Using the StatsCAN app: Questions and answers



How do I save a publication?

How do I save a publication?

You may not always have time to read your favourite publications right there and then. You can save a publication to read at a time that’s convenient for you by selecting the outline bookmark icon at the top right corner of a publication’s screen. A temporary message will confirm that the publication has been added to your Saved screen, and the bookmark icon will now be solid.

You can access your saved publications by navigating to the Saved screen from the bottom menu.

Note that your saved publications can be viewed only when connected to the Internet.

How long are saved publications kept?

How long are saved publications kept?

There's no time limit—publications will remain in your Saved items until you choose to remove them.

How do I delete a saved publication?

How do I delete a saved publication?

You can remove a publication from your Saved items by selecting the solid bookmark icon displayed on the publication’s tile next to the article’s image.

A message will appear to confirm that you would like to remove the publication.

How do I share a publication?

How do I share a publication?

You can share fun facts, visuals, short stories and key information from the StatsCAN app with your friends and colleagues.

You can share content by email, by text or on your favourite social media platforms.

You can access the 'Share' function by first selecting a publication, then selecting Share this publication from the options menu (…) at the top right corner.

The 'Share' function is also available at the bottom of the publication's screen.

You will be prompted with your device's default platforms to share the content.

How can I know when new publications are available?

How can I know when new publications are available?

You can be notified when new publications are available by changing the in-app notifications to On. To do so, go to Settings > Preferences > Manage notifications.

In the Notification type section, slide the In-app notifications toggle to On.

You will be notified when a new publication tagged to a subject you are following is available.

Whom do I contact if I have a question about a publication?

Whom do I contact if I have a question about a publication?

From a publication, you can contact us by tapping the options menu (…) at the top right corner of the screen and selecting the Contact us option.

A chat feature (blue icon with chat bubbles at the bottom right corner of the screen) is also available on the Contact us screen. This is Statistics Canada's Live Chat, which can connect you with Statistics Canada agents for immediate support, during regular business hours.

You can also submit your comment, suggestion or question by going to Settings > Support and feedback > Contact us.

Our email address and telephone number are also available in Settings > Support and feedback > Help & FAQ.


Why are my search keywords retained under the Recent searches?

Why are my search keywords retained under the Recent searches?

StatsCAN stores the five most recent keywords used for searching, so they can quickly be used again if needed.

Can I clear my search history?

Can I clear my search history?

Yes. You can clear your recent searches by going to Settings > Preferences > Clear search history. Tap Clear in the pop-up window to confirm, or Cancel to abort the action.


How can I turn my notifications on or off?

How can I turn my notifications on or off?

You can manage your notification preferences by going to Settings > Preferences > Manage notifications.

In the Notification type section, slide the In-app notifications toggle to either On or Off.

How can I mark notifications as read?

How can I mark notifications as read?

Tapping the publication title from the Notifications screen will allow you to read the publication, and will automatically mark the notification as read.

If you would like to mark all notifications as read, select the options menu (…) at the top right corner of the Notifications screen, and then select Mark all as read.

How can I delete a notification?

How can I delete a notification?

You cannot delete notifications manually. Only the latest 25 notifications received will be displayed on the Notifications screen and older notifications will be deleted automatically.

How long are notifications kept?

How long are notifications kept?

There's no time limit. Only the latest 25 notifications received will be displayed on the Notifications screen. Older notifications will be deleted automatically.


I want to tell my friends and family about StatsCAN. Can I share the app with them?

I want to tell my friends and family about StatsCAN. Can I share the app with them?

Absolutely! To share the StatsCAN app, navigate to Settings > Support and feedback > Share this app.

Your device's sharing options will appear at the bottom of the screen. You can then choose how you would like to share the app from these options.

Whom do I contact if I have a question or want to provide feedback about StatsCAN?

Whom do I contact if I have a question or want to provide feedback about StatsCAN?

If you would like to rate or review the app publicly, you can do so via the App Store or Google Play.

To leave feedback using an Apple device, tap the App Store icon. Then, navigate to the detail page for the StatsCAN app. You must have the application downloaded to review it. Scroll down the app page to the Ratings & Reviews section and tap See All. From the Ratings & Reviews screen, tap the star icons to rate the app, and tap the Write a Review link to leave written feedback. Tap Send.

To leave feedback using an Android device, tap the Google Play Store icon. Then, navigate to the detail page for the StatsCAN app. You must have the application downloaded to review it. Scroll down to the Reviews section. Select the number of stars, and tap Write a Review. Follow the onscreen instructions to write a review and add details. Tap Post.

Where can I find the terms of use for StatsCAN once I've accepted them?

Where can I find the terms of use for StatsCAN once I've accepted them?

Once you have accepted the terms of use, You can refer to the terms of use by going to Settings > More information > Terms of use.

Statistics Canada reserves the right to change these terms of use at its sole discretion. It is your obligation to review them from time to time. Any change to the terms of use will be effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of the app following the posting of the updated terms of use constitutes your acceptance of them.