Life After Service Survey (LASS)

Information from this survey will be used to

  • assess the well-being of released Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel after the transition to civilian life
  • compare released CAF personnel with other Canadians
  • examine changes in health and well-being over time
  • help ensure that Veterans Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence programs and services continue to improve to meet the needs of former CAF members.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Collection period:

From March 4 to May 10, 2019

Collection methods:

Telephone interview

Survey participation:



Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19. Your information will be kept strictly confidential.

Data sharing agreements and record linkage

Data sharing agreements

To avoid duplication, Statistics Canada has entered into an agreement to share information from the interviews conducted as part of this survey with Veterans Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence. Veterans Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence intend to link the information collected during this interview to your administrative records.

All information will be kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes.

Record linkage

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the response burden, Statistics Canada will combine the information you provide with your start and release dates from the Canadian Armed Forces. This information will come from client and employee personnel files from Veterans Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence. Statistics Canada may also combine the information you provide with data from other surveys or administrative sources.

Topics covered in the survey

The survey asks questions about

  • physical health
  • mental health
  • income
  • use of health services
  • chronic health conditions
  • employment.

Published data

Statistics Canada publishes the results of its surveys in many formats. To find all the documents related to this survey, follow the links below and type the name of the survey in the search engine located at the left of your screen to filter the results.

Data: You will find tables, profiles of a community or region, thematic maps, public use microdata files, and data visualization tools.

Analysis: You will have direct access to Stats in brief (e.g., releases from The Daily, fact sheets), articles and reports, and journals and periodicals.