Full Table Download (CSV) User Guide

Table of contents

Table of contents

Revision History

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
December 2017 1.0 User Guide Dissemination Division
April 2018 1.1 Edits Dissemination Division
April 2022 2.0 Updated Guide Dissemination Division/Census


The purpose of this document is to provide users with a guide to the full table downloadable output files available from the Statistics Canada website.


The general requirements for the full table download are

  • Users can access and download an entire updated data table in CSV (.csv) format from Statistics Canada's website, via a download options button.
  • Updated data is available at 8:30am on release day
  • Users receive all data and relevant metadata.

General Information

  • Download files are unilingual; there is a separate English and French version for each table.
  • Previously used CANSIM table numbers have been replaced by numeric Product Identification codes, called PIDs. Each table has a unique PID.
  • English downloads are in CSV format and use commas as the separator. French downloads are also in CSV format but use semi-colons as the separator. This is by design to accommodate the decimal display standard in French, which uses a comma (,) instead of the period (.) used in English.
  • Data is 'bundled' in a .zip format containing 2 .csv files; a data file containing both data and textual 'stub' information, and a corresponding metadata file. Users receive both on download.
  • The .zip filename has the format 'PID-eng.zip' in English and 'PID-fra.zip' in French. The filenames for the data and metadata files have the structures "PID.csv and PID_Metadata.csv', in both English and French.
  • Some information (i.e. dimension names, member names) appears in both the data and metadata file. This redundancy is by design. It accommodates the advanced user who requires the ability to sort and filter on the data, and it also allows the novice user to understand the information being presented through the presence of basic descriptions.
  • For 2021 Census cubes (98-XXXX-XX) there have been changes introduced in both the metadata and data files, which makes the record layouts for both files different than non-Census cubes. These differences have been described in this document.

Data File (non-Census cubes)

  • A Statistics Canada data table contains a minimum of 1 dimension (variable) and a maximum of 10. A standard record layout for the .csv data output file includes a minimum of 14 fields, and always includes a geography dimension. These fields are listed below and described in the record layout section of this document
    • REF_DATE
    • GEO
    • DGUID
    • UOM
    • UOM_ID
    • VECTOR
    • VALUE
    • STATUS
    • SYMBOL
  • The number of fields in the data output file varies based on the complexity of the table. For example, a table with 6 dimensions contains at least 4 more fields in the output file as compared to a table with only 2 dimensions.
  • The sort order within the data files has been modified from previous .csv outputs. Data will now be sorted by ref_date in ascending order.
  • For data points requiring decimal representation, the value in the data file has the decimal applied. However, by design, an additional separate, specific decimal precision field is also included in the file in order to explicitly identify the decimal precision for each data point.
  • The scalar factor description and scalar identification (ID) fields are paired together and are systematically included in the data output file.
  • The unit of measure description and unit of measure identification (ID) fields are paired together and are systematically included in the data output file.
  • Where symbols are used to replace data on the web (i.e. F and X), these same symbols appear in designated status fields in the downloadable file. When such symbols appear in the status field, the corresponding value field will remain blank.

Data File Record Layout (non-Census cubes)

Reference period for the series being released. Spanned reference periods (2011/12) will be displayed in the same format as on the website.
Dimension name
Name of dimension. There can be up to 10 dimensions in a data table.
(i.e. Geography)
Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier - DGUID.
It is an alphanumeric code, composed of four components. It varies from 10 to 20 characters in length. The first 9 characters are fixed in composition and length.
Vintage (4) + Type (1) + Schema (4) + Geographic Unique Identifier (2-11) :
Unit of measure
The unit of measure applied to a member given in text. There can be multiple units of measure in a table. See Appendix B.
(i.e. acres, hectares)
Unit of measure ID
The unique reference code associated with a particular unit of measure. See Appendix B.
(i.e. 28 = acres)
Scalar factor
The scalar factor associated with a data series, displayed as text. There can be multiple scalar factors in a table. See Appendix C.
(i.e. hundreds)
The unique numeric reference code associated with a particular scalar factor. See Appendix C.
(i.e. 2 = hundreds)
Unique variable length reference code time-series identifier, consisting of the letter 'V', followed by up to 10 digits. (i.e. V1234567890, V1, etc.)
Concatenation of the member ID values for each dimension.
One value per dimension.
Maximum of 10 dimensions.
Data point value (the decimal is applied to the value where applicable)
(i.e. 12397.13)
Shows various states of a data value using symbols. These symbols are described in the symbol legend and notes contained in the metadata file. Some symbols accompany a data value while others replace a data value. i.e. – A, B, C, D, E, F,.., X, 0s
Standard table symbols
Describes data points that are preliminary or revised, displayed using the symbols p and r. These symbols accompany a data value.
Terminated (where applicable)
Describes a data value that has been terminated (no longer updated) by Statistics Canada. Termination of a data point is displayed using the symbol t.
This field displays the decimal precision for a given value.

Metadata File (non-Census cubes)

  • The archived status of a file is indicated in the metadata file. The options for this field are
    • ARCHIVED - a table publicly available but no longer being updated
    • CURRENT - a table available to the public and that is still being updated
  • A comprehensive symbol legend describing the symbols is presented in the metadata file, regardless of whether a selected symbol appears in a particular table.
  • Data quality symbols A through D found in the data file are described in a note at the bottom of the metadata file.
  • Notes and their unique reference numbers appear in the metadata file.
  • Notes can be applied at the table, dimension, and member level.
  • If a table undergoes a correction, the correction is recorded in the in the metadata file in three fields; correction ID, correction date, and correction note.

Metadata File Record Layout (non-Census cubes)

*please note that the word "cube" is used interchangeably with the word 'table'

Cube Title
The title of the table. The output files are unilingual and thus will contain either the English or French title.
Product Id (PID)
The unique 8 digit product identifier for the table.
The ID number which formally identified the table in CANSIM. (where applicable)
The URL for the representative (default) view of a given data table.
Cube Notes
Each note is assigned a unique number. This field indicates which notes, if any, are applied to the entire table.
Archive Status
Describes the status of a table as either 'Current' or 'Archived'. Archived tables are those that are no longer updated.
Frequency of the table.
(i.e. annual)
See Appendix A.
Start Reference Period
The starting reference period for the table.
End Reference Period
The end reference period for the table.
Total Number of Dimensions
The total number of dimensions contained in the table.
Dimension Name
The name of a dimension in a table. There can be up to 10 dimensions in a table.
(i.e. – Geography)
Dimension ID
The reference code assigned to a dimension in a table. A unique reference Dimension ID code is assigned to each dimension in a table.
Dimension Notes
Each note is assigned a unique number. This field indicates which notes are applied to a particular dimension.
Dimension Definitions
Reserved for future development.
Member Name
The textual description of the members in a dimension.
(i.e. – Nova Scotia, Ontario (members of the Geography dimension))
Member ID
The code assigned to a member of a dimension. There is a unique ID for each member within a dimension. These IDs are used to create the coordinate field in the data file. (see the 'coordinate' field in the data record layout).
Classification (where applicable)
Classification code for a member.
Definitions, data sources and methods
Parent Member ID
The code used to display the hierarchical relationship between members in a dimension.
(i.e. – The member Ontario (5) is a child of the member Canada (1) in the dimension 'Geography')
Indicates whether a member has been terminated or not. Terminated members are those that are no longer updated.
Member Notes
Each note is assigned a unique number. This field indicates which notes are applied to each member.
Member definitions
Reserved for future development.
Symbol Legend
The symbol legend provides descriptions of the various symbols which can appear in a table. This field describes a comprehensive list of all possible symbols, regardless of whether a selected symbol appears in a particular table.
Standard table symbols
Survey Code
The unique code associated with a survey or program from which the data in the table is derived. Data displayed in one table may be derived from one or multiple surveys or programs.
Survey Name
The name of the survey (s)/program. Data displayed in one table may derived from one or multiple surveys or programs.
Subject Code
The unique 2 digit ID associated with the subject or subjects for which the table is associated. The code can be from 2 to 6 digits depending on where the table has been tagged in the subject hierarchy.
Subject Name
The descriptive text of the subject (s) for which a table is associated. This text will show the hierarchal relationship between subjects if such a relationship exists.
 (i.e. Health/Diabetes)
Note ID
The code assigned to a particular note in a table.
The actual textual note which can contain information at the table, dimension, and members levels. These notes are linked using the table notes, dimension notes, and member notes fields.
Reserved for future development.
Correction ID
The code assigned to a correction.
Correction date
The date of a correction.
Correction note
The description of a correction that has taken place on a table.

Data File (Census of Population cubes: 98-XXXX-XX)


The primary difference in the layout of the data file for Census of Population cubes and non-Census cubes is the 'transposing 'of the data that has been applied. This has been done to reduce the size and maximize the usability of the data file. Simply put, for 2021 Census of Population files, the last dimension in a cube is transposed so that the data points appear vertically (in columns when viewing the file in Excel). This differs from non-Census cubes, which have one datapoint per row.

2021 Census of Population files are transposed by moving the last dimension of a cube and its associated members into columns. The headers for these data columns will express the total number of members in a dimension as well as the specific member, including the applicable coordinate value, within that dimension which the column represents. A user can determine the last dimension in a cube by viewing its metadata file.

98-10-0001 metadata file (this image does not represent the entire file)

98-10-0001 metadata file

To illustrate, see the full table download .csv data file for cube 98-10-0001 (2021 Census of Population). In this image, you can see that the last dimension, in this case 'Population and dwelling counts', has been transposed into columns.

98-10-0001 data file (this image does not represent the entire file)

98-10-0001 data file

The headings of each column are now structured in the following manner. Population and dwelling counts (11): Population, 2021 [1] where;

Population and dwelling counts
Population and dwelling counts Dimension name
(11) Total number of members in the 'Population and dwelling counts' dimension
Population, 2021 Member name
[1] Coordinate value for member 'Population, 2021'
Population and dwelling counts
Population and dwelling counts Dimension name
(11) Total number of members in the 'Population and dwelling counts' dimension
Population, 2016 Member name
[2] Coordinate value for member 'Population, 2016'

In this example, there will be 11 columns of data representing the 11 members of the 'Population and dwelling counts' dimension. The coordinate for any datapoint will be the concatenation of the coordinate for the GEO dimension (this value appears in the coordinate field) and the value of coordinate for a specific member, as shown in the column header.

Record Layout

  • The transposing of 2021 Census of Population cubes has resulted in a record layout that differs from non-Census cubes. The record layout for these cubes contains the following fields.
    • REF_DATE
    • GEO
    • DGUID
  • The number of fields in the data output file varies based on the number of members in the transposed last dimension.
  • Symbols fields (columns) have been added for each data column to allows for instances where symbols may be necessary (data quality, suppression etc.)

Data File Record Layout (Census of Population cubes: 98-XXXX-XX)

Reference period for the series being released.
The geographic dimension. The members of this dimension will differ based on the particular cube.

Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier - DGUID.

It is an alphanumeric code, composed of four components. It varies from 10 to 20 characters in length. The first 9 characters are fixed in composition and length.

Vintage (4) + Type (1) + Schema (4) + Geographic Unique Identifier (2-11) :


Concatenation of the member ID values for all dimensions, excluding the last 'transposed' dimension.
To get the full coordinate for a datapoint, a user will have to concatenate the value from the 'Coordinate field' and the coordinate value from the column header for a specific member from the last 'transposed' dimension.
Transposed last dimension and member name.
Field used to associate any necessary symbols to specific datapoints.

Metadata File (Census of Population cubes: 98-XXXX-XX)

The metadata file for 2021 Census of Population cubes is very similar to the metadata file for non-Census cubes, with some notable exceptions. Additional fields included within the Census cubes include;

  • Universe
  • Variable List
  • Dimension Correction Notes
  • Member Correction Notes
  • Member Geo Attribute Keys
  • Various Geographic Attributes

*please note that the word "cube" is used interchangeably with the word 'table'

Metadata File Record Layout (Census of Population cubes: 98-XXXX-XX)

Cube Title
The title of the table. The output files are unilingual and thus will contain either the English or French title.
Product Id (PID)
The unique 8 digit product identifier for the table.
The ID number which formally identified the table in CANSIM. (where applicable)
The URL for the representative (default) view of a given data table.
Cube Notes
Each note is assigned a unique number. This field indicates which notes, if any, are applied to the entire table.
Archive Status
Describes the status of a table as either 'Current' or 'Archived'. Archived tables are those that are no longer updated.
Frequency of the table.
(i.e. annual)
See Appendix A.
Start Reference Period
The starting reference period for the table.
End Reference Period
The end reference period for the table.
Total Number of Dimensions
The total number of dimensions contained in the table.

The Universe label found within Census data tables provides three main pieces of information.
1) The population of interest or focus of the table i.e. Population aged 15 years and over in private households;
2) The Census years the data are representing i.e. 2021 Census; 2021 and 2016 Censuses;
3) The Census form that data was collected i.e. short form 100% Data or long form 25% Sample Data.

Variable List
The Variable label found within census tables, indicates the Variable name along with the number of categories i.e. Age (127) indicates it is an age variable with 127 categories for age.
Dimension Name

The name of a dimension in a table. There can be up to 10 dimensions in a table.

(i.e. – Geography)

Dimension ID
The reference code assigned to a dimension in a table. A unique reference Dimension ID code is assigned to each dimension in a table.
Dimension Notes
Each note is assigned a unique number. This field indicates which notes are applied to a particular dimension.
Dimension Correction Notes
Corrections applied at the dimension level.
Dimension Definitions
Reserved for future development.
Member Name

The textual description of the members in a dimension.

(i.e. – Nova Scotia, Ontario (members of the Geography dimension))

Member ID
The code assigned to a member of a dimension. There is a unique ID for each member within a dimension. These IDs are used to create the coordinate field in the data file. (see the 'coordinate' field in the data record layout).
Member Correction Notes
Corrections applied at the member level.
Member Geo Attribute Keys
Numeric code indication which geographic attributes apply to individual members.
Classification (where applicable)
Classification code for a member.
Definitions, data sources and methods
Parent Member ID

The code used to display the hierarchical relationship between members in a dimension.

(i.e. – The member Ontario (5) is a child of the member Canada (1) in the dimension 'Geography')

Indicates whether a member has been terminated or not. Terminated members are those that are no longer updated.
Member Notes
Each note is assigned a unique number. This field indicates which notes are applied to each member.
Member definitions
Reserved for future development.
Symbol Legend

The symbol legend provides descriptions of the various symbols which can appear in a table. This field describes a comprehensive list of all possible symbols, regardless of whether a selected symbol appears in a particular table.

Standard table symbols

Survey Code
The unique code associated with a survey or program from which the data in the table is derived. Data displayed in one table may be derived from one or multiple surveys or programs.
Survey Name
The name of the survey (s)/program. Data displayed in one table may derived from one or multiple surveys or programs.
Note ID
The code assigned to a particular note in a table.
The actual textual note which can contain information at the table, dimension, and members levels. These notes are linked using the table notes, dimension notes, and member notes fields.
Reserved for future development.
Correction ID
The code assigned to a correction.
Correction date
The date of a correction.
Correction note
The description of a correction that has taken place on a table.
Various Geographic Attributes
Within the various download tables a variety of geographic attributes may be available for the geography member, these could include:
  • GeoName – the name of the geographic area;
  • GeoTypeDesc – if a geography has a type description, this with be the description in full i.e. City for Ottawa, City;
  • GeoTypeAbbr – if a geography has a type, this will be the abbreviation of the geography's type i.e. CV for City; Ottawa, CV
  • GeoLevelDesc – this is the level of the geography i.e. Census Subdivision;
  • DGUID – this is a unique geography identifier, that includes the vintage of the geographic boundaries, whether is it an administrative or statistical unit, a four digit geographic level identifier then the geography's geographic code;
  • AltGeocode – is an alternate geographic code that is usually equal to the ending digits of the DGUID This code is often the geographic code found in previous census cycle products;
  • DqfCode – this is a five digit data quality string about data quality information for the geography i.e. whether an area is suppressed due to confidentiality;
  • DqfNote – this can be the written expression of the five digit data quality string;
  • TnrShortForm – this value would be the total non-response rate to the short-form questionnaire.


Appendix A - Frequency

Appendix A - Frequency

The various frequencies and their associated codes are:

Appendix A - Frequency
CODE English French
1 Daily Quotidien
2 Weekly Hebdomadaire
4 Every 2 weeks Aux 2 semaines
6 Monthly Mensuel
7 Every 2 months Aux 2 mois
9 Quarterly Trimestriel
11 Semi-annual Semi-annuel
12 Annual Annuel
13 Every 2 years Aux 2 ans
14 Every 3 years Aux 3 ans
15 Every 4 years Aux 4 ans
16 Every 5 years Aux 5 ans
17 Every 10 years Aux 10 ans
18 Occasional Occasionnel
19 Occasional Quarterly Occasionnel trimestriel
20 Occasional Monthly Occasionnel mensuel
21 Occasional Daily Occasionnel quotidien

Appendix B - Units of Measure

Appendix B - Units of Measure

The various units of measure and their associated codes are:

Appendix B - Units of Measure
CODE English French
1 1981=100 1981=100
2 198203=100 198203=100
3 1986=100 1986=100
4 198812=100 198812=100
5 1992 constant dollars Dollars constants de 1992
6 1992 constant dollars per square kilometre Dollars constants de 1992 par kilomètre carré
7 1992=100 1992=100
8 199412=100 199412=100
9 1996=100 1996=100
10 199712=100 199712=100
11 1997=100 1997=100
12 1999=100 1999=100
13 2000=100 2000=100
14 2002 constant dollars Dollars constants de 2002
15 2002/2003 constant dollars Dollars constants de 2002-2003
16 200212=100 200212=100
17 2002=100 2002=100
18 2007 constant dollars Dollars constants de 2007
19 200704=100 200704=100
20 2007=100 2007=100
21 2010=100 2010=100
22 201104=100 201104=100
23 2012 constant dollars Dollars constants de 2012
24 2012/01=100 2012/01=100
25 2013=100 2013=100
26 Access lines Lignes d'accès
27 Accidents Accidents
28 Acres Acres
29 Age-sex-standardized rate per 100,000 population Taux normalisé selon l'âge et le sexe pour 100 000 personnes
30 Age-standardized rate per 100,000 population Taux normalisé selon l'âge pour 100 000 personnes
31 Agreements Conventions
32 Average hours per day Moyenne des heures par jour
33 Bankruptcies Faillites
34 Barrels Barils
35 Barrels per day Barils par jour
36 Benefit periods Périodes de prestations
37 Birds Oiseaux
38 Births Naissances
39 Blocks Blocs
40 Board feet Pied planche
41 Bricks Briques
42 Bushels Boisseaux
43 Bushels per acre Boisseaux par acre
44 Businesses Entreprises
45 Calves Veaux
46 Canada = 100 Canada = 100
47 Canadian dollars Dollars canadiens
48 Canadian dollars per hundredweight Dollars canadiens par poids de cent livres
49 Canadian dollars per unit of foreign currency Dollars canadiens par unité de devise étrangère
50 Carriers Transporteurs
51 Cars Wagons
52 Cassettes Cassettes
53 Cattle Bovins
54 Cent/dozen Cent/douzaine
55 Cents Cents
56 Cents per cubic metre Cents par mètre cube
57 Cents per litre Cents par litre
58 Cents per pound Cents par livre
59 Cents per pound of butter fat Cents par livre de gras de beurre
60 Chained (2002) dollars Dollars enchaînés (2002)
61 Chained (2002) dollars per hour Dollars enchaînés (2002) par heure
62 Chained (2007) dollars in thousands Dollars enchaînés (2007) en milliers
63 Chained (2007) dollars per hour Dollars enchaînés (2007) par heure
64 Chicks Poussins
65 Children Enfants
66 Cigarettes Cigarettes
67 Cigars Cigars
68 Claims Demandes
69 Corporations Corporations
70 Corporations Sociétés
71 Crude rate per 100,000 population Taux brut pour 100 000 personnes
72 Cubic metres Mètres cubes
73 Cubic metres dry Mètres cubes sec
74 Cubic yards Verges cubes
75 Current dollars Dollars courants
76 Customers Clients
77 Days Jours
78 Degrees Celsius Degrés Celsius
79 Discs Disques
80 Dollar per 100 pound Dollar par 100 livre
81 Dollars Dollars
82 Dollars per 1.81 kilograms Dollars par 1,81 kilogrammes
83 Dollars per 10 kilograms Dollars par 10 kilogrammes
84 Dollars per 10 litres Dollars par 10 litres
85 Dollars per 10 x 400 grams Dollars par 10 x 400 grammes
86 Dollars per 10,000 feet Dollars par 10 000 pieds
87 Dollars per 15 kilograms Dollars par 15 kilogrammes
88 Dollars per 2 kilograms Dollars par 2 kilogrammes
89 Dollars per 2.5 kilograms Dollars par 2,5 kilogrammes
90 Dollars per 20 kilograms Dollars par 20 kilogrammes
91 Dollars per 20 litres Dollars par 20 litres
92 Dollars per 205 litres Dollars par 205 litres
93 Dollars per 22.7 litres Dollars par 22,7 litres
94 Dollars per 25 kilograms Dollars par 25 kilogrammes
95 Dollars per 3 kilograms Dollars par 3 kilogrammes
96 Dollars per 3.3 litres Dollars par 3,3 litres
97 Dollars per 4 litres Dollars par 4 litres
98 Dollars per 4.45 litres Dollars par 4,45 litres
99 Dollars per 5 litres Dollars par 5 litres
100 Dollars per 8 litres Dollars par 8 litres
101 Dollars per 9 litres Dollars par 9 litres
102 Dollars per 9,000 feet Dollars par 9 000 pieds
103 Dollars per 9.5 litres Dollars par 9,5 litres
104 Dollars per bushel Dollars par boisseaux
105 Dollars per carton Dollars par carton
106 Dollars per dozen Dollars par douzaine
107 Dollars per hour Dollars par heure
108 Dollars per hundredweight Dollars par quintal
109 Dollars per hundredweight Dollars par poids de cent douze livres
110 Dollars per hundredweight Dollars par poids de cent livres
111 Dollars per hundredweight Dollars par quintaux
112 Dollars per hundredweight of milk Dollars par poids de cent douze livres de lait
113 Dollars per kilogram Dollars par kilogramme
114 Dollars per kilolitre Dollars par kilolitre
115 Dollars per kilometre Dollars par kilomètre
116 Dollars per litre Dollars par litre
117 Dollars per metric tonne Dollars par tonne métrique
118 Dollars per person Dollars par personne
119 Dollars per pound Dollars par livre
120 Dollars per ton Dollars par tonne
121 Dollars per tonne Dollars par tonne métrique
122 Dollars per tonnes Dollars par tonnes métriques
123 Dollars per unit of real GDP Dollars par unité de PIB réel
124 Dollars, 1972=100 Dollars, 1972=100
125 Dollars, 1981=100 Dollars, 1981=100
126 Dollars, 1982=100 Dollars, 1982=100
127 Dollars, 1986=100 Dollars, 1986=100
128 Dollars, 1992 Dollars, 1992
129 Dozens Douzaines
130 Dozens per person, per year Douzaines par personne, par année
131 Duration Durée
132 Eggs Oeufs
133 Employees Employés
134 Employees Travailleurs
135 Enterprises Entreprises
136 Establishments Établissements
137 Evenings Soirées
138 Families Familles
139 Firms Entreprises
140 Foreign-born persons Personnes nées à l'étranger
141 Full-time equivalent Équivalence temps plein
142 Gallons Gallons
143 Gigajoules Gigajoules
144 Gigajoules per thousand current dollars of production Gigajoules par millier de dollars courants de production
145 Gigalitres Gigalitres
146 Gigawatt hours Gigawatt-heures
147 Grams Grammes
148 Head Tête
149 Hectares Hectares
150 High 95% confidence interval Limite supérieure de l'intervalle de confiance de 95 %
151 Hogs Porcs
152 Hours Heures
153 Hours in thousands Heures en milliers
154 Households Ménages
155 Hundredweight Poids de cent douze livres
156 Hundredweight Poids de cent livres
157 Hundredweight Quintaux
158 Hundredweight per acre Quintaux par acre
159 Hundredweight per harvested acres Quintaux à l'acre récolté
160 Index Indice
161 Index, 1926=100 Indice, 1926=100
162 Index, 1948=100/1968=100 Indices, 1948=100/1968=100
163 Index, 1961=100 Indice, 1961=100
164 Index, 1967=100 Indice, 1967=100
165 Index, 1971=100 Indice, 1971=100
166 Index, 1972=100 Indice, 1972=100
167 Index, 1975=1000 Indice, 1975=1000
168 Index, 1977=100 Indice, 1977=100
169 Index, 1981=100 Indice, 1981=100
170 Index, 1982-84=100 Indice, 1982-84=100
171 Index, 1986=100 Indice, 1986=100
172 Index, 1990=100 Indice, 1990=100
173 Index, 1992=100 Indice, 1992=100
174 Index, 199712=100 Indice, 199712=100
175 Index, 1997=100 Indice, 1997=100
176 Index, 2000=1000 Indice, 2000=1000
177 Index, 2001=100 Indice, 2001=100
178 Index, 2002=100 Indice, 2002=100
179 Index, 2003=100 Indice, 2003=100
180 Index, 2006=100 Indice, 2006=100
181 Index, 2007=100 Indice, 2007=100
182 Index, 2008=100 Indice, 2008=100
183 Index, 2009=100 Indice, 2009=100
184 Index, 2010=100 Indice, 2010=100
185 Index, 2011=100 Indice, 2011=100
186 Index, 2013=100 Indice, 2013=100
187 Index, 82-90=100 Indice, 82-90=100
188 Index, combined city average=100 Indice, moyenne des villes combinées=100
189 Index,1992=100 Indice, 1992=100
190 Jobs Emplois
191 Kilocalories Kilocalories
192 Kilograms Kilogrammes
193 Kilograms per hectare Kilogrammes par hectare
194 Kilograms per person, per year Kilogrammes par personne, par année
195 Kilolitres Kilolitres
196 Kilometres Kilomètres
197 Kilometres per hour Kilomètres par heure
198 Kilotonnes Kilotonnes
199 Kilowatt-hours Kilowattheures
200 Kilowatts Kilowatts
201 Layers Pondeuses
202 Lines Lignes
203 Litres Litres
204 Litres absolute alcohol Litres d'alcool absolu
205 Litres per person, per year Litres par personne, par année
206 Low 95% confidence interval Limite inférieure de l'intervalle de confiance de 95 %
207 Mean number Nombre moyen
208 Megalitres Mégalitres
209 Megatonnes Mégatonnes
210 Megawatt hours Mégawatt heures
211 Message Appel
212 Metric bundles Paquets métriques
213 Metric rolls Rouleaux métriques
214 Metric tonnes Tonnes métriques
215 Metric units Unités métriques
216 Micrograms Microgrammes
217 Milligrams Milligrammes
218 Millimetres Millimètres
219 Minutes Minutes
220 Months Mois
221 Month/day Mois/jour
222 National currency per Canadian dollar Monnaie nationale par dollar canadien
223 Number Nombre
224 Niacin equivalent Équivalent en niacine
225 Nights Nuitées
226 Number in thousands Nombre en milliers
227 Number of farms reporting Nombre de fermes déclarantes
228 Number of visits Nombre de visites
229 Number per square kilometre Nombre par kilomètre carré
230 Other British- and foreign-born persons Personnes nées dans un autre pays britannique et à l'étranger
231 Other British-born persons Personnes nées dans un autre pays britannique
232 Oven-dry metric tonnes Tonnes métriques séchées au four
233 Pairs Paires
234 Passenger-kilometres Passagers-kilomètres
235 Passenger-kilometres Voyageur-kilomètres
236 Passengers Passagers
237 Passengers Voyageurs
238 Passengers-miles Voyageurs-mille
239 Percent Pourcent
240 Percent change (1986=100) Variation en pourcentage (1986=100)
241 Percent change (1992=100) Variation en pourcentage (1992=100)
242 Percentage Pourcentage
243 Percentage of gross domestic income Pourcentage du revenu intérieur brut
244 Percentage of gross domestic product Pourcentage du produit intérieur brut
245 Percentage of households Pourcentage des ménages
246 Percentage share Part en pourcentage
247 Person-trips Voyages-personnes
248 Person-visits Visites-personnes
249 Persons Personnes
250 Petajoules Pétajoules
251 Point Point
252 Policies Polices
253 Poults Dindonneau
254 Pounds Livres
255 Pounds of milk Livres de lait
256 Pounds per acre Livres par acre
257 Rate Taux
258 Rate per 1,000 births Taux pour 1 000 naissances
259 Rate per 1,000 legally married females Taux pour 1 000 femmes mariées légalement
260 Rate per 1,000 legally married males Taux pour 1 000 hommes mariés légalement
261 Rate per 1,000 live births Taux pour 1 000 naissances vivantes
262 Rate per 1,000 males Taux pour 1 000 hommes
263 Rate per 1,000 marriages Taux pour 1 000 mariages
264 Rate per 1,000 total births Taux pour 1 000 naissances totales
265 Rate per 100,000 population Taux pour 100 000 personnes
266 Rates per 1,000 females Taux pour 1 000 femmes
267 Rates per 1,000 population Taux pour 1 000 personnes
268 Rates per 1,000 unmarried females Taux pour 1 000 femmes non mariées
269 Rates per 1,000 unmarried males Taux pour 1 000 hommes non mariés
270 Ratio Rapport
271 Ratio Ratio
272 Ratio Taux
273 Records Disques
274 Retinol equivalent Équivalent rétinol
275 Seat-kilometres Sièges-kilomètres
276 Shares Actions
277 Shares Parts
278 Shelters Refuges
279 Square feet Pieds carrés
280 Square kilometres Kilomètres carrés
281 Square metres Mètres carrés
282 Tapes Rubans
283 Terajoules Térajoules
284 Thousands of dollars Milliers de dollars
285 Tonne-kilometres Tonne-kilomètres
286 Tonne-miles Tonne-mille
287 Tonnes Tonnes
288 Tonnes Tonnes métriques
289 Tonnes of oil equivalent Équivalent des tonnes du pétrole
290 Tonnes per thousand current dollars of production Tonnes par millier de dollars courants de production
291 Tons Tonnes
292 Tons Tonnes impériales
293 Tons per acre Tonnes par acre
294 Troy ounces Onces troy
295 Twenty foot equivalent units Unités équivalentes à vingt pieds
296 US dollars per unit of real GDP Dollars américains par unité de PIB réel
297 United States Dollars Dollars des États-Unis
298 United States dollars Dollars des États-Unis
299 United States dollars per Canadian dollar Dollars États-Unis par dollar canadien
300 Units Unités
301 Vehicle-kilometres Véhicule-kilomètres
302 Vehicles Véhicules
303 Weeks Semaines
304 Weights Pondérations
305 Weights, 1986=100 Pondérations, 1986=100
306 Weights, 1997=100 Pondérations, 1997=100
307 Women Femmes
308 Years Années
309 Dollars, 2002 Dollars, 2002
310 Micrograms per litre (µg/L) Microgrammes par litre (µg/L)
311 Minutes per day Minutes par jour
312 Nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL) Nanogrammes par millilitre (ng/mL)
313 Nanomoles per litre (nmol/L) Nanomoles par litre (nmol/L)
314 2013 constant dollars Dollars constants de 2013
315 Dollars per head Dollars par pomme
316 Quarts Pintes
317 Dollars per thousand cubic metres Dollars par millier de mètres cubes
318 Litres per person per day Litres par personne par jour
319 Twenty feet equivalent units Unités équivalent à vingt pieds
320 Gigajoules per thousand cubic metres Gigajoules par millier de mètres cubes
321 2007 chained dollars Dollars enchaînés 2007
322 2014 constant dollars Dollars constants de 2014
323 Cubic kilometres Kilomètres cube
324 2015=100 2015=100
325 Weight in carats Poids en carats
326 Number of gross Nombre en grosses
327 Volume in hectolitres Volume en hectolitres
328 Weight in kilograms of named substance Poids en kilogrammes de la matière mentionnée
329 Weight in air dry kilograms Poids en kilogrammes séchés à l'air
330 Volume in litres of pure alcohol Volume en litres d'alcool pur
331 Volume in litres Volume en litres
332 Area in square metres Superficie en mètres carrés
333 Volume in cubic metres Volume en mètres cubes
334 Length in metres Longueurs en mètres
335 Megawatt-Hour Mégawattheure
336 Number of packages Nombre de paquets
337 Thousands of cubic metres Milliers de mètres cubes
338 Weight in metric tonne Poids en tonne métrique
339 Metric tonne air dry Tonne métrique séchée à l'air
340 Number of dozens Nombre de douzaines
341 Weight in grams Poids en grammes
342 Weight in kilograms Poids en kilogrammes
343 Blank Blanc
344 Number of pairs Nombre de paires
345 2015 constant dollars Dollars constants de 2015
346 2014=100 2014=100
347 Index, 201612=100 Indice, 201612=100
348 Index, 2012=100 Indice, 2012=100
349 Available seat-kilometres Sièges-kilomètres disponibles
888 Null Nul

Appendix C - Scalar Factors

Appendix C - Scalar Factors

The various scalar factors and their associated codes are:

Appendix C - Scalar Factors
CODE English French
0 units unités
1 tens dizaines
2 hundreds centaines
3 thousands milliers
4 tens of thousands dizaines de milliers
5 hundreds of thousands centaines de milliers
6 millions millions
7 tens of millions dizaines de millions
8 hundreds of millions centaines de millions
9 billions milliards
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