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Scheduled air passenger origin and destination: Canada–United States, 2018


Filtered results

Air passenger origin and destination, transborder portions of international journeys, detailed presentation of outbound and inbound passengers exceeding 400, annual (occasional)


Air passenger origin and destination, transborder journeys, detailed presentation of outbound and inbound passengers exceeding 400, annual (occasional)


Air passenger origin and destination, transborder portions of international journeys, traffic volumes ranked by city-pair, exceeding 400 outbound plus inbound passengers, annual (occasional)


Air passenger origin and destination, transborder journeys, traffic volumes ranked by city-pair, exceeding 4,000 outbound plus inbound passengers, annual (occasional)


Air passenger origin and destination, transborder portions of international journeys, total outbound plus inbound passengers exceeding 1,000, annual (occasional)


Air passenger origin and destination, transborder journeys, total outbound plus inbound passengers exceeding 200, annual (occasional)


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