Table 4
Average time spent on housework for late baby boomers, Generation X and Generation Y at ages 20 to 29, by sex

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Table 4
Average time spent on housework for late baby boomers, Generation X and Generation Y at ages 20 to 29, by sex
Table summary
This table displays the results of Average time spent on housework for late baby boomers. This information is grouped by Performed housework on Diary Day, and Average time on housework,(appearing as column headers), calculated using percentage and hours:minutes as a units of measure.
  Late baby boomers Generation X Generation Y
Performed housework on Diary Day Average time on housework Performed housework on Diary Day Average time on housework Performed housework on Diary Day Average time on housework
percentage hours:minutes percentage hours:minutes percentage hours:minutes
All men 48 :44 69 :53 65 1:01
20 to 24 years 43 :31 65 :36 60 :44
25 to 29 years 54 :56 73 1:08* 70 1:17*
High school diploma or less 47 :43 72 1:03 60 :57
More than a high school diploma 49 :44 68 :46* 65 1:12
Lives with one or both parents
Yes 38 :30 60 :38 59 :44
No 53 :50* 74 1:02 73 1:24*
Paid work on Diary Day
None 56 1:03 74 1:15 66 1:22
Less than 8 hours 53 :49* 67 :48* 75 :54*
8 or more hours 39 :23* 63 :32* 60 :36*
Family status
Single 44 :36 66 :40 62 :51
Married no children 52 :52 72 1:08* 73 1:25
Married with children 55 1:00 80 1:39* 71 1:30
School attendance
Student 37 :21 62 :31 61 :40
Not a student 50 :48* 70 :55* 65 1:04*
Immigrant status
Immigrant 48 :43 62 :45 53 :44
Canadian-born 48 :44 70 :51 67 1:04*
All women 78 1:54 86 1:47 76 1:26
20 to 24 years 73 1:32 83 1:30 68 1:06
25 to 29 years 84 2:16 88 2:02 83 1:46
High school or less 83 2:25 87 2:20 87 2:06
More than high school 74 1:28* 86 1:36 73 1:17*
Lives with one or both parents
Yes 58 :53 75 :59 64 :51
No 84 2:20 89 2:01* 84 1:54
Paid work on Diary Day
None 84 2:30 89 2:21 79 1:49
Less than 8 hours 77 1:40* 87 1:37* 79 1:22
8 or more hours 67 :53* 80 :57* 67 :42*
Family status
Single 61 :54 77 1:10 66 :51
Married no children 82 1:58* 91 1:55* 83 1:44*
Married with children 94 3:01* 94 2:43* 93 2:29*
School attendance
Student 59 :54 77 :54 66 :45
Not a student 81 2:02* 88 1:56* 78 1:35*
Immigrant status
Immigrant 73 1:28 76 1:31 67 1:14
Canadian-born 79 1:57 88 1:47 77 1:27
† reference group
* statistically significant difference from the reference group at p < 0.05
Note: For the population, time per day and participation rates are averaged over 7 days.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 1986, 1998 and 2010.
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