By the numbers - Saint Patrick's day

By the numbers: St. Patrick's Day (PDF, 19.35 MB)
By the numbers: St. Patrick's Day
Description: By the numbers - Saint Patrick's Day

Fine Jewellery

$463 million - The worth of fine jewellery sold at Canadian retailers in the first quarter of 2019 (January to March)

Source: Retail commodity survey, retail sales (x1000), 2019.

Note: Fine Jewellery includes precious metal (such as gold), diamonds, gemstones, and pearls

Irish heritage

4.6 million - The number of Canadians of Irish origin in 2016

Source: Ethnic and cultural origins of Canadians: Portrait of a rich heritage, 2016.


92 386 - The number of people who travelled from Ireland to Canada for a short-term stay, in 2019

Source: Non-resident travellers entering Canada, by country of residence (excluding the United States), 2019.

Canadian goods in Ireland

$818.9 million - The value in dollars of Canadian merchandise exported to Ireland in 2019

Source: Canadian international merchandise trade by province and country, and by product sections, customs-based.