Table 6
Social network characteristics of senior women and men, by living arrangement, Canada, 2008

Standard symbols

Table 6
Social network characteristics of senior women and men, by living arrangement, Canada, 2008
Table summary
This table displays the results of Social network characteristics of senior women and men. The information is grouped by Characteristics appearing as row headers and is grouped by Women aged 65 years and over, Men aged 65 years and over, Living alone, In a couple appearing as column headers, calculated using average score and percentage as a unit of measure.
Characteristics Women aged
65 years and over
Men aged
65 years and over
In a
In a
average score
Satisfaction with life as a whole1 8.0 8.4 7.6 8.3
Feeling about life as a whole
Happy and interested in life 75.4* 82.0 68.7* 79.9
Somewhat happy 21.2* 16.8 26.2* 17.4
Somewhat unhappy 3.4* 1.2E 5.1E* 2.8E
Number of family members
respondent feels close to
None 3.2* 6.1E 3.7E
One to four 48.0* 40.6 49.2* 41.8
Five or more 48.8* 58.8 44.7* 54.5
Number of friends respondent feels
close to
None 11.4 9.2 15.0* 10.2
One to two 23.7 20.6 18.8 14.6
Three or more 64.9* 70.2 66.2* 75.2
Number of friends excluding closest
None 12.6 9.9 14.5* 7.6
At least one 87.4 90.1 85.5* 92.4
Daily contacts
Family 13.0* 8.2 11.1* 5.9
Friends 18.1* 8.9 20.2* 11.5
Respondent misses having people around
Yes 32.9* 26.4 37.4* 29.2
More or less 15.8 14.9 13.5 14.5
No 51.3* 58.7 49.1* 56.3
… not applicable
E use with caution
* statistically significant difference between persons living alone and persons in a couple at p<0.05
statistically significant difference between women and men at p<0.05
1. To measure subjective well-being, we use the satisfaction with life scale. This scale goes from 1 to 10, where 1 means "very dissatisfied" and 10 means "very satisfied."
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008 – Social Networks.
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