Consumer price index portal
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The Consumer Price Index (CPI) represents changes in prices as experienced by Canadian consumers. It measures price change by comparing, through time, the cost of a fixed basket of goods and services.
The goods and services in the CPI basket are divided into 8 major components: Food; Shelter; Household operations, furnishings and equipment; Clothing and footwear; Transportation; Health and personal care; Recreation, education and reading, and Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and recreational cannabis. CPI data are published at various levels of geography including Canada, the ten provinces, Whitehorse, Yellowknife and Iqaluit, and select cities.
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Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
2.5%(12-month change)
157.13.9%(annual change)
CPI News
Next release
The CPI for August will be released on September 17.
Upcoming enhancements: New approach to estimating the cellular services price index
With the release of the August 2024 CPI on September 17, the cellular services price index will be calculated using an enhanced methodology and new data sources. Today, Statistics Canada released the technical paper, "Updated Methodology for the Compilation of the Cellular Services Price Index" describing the new approach.
Check out
Recent analytical products, this document provides an overview of the most recent analytical products published alongside the CPI.
The list of representative products of the CPI.
The Canadian Consumer Price Index Enhancement Timeline, an interactive timeline of the modernization of the CPI and related programs with dates, links, and summary of key developments.
CPI fact check to find answers to the most common questions about the CPI, including how food prices are collected and how shelter costs are measured.
Listen to the podcasts
Why food inflation is such a hard nut to crack
In a movie about the economy, is inflation the bad guy?
Dude, where's my semiconductor? to learn more about supply chains.
Why should you care about inflation?
Read our analysis
Assessing the rise in broad-based inflationary pressure during 2021 and 2022
Research to Insights: Consumer price inflation, recent trends and analysis
Personal Inflation Calculator
This Personal Inflation Calculator is an interactive tool that allows you to estimate your personal inflation rate based on your household expenses.
CPI Data Visualization Tool
The Consumer Price Index Data Visualization Tool is an interactive dashboard that provides access to current and historical CPI data in a dynamic and customizable format.
An overview of Canada's CPI
The video "An overview of Canada's Consumer Price Index" provides an overview of the CPI . It defines the CPI and looks at what it measures and how it is used.
The CPI and Your Experience of Price Change
The video "The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Your Experience of Price Change" explains how and why the price change reported by the CPI may vary from the prices Canadians see on the shelves. It tells the story of Joe and Izzy, and how they each perceive price change as compared with the CPI.
Statistics Canada Training Institute – CPI
The online lecture "Canada Training Institute – Consumer Price Index" provides an introduction to Statistics Canada's definition and production of the CPI, which measures the rate at which prices of goods and services purchased by Canadian consumers change, on average, over a specified period of time.
Food Price Data Hub
The Food Price Data Hub offers access to a centralized collection of information on food prices in Canada.
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