The Daily

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Employment Insurance, June 2014

Following a decline in May, the number of people receiving regular Employment Insurance benefits was little changed in June at 501,900.

Production of principal field crops, July 2014

Canadian farmers expect production to return to more normal levels in 2014 for wheat, canola and corn for grain following record levels set in 2013. Soybean production is anticipated to increase to another record level this year, as farmers reported cultivating nearly a million additional acres.

Machinery and Equipment Price Index, second quarter 2014

Livestock estimates, July 1, 2014

Oilseed crushing statistics, July 2014

Deliveries of major grains, July 2014

Investment in new housing construction, June 2014

New products and studies

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