5 hours spent 1,890 19.2 1,233 24.9 656 13.4
5 to 14 hours spent 4,089 41.6 2,177 44.0 1,911 39.1
15 hours or more spent 2,948 30.0 986 19.9 1,962 40.2
55 and over 7,779 100.0 3,704 100.0 4,075 100.0
No hours spent 1,126 14.5 632 17.1 495 12.1
Less than 5 hours spent 1,326 17.0 814 22.0 512 12.6
5 to 14 hours spent 2,819 36.2 1,352 36.5 1,468 36.0
15 hours or more spent 2,508 32.2 907 24.5 1,601 39.3
The sum of the values for each category will differ from the total due to rounding.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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