Chart 4
Proportion of participants who have a low level of trust in institutions, August 2020

Provincial or territorial government Bylaw officers Police Court system Canadian media Local government Federal government School system Public health agencies 0 10 20 30 40 50 % All participantsAll participants Participants who experiened discrimination¹Participants who experiened discrimination¹
Participants who reported experiencing discrimination during the pandemic.
Results cannot be generalized to the overall Canadian population and rather provide a picture of the experiences of crowdsource participants.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: Experiences of discrimination (5323).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Proportion of participants who have a low level of trust in institutions, August 2020, %
  All participants Participants who experiened discrimination¹
Provincial or territorial government 29.3 42.6
Bylaw officers 25.9 41.9
Police 22.6 37.8
Court system 23.2 37.3
Canadian media 26.4 37.3
Local government 22.9 35.3
Federal government 21.0 31.8
School system 19.5 31.2
Public health agencies 12.7 22.5
Participants who reported experiencing discrimination during the pandemic.
Results cannot be generalized to the overall Canadian population and rather provide a picture of the experiences of crowdsource participants.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: Experiences of discrimination (5323).
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