Sex, Gender and Sexual Orientation Statistics
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Gender Results Framework – Data tables
Introduced in Budget 2018, the Gender Results Framework (GRF) represents the Government of Canada's vision for gender equality, highlighting the key issues that matter most. It is a whole-of government tool designed to:
- Track how Canada is currently performing
- Define what is needed to achieve greater equality
- Determine how progress will be measured going forward
Under this framework, the federal government has identified six key areas where change is required to advance gender equality.
Statistics Canada has compiled data on each of the indicators of the GRF as well as additional key indicators related to gender on Gender Results Framework – Data tables.
Tested and trusted statistical standards

Statistical data and metadata standards are a set of rules about how data and metadata are managed, organized, represented, or formatted. They enable consistent and repeatable description, representation, structuring, and sharing of data and metadata.
Statistics Canada has many statistical standards used for collecting and publishing detailed data. For information on topic specific standards, please visit Gender, diversity and inclusion, and related standards and Gender, sex at birth, sexual orientation, and related standards. The Gender of Person Reference Guide and Sex at Birth of Person Reference Guide bring together information from multiple sources for a better understanding of terms and to promote standards adoption and interoperability of data.
All our statistical standards can be found through the Standards, data sources, and methods page.
2SLGBTQ+ definition

Whereas the Government of Canada adopted and encourages the use of the acronym 2SLGBTQI+ to refer to Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex people and those who use other terms related to gender or sexual diversity, Statistics Canada uses the acronym 2SLGBTQ+ for data analysis purposes as information is not yet specifically collected about intersex people in surveys.
Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality

Goal 5 - Gender equality of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Gender in the international context