2021 Census: Sex at birth and gender - the whole picture - Video transcript
(The Statistics Canada symbol and Canada wordmark appear on screen with the title: "2021 Census: Sex at birth and gender - the whole picture")
Understanding who we are, and how we evolve, means having a detailed and current portrait of the population and society.
And, when it comes to gender diversity, that means allowing all people living in Canada to be able to see themselves when filling out the census questionnaire.
The word "2021" appears onscreen.
In 2021, Statistics Canada made modifications to the census questionnaire.
Let's talk about these changes and how they help ensure the census continues to provide an accurate picture of the Canadian population.
A "?" appears onscreen.
We added a new question to the census questionnaire: "What is this person's gender?".
The word "Gender" appears onscreen.
We kept the question about sex, but it now includes the important precision "at birth."
The words "Sex at birth" appear onscreen.
For most people, their gender corresponds to their sex at birth, but for others it does not.
Using both questions on sex at birth and gender, Statistics Canada can now produce and disseminate information on the gender of all Canadians, including transgender and non-binary people.
The words "transgender" and "non-binary." Appear onscreen.
When disseminating data, Statistics Canada always protects the confidentiality of the Canadian population.
The agency releases as much detailed information as possible.
The words "New census data." appear onscreen.
These new census data will be used to improve the services offered to everyone living in Canada, particularly in the areas of health, social services, education, jobs and skills, the environment and infrastructure.
The words "Canadian Human Rights Act" appear onscreen.
The symbols, including male, female, transgender and non-binary symbols appear onscreen.
In recent years, Canadian institutions have begun making similar changes surrounding gender.
Take, for example, gender expression and identity. Both were added to the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination in Canada in the Canadian Human Rights Act in 2017.
Statistics Canada remains committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all individuals while providing relevant data for decision-making.
The improvements made to the 2021 Census will paint a comprehensive picture when it comes to gender diversity in Canada.
The words "Check out the Daily release on gender diversity in Canada on April 27, 2022!" appear onscreen.
We are excited to share census results with you in the upcoming Daily release on gender diversity in Canada on April 27, 2022!
The words "For the last 150 years, disaggregated data from the census have helped build a better Canada for all." appear onscreen.
For the last 150 years, disaggregated data from the census have helped build a better Canada for all.
The words "Your census, your stories: Canada's portrait." appear onscreen.
"Your census, your stories: Canada's portrait".