Table 3
Women and men in couples, by couple status, Canada, 2006

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Table 3
Women and men in couples, by couple status, Canada, 2006
Table summary
This table displays the results of women and men in couples, by couple status. The information is grouped by couple status appearing as row headers, women and men appearing as column headers, calculated using thousands, %, percentage growth 2001 to 2006 as a unit of measure.
Couple status Women Men
thousands % percentage growth
to 2006
thousands % percentage growth
to 2006
All persons in couples 7,478.7 100.0 6.0 7,486.9 100.0 6.0
Same-sex 41.2 0.6 35.5 49.5 0.7 30.2
Married1 6.9 0.1 .. 8.0 0.1 ..
Common-law 34.3 0.5 12.8 41.5 0.6 9.1
Opposite-sex 7,437.4 99.4 5.9 7,437.4 99.3 5.9
Married 6,098.4 81.5 3.3 6,098.4 81.5 3.3
Common-law 1,339.0 17.9 19.1 1,339.0 17.9 19.1
.. not available for a specific reference period
1. Data on same-sex married spouses were first collected in 2006.
Sources: Statistics Canada, censuses of population, 2001 and 2006.
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