The purpose of the Standards, data sources and methods website is to provide information that will assist in the interpretation of Statistics Canada's published data. Also known as metadata, this information is provided to ensure an understanding of the key basic concepts that define the data, including variables and classifications, survey methodology and key aspects of data quality. The website also provides direct access to questionnaires and other standards-related information.
Classifications, variables and statistical units
Find classifications, variables and statistical units
Standard names and codes for Canada's ecozones, ecoprovinces, ecoregions and ecodistricts.
Gender and sex at birth
Standard variables that distinguish between these two concepts within the national statistical system.
Geographic classifications such as the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) and other classifications of Canada.
Industry classifications such as the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).
Instructional programs
Instructional program classifications such as the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada and Major Field of Study (MFS).
Occupational classifications such as the National Occupational Classification (NOC), the National Occupational Classification - Statistics (NOC-S), and the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC).
Product classifications such as the Canadian Research and Development Classification (CRDC), the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), and the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada.
Statistics Canada questionnaires and surveys

Statistics Canada surveys and statistical programs, organized in alphabetical order, by subject, or by record number.
Statistics Canada questionnaires, organized in alphabetical order as well as by subject.
What's new?
Standards initiatives
Disaggregated data standards
Disaggregated data standards distinguished by Employment Equity groups and by additional disaggregation priorities.
Gender, diversity and inclusion, and related standards
Standard variables and classifications relating to the concepts of gender, diversity and inclusion.
Gender of Person Reference Guide
Information available on gender from multiple sources brought together for a better understanding of the term and to promote standards adoption and interoperability of data.
Gender, sex at birth, sexual orientation, and related standards
Standard variables and classifications relating to the concepts of gender, sex at birth, and sexual orientation.
Sex at Birth of Person Reference Guide
Information available on sex at birth from multiple sources brought together for a better understanding of the term and to promote standards adoption and interoperability of data.
Standards of interest for municipalities
Standard variables and classifications that have been identified as areas of interest to Canadian municipalities.
Public consultation and notices

Public consultations and notices associated with specific standards. Includes information on Statistics Canada's variables; statistical units; geographic, industry, instructional program, occupational, product, and research and development classifications.
Methodological products and services

Methods and services relevant to standards.
- Consulting services in statistical and survey methods
- Data Quality Toolkit (12-606-X)
- Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier
- Standard table symbols
- Statistics Canada Quality Guidelines (12-539-X)
- Statistics Canada's Quality Assurance Framework (12-586-X)
- Survey methodology journal
- Survey methods and practices manual
Metadata frameworks
International metadata models relevant to standards.
International links
Links to specific international standard websites.
Help and other standards-related information
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ) – Standards, data sources and methods
- Any questions, please contact the Centre for Statistical and Data Standards
- Cannabis (Changes made to agency's classification systems following the legalization of cannabis.)
- Chart of Accounts Canada, Financial Position and Performance of a Business (12-595-X)