Social media as a data source for official statistics; the Dutch Consumer Confidence Index
Section 1. Introduction

National statistical institutes traditionally use probability sampling in combination with design-based or model-assisted inference for the production of official statistics. The concept of random probability sampling has been developed mainly on the basis of the work of Bowley (1926), Neyman (1934) and Hansen and Hurwitz (1943). See for example Cochran (1977) or Särndal, Swensson and Wretman (1992) for an extensive introduction in sampling theory. This is a widely accepted approach, since it is based on a sound mathematical theory that shows how under the right combination of a random sample design and estimator, valid statistical inference can be made about large finite populations based on relative small samples. In addition, the amount of uncertainty by relying on small samples can be quantified through the variance of the estimators.

There is persistent pressure on national statistical institutes to reduce administration costs and response burden. In addition, declining response rates stimulate the search for alternative sources of statistical information. This could be accomplished by using administrative data like tax registers, or other large data sets – so called big data – that are generated as a by-product of processes not directly related to statistical production purposes. Examples of these include time and location of network activity available from mobile phone companies, social media messages from Twitter and Facebook and internet search behaviour from Google Trends. A common problem with this type of data sources is that the process that generates the data is unknown and likely selective with respect to the intended target population. A challenging problem in this context is to use this data for the production of official statistics that are representative of the target population. There is no randomized sampling design that facilitates the generalization of conclusions and results obtained with the available data to an intended larger target population. Hence, extracting statistically relevant information from these sources is a challenging task (Daas and Puts, 2014a).

Baker, Brick, Bates, Battaglia, Couper, Dever, Gile and Tourangeau (2013) address the problem of using non-probability samples and mention the possibility of applying design-based inference procedures to correct for selection bias. Buelens, Burger and van den Brakel (2015) explore the possibility of using statistical machine learning algorithms to correct for selection bias. Instead of replacing survey data for administrative data or big data, these sources can also be used to improve the accuracy of survey data in model-based inference procedures. Marchetti, Giusti, Pratesi, Salvati, Giannotti, Perdreschi, Rinzivillo, Pappalardo and Gabrielli (2015) and Blumenstock, Cadamuro and On (2015) used big data as a source of auxiliary information for cross-sectional small area estimation models.

Many surveys conducted by national statistical institutes are conducted repeatedly. In this paper, a multivariate structural time series modelling approach is applied to combine the series obtained by a repeated survey with series from alternative data sources. This serves several purposes. First, a model based estimation procedure based on a time series model increases the precision of the direct estimates by using the temporal correlation between the direct estimates in the separate editions of the survey. The use of time series modelling with the aim of improving the precision of survey data has been considered by many authors dating back to Blight and Scott (1973). Second, extending the time series model with an auxiliary series allows to model the correlation between the unobserved components of the structural time series models, e.g., trend and seasonal components. Harvey and Chung (2000) propose a time series model for the Labour Force Survey in the UK extended with a series of claimant counts. If such a model detects strong positive correlations between these components, then this might further increase the precision of the time series estimates for the sample survey. Indicators derived from social media are generally available at a higher frequency than related series obtained with periodic surveys. This allows to use this time series modelling approach to make early predictions for the survey outcomes in real time at the moment that the outcomes for the social media are available, but the survey data not yet. In this case, the social media are used as a form of nowcasting. Third, the concept of cointegration in the context of multivariate state space models can be used to evaluate to which extent both series are identical. If the trend components of two observed series are cointegrated, then both series are driven by one underlying common trend. It can be argued that if an auxiliary series is cointegrated with the series of the survey, they represent the same underlying stochastic process. This could be used as an argument to motivate that a statistic measured with a big data source is representative for an intended target population. This is, however, more an empirical argument and not as strong as the theory underlying probability sampling, that proves that random sampling in combination with an (approximately) design-unbiased estimator results in representative statistics.

The Dutch Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS) is a monthly survey based on approximately 1,000 respondents with the purpose of measuring the sentiment of the Dutch population about the economic climate by means of the so-called Consumer Confidence Index (CCI). Daas and Puts (2014b) developed a sentiment index, independently of the CCS, that is derived from social media platforms that was found to mimic the CCI very well. This index is referred to as the Social Media Index (SMI). In this paper, the aforementioned multivariate structural time series modelling approach is applied to both series in an attempt to improve the precision of the CCI. It is also illustrated how the SMI in this time series model can be used to make early predictions or nowcasts of the CCI.

In Section 2, the survey design of the CCS and the estimation procedure for the CCI is described. The approach followed by Daas and Puts (2014b) to construct a sentiment index from social media platforms is also described. In Section 3, a structural time series model for the CCI series and SMI series is proposed. Results obtained with the model are presented in Section 4. The paper concludes with a discussion in Section 5.

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