Time Use Survey: How does the diary work and what questions are asked?

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Time Use Survey: How does the diary work and what questions are asked? - Video transcript

The Statistics Canada logo, Canada wordmark and the title: "Time Use Survey: How does the diary work and what questions are asked?" are on screen.

(Time Use Diary portion of the survey is shown. A highlighted box pops up and shows the text: "during this past Wednesday".)

When you reach the diary portion of your survey, you will be assigned a specific day to report on.

(The next page of the Time Use Survey is shown. A highlighted box pops up showing the text: "Activities during this past Wednesday")

The diary is retrospective – you will be asked to describe a day that has recently happened, not the current day.
Your questionnaire will indicate which day is being asked about.

(Question marks appear on screen)

The diary is set up as a loop and will ask you about the different activities done throughout the day.

(The words: "4 AM" is shown on screen)

It begins at 4am and lasts 24 hours until 4am the following day.
For each activity in the day, the questionnaire asks the following questions:

(The questions are shown on screen: "Where were you?", "What were you doing?", "How long did the activity last?", "Were you with anyone?", "Were you doing anything else at the same time?", "Were you using an information technology device?", "On a scale of 1 to 5, how pleasant was this activity?")

  • Where were you?

  • What were you doing?

  • How long did the activity last?

  • Were you with anyone?

  • Were you doing anything else at the same time?

  • Were you using an information technology device?

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how pleasant was this activity?

(The survey is shown on screen. A highlighted box pops up showing the number of hours: 2 and the number of minutes: 40)

(Another highlighted box appears containing the text: "Where were you at 6:40AM?")

Once you answer these questions for the first activity of the day,
the application will use your answer for how long the activity lasted to calculate the start time of your next activity.

(The questions: "Where were you?, What were you doing?, How long did the activity last?, Were you with anyone?, Were you doing anything else at the same time?, Were you using an information technology device?, On a scale of 1 to 5, how pleasant was this activity?" are on screen)

From this point on, the same questions will come up repeatedly for each of the day's activities.

(Highlighted boxes pop up containing the text : "Where were you at 4:00 AM – Location – At home or on property", "What were you doing? – Sleeping – More specifically, what were you doing?" and also "Starting at 4:00 AM, how long did this activity last? – Provide the length of time and not the time at which the activity ended – Number of hours: 3 – Number of minutes: 00")

(Another page of the survey is on screen with a highlighted box containing the words : "Where were you at 7:00 AM? – Location – At home or on property". Underneath are the words: "What were you doing?")

For example, if you report that at 4am you were asleep and the activity lasted for 3 hours,
once you get to the second iteration of the diary loop it will ask about where you were and what you were doing at 7am.

(Canada wordmark is on screen)