Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2010


This standard was approved as a departmental standard on January 17, 2011.

2010 version of SCCAI

The Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) is Statistics Canada's official classification of countries and areas of interest for use in classifying statistical data. The SCCAI provides a list of the names of countries or areas of interest in alphabetical order, with their corresponding three-digit numerical codes, two-character alpha codes and three-character alpha codes. In addition to the list of countries and areas of interest, a classification variant for social statistics data is included. The hierarchical structure of the classification shows the relationship between these geographic areas.

The Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2010 is based on the International Standard for country codes ISO 3166-1:2006Footnote 1 including changes announced in newsletters which update the currently valid ISO standard. The list was also updated for consistency with government of Canada norms.

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Variant of SCCAI

Countries and Areas of Interest for Social Statistics – SCCAI 2010

The classification variant of SCCAI is a set of customized groupings that use countries and areas of interest of SCCAI as building blocks. In Statistics Canada, variants are created and adopted in cases where the version of the classification does not fully meet specific user needs for disseminating data. A classification variant is based on a classification version such as SCCAI 2010. In a variant, the categories of the classification version are split, aggregated or regrouped to provide additions or alternatives (e.g. context-specific additions) to the standard list of the base version.

The classification variant for social statistics includes customized groupings of the SCCAI countries for the publication of social statistics data.